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:What is Naturopathy:

Naturopathy, or Naturopathic Medicine, is a form of

natural medicine based on a belief in vitalism, which
states that a

special energy called vital energy or vital force guides

bodily processes such as metabolism, reproduction,
growth, and adaptation. Naturopathic
philosophy favors a holistic

approach and seeks to find the least invasive

measures necessary for symptom improvement or
resolution, thus

encouraging minimal use of surgery and unnecessary

drugs. According to the Association of Accredited

Naturopathic Medical Colleges, “Naturopathic

medicine is defined by principles rather than by
methods or modalities.

Above all, it honors the body’s innate wisdom to

heal.”A Naturopath’s role as a primary healthcare
professional is to diagnose and then treat the cause of
human illness, utilising only effective and safe natural
health care methods. Naturopathic medicine is totally
drugless and non surgical. Naturopathy is “wholistic”,
meaning the naturopath treats the person as a whole,
rather than only assessing one specific area. Time
honored natural treatment methods including western
herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, vitamin and
mineral supplementation, dietary therapy, therapeutic
massage, therapeutic exercise and positive lifestyle
advice are typically used in Naturopathy.Naturopathic
diagnosis is made via standard pathology testing and
thorough case history taking. Many Naturopaths may
also perform nutritional tests, salivary hormone tests,
hair analysis and iridology (careful examination of the
iris of the eye) to aid in determining the diagnosis and
the cause of the person’s condition. Once the initial
complaint is addressed, Naturopathy is then aimed at
helping patients maintain this newly acquired health
for life through regular Naturopathic assessment and
How does Naturopathy work ?

Naturopathic theory dictates that the human body has

the ability to heal itself if it is supplied with the correct
environment and the basic ingredients that can build
new healthy cells. This is based on the age old
doctrine of “vis medicatrix naturae” – a phrase
attributed to Hippocrates, meaning that organisms
contain “healing powers of nature”.

The philosophical perspective on which the

naturopathic clinical approach is based is that
of vitalism.
According to vitalist philosophy, living beings are not
machines running according to strict cause-and-effect
relations, but rather are beings whose existence is
guided by a single vital force.
Naturopathic medicine is based on treating the cause
of an illness and aims to treat the body as a whole.
The disease, illness or pain that the patient presents
with may have a singular cause, but often has many
different causes.
The causes may be chemical, structural or even
emotional. The aim of the Naturopath is to discover
the root cause/s of the illness and then remedy the
situation by removing the cause. For example:
improving poor
lifestyle or dietary choices, reducing acidity, removing
toxicity from the body and improving musculo-
skeletal disturbances, improving nutritional
deficiencies by implementing nutritional or herbal
supplements, improving diet, improving exercise and
This results in freeing up the body’s inbuilt ability to
heal itself by rebuilding itself with better cells – cell by
Benefits of Naturopathy

 It aims to treat the root cause of your illness, not just the
 It is a totally natural and drug free treatment method
 Used for maintaining wellness once the initial condition is
 Naturopathy is both a safe and effective healthcare modality.
Some common conditions treated with Naturopathy include:
 Allergies – eg: hay fever and food sensitivities
 Arthritis
 Anxiety and mild depression
 Back, neck and joint pain
 Chronic fatigue syndrome
 Candida (recurrent thrush)
 Fibromyalgia
 Healthy Aging Therapy
 Irritable bowel syndrome
 Insomnia
 Migraine and headache
 Poor immunity
 Tennis elbow, frozen shoulder and other inflammatory
 Women’s health – eg: Endometriosis, Premenstrual
syndrome, Polycystic ovarian syndrome, menstrual
irregularities and menopause.
 Men’s health – eg: enlarged prostate
 Skin disorders
 Weight management
 And more…
Conditions Treated

Women’s Health

Are you looking for an alternative to drugs for your

menopausal or PMS symptoms? Do you suffer from
PCOS, menstrual irregularities, endometriosis or other
gynaecological complaints? Then, Acupuncture
and/or Naturopathy may be the answer for you! If
required, a simple salivary hormone test may be
ordered. This may provide the answer to whether your
hormones are in natural balance or not. Acupuncture
and Naturopathy may offer you a holistic, drug free
and non surgical approach to your gynaecological
The human body is amazingly aware of change and responds via the Nervous System, which has
the ability to activate millions of appropriate chemical reactions in order to establish homeostasis or
balance in your body.

The Nervous System which is made up of the brain, spinal chord and the nerves and their minute
nerve endings, works hand in hand with the Endocrine System which regulates all the functions of
the entire body by releasing hormones, or chemicals that produce the desired physical response in
our bodies in order to achieve homeostasis.

Research has shown that therapeutic massage stimulates the nervous system to produce hormones
that have tremendous benefit on the entire body while at the same time reduces unwanted or out of
balance levels of chemicals that can have a detrimental effect on us.

Dopamine-the happy hormone

For instance many may be aware of the biochemical substance called dopamine, which influences
mood in terms of inspiration, joy and enthusiasm. Low levels of dopamine can result in clumsiness,
inability to focus and a lack of motor control. Massage increases the available levels of dopamine
and explains the pleasure and satisfaction experienced during and after a massage.

Serotonin-the calming hormone

Serotonin regulates mood in terms of appropriate emotions and has a calming effect, reducing
irritability and a number of different cravings. A low serotonin level has been implicated in
depression, eating and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Massage seems to increase the level of available serotonin, producing an overall sense of calm.

Endorphins-the body’s pain reliever

Endorphins are produced by the body to reduce pain and give an overall sense of well being. Again
massage increases the available levels of these natural chemicals and can promote healing, reduce
swelling and speed recovery.

Cortisol-fight or flight hormone.

