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Narciso, Japet C.

June 28, 2018

Mathematics in the Modern World
Research #1

1. Define what is mathematics in the modern world.

Mathematics in the modern world is an application of mathematics to modeling real world problems from
the behavioral, computational, managerial, and social sciences. Includes such topics as probability,
descriptive and inferential statistics, financial management, voting systems, codes and data storage. It was
used by our great ancestors in their works of art like paintings, architectural designs and musical piece.
Paintings like Mona Lisa and The Sacrament of the Last Supper.

2. Explain and Give Examples to the ff.

a. Linear and Exponential

A Linear function is one that is changing at a constant rate as x changes while an Exponential function
is one that changes at a rate that's always proportional to the value of the function. A simple example is
population growth for a very simple kind of organism, like bacteria. The larger the population is, the
more the population will increase.


Linear Function
“A certain type of corn grows at the rate of 3 inches per week.”

Exponential Function
“Exercise biologist, Samantha, discovered that to reduce soreness, people should start biceps curls at
10 pounds. Then, progress weekly to 11 pounds, 14 pounds, 20 pounds, 32 pounds, 56 pounds and so

b. Basic Statistics

“True” Mean and Confidence Interval. Probably the most often used descriptive statistic is the mean.
The mean is a particularly informative measure of the "central tendency" of the variable if it is reported
along with its confidence intervals.


“If the mean in your sample is 23, and the lower and upper limits of the p=.05 confidence interval are
19 and 27 respectively, then you can conclude that there is a 95% probability that the population mean
is greater than 19 and lower than 27.”

c. Geometry
Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines,
surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs. Examples would be basic shapes, angles, parallel
lines and transversals.

d. Economics and Finance

Economics is a social science that studies the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and
services, with the aim of explaining how economies work and how their agents interact while
Finance in many respects is an offshoot of economics. Finance describes the management, creation
and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets and liabilities that make up financial systems,
as well as the study of those financial instruments.

Economics includes Macroeconomics and Microeconomics while Finance has its Personal and Public

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