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Jenis Kegiatan: RAPAT

Nama Kegiatan: Rapat Konsolidasi Pengurus TEFLIN





Nama Peserta


NIDN 00-0403-6108



Puji Syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah swt. karena berkat rakhmat dan karunia-Nya
sehingga kami diberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti dan menyusun laporan kegiatan Rapat
Asosiasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia (The Association for the Teaching of English
as a Foreign Language in Indonesia/TEFLIN) dalam rangka membicarakan dan menentukan
rencana kerja dan anggaran TEFLIN tahun 201, pada tanggal 3 dan 4 Februari 2018 di Century
Park Hotel, Jalan Pintu Satu Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10270.

Banjarmasin, Februari 2018


Dr. Fatchul Mu’in, M. Hum

NIP 19610304 198903 1 003

Rapat Asosiasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia (The Association for the Teaching of
English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia/TEFLIN) membicarakan dan menentukan rencana
kerja dan anggaran TEFLIN tahun 2018, pada tanggal 3 dan 4 Februari 2018 di Jakarta. Ada dua
agenda rapat: (1) Indonesian TESOL Summit dan (2) rapat pengurus.

A. Jenis Kegiatan
Pertemuan tingkat tinggi yang dihadiri oleh pelaku (yang merupakan perwakilan guru, dosen,
dan peneliti seluruh Indonesia), pengguna (stakeholders, serta pemegang kebijakan (pihak
kemendikbud, kemenristekdikti, dan kemenag) dan Rapat Konsolidasi Pengurus TEFLIN

B. Tujuan

Tujuan Indonesia ELT Summit

With the demand for English language teaching and learning that keeps increasing nowadays,
it is important for TEFLIN to chart a direction for the profession that takes account of
changing realities for the role and position of English in the world. Paying attention to what
was discussed in the TESOL Summit in Athens, TEFLIN has decided to focus on exploring
two themes from the TESOL Summit which we think are very relevant for the Indonesian
context. The two themes that we chose are reimagining English competence and the
profession as change agent. In charting a direction for the profession, TEFLIN wants to
contextualize what it means to be a language professional so that we will be able to ensure a
more inclusive, collaborative approach for English language education in this century. The
summit is expected to generate broad agreement on a shared vision for the future of the
profession that will influence innovation, research, policy and practice in Indonesia. This will
be articulated in a framework (a working document) that should be supported and
implemented by those involved in the summit.

Tujuan Rapat Pengurus TEFLIN

Rapat pengurus TEFLIN in dilaksanakan untuk konsolidasi dan membahas rencana kerja
tahun 2018.

C. Program


10.30 – 11.00 Registration

11.00 – 11.30 Welcoming Speech:

Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto – TEFLIN


Mr. William Little – RELO Director

Ms. Karren Schinnerer

11.30 – 12.30 Lunch & Prayer


12.30 – 13.15 Summit Purpose & Explanation on Theme 1

– Dr. Greg Kessler

13.15 – 14.45 Presentation 1:

Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamid, Ph.D.

Dr. Willy Renandya

Astuti Aziz, Ph.D.

14.45 – 16.00 Round Table Discussion

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break

16.30 – 17.00 Question & Answer Session:

Dr. Greg Kessler

Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamid, Ph.D.

Dr. Willy Renandya

Astuti Aziz, Ph.D.

17.00 – 17.30 Session Summary – Dr. Greg Kessler

19.00 - 22.00 Rapat Pengurus TEFLIN



08.00 – 08.30 Explanation on Theme 2 – Dr. Greg Kessler

08.30 – 10.00 Presentation 2:

Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen

Dr. Itje Chodidjah

Yenny Suchriani, M. Pd.

10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break

10.30 – 11.45 Round Table Discussions

11.45 – 12.15 Question & Answer Session:

Dr. Greg Kessler

Prof. Dr. Paulina Pannen

Dr. Itje Chodidjah

Yenny Suchriani, M. Pd.

12.15 – 12.45 Session Summary – Dr. Greg Kessler

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch and Prayer

Notes: Each table in the Round Table Discussion consists of representatives from different
institutions/ organizations.

D. Waktu dan Tempat Kegiatan

Waktu : 3-4 Februari 2018

Tempat: Hotel Century Park, Jalan Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta Pusat
E. Hasil Kegiatan
Hasil Kegiatan Indonesia TESOL Summit
Beberapa hal penting telah diambil sebagai kesimpulan diskusi yang pada prinsipnya
menuntut perhatian para pelaku, pembuat kebijakan, serta stakeholders bahwa perlu
dilakukan perubahan pola pikir tentang standar kompetensi kebahasaan dan peran sebagai
agen perubahan. Diharapkan para pelaku terutama guru yang menurut data survey belum
memiliki kompetensi yang memadai sebagai guru profesional harus berani melakukan
perubahan positif terhadap caranya mengajar selama ini agar tidak mengeyampingkan
fungsinya sebagai pendidik. Para guru juga perlu terus meningkatkan profesionalismenya
melalui kegiatan aktif di MGMP, training, lokakarya, seminar, konferensi, menulis karya
ilmiah (PTK misalnya), dan kegiatan mandiri lain yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan
profesionalismenya sebagai pendidik dan pengajar.
Lebih rinci, kesimpulan penting dari diskusi ilmiah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Results of Theme One:

1. Considering the changing realities of English Language, Would you set the native
speaker of English as the linguistic target of ELT in the Indonesian context? How
about mutual intelligibility?
All agree that it is firstly difficult to establish what it means to be a native speaker as
it is different. Some consider those from US, NZ UK and Australia (Thailand) and
generally people consider native speaker English to be British and US. If we refer
back to the 5 proficiency indicators, the native speaker does not necessarily achieve
this. We agree that the high level is not necessarily possible or desirable. The example
in Singapore there are not at that high level but mutually intelligible. Therefore the
conclusion is that the speech should be intelligible and acceptable.

