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NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________
DATE: _____ / _____ / _____Test length: ________ Begin: _____ : _____ End: _____ : _____
TEACHER: ________________________
SCORE (45): ___________ + _____________ = _____________/2 = ______________/______________
FINAL SCORE: (WRITTEN PART 45 + ORAL EXAM 45 + NOTES 10) = _____________________
FREQUENCY (MINIMUM of 70%): _______________


1. You are not allowed to use a dictionary or any reference material during the test. All the information
you need is in the test;
2. On the table you should keep only a pencil, an eraser and a pen;
3. Illegible answers will be nullified;
4. Please turn off your cell phone and any other electronic device;
5. Keep track of the time you have to finish the test;
6. Please allow for at least 30 minutes before you hand in the test;
7. The penultimate student to hand in the test must wait for the last student to hand in his/her test;
8. Please respect the teacher who will grade your test and write neatly!
9. Answer the questions below each question; you don’t need an extra answer sheet.
10. The teacher will answer no questions during the test concerning its content.


1. ( ) Attendance to classes 6. ( ) Acceptance of guidance

2. ( ) Punctuality 7. ( ) Respect towards friends, teachers and workers
3. ( ) Attention to classes 8. ( ) Caring for possessions and school’s provisions
4. ( ) Homework is always up-to-date 9. ( ) Self-control awareness
5. ( ) Interest in the classes 10. ( ) Given assignments undertaking







_____________________________________ Date: _______/_______/_______


A. Translate the following sentences into English (30 points):

1. Meu nome é Avery, mas pode me chamar de Avy.

My name is Avery, but you can call me Avy.

2. Desculpe, qual é o seu nome mesmo?

Sorry, what’s your name again?

3. Nós estamos na mesma aula de negócios.

We are in the same business class.

4. Do que as pessoas te chamam?

What do people call you?

5. Santiago é uma cidade muito empolgante.

Santiago is a very exciting city.

6. Na verdade, meu sobrenome é Nakamura.

Actually, my last name is Nakamura.

7. Como é San Diego?

What’s San Diego like?

8. Quais matérias você não gosta de estudar?

What subject don’t you like to study?

9. Este é meu amigo peruano.

This is my Peruvian friend.

10. Muitos nomes parecem estar na moda por um tempo.

Many/A lot of names seem to be trendy for a while.

11. O meu bisavô tem um irmão chamado Larry.

My great-grandfather has a brother named Larry.

12. Minhas flores preferidas são as margarida e as de lótus.

My favorite flowers are the daisies and the lotuses (loti).

13. Muitos bebês recebem o nome de pessoas famosas.

Many/A lot of babies are named after famous people.

14. Muitos trabalhos de meio-período não são chatos.

Many/A lot of part-time jobs aren’t boring.

15. O que um segurança faz? > Eles protegem pessoas e lugares.

What does a security do? > They protect/save people and places.

16. Que tanto você de seu trabalho? > Eu adoro ele.

How do you like your job? > I love it.

17. Que interessante! Seu trabalho parece incrível.

How interesting! Your job sounds incredible.

18. Eu tenho que ficar em pé o dia inteiro na loja.

I have to be on my foot all day.

19. Aonde você vai para a escola? (Onde você estuda?)

What school do you go?

20. O que um designer gráfico faz, exatamente?

What does a graphic designer do, exactly?

21. Você estuda um outro idioma?

Do you study another language?

22. O que sua mãe faz? > Ela gerencia as finanças. .

What does your mother do? > She manages finances.

23. Nós gostaríamos de ter dinheiro extra para gastar.

We would like to have extra money to spend.

24. Jim vai para a cama por volta das onze da noite nos dias de semana.
Jim goes to bed around 11 in the evening on weekdays.

25. Quais dias você fica acordada até tarde?

What days do you stay up late?

26. A minha agenda diária é bem agitada/ocupada.

My daily schedule is pretty busy.

27. Nós temos muitas coisas em comum.

We have a lot of/many things in common.

