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Peran :

1. Moderator
2. Pasien
3. Teman pasien
4. Ibu pasien
5. Ayah pasien
6. Perawat1
7. Perawat2
8. Dokter
9. Administrasi
10. Petugas lab

Seorang remaja mengalami panas tinggi selama beberapa hari dan tak kunjung
turun, meskipun ibunya telah melakukan berbagai cara, seperti kompres
hangat sampai pemberian obat penurun panas. Usaha itu memang
membuahkan hasil, panas badan anak tersebut turun, namun tak selang
beberapa lama, suhu badannya naik kembali. Remaja tersebut tetap kuliah
seperti biasanya.

Di kampus….

Pasien : kepala saya sangat pusing, saya merasa sangat panas.


TP : apa kamu baik-baik saja? Kenapa muncul bintik-bintik merah

pada badanmu? Wajahmu juga tampak kemerahan. Mari pergi ke rumah sakit,
atau kamu mau aku antarkan pulang ?

Pasien : Sudah 3 hari ini panas badanku naik turun. Sekarang aku tidak
kuat lagi. Tolong bawa aku ke rumah sakit sekarang. (pasien lemas)

TP : Baiklah, bersabarlah terlebih dahulu. Saya akan mengantarkanmu

sekarang ke rumah sakit.

Pasien diantarkan ke rumah sakit oleh temannya…

Sesampainya di rumah sakit…

TP : Ns… tolong teman saya…. Badannya sangat panas!!!

Nurse1 : kemarilah. Baringkan diatas tempat tidur ini. Kamu bisa

menunggu diluar ruangan ya.

TP : Baiklah. Saya akan menghubungi orangtuanya juga.

TP menghubungi ayah dan ibu pasien… After a few minutes, the lady’s parents
come to the hospital in recepcionist.
Mother : Excuse me, I want to ask my daughter who had an accident in
Melbourne street

Receptionist : please, turn right and find emergency unit. Your daughter is there
being treated

Mother : thank you ms.

Tidak lama kemudian, ayah dan ibu pasien tiba di UGD rumah sakit.

Ibu : bagaimana dengan anak saya sus? Bagaimana kondisinya


Nurse1 : anak ibu sudah dalam penanganan. Sudah berapa hari anak ibu
badannya panas?

Ibu : panasnya naik turun selama 3 hari.

Nurse1 : lalu, bagaimana dengan nafsu makannya?

Ibu : nafsu makannya menurun. Anak saya jadi jarang makan. Dia juga
sering merasa mual dan sering merasa nyeri pada bagian belakang mata, serta
nyeri pada sendi dan ototnya.

Nurse1 : baiklah bu, untuk selanjutnya akan saya periksakan lagi kondisi
anak ibu. Untuk bapak bisa melengkapi administrasi di bagian administrasi.

Bapak : baik sus.

Bapak menuju ruang administrasi untuk melengkapi data-data pasien…

Recepcionist : good morning mr, what can I do for you?

Father : good morning, the nurse in emergency unit told me to register my

daughter, because she must to inpatient.

Recepcionist : may i know your daughter full name, birth, and address?

Father : her name is Lady Rogers, she was born on September 2nd, 1999
and she live at Bandana street number 23.

Recepcionist : okay, this is your room number.

Father : thank you very much.

Recepcionist : your welcome mr.

Perawat datang menemui dokter…

Nurse1 : dok, saya sudah mengecek vital sign pasien dan saya sudah
mengkaji kondisi pasien.

Dokter : bagaimana hasilnya sus?

Nurse1 : Hasil pemeriksaannya, Tekanan darah : 100/80 mmHg, respirasi :

18x/menit , nadi : 100x/menit dan suhunya : 40oC. Panas badan pasien naik turun
selama 3 hari. Nafsu makan berkurang, pasien juga sering merasa mual dan nyeri
pada belakang mata dan nyeri otot. Wajah pasien tampak kemerahan, dan terdapat
bintik-bintik merah pada tubuh pasien.

Dokter : Sus semua ini menunjukkan gejala demam berdarah. Tolong

ambil sampel darahnya untuk di tes kembali di laboratorium. Dan tolong beri
dia obat penurun panas, agar suhu badannya turun.

Nurse1 : baik dok, nurse2 akan mengambil sampel darah dan memberi
obat penurun panas kepada pasien.

Nurse1 memberitahu nurse2 untuk mengambil sampel darah dan member obat
penurun panas…
Nurse2 : permisi , saya nurse2 akan mengambil darah adik ya untuk
dilakukan pemeriksaan, agar kami mengetahui kondisi adik selanjutnya.

Pasien : baik sus

Setelah diambil sampel darah, nurse2 menuju ruang laboratorium…

Sementara di ruang laboratorium, terlihat nurse2 sedang menyerahkan sampel
darah kepada petugas laboratorium.