Cortisol is a stress hormone used to arouse the senses in the face of danger or opposition. High
levels of cortisol have been linked to many stress-related symptoms and illnesses including sleep
deprivation, anxiety, inflammation and aggression. Massage has been shown to reduce levels of
cortisol, returning the body and mind to a more balanced state. Many people who suffer from anxiety
and depression, report that massage has an extremely beneficial impact on their state of well being.

An Ancient Answer to Modern Illnesses

There is good reason why massage has been used for thousands of years by tribes and cultures the
world over. It is because it really does promote health and well being. Not only do people feel better
after a massage but massage can accelerate the recovery from a number of illnesses. While
massage practitioners do not claim that massage can heal every disease or problem, it could be
argued that massage can be used effectively as a complimentary treatment for many modern day

It is only in recent years that science has been able to understand some of the reasons why
massage is so beneficial to its recipients, but the stimulation of natural chemicals in our bodies to
support our overall sense of physical and mental well being provides a strong case to consider
remedial massage as part of your regular body maintenance programme.


Once you decide to make your own lotion, you’ll also want to make sure it stays fresh
for as long as possible. By following these simple precautions, you’ll create a quality
product and get the most use out of your homemade lotion, oil or glycerite.
1. Lotion should be made and dispensed from sterilized containers. Soak containers for
one hour in two tablespoons of bleach to one gallon of water, boil, or microwave for 30
seconds to sterilize them.
2. Also sterilize the implements used to make the recipes. These include your
measuring cups and spoons, strainers, bowls, funnels, saucepans, cutting board and
knives. These can be sterilized by boiling or by soaking for one hour in two tablespoons
of bleach to one gallon of water.
3. Make sure your fresh herbs are clean, and free from pesticides, fungicides, insects
and mildew. Mixtures using fresh herbs should come to a slow boil for at least a few
minutes at some point during the cooking time to kill any bacteria.
4. If you are not going to use all your lotion in a few weeks, it can be refrigerated in-
between use, to extend freshness. Lotion stored in the refrigerator can be warmed in
the microwave or in a container of hot water prior to use.
5. If your lotion separates, shake it back together. If you have let your lotion sit out for
awhile, check it for mold or an “off” odor before using (the only time I have ever gotten
mold was when I was not carefully cleaning my containers between batches).
6. An oil extract has gone bad if it smells rancid or if you see thicker globules of oxidized
oil at the top of the container. If you use herbs that are not completely dry, your extract
will not last as long.
7. When making glycerite, put the lid on shortly after removing it from the stove, while
the mixture is still hot. Doing so will cause the lid to seal, and will prevent mold spores
from landing on the glycerite. The only time I have gotten mold in glycerite is when it
was not tightly capped, was older than six months or when there was too much water in
the recipe. Mold in glycerite looks like little thick spots; when moldy, the consistency will
also become irregular.
What Is Chromotherapy
Contents [show]
Chromotherapy is the science of using the visible spectrum (colors) of
electromagnetic radiation for physical healing. It’s an ancient method that has
been proven to cure different illnesses. The concept of chromotherapy shows
that every color has frequencies of distinct vibration, and every vibration is
linked to various physical symptoms. More and more industries have been
adopting this concept like some saunas that integrate LED color light while
their customers enjoy their best hot tubs and best walk in tub.

History Of Chromotherapy
The father of Western Medicine Hippocrates recognized the essence of
balance between the mind, body, and soul. He also knew how the use of color
can be a focal part of the healing process. However, his followers geared their
focus towards studying the physical aspects of healing using colors. Since
then, many scholars have used a scientific approach to explore the wonders
of Chromotherapy.

Isaac Newton, for example, wrote a book “Optics” in 1704. Johann Wolfgang
published the “Theory of Colours” in 1810. Harvard professor Dr. Edwin
Babbitt wrote “The Principles of Light and Colour” and invented the Chromo
disk. Other intellectuals like Rudolf Steiner, Dr. Max Luscher, and Dr. Theo
Gimbel also made further studies to prove the validity of Chromotherapy.

Color Psychology And Medicine

Because of the ongoing studies about Chromotherapy, it has been supported
that warm colors are useful in rousing troubled individuals with neurasthenia
or depression. They also boost blood pressure and muscle tone among
hypertensive patients. Cool colors, on the other hand, are proven to be
effective tranquilizers for those with tension and anxiety.

 Warm Colors

When physiological tests were done, tangible results were seen. Warm color
exposure boosted respiratory movements, cortical activation, the frequency of
eye blinks, and palmar conductance. The pattern of stimulation brought about
by warm colors is so clear-cut.
 Cool Colors

Meanwhile, cool colors exhibited the opposite effects. They are natural
relaxants for anxious respondents. Cool colors then lower blood pressure,
provide tension relief, ease muscle spasms, and reduce eye blink frequency.
Cool colors are even best for people suffering from insomnia. The pattern of
relaxation caused by cool colors is just as definite as the pattern of stimulation
warm colors bring.

To give you a specific guide on how each color affects the mind and body,
check out the list below:


Culturally, red symbolizes passion. Scientifically, it does boost energy levels

and libido. Red triggers the collagen cells in the body as well as the skin to get
rid of wrinkles and fine lines. It also revives the organs and encourages faster
healing, especially when used with infrared therapy which can be integrated
into any bathtub area.


Orange is commonly used in light therapy to bring about cheerful moods and
promote mental activity. It’s also said to stimulate positive emotions and boost
energy levels.


The color yellow helps an individual feel grounded spiritually and maintain a
positive attitude. It generates feelings of optimism and happiness.


Green is known to be a calming color. Those who experience SAD or

Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as winter blues, should try
embracing green to recondition their minds and re-establish their sense of

Blue is used to ease the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and pain. Studies
show that blue can lower fevers, ease inflammation, relieve migraines, and
help high blood pressure. It’s also suggested that blue light can reduce
acne since blue lights can potentially kill off bacteria that are the main cause
of acne.