28. Ele compra coisas para usar.

He buys things to wear.

29. O aplicativo monitora sua caminhada para a escola.

The app tracks your walk to school.

30. Uma designer de moda desenha imagens (modelos) e vai para as lojas comprar tecidos.
A fashion designer draws pictures and goes to stores to buy fabrics.

31. Um sociólogo estuda como as pessoas se comportam.

A sociologist studies how people behave.

32. Este bolso na mochila é bem útil.

This pocket in the backpack is pretty useful.

33. Eu sou uma engenheira de software (computação) e fiz um aplicativo que mostra “fake news”.
I am a software engineer and I made an app that shows fake news.

34. Heather telefonou para um eletricista para consertar algumas coisas.

Heather called/phoned an electrician to fix some stuff.

35. Estamos confiantes e esperançosos de que nosso time irá vencer.

We are confident and hopeful that our team will win.

36. Necessitamos ser sinceros quando não concordamos com as pessoas.

We need to be truthful when we don’t agree with/on the people.

37. Estas camisas azuis são bonitas, mas eu gostei mais desta verde.
These blue shirts are beautiful, but I like this green one more/better.

38. A Sra. Ford adora qualquer coisa que esteja em promoção.

Mrs. Ford loves anything that is on sale.

39. Consumidor: Eu gostaria de ver aqueles bonés.

Vendedor: Quais deles? Os de baseball?
Consumidor: Não, os cinzas perto dos marrons.

Costumer: I’d like to see those caps.

Salesperson: Which ones? The baseball ones?
Costumer: No, the gray ones next to the brown ones.

40. Para ser sincero, eu nem mesmo sei se o preço está razoável.
To be honest, I don’t even know if the price is reasonable.

41. De qual você gosta mais? > Eu gosto mais da de lã, o seu estilo é mais atraente.
Which one do you like more/better? > I like the wool one more/better, its style is more attractive.

42. Ele possui o comprovante (certificado) que este é o terreno dele.

He owns the certificate that this is his land.

43. Você costuma (alguma vez) fazer lances na internet para comprar coisas mais baratas?
Do you ever place bids on the internet to buy cheaper things?

44. Nós ficamos na fila pacientemente.

We stood in line patiently.

45. Eles precisam ensinar um ao outro sobre como ter energia no palco.
They need to teach each other how to have energy on stage.

46. Eles gostam do Maroon 5? > Não, eles não gostam deles de jeito nenhum.
Do they like Maroon 5? > No, they don’t like them at all.

47. Você gostaria de ir ao teatro comigo? > Eu adoraria, mas eu trabalho sem parar, e preciso relaxar.
Would you like to go to the theater with me? > I’d love to, but I work nonstop, and I need to chill

48. Você quer vir em casa para estudarmos hoje à noite?

Do you want to come over to study tonight?

49. Beyoncé lançou um álbum secreto essa semana e vendeu 5 milhôes de cópias até agora.
Beyoncé released a secret álbum this week and sold 5 million records so far.

50. A posse do presidente não aconteceu por causa de um furacão.

The president’s inauguration didn’t happen/take place because of a hurricane

B. Choose ONE topic and write a composition (150 words – 15 points) – Grammar,
development of content and creativity will be evaluated:
1) 70% of what we read on the internet is not truthful. That’s what we call fake news. What do you do to know if
something is fake or not? Why are there fake news? Does it happen in your life, too, when people say
something about you, but it’s not true?

2) When a rapper raps, half of the lyrics are bad words today. Do you agree on that? Do you think this music style
needs this kind of expression? Are the rappers creative when they want to talk about a certain topic? Is this their
reality or only business so people can buy their records?

3) What do you think about the people who go on safaris and kill wild animals? What do you feel about it? Why do
they have this intention against the animals? What would you do if you saw someone doing something like this?
What’s something the government can do to save these animals?

4) Who is the best singer in the world, in your opinion? Why do you like him/her? What kind of music style do they
perform? Do you ever go to his/her concerts? Where is he/she from?

Good luck!

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