Nurse2 : Ini pak, tolong diperiksa sampel darah ini.

Petugas lab : Baik Sus......

Nurse2 : Usahakan hasilnya selesai secepatnya

Petugas lab : Baik sus, akan saya usahakan.

30 menit kemudian, nurse2 kembali ke ruang laboratorium untuk mengambil


Petugas lab : ini hasilnya sus. Pasien dinyatakan positif terjangkit DBD, dan ini
bukti hasil tesnya (sambil menyerahkan hasilnya).

Nurse2 : Terima kasih, akan saya serahkan segera pada dokter.

Petugas lab : Sama-sama Sus......

Kemudian, nurse2 langsung menuju keruang dokter untuk memberitahukan

hasil lab tersebut.

Nurse2 : dok, menurut hasil lab, pasien dinyatakan positif terjangkit DBD.
Hal ini disebabkan karena trombositnya jauh dibawah normal. Dan ini hasil
labnya Dok (sambil memberikan hasil lab).

Dokter : Mmm… Baik, dan untuk sekarang tolong pasangkan infuse

kepada pasien tersebut. Dan tentukan tindakan yang perlu diberikan kepada anak

Perawat : baik dok. Bagaimana kalau pasien dianjurkan untuk

mengkonsumsi jambu klutuk yang dapat meningkatkan trombosit Dok ?
Dokter : Mmm… boleh sus, anjurkan juga untuk minum air yang banyak.
Dan sekarang tolong panggilkan orang tua pasien untuk menghadap saya dan saya
akan memberitahukan kondisi anak mereka.

Nurse2 : Baik Dok, Permisi.

Dokter : Silahkan Sus.

Perawat tersebut langsung menuju ke Ruang dimana anak itu dirawat.

Nurse2 : permisi. Saya perawat tadi yang mengambil sampel darah adik, apa adik
masih ingat?

Pasien : masih sus.

Nurse2 : baguslah. Tujuan saya datang kesini untuk memasang infuse

kepada adik, tujuannya agar kebutuhan cairan dan elektrolit dalam tubuh adik bisa
terpenuhi, dan adik bisa segera sembuh. Apakah adik bersedia?

Pasien : ya sus, saya bersedia.

Nurse2 kemudian memasang infuse pasien. Setelah selesai memasang infuse,

kemudian nurse2 menyuruh ayah dari anak tersebut untuk menuju ruangan

Dokter : Bapak, ini hasil laboratorium anak bapak yang menunjukkan

bahwa anak bapak positif terjangkit DBD.

Ayah : (Melihat hasil lab dengan seksama). Tapi dia bisa sembuh kan
Dok ?

Dokter : Kami akan berusaha semampu mungkin. Sebaiknya anak bapak

dirawat inap di rumah sakit, agar kami dapat memantau dengan baik dan suster
bisa melakukan perawatan terhadap anak bapak setiap harinya.

Ayah : sebaiknya memang seperti itu dok. Terima kasih, Dok. Saya
permisi dulu.

Dokter : Silahkan Pak.

Bapak kembali ke ruang dimana anaknya dirawat.

Nurse2 : bapak, anak bapak baik-baik saja. Saya sudah memberikan

antibiotic dan obat penurun panas. Dan tolong Bapak juga memberikan jambu
klutuk sebagai obat herbal. Dan anjurkan agar anak bapak makan dan minum
yang cukup.

Ayah : Baik Sus, terima kasih.

Setelah 2 jam, dokter dan perawat kembali mengechek keadaaan anak tersebut,
dan suhu badannya sedikit menurun tidak seperti waktu pertama kali dia
dirujuk ke Rumah Sakit. Perawat dan dokter terus mencatat dan memantau
perkembangan anak tersebut.
Peran :

1. Moderator
2. Pasien
3. Teman pasien
4. Ibu pasien
5. Ayah pasien
6. Perawat A
7. Perawat B
8. Dokter
9. Administrasi
10. Petugas lab

A teenager experiences high heat for several days and does not go down,
although his mother has done various ways, such as warm compresses to the
provision of febrifuge. The effort was fruitful, the child's body heat down, but
not for some time, his temperature rose again. Teenagers are still in college as

On campus….

Patient : my head is very dizzy, I feel very hot. Aaaarrggghhhhhh ..... !!!!!!

TP : are you all right? Why do red spots appear on your body? Your
face also looks reddish. Let's go to the hospital, or do you want me to take home?

Patient : It's been 3 days my heat up and down. Now I'm not strong
anymore. Please take me to the hospital now. (limp patient)

TP : All right, be patient. I'll drive you now to the hospital.

Patient delivered to the hospital by his friend ...

Arriving at the hospital ...

TP : Ns ... please help my friend .... His body is very hot !!!

Nurse1 : Come here. Lay on this bed. You can wait outside the room yes.
TP : All right. I will contact his parents as well.

