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Fill in the blanks:

a) Rational numbers are numbers of the form_______ where p, q are integers and q ≠ 0.
b) Rational numbers are not closed under___________.
c) _______________ is called the additive identity of rational numbers.
The sum of two, 2-digit numbers is 25 and their difference is 1. The two numbers are_____
d) Zero has __________ reciprocal.
e) The numbers________ and _______ are their own reciprocals.
g) The rational number that is equal to its negative is ____________.
h) There are ______________ rational numbers between any two given rational numbers.
i) Nine times the reciprocal of a number is 3. The number is __________.
6.Two numbers are in the ratio 3: 5. If their sum is 64, then the numbers are ___________
If z/(z + 15) = 4/9 , then the value of ‘z’ is ___________________

The numerator of a rational number is 4 less than the denominator. If 1 is added to the numerator and
denominator both, the rational number becomes 1/2. Find the rational number.

Divide 750 into two parts such that 10% of one part equals 20% of the other.

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 243. Find the numbers

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