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5 Aplicati modelul

inovarii serviciilor pentru

serviciile de transport
1. Equilibrium models in multimodal container transport systems
de Francesco Corman, Francesco Viti, Rudy R. Negenborn 2015

“ The earliest departure times and the travel time for the collaborative modes is
moreover a trade-off between the early arrival costs, the queue of requests and
therefore the waiting time to find a match. So the interesting result of the above model
is to find both distribution and rate of mode choices, as well as to find the time window
where at equilibrium the highest chance of a prompt match is ensured.”

In acest citat, dupa parearea noastra se vorbeste despre importanta cruciala a

potrivirii necesitatilor cererii, mai exact sincronizarea timpului in asa fel incat necesitatile
clientilor sa fie cat mai rapid indeplinite, si disponibilitatea mijloacelor de transport,
precum si a celui feroviar prin care se poate indeplini dorinta lor. Asadar, sistemul
ferobiar trebuie inovat o data cu nevoile oamenilor care, in functie de trecerea anilor se
schimba si se adapteaza la noul stil de viata.
2. Integrating Human Factors Methods and Systems Thinking for Transport
de Gemma J. M. Read,Vanessa Beanland, Michael G. Lenné,Neville A. Stanton,Paul M.
Salmon 2017

In opinia noastra acest citat vorbeste despre cum am putea profita de performanta
oamenilor pentru a dezvolta un sistem autonom de transport feroviar intelegand cum
gandesc oamenii in luarea celei mai bune decizii sau celui mai mic rau posibil adunand
date despre comportamentul uman, cum ar fi urmarirea privirii si folosindu-le pentru a
inlocui probabil omul, dar pastrand cat mai multe caracteristici “morale” si eficiente ale
3. Make Rail (and Transit-Oriented Development) Great Again
de John L. Renne 2017
Noi credem ca in aceasta afirmatie autorul explica importanta unui eveniment petrecut
in SUA in anul 2009 in care mai multe entitati din zona de mediu, al transportului, al
dezvoltarii urbane au creat un parteneriat prin care pot imbunatati transportul, inclusiv
cel feroviar dat fiind interesul aratat al institutiilor cele mai puternice ale statului, cele
federale ceea ce ar crea conditii mai bune de trai pentru intreaga populatie a tarii.
4. Planning for railway network connectivity and spatial proximity Balancing node and
place functions in Flanders and Brussels Capital Region
de Freke Caset,Ben Derudder, Kobe Boussauw, Frank Witlox 2017

“ A structural part of the solution lies in the shift from an infrastructure-oriented

mobility policy to a policy investing in proximity, public transport accessibility and
increased quality of life (VRP 2016; Papa et al. 2013). According to the White Paper of
the new Flemish Spatial Policy Plan (BRV), spatial developments should be increasingly
clustered (i) around multimodal public transport hubs and (ii) along transport axes with
high job, residential and amenity densities in order to increase the modal share of the
most sustainable transport modes today (walking, cycling and public transport) (Ruimte
Vlaanderen 2016). The rail network in particular, has a central role to play in this policy
change, as it is today “the public transport system with the highest potential to transport
many people with a minimal impact on health and a minimal use of space (…) the
(re)development of urban centres therefore need to take place in the vicinity of stations
within the rail network” (Ruimte Vlaanderen 2016, 72).”
Dupa parerea noastra in acest citat autorul articuleaza faptul ca o parte
importanta a solutiei ar fi intoarcerea politica spre mobilitatea populatiei, si, in
definitive, cresterea calitatii vietii prin proximitatea de care am putea beneficia, ceea ce
implica infrastructura. Prin schimbarea infracturii autorul puncteaza faptul ca cea mai de
impact schimbare ar fi in zona feroviara, unde transportul este cel mai eficient, cu cea
mai mare capacitatea de transport, dar sic el mai benefic din punct de vedere al

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