TP contacted the father and the patient's mother ... After a few minutes, the
lady’s parents come to the hospital in recepcionist.

Mother : Excuse me, I want to ask my daughter who had an accident in

Melbourne street

Receptionist : please, turn right and find emergency unit. Your daughter is there
being treated

Mother : thank you ms.

Not long afterwards, the patient's father and mother arrived at the hospital
emergency room.

Mother : what about my son sus? How is the condition now?

Nurse1 : your child is already in handling. How many days is the child's
body hot?

Mother : the heat up and down for 3 days.

Nurse1 : then, what about his appetite?

Mother : her appetite decreases. My child so rarely ate. She also often felt
nauseous and often felt pain in the back of her eyes, as well as pain in her joints
and muscles.

Nurse1 : Well, for next I will check again the condition of your child. For
her father, can complete the administration in the administration office.

Father : good sus.

Patient’s father goes to the administration room to complete the patient's data ...

Recepcionist : good morning mr, what can I do for you?

Father : good morning, the nurse in emergency unit told me to register my

daughter, because she must to inpatient.
Recepcionist : may i know your daughter full name, birth, and address?

Father : her name is Lady Rogers, she was born on September 2nd, 1999
and she live at Bandana street number 23.

Recepcionist : okay, this is your room number.

Father : thank you very much.

Recepcionist : your welcome mr.

The nurse came to see the doctor ...

Nurse1 : dok, I have checked the vital sign of the patient and I have
reviewed the condition of the patient.

Doctor : how is the result ns?

Nurse1 : The results of the examination, Blood pressure: 100/80 mmHg,

respiration: 18x / minute, pulse: 100x / minute and temperature: 40oC. The
patient's body heat up and down for 3 days. Decreased appetite, patients also often
feel nausea and pain in the back of the eye and muscle pain. The patient's face
looks red, and there are red spots on the patient's body.

Doctor : Ns, all of these show symptoms of dengue fever. Please take the
blood samples for the test back in the laboratory. And please give him a
paracetamol flash to get his temperature down.

Nurse1 : good dock, nurse2 will take blood samples and give febrifuge to

Nurse1 tells nurse2 to take a blood sample and a febrifuge member ...

Nurse2 : excuse me, I will take your blood for examination, so we can
know the condition of the next.

Patient : Okay

After taking blood samples, nurse2 to the laboratory room ... While in the
laboratory room, nurse2 was shown giving blood samples to laboratory
Nurse2 : It's pack, please check this blood sample.

Officer lab : okay

Nurse2 : Keep the results finished as soon as possible

Lab worker : okay, I will try.

30 minutes later, nurse2 returns to the lab room to take the result.

Officer lab : this result is done, ns. Patients tested positive for dengue fever,
and this is evidence of test results (while submitting the results).

Nurse2 : Thank you, I'll leave it to the doctor immediately.

Officer lab : you’re welcome ns.

Then, nurse2 goes straight to the doctor's room to inform him of the lab results.

Nurse2 : dok, according to the lab results, the patient tested positive for
dengue fever. This is because the platelet is far below normal. And this is the lab
result of Dock (while giving lab result).

Doctor : Mmm ... Fine, and for now please attach infuse to the patient.
And specify the actions that need to be given to the child.

Nurse : okay dok. What if the patient is advised to consume guava that
can increase platelet Docs?

Doctor : Mmm ... may be that’s alright, and also suggest to drink plenty of
water. And now please call the patient's parents to face me and I will tell you the
condition of their child.

Nurse2 : okay Doc, Excuse me.

Doctor : Please Sus.

The nurse goes directly to the Room where the child is being treated.

Nurse2 : excuse me. I am the nurse who took a sample of your blood, do
you still remember?
Patient : of course, I’m still remember ns.

Nurse2 : Great. My goal came here to apply for infusion to you, for fluid
and electrolyte needs in a body can be fulfilled, and you can soon be healed. Are
you agree?

Patient : yes ns, I am willing

Nurse2 then installs patient infusions. When finished installing infuse, then
nurse2 told the father of the child to go to the doctor's room.

Doctor : sir, this is a laboratory result of your father indicating that your
father is positively infected with DHF.

Dad : (Looking at lab results carefully). But he can heal right?

Doctor : We will do everything possible. We recommend your daughter

hospitalized in the hospital, so we can monitor properly and nurses can take care
of your child every day.

Dad : it should be like that dok. Thank you, Doc. Excuse me.

Doctor : Please Sir.

Dad returned to the room where his son was being treated.

Nurse2 : sir, your daughter is fine. I have given antibiotics and febrifuge.
And please you also give a guava as herbal medicine. And encourage your
daughter to eat and drink enough.

Dad : okay ns, thanks.

After 2 hours, doctors and nurses returned to the child's condition, and his
temperature dropped slightly unlike the first time he was referred to the
hospital. Nurses and doctors continue to record and monitor the child's

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