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School Rufo de la Cruz Integrated Learning area Mathematics

Teacher DIANA LIZA G. BAÑO Quarterly First Quarter
Teaching Dates and Time June 11, 2018
8:20-9:20 Love 10:00-11:00 Hope
9:20-10:00 Faith
A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear
equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of
linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear

B. Performance Standards
The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving
factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear
equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of
linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear
functions, and solve these problems accurately using a
variety of strategies.

C. Learning Competencies
Factors completely different types of polynomials
(polynomials with common monomial factor, difference of
two squares, sum and difference of two cubes, perfect square
trinomials, and general trinomials).

Day 1 Objective: Factors completely polynomials with common monomial factor.


III. LEARNING A. References

RESOURCE 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 31,33
2. Learner’s Material pages 29,31
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources e math pages 437-439
IV. PROCEDURES Learning Episode 1:
1. Presentation
Today, we will learn how to factor polynomials with
common monomial factor.
2. Importance
It is important to factor polynomials with common
monomial factor to prepare ourselves in solving problems
involving factoring.
3. Formative Assessment
At the end of the lesson, you will factor polynomials with
common monomial factor.
Review /Drill
Pre-requisite Skills
Teacher defines factoring and greatest common monomial factor
(GCF) and state the steps in factoring the greatest common
monomial factor

Teacher says:
Factoring is the process of finding the factors of a number or
polynomial. It is the reverse process of getting the products.


Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the greatest factor/number that
can divide each given number.
Greatest Common Monomial Factor (GCMF) is the greatest factor
contained in every term of an algebraic expression. GCMF is the
common factor having the greatest numerical factor and with
variables having the least degree.

Here are the steps to factor polynomials with common monomial

a. Find the greatest common factor of the numerical coefficients.
b. Find the variable with the least exponent that appears in each
term of the polynomial.
c. The product of the greatest common factor in (a) and (b) is the
GCF of the polynomial.
d. To completely factor the given polynomial, divide the
polynomial by its GCF, the resulting quotient is the other factor

Learning Episode 2:
A. Modelling
The teacher gives illustrative examples on factoring polynomials
with common monomial factor.
Factor completely:
1. 4x + 8
a. Find the greatest common factor of the numerical coefficients.
The GCF of 4 and 8 is 4.
b. Find the variable with the least exponent that appears in each
term of the polynomial.
x only appears on the first terman. Therefore, we don’t have a
common variable.
c. The product of the greatest common factor in (a) and (b) is the
GCF of the polynomial.
Factors of 4x: ( 22)( x )
Factors of 8: (23)
The GCF is (22) or 4.
Hence, 4 is the GCF of 4x + 8.
d. To completely factor the given polynomial, divide the polynomial
by its GCF, the resulting quotient is the other factor.
Thus, the factored form of 4x + 8is 4 (2x + 2)

2. 15x2 – 55x
a. Find the greatest common factor of the numerical coefficients.
The GCF of 15 and 55 is 5.
b. Find the variable with the least exponent that appears in each
term of the polynomial. xis both common to all terms and 1 is the
smallest exponent for x, thus, xis the GCF of the variables.
c. The product of the greatest common factor in (a) and (b) is the
GCF of the polynomial.
Factors of 15x2: (3) (5) (x2)
Factors of 55x: (5) (11) (x) The GCF is (5)(x)
Hence, 5xis the GCF of 15x2 – 55x.
d. To completely factor the given polynomial, divide the polynomial
by its GCF, the resulting quotient is the other factor.
Thus, the factored form of 15x2 – 55x is 5x(3x – 11)

c. 27a2– 36a3 + 45a5

Find the GCF of each term.
Factors of 27a2 : (33)(a2)
Factors of 36a3: (22)(32)(a3)
Factors of 45a5: (32)(5)(a5)
The GCF is (32)(a2) or 9a2.
So, 27a2 – 36a3 + 45a5=
9a2( 3 – 4a + 5a3)

Learning Episode 3:
A. Guided Practice
Factor completely the following polynomials.
1. 5x + 10
2. 25y3 – 55y2
3. 12b4 – 16b2 + 20b3
Expected Answer:
1. 5 (x + 2)
2. 5y2(5y – 11)
3. 4b2(3b2 – 4 + 5b)
B. Independent Practice
Factor completely the following polynomials.
1. 8b – 2
2. 12x3 – 24x2
3. 2y3 + 16y + 32y2

Expected Answer:
1. 2(4b – 1)
2. 12x2(x – 2)
3. 2y (y2 – 8 + 16y)

V. Evaluation Learning Episode 4:

Factor completely the following polynomials.
1. 2a + 4
2. 3y10 – 12y7
3. 18x3 – 27x + 3x2

Expected Answer:
1. 2(a + 2)
2. 3y7(y3 – 4)
3. 3x(6x2 – 9 + x)

VI. Assignment Factor completely the following polynomials.

1.) 6x2 + 9x-21
2.) 4r5 - 16r3 + 20r2
3.) 10y2 + 25y3 - 5y
4.) 2a2 + 18ab + 6b2
5.) 8x4 y4 - 28x3y3 + 4x2 y
6.) 7ab5 - 56abc

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