Purple can help ease neurological pain caused by diseases like fibromyalgia
and multiple sclerosis. Light therapy using purple helps patients keep an
impression of “mind over matter” particularly when coping with severe pain.
Purple slows down your overactive heart and triggers the spleen and the white
blood cells. It detoxifies, reduces levels of anxiety, and promotes overall


White is commonly used in LED color therapy. The primary colors (Blue, Red,
and Green) are used, making it easier to reap the perks of all colors on the
ground of color therapy. Studies also show that white light therapy boosts the
levels of vitamin D in the body.

There definitely are multiple methods to heal the mind and body. And there’s
nothing wrong with exploring your options to seize the best results. With the
research-backed benefits stated above, Chromotherapy is indeed worth a
Pain Conditions

Acupuncture is a well known natural form of medicine

that has been sought out for pain conditions for
centuries. Less well known is the naturopathic
approach to pain conditions, which involves testing
for allergies and mineral deficiencies which may be
part of the pain condition. For example, the severe
cramps of irritable bowel or migraine pain may have a
component of food sensitivity as a major causative
factor. Natural anti-inflammatory medicines are now
available that can aid the patient without the negatives
of drug therapy. The typical pain conditions that
Joseph Ferraro treats in most instances using both
Acupuncture and Naturopathic medicine include:
migraine, headache, back and neck pain, arthritic joint
pain, tendon pain (tennis and golfers elbow) and
frozen shoulder, sciatica, severe period cramps,
endometriosis pain,

chronic sinusitis, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel

Weight Management and Detox
At Osteopathy on Canterbury & Complementary
Therapies, we understand that one approach to weight
management does not suit everyone. Joseph Ferraro
will individually assess you and then recommend a
tailored eating, detoxification and exercise plan to suit
you and your lifestyle. A simple way to know if you
could possibly need to lose a few kilograms is to
measure your abdominal circumference. Simply
measure your girth with a tape measure just above
your belly button. As a rough estimate, men should be
below 100cm and women below 88cm. How did you
Mental Health
Do you or someone you know suffer from stress,
anxiety or mild depression? Joseph Ferraro often
works closely with psychologists, psychiatrists and
general practitioners to help those suffering from
mental illnesses, utilising Acupuncture and natural

Chronic Conditions

Chronic health conditions are those that are long

standing or have a degenerative component to them.
Alternative medicine has a long history of providing
drug free care for these chronic ailments that make
life very difficult. Chronic conditons that may benefit
from Acupuncture and/or Naturopathy include:
arthritis (both osteo and rheumatoid), irritable bowel
syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
and migraine, skin conditions (eg: eczema and
psoriasis), Candidiasis (thrush), chronic sinusitis, and

History and Recognition of Naturopathy

Naturopathy enjoys a long history and Hippocrates
(born 460BC) is considered the father of natural
medicine. Hippocrates style of medicine was based on
“the healing power of nature”. He believed in rest,
good diet, cleanliness and fresh air and he was
reluctant to administer drugs.

The other similarity associated with Hippocrates and

modern Naturopathy is that he believed the human
body should be treated as “whole” and not as a sum
of it’s parts. Today, Naturopathy has the benefit of
modern medical testing and the evolution of
knowledge regarding the human body’s biochemical
functions. However, it still prides itself on treating
wholistically and firmly believing in the healing power
of nature within the human body.

How is a Rainbow formed?
Beams of light from the sun fall on the raindrops at such an angle that it separates the
colors of sunlight into the seven colors of the rainbow.

What are the Colors of the Rainbow?

Stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, (colours of the rainbow in
order) form a beautiful sight, merging the rays of the sun and droplets of rain.
Rainbows are not visible in big cities, due to increasing pollution and smog. But if you
happen to travel to the countryside or on hill stations, or the beach, rainbows are more
commonly seen here.

What is Primary Rainbows?

We have always learned that rainbows have seven colors and are in the shape of an
arc. But this is just one type of rainbow and is known as a Primary Rainbow. They
usually occur after a rain shower and are the most common type of rainbow. The
intensity of this rainbow color depends on the size of the water droplets.

6 Interesting Rainbow Facts

1. The common rainbows that appear in the morning and evening need the sunlight to strike the
droplets of rain at exactly 42 degrees in order to be formed.
2. The famous scientist, Isaac Newton, first explained how a rainbow is formed..
3. When you see a rainbow, the sun is always behind you and it is raining in front of you!.
4. Rainbow colours – A rainbow is not just made up of the seven colors of VIBGYOR, but also
many other colors that are not visible to the naked eye..
5. You can never reach the point from where the rainbow emerges. As you start walking
towards the rainbow, it will seem to move further away..
6. There are many other kinds of rainbows- secondary, supernumerary, red, lunar, fogbow and
For more such Geography articles and videos,
Where does
hydrotherapy come
Hydrotherapy (water cures) refers to applications of warm but primarily cold water. It
is one of the oldest forms of treatment. Even in ancient Rome, it was used with
However, the therapy was forgotten for a long time.
It was the naturopath Prießnitz and Father Sebastian Kneipp who first rediscovered
the beneficial effects of water applications and added their own findings. Prießnitz's
wraps and Kneipp's affusions as well as his water-treading have become famous
worldwide. To date, hydrotherapy is used to prevent and treat acute and chronic
The method of action
With brief applications of cold water (one second to one minute), temperature stimuli
are conveyed via the skin which trigger positive reactions in the body: The temporary
narrowing of the blood vessels with subsequent vascular expansion promotes
circulation throughout the body. This strengthens immune defenses, stimulates the
circulatory and nervous system as well as metabolism and invigorates the body.

