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Introduction To Mathematical Thinking Newton Kumar

Shivani Kannan

Introduction To Mathematical Thinking

Test flight problem set submission by Shivani Kannan

Answer 1
Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof.
(9m ∈ N) (9n ∈ N) (3m + 5n = 12)

Proof: Let us assume this statement holds. Let us elaborate on what the statement says: it says
that there exists a positive integer m, m>=1 (Definition of natural number) and exists a positive
integer n, n>=1 (Definition of natural number) such that 3m+5n=12.

We start by looking at the possible values n can hold so the statement is true. We observe that if
n>2 then, necessarily 3m+5n > 12. Therefore n can either be 1 or 2.
Let us look at both cases:

Case 1: Where n = 1
Substituting n=1: 3m+5(1) = 12
Solving for m: 3m = 7

However ! is not a natural number. The statement does not hold for n=1.

Case 2: Where n = 2
Substituting n=1: 3m+5(2) = 12
Solving for m: 3m = 2

Which is also not a natural number. The statement is also not true for n=2

The statement does not hold for both cases, this means our assumption is false.
The statement is FALSE. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 2
Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: The sum of any
five consecutive integers is divisible by 5 (without remainder).

Proof: Let us take any number n ∈ ℤ (integers)

If we add consecutive integers we have:
n + (n+1) + (n+2) + (n+3) + (n+4)
Simplifying the equation:
= n+n+n+n+n+1+2+3+4
= 5n + 10
Taking 5 common:
= 5(n+2)

We can see that it is a multiple of 5, therefore the sum of any five consecutive integers is
divisible by 5 (without remainder).
The statement is TRUE. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 3
Say whether the following is true or false and support your answer by a proof: For any integer n,
the number 𝑛! + n + 1 is odd.

Proof: We prove this using arithmetic.

Let us first rearrange 𝑛! + n + 1:
= n (n+1) + 1

If n was an even number it would be of the form 2k.

Let us substitute 2k in the formula:
= 2k (2k+1) + 1
2k * (2k+1) will clearly give an even result. Adding 1 would result in an odd number.

If n was an odd number it would be of the for 2k+1.

Let us substitute 2k+1 in the formula:
= (2k+1)(2k+2)+1
= 4𝑘 ! +4k+2k+2+1
= 4𝑘 ! + 6k + 3
Taking 2k common
= 2k (2k+3) + 3

2k (2k+3) is clearly an even number. Adding 3 to it will result in an odd number.

Hence, we proved using arithmetic that for any integer n, 𝑛! + n + 1 will always give an odd
number result.
The statement is TRUE. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 4
Prove that every odd natural number is of one of the forms 4n +1 or 4n +3, where n is an

Proof: Using Division theorem. The division theorem states that: let a , b be integers, b>0.
Then, there are unique integers n , r such that a = b*n + r and 0 <= r < b
So, for any natural number a and any natural number b, there is an integer n and is an integer r
such that a= n*b + r and 0<=r < b
For this statement, let us take b = 4. Since 0<= r < b, r can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Let us look at them:

When r is 0, substituting r: a = 4b
This gives an even result for a

When r is 1, substituting r: a = 4b + 1
This gives an odd result for a

When r is 2, substituting r: a = 4b + 2
This gives an even result for a

When r is 3, substituting r: a = 4b + 3
This gives an odd result for a

As we saw, there was an odd number result when it was of the form 4b + 1 or 4b + 3. Therefore
an odd natural number is one of the forms 4b + 1 or 4b + 3. Hence we proved the statement
with the help of division theorem. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking Shivani Kannan
Newton Kumar

Answer 5:
Prove that for any integer n, at least one of the integers n; n + 2; n + 4 is divisible by 3.

Proof: Using the Division Theorem. The division theorem states that: let n , b be integers, b>0.
Then, there are unique integers q , r such that n = b*q + r and 0 <= r < b
Any number can be represented in the form of bq + r , 0 <= r < b.
Let us take b = 3 and substitute it in the formula. We get n = 3q + r.
We notice that n can either be n = 3q or n = 3q + 1 or n = 3q + 2 (0 <= r < b)

Case 1: n
3q or 3q+1 or 3q+2
Here, 3q is divisible by 3 when n=3q

Case 2: n+2, substituting n in n +2

3q+2 or 3q+1+2 or 3q+2+2
3q+2 or 3(q+1) or 3q+4 (simplified)
Here, 3(q+1) is divisible by 3 when n = 3q+1

