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Given: Solution :-

Both well and the embankment are in the shape of

Inner Diameter of the well= 14 m cylinder.
Since the mud is evenly spread all around the well
Inner Radius of the well (r) = 14/2 m = 7 m to form the embankment, then the volume of well
= volume of embankment
Height of the well(h) = 15 m
Volume of well = πr²h
Volume of the earth taken out of the well = πr²h
Diameter = 14 m
= 22/ 7 ×(7)²×15 then radius = 14/2 = 7 m
Height = 15 m
= 22× 7×15= 2310 m³
⇒ π*7*7*15
Width= 7m
⇒ Volume of well = 735 π m³
Outer radius of the embankment R =inner radius +
width Volume of the embankment -

Outer radius (R)= 7 + 7 = 14m The embankment is in the shape of a hollow

The embankment is in the form of cylindrical shell,
so area of embankment It inner diameter = 14 m

So, Radius r = 14/2 = 7 m

Area of embankment = outer area - inner area
Its outer radius R = inner radius + width
= πR² - πr² = π(R²-r²)
⇒ 7 + 7 = 14 m
= (22/7) ( 14² - 7²)
Volume of inner part of the cylinder = πr²h
= 22/7(196-49)
⇒ π(7)²*h
= 22/7 × 147
= 49 πh m³
= 22 × 21 Volume of the outer part of the cylinder = πR²h
⇒ π(14)²*h
= 462 m² ⇒ 196 πh m³
Volume of embankment= volume of earth taken Volume of embankment = Volume of outer part -
out on digging the well Volume of inner part
Area of embankment × height of embankment= ⇒ 196 πh m³ - 49 πh m³
volume of earth dug out Volume of embankment = 147 πh m³
Height of embankment= volume of earth dug Now,
out/area of the embankment Volume of well = Volume of embankment
Height of the embankment = 2310 / 462
Height of embankment= 5 m 735 π m³ = 147 πh m³
Hence, the height of the embankment so formed is
5m ⇒ h = 735/147


So, the height of the embankment is 5 m

Answer 11.
Volume of that fall on the roof=70x44x
volume of tank water=volume of fall water on the

Volume of water in the roof= 70×44×0.1

volume of cylindrical tank=(14)³
volume in cylindrical tank=2744-308
rise in water level=∛2128

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