Warm water is also commonly used in hydrotherapy –particularly in the case of

contrast applications (cold/warm). These are especially preferred by untrained persons
since they are gentler. Depending on one's constitution, an increase in stimulus
through cold water applications can be achieved.
If used regularly, hydrotherapy provides long-term support to the immune system and
helps the body activate its self-healing powers.
To date, water applications form the foundation of Kneipp therapy. Because they are
so easy to perform, they are also suitable in most cases for application at home. For
the affusions, for example, a shower hose with the head removed can be used.
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Connect to Jal Tattva

Connecting to “Jal Tattva” opens the pathways to connect to your loving and joyous being. The
experiences are astonishing when Water starts freely flowing in your life. Water element has a
special and a important place in our life. The element that makes a human more human. So the
time to awaken the element is when you miss the important human element in you that is being
emotional, sensitive and compassionate.
We still have a big group of people around who miss this connection with self and with others. It
is not only for people living isolated lives but do you feel unable to communicate your feelings
of love and compassion to your loved ones. Then the time is to bring the element in. Even when
you feel life has become a routine, sex has become a part of weekly schedule, bring in the
element to add aroma to your life. The element awakens creative ideas to spice up your life. Yes
spice is a fiery word but without water it will become really dry. To savor the most spicy food
you need liquids with it or else after a time everything becomes dry and boring.

Water element is the one that fills up the gaps and gives a sense of completeness to life. Water
can make your journey more smooth and joy filled if properly balanced

Just as I always say “Awareness is the key.” There are many instances when you work with the
element during your normal days routine. But now is the time to connect to it.

While bathing take some extra time to connect to the element. Place your hands under the tap
and fill it with water close your eyes and say

“The divine water element, come to me and fill me with love, purity and compassion.

come to me to make me feel complete,

come to me and fill up all the gaps and banish all the lacks,

Come to me and fill me with love, purity and compassion”

Do this exercise for few days and you will feel a outstanding difference in your life. You may
often find water element coming to you to bless you. Just feel open to it. Do not resist the rains
or occasional splash of water on your face. This is a powerful techniques which gives freshness
and joy to the whole day.

Tattva Shakti Vigyaan gives you many more tools to cleanse and balance the tattvas, and keys to
connect to them at subtler and magical levels
Try and share your experiences with me!
Natural Water Treatment
1. Cold Hip Bath ( Kati Snan ) :
For Hip Bath, you need to take a tub and fill it with cold water,
make sure that water level must within the 1 feet to 2 feet.
Now place a stool near bath tub and put your legs on it, slowly
down your hip in the tub. Make sure your upper body and legs
must outside the tub, only hips back and navel should be in
water. If you want to full bath then wait for 1 hour after hip
bath. After the bath patient must do some light exercise as
well. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Miraculous Powerful Effects of
Natural Treatment on Diseases ...

How Bathing Helps in Removing Diseases

2. Hot Hip Bath and Then Cold Hip Bath Instantly :

- Way of Bath : Before the bath drink a glass of cold water,
then have hot hip bath as similar process mentioned in the first
point above. Remember the temperature of water should not
below 40 degree Celsius and above 50 degree Celsius. During
hot hip bath patient must put a cold towel over his head to
avoid dizziness. After 30 minutes have a cold bath instantly.

- Precaution : If patient feels unwell or unhealthy during the

bath then process must stop at that point. Similarly if he or she
is suffering from more pain don’t take the process ahead. In
high blood pressure this process should ignore.

- Benefits of Hip Bath : If patient has pain of problem in

lower parts of his or her body, this bath will cure it soon and
gives result immediately. Women must use this bath because it
is good in menstruation problems. With that it is good in
urinary problems like swelling, pain, less urine or more urine

3. Steam Bath :
- Process of Steam Bath : First drink 1 glass of cold water,
then bath in cold water. Till then ready a room of steam for
steam bath and after the cold water bath sit in steam bath
room for almost 15 minutes. CLICK HERE TO KNOW What is the
Need of Fasting and What are its Health Benefits ...

Process and Benefits of Hot Cold Hip Bath Steam Bath and Hot Leg Bath

- Precautions : If patient feels dizziness or discomfort, take

him out of the room. Give him a glass of cold water and let him
rest. Heart patient and fever patients are prohibited for this

- Benefits of Steam Bath : It is helpful in remove dust particle

from the body, which makes skin pores to open or close easily.
It cures constipation, joint pain, removes obesity and regulates
nervous systems by regulation of blood circulation. This also
glows the skin means face and makes you more attractive.

4. Hot Leg Bath :

- Process of Having Hot Leg Bath : Before 1 hour of bath
drink 1 ½ half glass of water slowly. Then cover your head with
cold towel. Now drop your leg upto shin and sit, now rest
yourself. If patients feel thirsty then give him some water. After
25 to 30 minute have a complete bath with cold water.

- Precautions : High Blood Pressure patients, Heart patients

and physically weak patients must ignore hot leg bath.

- Benefits : This bath treats joint pain and strain, circulates

blood, removes muscles pain, gives relief in cold cough and
asthma as well. Women must do hot leg bath because it is
better for them.
from Hydrothermic Remedies...
Water Temp : 39.5 - 43.5°C


Derivative for:- Congestions:

 Cerebral Congestion
 Passive Chest Congestion
 Pelvic Congestion
 Warming before Graduated Tonic Cold
 Increase Immune Response for:- Colds and Influenza


A local immersion bath covering the feet and ankles at temperatures ranging from 39° - 43°C.