2. What would be a desired level/kind of proficiency for English teachers in Indonesia at

the primary, secondary and university levels? How about the desired level of
proficiency for English language teacher educators?
For teachers to be critical about what they teach the students, they need to have a
certain level of proficiency in addition to critical thinking and other skills. Not only
are general language skills required but there must be other special language skill
attained to teach. The level to aspire to would be C1. In Hongkong, the level is level 3
which is close to C1, but there is an assessment on general and classroom proficiency.
The other issue raised is the lack of a common test to assess the general and
specialised proficiency for Indonesia. Suggest TEFLIN create for the use in
Indonesia. Another point raised is the current test used for exit proficiency test is also
not appropriate as it does not assess the proficiency needed to teach.

3. If you teach in an EL teacher education program, how would your tweak your
curriculum so that there is a balance between content and proficiency courses? What
would be a desirable target of proficiency in Year 1, 2, 3 and 4? What level of
proficiency would you require of your students before graduation?
First is the discussion on how to make it happen. The teaching profession is more
appreciated now with 20 % of national budget on education. More incentives are
given to Indonesian teachers. The question is about whether approach the will or the
skill, the consensus is will. In addition, there needs to be a clear support and
curriculum to develop the level of proficiency. It should be approximately 200 hours
to raise the level from A1-A2 for example, and there need to a development to
language for classroom language capability, ie. Explain a story, how to correct
mistakes, etc. While the aspiration is C1, the more realistic approach would probably
be B2+ general proficiency which will then help the individual achieve the classroom

4. In most neighboring countries in ASEAN, European Framework of Reference for

language has been used a s benchmark their English teachers and school students’
proficiency in English. Shall we get on this ‘bandwagon’?
Indonesia should also use CEFR because it is already proven, tested and implemented.
It is a standard and not a test and after it is used, it can or may be further adapted to
suit the Indonesian context.

5. Is there a need to establish a national foreign language proficiency framework for

students and teachers in Indonesia? What does it take to establish one in Indonesia?
There is a clear need to establish a national foreign language framework for students
and teachers in Indonesia, and the CEFR can be used. The framework would guide us
in determining one’s proficiency nationally and beyond.
Results of Theme Two:
1. Teachers are the heart of the learning process. How can teachers go beyond the
classroom to function socially not as mere teacher but also as a professional agent of
Teachers should liberate themselves from any obstacles that may hinder them to
function in society. They should play their role to educate their students for instance
in taking care of the environment. By giving the role models and share the importance
of it, they will be able to build students’ mindset toward the society. They also should
be able to blend with the society in the activities which can support the society and the
environment development.

2. What are the skills and competencies needed for teachers to be in the role of
professional agent of social change? How can teacher colleges nurture and develop
those competencies?
To be professional teachers, they should be qualified in the four competencies:
pedagogical, professional, personality, and social. These competencies should not be
separated nor in a fixed ordered since they should be integrated in every teacher’s
ways of teaching and living. Consequently, teachers should have the skills in
teaching, educating, and other academic and social skills. They should not be
hesitated to ask the experts, share experience with fellow teachers, and join the
conference, seminars, and workshops to nurture the skills in competencies.

3. Can you suggest some ideas that teachers can use to help them develop professionally
on their own and be accountable for their own professional development?
Teachers need to have strong will to improve their skills, competencies, and
knowledge. Without the will, it would be difficult to develop their professionalism.
Once they have the strong will, they will do things like lifelong learning easily.

4. How can teacher education/training institutions prepare and produce teachers who can
respond positively, creatively, and innovatively to change?
The institutions should have clear mission by consistently conduct the program which
challenge the teachers’ candidates to develop their skills and competencies through
critical activities. The institutions should also keep in touch with the stakeholders to
find out the factual condition and the demands on teachers.
5. In what ways can technological innovation affect and disrupt pedagogy and
professional development?
Innovations in technology support the pedagogy by which teachers can enrich their
knowledge by reading materials from the Internet i.e. audio, video, pictures, or texts
relevant to the students’ need. However, it can also disrupt teachers’ professionalism
when they depend too much on the technology in teaching. For instance, they rely too
much on the audio that they think reading a text aloud using their own voice will be
unnecessary. This may eventually affect their professionalism as they do not develop
and nurture their competencies.

Hasil Kegiatan Rapat Pengurus TEFLIN

Hasil Kegiatan Rapat Pengurus TEFLIN dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut:

(1) Laporan Pertanggungjawaban oleh Ketua Umum TEFLIN (Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto,


(2) Pelaporan Persiapan Konferensi Internasional TEFLIN 2018 di UNM Makassar.

(3) Penetapan UNIMED Medan menjadi tuan rumah dan sekaligus penetapan tema

konferensi internasional TEFLIN 2019.


Demikian laporan kegiatan (1) pertemuan tingkat tinggi (summit) dan (2) rapat pengurus

TEFLIN 2018. Dua kegiatan besar dimaksudkan untuk mengembangan pengajaran Bahasa

Inggris pada era digital.

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