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PROF. ANTENOR FILHO 09. (OSEC) – Jane ..... her lesson now.
01. (ENEM – 2011) a) is studied d) is studying
b) am studying e) to study
c) are studying

10. (UESPI) – Rita always …… to class on time.

a) comes d) are coming
b) come e) none of these
c) to come

11. (Antenor/2013) – Does Sally …… tea?

a) like d) are liking
b) liking e) to like
c) likes

12. (Antenor/2015) – “….. reading my book?”

a) Are she d) She is
GLASBERGEN, R. Today’s cartoon. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2010. b) She isn’t e) Am I
Na fase escolar, é prática comum que os professores c) I am not
passem atividade extraclasse e marquem uma data para
que as mesmas sejam entregues para correção. No caso 13. (PUC-SP) – “…… you watching TV five minutes ago?”
da cena da charge, a professora ouve uma estudante a) Is d) Were
apresentando argumentos para: b) Am e) Am not
A) discutir sobre o conteúdo do seu trabalho já entregue. c) Was
B) elogiar o tema proposto para o relatório solicitado.
C) sugerir temas para novas pesquisas e relatórios. 14. (Antenor/2014) – It …… eat my salad every day.
D) reclamar do curto prazo para entrega do trabalho. a) don’t d) do
E) convencer de que fez o relatório solicitado. b) doesn’t e) all are correct
c) does
02. (ITA) – “……. they ……. Ecology at university?”
a) Do – study d) Do - studies 15. (ASLF/2012) – That girl …… English in the morning.
b) Does – study e) Doesn’t - study a) studyes d) studies
c) Does – studies b) studys e) to study
c) study
03. (UC-MG) – The young man …… in this moment.
a) sleep d) am sleeping 16. (Antenor/2011) – We …… the newspaper every year.
b) are sleeping e) to sleep a) buys d) to buy
c) is sleeping b) are Buying e) none of these
c) Is buying
04. (Antenor/2014) – “I …… for my parents at home.”
a) looking d) looks 17. (PUC-SP) – Choose the correct alternative.
b) is looking e) am looking a) Does elephants flies?
c) are looking b) Dogs does not like cats.
c) Do they work in that restaurant?
05. (PUC-SP) – The children …… their homework in the d) We doesn’t live here.
afternoon, but today they ….. in the garden. e) Do it seem interesting?
a) Does – play d) Does – are playing
b) Do – are playing e) Do – am playing 18. (UFPI) – Smith and Paul …… the test drive here.
c) Do – is playing
a) am beginning d) was beginning
06. (UFPI) - Frank …… to the radio while his brother …… b) is beginning e) are begining
outside in the yard. c) are beginning
a) is listening – is running d) is listen – is run
b) is listenning – is running e) listening – running 19. (PUC-RIO) - Um taxista trocou uma nota de 50 reais
c) are listening – is running por notas de 2 reais e 5 reais num total de 19 notas.
Quantas notas de cada valor o taxista recebeu?
07. (ASLF/2012) – “….. John and Peter speak English?” a) 9 notas de 5 reais e 10 notas de 2 reais.
a) Does d) Am b) 4 notas de 5 reais e 15 notas de 2 reais.
b) Doesn’t e) Do c) 15 notas de 5 reais e 4 notas de 2 reais.
c) Is d) 12 notas de 5 reais e 7 notas de 2 reais.
e) 7 notas de 5 reais e 12 notas de 2 reais.
08. (UFBA) – A forma interrogativa de: She says é:
a) Does she say? d) Do she say?
b) Don’t she say? e) none of these
SIMULADO DE INGLÊS – 2º ANO - MANHÃ 09. (USP) – Behave …….. .
PROF. ANTENOR FILHO a) himself d) ourselves
b) yourself e) myself
c) themselves

10. (UECE) – Em “ Trusting hearts last longer ”, o sufixo

(-ER) em longer indica:
a) Superlative of Superiority.
b) Comparative of Inferiority.
c) Comparative of Superiority.
d) Superlative of inferiority.
e) Comparative of Equality.
Garfield by Jim Davis - 11. (UFV-MG) – Os adjetivos “bad” e “better” têm
como sua forma de superlativo respectivamente:
01. (ITA) - Na tirinha acima, a namorada do Jon felicita a) the worst and the best d) good and better
Garfield porque b) worse and the Best e) better and the best
A) ele lavou o paletó do Jon. c) the best and worse
B) ela gosta do paletó do Jon.
C) o paletó do Jon está pronto para ele sair com ela. 12. (UFPI) – Mary is the …… of the four girls.
D) ela não terá de lavar seu paletó. a) so tall d) more tall
E) o paletó encolheu e ele não poderá usá-lo. b) tallest e) most tall
c) taller
02. (UDESC) - Choose the correct grammatical answer to
complete the sentence: 13. (UFPI) – Parnaíba River is …… than Amazon River.
I have been studying ... I can to learn English. a) as narrow d) narrower
A) as hard as D) so harder so b) narrowest e) so narrow
B) so hard as E) so hard so c) the narrowest
C) as harder as
14. (Antenor/2014) – “Richard painted the car …… .”
03. (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à a) herself d) myself
tradução mais adequada da expressão, entre aspas, a b) himselves e) yourself
seguir: c) itself