Physiologic Effects

1. To provide local and reflex increase in blood flow through the feet and entire surface, producing
decongestion in internal organs and brain (derivative effect).
1. to relieve congestive headache
2. to relieve chest congestion
3. to relieve pelvic congestion
2. To provide general warming of the body
1. to prepare patient for general application of heat
2. to prepare patient for tonic procedures
3. to produce sweating (when prolonged)
4. to help prevent or abort a cold
3. To aid relaxation and comfort
4. To provide a treatment for local inflammation of the feet
5. Increase white blood cell activity


1. Congestive Headache
2. Passive Chest Congestion
3. Pelvic Congestion including Prostatis, gall or renal Colic, Nephritis and Toxaemia
4. Painful Abdominal Congestion
5. Preparation for other, usually cold, treatments such as Graduated Tonic Cold
6. Warm the body
7. To stop Nosebleed
8. Aid relaxation and comfort
9. Common Cold and Sore Throat
10. Eye Pain, Eye Inflammation, Earache

Contraindications and Cautions

1. Obstructive circulatory disturbances

2. Diabetes
3. Peripheral vascular diseases
4. Any condition where circulation in feet and legs is poor (like extreme vascular disease of feet and
legs) or where there is a loss of sensation (feeling) in feet or legs.


1. Foot tub or container large enough and deep enough; five gallon can or dish pan may be used but
water should be at least 10 cm deep.
2. Thermometer, if available; if not, test water with elbow; temperature 39° - 43°C.
3. Sheet or bath blanket
4. Turkish towel, cold compress if needed
5. Material for protection of bed (rubber sheet or plastic)
6. Pitcher or dipper to add hot water
7. Equipment for Fomentations and Cold Mitten Friction if needed


Important Considerations
 Do not use hot foot bath in peripheral vascular disease unless specifically ordered by the physician; and, if
used, maximum temperature is usually 39°C.
 Not recommended for frostbite
 When adding hot water, be careful not to burn the patient

Preparation for Treatment

 Explain procedure to patient
 Have room warm and free from draft
 Assemble materials
 Protect bedding
 If sweating is desired, have the patient drink warm or hot water before the bath
 Patient may be lying or sitting, properly draped, i.e. covered with a sheet then a blanket, mitred at neck, with a
towel around the neck

 The patient can be lying or sitting
 Have the patient properly draped
 Have water temperature 39° - 43°C. and deep enough to cover a couple of inches above ankles.
 Assist the patient to place his feet in the tub; place your hand under his feet and into the water first to make
sure the water is not too hot.
 Be sure the drape covers the tub
 Add hot water from time to time to increase the temperature gradually to 43°F, of the hot foot bath; make sure
you remove the feet first before adding the hot water or place one of your hands in the water between where
you are pouring the water in and the patient's feet. Stir gently with your hand.
 Continue 10 - 30 minutes; check reaction for perspiration
 Use Cold Compress to head when sweating begins; renew often at least every 2 minutes and give water
through a straw if sweating is continuing.
 When finished with treatment, pour cold or iced water over feet; remove from tub and rub and dry thoroughly
 If patient is perspiring, give an AlcoholSponge or other cooling treatment over the whole body and dry
thoroughly when finished.
 The hot foot bath is commonly given in conjunction with other methods.

Completion of Treatment
 Give follow-up care as prescribed.
 Be sure patient is warm and comfortable
 Remove equipment.
 Record treatment, temperature, time and reaction.
 The patient should rest lightly covered following the treatment for 10 - 30 minutes so as to get rid of body heat
and not perspire after getting dressed and leaving the building.

(Thanks to Lesley)

To prevent or treat Colds and Influenza

 Drink hot water before the treatment

 Use the lying treatment with Fomentations
 Treat until sweating freely for 5 minutes - add hot water frequently
 Follow with Cold Mitten Friction

For Congestive Headache

 Treat sitting in a comfortable chair. Aim for relaxation.

 Start with hot water but don't add more
 Continue for 20 minutes or until pain relief
 Massage neck and shoulders afterwards

from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
46, 40-50°C Begin at 40°C and gradually increase over 4 min

Derivative Antiphlogistic Revulsive


40-43°C 20 min - in

 Cerebral Congestion
 Pelvic Congestion
 Congestion anywhere in upper body
 to prevent Coryza

46-52°C 5 min followed by cold Pail Pour in

 Pelvic Atony
 Pelvic Congestion
 Amenorrhoea
 Indigestion

Foot problems - 2-3x a day, 20-30min - in

 acute Sprains,
 Anaesthesia of the sole
 Neuralgia of foot
 Gout

from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...

 Begin at 40°C and increase to 48°C

 Finish with cold dash
 Respiratory Diseases – Asthma
 Asthma is a common respiratory ailment. There is difficulty in breathing,
wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Cough may be present.
The duration of attack may vary from hours to days. In between attacks,
the patient is usually normal. Irritants like dust and smoke, respiratory
infections, physical exertion, change in weather, cold or humid weather
and emotional stress can trigger attacks of Asthma. Very obviously,
smoking and air pollution are harbingers of suffering to most asthmatics.
There is a family history of asthma/allergy in a number of
cases. Constipation and indigestion can play havoc with an asthmatic
patient. Asthma, though dreadful, is never fatal. How ever, the suffering
of the patient calls for immediate measures for relief.
 In fact, there seems to be no permanent cure for asthma in the world.
Using drugs is not the real answer. For long term relief or cure the
sufferers should follow the principles of Nature Cure and Yoga. The
treatments, diet, exercisesand yogic kriyas and pranayama are advised in
the chart at the end of this book. Eliminate from the diet allergic food,
such as all dairy products, chocolates, fish, tomatoes, citrus fruits, banana,
guava, grapes, fried and heavy food. Cut out irritants like tea, coffee,
spices, alcohol, tobacco, salt, sugar, vinegar etc.
 Take light, nutritious and balanced diet rich in fiber/roughage, low
in proteinand fat comprising vegetables, fruits, sprouts, eating little at a
time but more frequently – also drink a lot of water. Avoid sweets, fried
and spicy food, sour preparations including chutneys, pickles etc. Evening
supper should be very light and at least two and a half hours before going
to bed so as to enjoy a good sleep. Besides, learn the technique of
overcoming emotional stress, Shavasana or Yoganidra is a very good
relaxant. Also team and practice various yogic acanas, kriyas and
pranayamas every morning after undergoing Nature Cure treatments so as
to say good bye to asthma. Swimming is the best exercise to prevent
 Respiratory Diseases – Bronchitis
 Neglected or untreated cold and Sinusitis often develop into an acute
Bronchitis which gives rise to high fever, cough and difficulty in
breathing. The bronchial tubes get congested and irritated requiring longer
period for healing. The procedure and treatments suggested
under common cold apply here also but should be pursued under the
guidance of a Naturopath. Ignoring it or giving incomplete treatment may
lead to chronic Bronchitis and other complications. Hot foot and arm bath
besides chest pack twice daily for 2-3 weeks, breathing exercises and
strict diet control fasting, enema etc. are very- essential.
 Arthritis/Rheumatism
 (Also Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis, Sciatica and Gout)

