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Vulnerary. Elder is an effective remedy for relieving hemorrhoids when applied topically as a
salve. Elder has
been used to treat erysipelas, an acute inflammation caused by strep bacteria that erupts on the
skin. Elder has
also served humankind well in applications for burns, cuts and wounds. It can also be used as
a sore throat
gargle or for inflamed gums and mouth tissue. Parts used: flowers, berries, leaves

swollen breasts. Cherokees made elder leaves and flowers into a salve to treat burns, skin
eruptions and boils in
order to help prevent infection. Menominee and Cherokee peoples used the flowers to reduce

Elder leaves contain the alkaloid sambucine, a precursor of hydrocyanic acid, which is
somewhat toxic. Thus,
the leaves are used only topically in ointments for sprains or bruises. Bruised leaves can be
rubbed on the body
or worn under a hat to prevent being pestered by insects. Cooled strained leaf tea can be
applied to plants to
discourage aphids.
Internally, elder leaves are used only with caution to cleanse the bowels, to promote sweating
and to increase

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