Você é a pessoa “mais interessante” que já conheci. 15. (Antenor/2015) – They talked to the policeman…. .
A) the more interesting D) the much interesting a) themselves d) itself
B) the interestinger E) the best interesting b) myself e) herself
C) the most interesting c) yourself

04. (FEI) - Indique a palavra que significa mais forte: 16. (F.C.LÍBERO) – “I cut …… with a sharp knife.”
a) Larger d) better a) itself d) themselves
b) clearer e) stronger b) yourself e) himself
c) higher c) myself

05. (VUNESP) Peter's house is ... mine. 17. (Antenor/2015) – The dog ….. found its way home.
a) larger as d) so large than a) himself d) yourself
b) most larger than e) more large than b) herself e) itself
c) larger than c) ourselves

06. (UFPI) – Let’s refresh ….. With a cold water. 18. (Antenor/2014) – The students try to study by …… .
a) ourselves d) itself a) itself d) yourselves
b) yourselves e) myself b) myself e) himself
c) themselves
c) themselves
19. (TRE-ES) Um relógio adianta 4 minutos a cada 50
07. (UEMA) – Peter and Paul wrote in the book ….. . minutos. Quantos minutos adiantará em 5 horas?
a) ourselves d) itself a) 18 minutos
b) myself e) themself b) 20 minutos
c) himself c) 36 minutos
d) 24 minutos
e) 28 minutos
08. (Antenor/2013) – The boys live in a big farm by ……. .
a) yourselves d) itself
b) ourselves e) themselves GOOD LUCK AND GOOD TEST FOR YOU!
c) myself



The Morning Cup of Coffee

Cure for nature your future depends on it.
Coffee drinking had been going on in the colonies
10. (ITA) – O pronome IT na frase acima se refere a:
since 1670. During the War of 1812, British tea
became unavailable, and it was then that coffee a) Future d) Nature
took over. By the 1800 coffee, once the exclusive b) Your e) Cure
property of the East, was most successfully c) Depends
produced in Brazil; so Americans didn’t have to 11. (ASLF) – Every man has .... own rights and obligation.
drink tea, whether brought in by the British or a) His d) their
anyone else. Since then, few Americans can start b) hers e) yours
the day without a cup of coffee. c) Its
12. (UFPI) – Let’s refresh ….. with a cold water.
01. De acordo com o texto, o chá britânico tornou-se....……. a) ourselves d) itself
durante a guerra e o café …………. b) yourselves e) myself
a) proibido – liberado. c) themselves
b) acessível – inacessível.
13. (ASLF/2013) – Betty won’t sell ….. old magazines.
c) indisponível – assumiu.
d) perigoso – seguro. a) its d) their
e) caro – barato. b) his e) yours
02. (USP) – Behave …….. . c) her
a) herself d) itself 14. (UEMA) – I and Paul wrote the letter by ….. .
b) ourselves e) yourselves a) ourselves d) itself
c) themselves b) myself e) yourselves
03. (ITA) – The teacher wants to see …… today. c) himself
a) we d) us 15. (ASLF/2013) – Mary is late. I meet …... at the bus.
b) he e) she a) him d) her
c) they b) you e) it
04. (FDC-PR) – Paul, Robert and I give flowers to Hellen. c) them
Substituindo o que está DESTACADO temos: 16. (UESPI) – My wife was so hungry that she ate ……..
a) They / she d) We / her cake and ……. .
b) They / we e) We / she a) her – my d) its – his
c) They / her b) hers – mine e) her – mine
05. (Antenor/2014) – That is ……. Yellow car. c) your – my
a) your d) ours 17. (ASLF/2013) – The boys live in a big farm by ……. .
b) mine e) hers a) themselves d) itself
c) theirs b) ourselves e) myself
06. (ASLF/2013) – “The cars are dirty. Please, wash….. .” c) yourselves
a) it d) she 18. (UFPI) – I often go to the movies with …… .
b) them e) they a) they d) we
c) we b) she e) he
07. (Antenor/2014) – “Richard painted the car …… .” c) her
a) herself d) myself 19. A sequência de palavras abaixo segue uma
b) himselves e) yourself determinada regra:
c) itself
08. (Antenor/2015) – “I love ….. country you love….. .” Camiseta, acetona, macaco, abacaxi, mágico
a) my – his d) mine – yours
Qual é a próxima palavra da sequência?
b) my – your e) my – yours a) cavalo
c) mine – your b) azeite
09. (Antenor/2015) – They talked to the policeman…. . c) publicação
a) himself d) themself d) basquete
b) myself e) itself e) maionese
c) yourselves

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