 By far the most crippling disease is arthritis, which is supposed to be

incurable. Today, the faculty of medicine has further worsened the
situation by its indiscriminate use of drugs. However, arthritis can be
safely, gradually and progressively controlled, and ultimately cured
through a strict diet regimen, passive exercises and some treatments
without using medicines under the guidance of Naturopaths.
 In this lesson, you will learn about an enema, a device used in medical procedures where liquid is
introduced into the large intestine through the rectum for the purposes of removing stool or
performing a diagnostic procedure.
 What Is an Enema?
 Brittany is at the emergency room. Her stomach is distended, and she has not passed stool in three
days, which is causing her a significant amount of pain. The doctor examined her and determined that
she is constipated and needs an enema. Brittany has never heard of enema before; she is in a lot of
pain but is unsure about the procedure. A nurse comes in with a bottle of liquid attached to a long tube
and explains that an enema is an instrument used to introduce liquid into the large intestine though the
 The nurse explains that normally after you eat food your stomach digests it, turning it into a liquid.
The liquid is then passed through the intestines where nutrients and excess liquid are absorbed. This
turns the liquid food into stool. If you're unable to pass the stool, more and more liquid gets absorbed
making the stool hard and difficult to pass as a bowel movement. The liquid solution in the enema will
help soften and liquefy the stool, which makes it easier to pass.

 Procedure
 The nurse explains to Brittany that she will have her undress from the waist down and cover her with a
sheet. She will position her lying down on her left hand side. The nurse says she will wash her hands,
put on gloves and lubricate the tip of the enema to make the procedure more comfortable. The
lubricated tube will be inserted into Brittany's rectum and the bottle containing the liquid will be
squeezed so that all the liquid will be emptied into her colon (large intestine). The enema will then be
 Brittany should feel the sensation to have a bowel movement immediately. The nurse explains that it
is best if Brittany waits as long as she can without using the bathroom so the liquid has a chance to
soften the stool. Brittany agrees to have the procedure performed, but is curious about something:
what exactly is the liquid in the enema?

 Types of Enemas
 Enema varies according to the temperature of the water.

 Cold Enema:
 50ºf-65ºf (or 10ºC-18ºC). It is helpful in decreasing fever and it is also beneficial in inflammatory conditions
of the colon especially in cases of dysentery, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and hemorrhoids.

 Caution:
 a. Don't turn on the Enema nozzle fully. Take 10-15m. time undergoing Enema practice.
b. In the case of ulcers and hemorrhoids, take 10gm of dried Neem leaves (powder) boiled in 1 liter of water,
& then allow to cool. Strain this water and then use. To buy this invaluable herb for enema, Click here

 Warm Enema:
 97oF-100oF(or 36oC-38oC) is recommended for general fitness and well being once a week. It helps to
cleanse the rectum of the accumulated tassel matter. This is not only the safest system for cleaning the
bowel but also improves the peristaltic movement of the bowels and thereby relieves constipation.

 Hot Enema:
 104oF-115oF (or 40oC-45oC) is beneficial on sudden occasions such as stoppage / obstruction of tassel
matter and intestinal gas in which you may also feeling be mentally uncomfortable.
 Hot Water Enema is beneficial in relieving irritation and pain due to inflammation or rectum, painful
hemorrhoid. It also helps leucorrhoea in women.
 It is also beneficial in general abdominal pain, abdominal pain due intestinal gas and pain of kidney, liver
and spleen.

 Caution:
 a. The quantity of water used should be ¼ - ½ liter and the enema duration should be for 10mins.
b. In the case of ulcers and hemorrhoids, boil 10 gm of dried neem leaves (powder) in 1 litre of water, & then
allow to cool. Strain this water and then use.

 Graduated Enema:

 In graduated Enema the amount and temperature of water is slowly decreased up to the 15th day. It is
started with 2 liter of water and decreased by 125 ml per day up to 125 ml. on 15th day. In the case of
temperature , it is slowly decreased from 100o F to 70o F (i.e. 2o per day). It is highly beneficial in cases
where intestines are over dilated and it improves the intestinal function.

Compound Enema

This is also known as purgative enema. Here the enema solution is different. The solution is
composed of magnesium sulphate 1 qz. (50%), glycerin 2 oz and water 3 oz. The other materials
required for enema are the same as mentioned earlier for soap enema.


 Measure and pour 1 oz of magnesium sulphate in measuring cup.

 Add 2 oz of glycerine and pour 3 oz of water.
 Heat it to a temperature of 105°F (40.5°C).
 Now procedure is followed as giving the soap water enema.
 After the procedure the bath thermometer is cleaned with detergent solution.

