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Road section near Meghpar

Age – Upper Jurassic
Latitude -: 23°32 2
Longitude –: 68°57 25

To assess outcrops and prepare their litholog

Learn about fossils at trigonia bed (Amiyu village)

Measure strike and dip of all section

Section -1
Attitudes for different beds are as follows -:
Bed Strike Dip amount Dip direction
1. N-200° 0.2° N-295°
2. N-190° 5° N-285°
3. N-215° 20° M-365°

 We have observed a reverse fault which was remineralized.

Fault Strike Dip amount Dip direction
1. reverse N-196° 55° N-286°
 There were cosets of sandstone lithology and the base of the section is
becoming asymptote.

Cosets found in section 1 with re-

mineralization with asymptote

Attitude of coset is as follows -:

Cross bedding Strike Dip Dip direction Paleocurrent
N-195° 11° N-285° N-285°

Lithology for section-1 is as follows along with thickness -:

Rock Lithology Thickness (inches)
Sandstone 36
Cross-bedded sandstone 44
Shale 13.5
Siltstone 40.5

Attitudes for different beds are as follows-:
We have also observed -:
1. two normal fault zone 2. A curved fault zone
 The curved fault zone was re-mineralized and may act as a good trap if
present in sub-surface.

Figure shows slickenside on Curved fault Curved fault

curved fault present in

Fault attitude is as follows -:

Fault Strike Dip amount Dip direction
1. normal N-220° 80° N-130°
2. curved N-185° 55° N-275°

Lithology for section-2 along with thickness is as follows-:

Rock Lithology Thickness
1. Sandstone Well sorted 6’
2. coarse sandstone 5’
3. fine , well sorted sandstone 1’2’’
4. fine , well sorted sandstone 8’’
5. laterite sandstone 2’11’’
6. fine siltstone laterite 1’6’’
7. fine siltstone 1’

(‘) represent feet, (‘’) represent inches

Following observations were made after observing section-2-:
 The whole section was dipping towards south
 There was facies change showing intertunging relationship between
sandstone and siltstone.
 Sandstone layer was less weathered as compared to shale as shale is more
susceptible to weathering due to presence of clay particles.
 Sandstone layer was well sorted, fine to medium grain size.
 We have seen different orientation of fault which suggests different time of
 We have seen slickenside on curved fault due to friction between two layers.

 Normal Faults dimension - :

1. Slip – 210cms 2. Slip – 70inch

Throw – 200cms Heave – 60inch

Heave – 32cms Throw – 36inch

Normal Fault
 We have prepared lithologs of other two sections. In general we have
observed the bottom sandstone and shale layers were mostly re-mineralized
with ferromagnesium and present in the form of leumonite.
Section – 3
Rock Lithology Thickness (feet)

1. laterite sandstone 3’

2. Yellow sandstone(leached) 5’5’’

3. fine sandstone 9’
Location 2-:

Trigonia band near Amiyu village

Latitude -: 23°42 30
Longitude -: 68°52 22

 We have studied about the rock bands which was formed during Tithonian
age –Upper Jurassic age.
 There were two stratigraphic units.
 We have also learned that there was continues regression from basin.
 There is accumulation of fossils and ammonites, pelecypoda etc.
 Most of the trigonia were convex upward indicating their proximal origin.
 We have also learned that habitat of pelecypoda is within sediments.
 Ornamentation gives shortness and thickness.
 Pelecypoda have beautiful Umbo.
pelecypoda with
convex upward
at Amiyu village

Figure shows pelecypoda with convex upward

Location-3 -:
Basaltic exposure
Latitude -: 23°41 42
Longitude -: 68°57 30
 We have learned that spherioidal erosion took place.
 We have located ourselves on Map.
 Trend for igneous rock is 𝑁 − 340°
 Thickness of bed is 110m.
 Stereonet projected for section -1 of Location -1-:

 Stereonet projected for section -2 of Location -1-:

 Stereonet projected for section -2 fault of Location -1-:

 Stereonet projected for section -3 of Location -1

 Rose diagram plotted for Location 1-:

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