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Wyatt Reid

EDU 214- 1008


Lesson Plan Title: Ser and Estar w/ PowerPoint

Concept / Topic To Teach: the verb ser and estar meaning: to be.
General Goal(s): To differentiate between ser and estar
Specific Objectives: Using MS PowerPoint to understand the verbs ser and estar.
Required Materials: MS PowerPoint

Welcome to the class lecture ser and estar.

-open up lecture in MS PowerPoint.
Explain ser vs. estar, meaning to be.
Ser: date, occupation, characteristic, time, origin, relation
Estar: position, location, action, condition, emotion,
Practice situations.
I am a man -> soy un hombre (ser)
We are over here -> estamos aqui (estar)
Are you(guys) ready -> estan listos? (estar)
It is 6 o’cloick -> son las 6 (ser)
Using PowerPoint independent assignment.
Write three slides with a sentence for estar, three with ser. Shawn, has a disability, will be
using the voice recognition software in order to do this assignment.
Now we know ser and estar, we will have a test next class on the topic.
Text next class.
A ten question quiz. Ten sentences, determine if the sentence would be translated using
ser or estar.
We will use ser and estar all of the time in the future.

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