Cleaning Enema or rectal wash out of rectal lavage

This procedure is carried out to ensure that lower colon and rectum are free from fecal matter.
This is done prior to rectal operation or before giving a retention enema. The enema solution
used may be normal saline 600- lOOO cc. or plain tap water 1000 to 1200 cc. It is necessary to
measure the wash out fluid before it is given and also to measure the returned fluid to make sure
that no fluid has been left in bowel.
Retention Enema

Retention enemas are enemas meant for various purpose in which the fluid usually a medicine is
retained in rectum for short or long period. In mast cases the substance is allowed for retention
either for local or general effect.

Types of Retention Enema

i. Short Retention Enema, ii. Long Retention Enema

Principal of Retention Enema

1. Retention enema is given slowly by means of a rectal catheter and funnel.

2. The amount of fluid is usually 6 to 8 oz or 150-200 cc.
3. Before giving this enema the rectum is made free from fecal matter by giving a cleansing enema,
cleansing enema is further given after retention time is over to clean the rectum. The temperature of
enema fluid is usually at 99°F (37.4°C) or body temperature except stimulating enema which is given
at 107F° to 110°F.

Material Required

1. Tray. 2. Funnel with tube and stop cock. 3. Kidney tray. 4. Lubricant solution or vaseline. 5. Ounce
measure. 6. Bath thermometer. 7. Makintosh. 8. Bed Pan. 9. Bed side screen for privacy. 10. Pint
measure. 11. Bowl. 12. A big kidney tray. 13. Forcep. 14. Paper bag. 15. Cotton swabs or wiping cloth
or paper.

Short Retention Enema

1. Oil retention enema.

2. Anti spasmodic enema.
3. Carminative and Antispasmodic enema.

Oil Retention Enema

This is used to soften hard and dry stool after operation over abdomen or perineum, when the
patient is required to evacuate the rectum mucosa. After a short retention of oil the fecal matter
comes out easily without extra stress by patient. In this type 6-8 ounces of sweet or cottonseed
oil is used. Never use mustard oft for this purpose as it is an irritant to mucosa. The oil is retained
for half an hour. After the time interval of giving the enema either the patient passes the feces by
himself or a soap water enema is given to remove the soften stool.
Carminative or Antispasmodic Enema

This is done for purpose of relieving distention and spasmodic pain or discomfort in large gut.
The enema fluid consists of either a combination of milk and molasses or soap solution with
turpentine oil. Milk 6-8 oz (150-200 cc)with equal amount of molasses are mixed and
temperature is brought to 60°C by heating. The solution thus made is used as enema fluid. For
other combination 5cc of turpentine oil is mixed with pint of soap water. The procedure of giving
enema is as per earlier procedure.


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Last Updated On:Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Is Rectal Suppository,What Are The Procedure For Applying SuppositoryJanuary 27, 2017In "Medical

How To Take Rectal Temperature And Baby TemperatureJanuary 26, 2017In "Medical Notes"

Vaginal Irrigation And Vaginal Douche Procedure For NursingFebruary 3, 2017In "Medical Notes"


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The Reflexive Pronouns are used to indicate that the reflex action lies with the person himself.In
this case, the pronoun comes after the verb and agrees with the subject. These pronouns are
characterized by the self(singular) and selves (plural).For each pronoun Personal ( Personal
Pronoun ) there is a reflexive pronoun ( Reflexive Pronoun ). Reflective pronouns can be used to
express: 1- Reflexive Action:…



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The colours of the spectrum of white light are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red
(VIBGYOR). The white light is a mixture of different colours. Eachcolour is associated with
light of a particular wavelength. Red light has longer wavelengths than the blue light.May 21,

As a child, I often remember getting the jitters as far as remembering the colors of the rainbow was
concerned. An easy way to remember it was memorizing the term VIBGYOR. This helped one to
remember the colors of the rainbow in order.

Violet is a combination of the colors red and blue. This is the highest and the subtlest specialization
of light. This is because it is at the opposite end of the red color. This color is viewed as the
completion as well as the beginning of the energy vibration. Different shades of violet have varied
meanings. A deep purple symbolizes high spiritual attainment and a pale shade symbolizes love for
humanity. The shade violet brings about a stabilizing factor to the frenzied shades of red.

The color indigo means infinity. It also symbolizes wisdom and self-mastery. The indigo color is
known to be the bridge between the finite and the infinite.

Blue is known as the color of divinity. This is the color of the open skies and the oceans. Using the
color blue in our daily lives is said to bring about a peace and understanding. This color also helps to
soothe and relax.

The color green is formed with the merging of yellow and blue. Therefore, this is located in the
center of the spectrum. The color green, symbolizes harmony, balance, growth and good health.

The color yellow is vibrant in itself being close to the color of the sun. This is known to be full of
energy. Yellow also means something bright and happy and the usage of this color is know to bring
about a proper clarity of thought in a persons mind and also improve the decision making skills.

The color, orange is a combination of red and yellow. This is not as fiery as red and but symbolizes a
lot of energy and wisdom as well. Although dynamic, the color orange is more thoughtful and
controlled. This color can increase the creativity of the person and bring about equilibrium in life.

This is the color of energy and enthusiasm. This is also the color with the longest wavelength. Red
symbolizes passion, energy, vibrancy and success.

he spectrum is the range of different colours which is produced when

light passes through a glass prism or through a drop of water.
A rainbow shows the colours in the spectrum.

the distribution of colours produced when white light is dispersed by

a prism or diffraction grating. There is a continuous change
in wavelength from red, the longest wavelength, to violet, the
shortest. Seven colours are usually distinguished:
violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red

Indications and Contraindications

for Colon Hydrotherapy

An indication is when colon hydrotherapy may be useful.

 Atonic Colon  Hemorrhoids (mild

 Bowel Training for Paraplegics  Intestinal Toxemia
 Constipation  Parasitic Infections
 Diarrhea  Preparations for Diagnostic
 Fecal Impaction Studies (Barium Enema,
 Fever Therapy (Hyper or Sigmoidoscopy, Colonoscopy,
Hypothermia) possibly surgery)
 Flatulence

A contra-indication is when colon hydrotherapy/ colonic irrigation/ enema device should NOT

1. Abdominal Hernia- When a client/user user has been diagnosed with abdominal hernia or has had surgery f
2. Abdominal Surgery- After recent abdominal surgery since the administering of this procedure initiates peris
abdominal muscles may aggravate sutures and the healing of the incision. A minimum of 6 months should p
3. Abdominal Distention/ Masses- If a client/user has been diagnosed with an abnormal colon.
4. Acute Liver Failure- When a client/user has been diagnosed with acute liver failure.
5. Anemia- When Client/ user has been diagnosed with severe anemia.
6. Aneurysm- All Types- Colonic/ irrigation/ enemas are contraindicated when a doctor has diagnosed a person
7. Hemorrhaging- When a client/user has a flow of bright red discharge.
8. Colitis- If a client/user has been diagnosed with colitis, ulcerative colitis, etc.
9. Chrohn's Disease- If a client/user has been diagnosed with Chrohn's (Crohn's) Disease.
10. Diverticulitis/ Diverticulosis- When a client/user has been diagnosed with Diverticulitis or Diverticulosis.
11. Cancer- When a client/user has been diagnosed with cancer especially carcinoma of the colon.
12. Cardiac Condition- If a client/user has had cardiac surgery or has been diagnosed with a heart condition suc
or congestive heart failure.
13. Hemorrhoidectomy- After removal of hemorrhoids a Doctor's Release should be obtained.
14. Intestinal Perforations- When a client/user has been previously diagnosed to have perforations.
15. Lupus- If the client/user has been diagnosed with Lupus, the client/user should have a prescription.
16. Pregnant- If the client/user is currently pregnant.
17. History of Colon Problems – When a client/user has had a history of colon problems or has and pain in the c
a doctor’s release
18. Renal Insufficiencies- When a Client/user has been diagnosed to be renal insufficient.
19. Fissures/ Fistulas- When a client/user has been diagnosed with fissures/fistulas.
20. Dialysis Patient- When a client/user is restricted on fluid intake, a doctor's release should be obtained and c
to doctor's order.
21. Infectious Disease- When client/user has been diagnosed with an infectious disease including HIV, AIDS, Pol
22. Recent Colonoscopy- If the client/user has had a colonoscopy in the last 6 months.
23. Medication Concerns- If a Physician has ever diagnosed the client/user with any intestinal conditions, or if th
medication, which may weaken their intestinal walls a doctor's release needs to be obtained. If client/user is
for ANY condition diagnosed by a Physician, client/user must check with their Physician to ensure the medic
by the additional water intake and absorption this includes Blood Thinning Medications like aspirin or other
thin blood.
Vitamin A : Retinal, Retinol
Vitamin B1 : Thiamine
Vitamin B2 : Riboflavin
Vitamin B3 : Niacin, Niacinamine
Vitamin B5 : Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6 : Pyridoxine,Pyridoxamine, Pyridoxal
Vitamin B7 : Biotin
Vitamin B9 : Folinic acid, Folic acid
Vitamin B12 : Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxycobalamin, Methylcobalamin
Vitamin C : Ascorbic acid
Vitamin D : Ergocalciferol, Cholecalciferol
Vitamin E : Tocopherols, Tocotrienols
Vitamin K : Phylloquinone, Menaquinones

Full Wet Sheet Pack

In full wet sheet pack, the patient’s body is wrapped with a cold sheet and then wrapped in a dry
blanket in order to regulate heat. The sheet must be properly fixed to the body. The head is covered
with a wet cloth. The feet are kept warm during the treatment with hot water bottles, if the feet are
cold. He is given cold or hot water to drink during the treatment. This is done till he gets perspiration.
This treatment must be done three hours before meals especially for entire body.

Full wet sheet pack is useful in fever-typhoid and continued fevers; and it relieves sleeplessness,
chronic cold and bronchitis and it also relieves obesity and rheumatism.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only.
Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your
ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

his is a procedure in which the whole body is wrapped in a wet sheet, which in turn is wrapped in a dry blanket for
regulating evaporation. The blanket should be spread on the bed with its edges hanging over the edge of the bed.
The upper end should be about eight inches from the head of the bed. Then spread a linen sheet wrung out in cold
water over the blanket so that its end is slightly below the upper end of the blanket. The patient should lie on the
bedsheet with his shoulders about three inches below the upper age. The wet sheet should be weekly wrapped round
the body of the patient, drawn in, tightly tucked between the legs and also between the body and the arms. The sheet
should be folded over the shoulders and across the neck. Now the blanket should be drawn tightly around the body
and tucked in along the side in a similar manner, pulling it tightly. The ends should be doubled up at the feet. A
turkish towel should be placed below the chin to protect the face and neck from coming into contact with the blanket
and to exclude outside air more effectively. The head should be covered with a wet cloth so that the sculp remains
cold. The feet should be kept warm during the entire treatment. If the patient’s feet are cold, place hot water bottles
near them to hasten reaction. The pack is administered for half an hour to one hour till the patient begins to perspire
profusely. He may be given cold or hot water to drink.
This pack is useful in cases of fever especially in typhoid and continued fevers, and benefits those suffering from
insomnia, epilepsy and infantile convulsions. It is useful in relieving chronic cold and bronchitis and helps in the
treatment of rheumatism and obesity.


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