Case 3: n+4, substituting n in n+4

3q+4 or 3q+1+4 or 3q+2+4
3q+4 or 3q+5 or 3(q+2) (simplified)
Here, 3(q+2) is divisible by 3 when n = 3q+2

We notice that for any integer n, at least one of the integers n; n + 2; n + 4 is divisible by 3:
n=3q, 3|3q or if n=3q+1, 3|3(q+1) or if n=3q+2, 3|3(q+2).
We hence proved the statement with the help of division theorem. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 6:
A classic unsolved problem in number theory asks if there are infinitely many pairs of `twin
primes', pairs of primes separated by 2, such as 3 and 5, 11 and 13, or 71 and 73. Prove that the
only prime triple (i.e. three primes, each 2 from the next) is 3, 5, 7.

Proof: Proof by contradiction. Let us assume that on the contrary 3, 5, 7 aren’t the only prime
Let the first prime be n such that n > 3. Therefore we can write the primes as n, n+2, n+4.
Let us recall the answer for question 5 (previous question): we proved with division theorem that
for any integer n, at least one of the integers n; n + 2; n + 4 is divisible by 3.
Let us apply that in this case:
Since n is a prime such that n>3, it is not divisible by 3. The other two are also not divisible by 3
because they are primes. Neither one of the integers n; n + 2; n + 4 is divisible by 3.
We have a contradiction. This means we started with a false assumption. Hence we proved the
statement with contradiction. QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking Shivani
Newton Kannan

Answer 7
Prove that for any natural number n,
2 + 2! + 2! + ……. + 2! = 2!!! - 2

Proof: Using mathematical induction. The induction statement A(n) is :

2 + 2! + 2! + ……. + 2! = 2!!! – 2
We start by proving the statement holds for n=1
2! = 2!!! – 2 (Substituting n=1 in equation)
We assume A(n) is true and we deduce A(n+1)
A(n+1) should be: 2 + 2! + 2! + ……. + 2! + 2!!! = 2!!! – 2 for it to hold true

We start by adding 2!!! both sides in A(n) to deduce A(n+1):

2 + 2! + 2! + ……. + 2! + 2!!! = 2!!! - 2 + 2!!!
= (2!!! ∗ 2) – 2 (Simplifying)
= (2!!! ∗ 2! ) – 2
= 2!!! – 2 (Law of indices: 𝑎! * 𝑎! =𝑎!!! )
2 + 2! + 2! + ……. + 2! + 2!!! = 2!!! – 2
This proves A(n+1) holds true.

Therefore by the principle of Mathematical induction we have proved that this statement.
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 8
Prove (from the definition of a limit of a sequence) that if the sequence {𝑎! }!
!!! tends to limit L

as n → ∞ , then for any fixed number M > 0, the sequence {𝑀𝑎! }!

!!! tends to the limit ML .

Proof: Using the definition of Limits.

Let 𝜀 > 0 be given.
{𝑎! }!
!!! tends to limit L as n → ∞ iff:

(∀𝜀>0) (∃n 𝜖 N) (∀m ≥ n)[| 𝑎! – L |< 𝜀] (Definition of Limit)

Let 𝜀! > 0 be given

In the case of {𝑀𝑎! }!
!!! tends to the limit ML

(∀𝜀>0) (∃n 𝜖 N) (∀m ≥ n)[|𝑀𝑎! – ML |< 𝜀! ] (Definition of Limit)

Taking M common we get:
(∀𝜀>0) (∃n 𝜖 N) (∀m ≥ n)[ M|𝑎! – L |< 𝜀! ]
(∀𝜀>0) (∃n 𝜖 N) (∀m ≥ n)[|𝑎! – L |< !
] (Algebra)
Therefore the statement will be true if, 𝜀 > 0 is !
which we can do. Therefore the statement was
correct except for a minor slip. We have hence proved it using the definition of limit.
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 9
Given an infinite collection 𝐴! ; n = 1, 2, …. . of intervals of the real line, their intersection is
defined to be
!!! 𝐴! = {x | (∀𝑛) (𝑥 ∈ 𝐴! ) }
Give an example of a family of intervals 𝐴! , n = 1, 2,…., such that 𝐴!!! ⊂ 𝐴! for all n and
!!! 𝐴! = ∅ Prove that your example has the stated property.

! !
Proof: Let us take the interval 𝐴! as (0, ! ). Let us take 𝐴!!! as (0, !!! ) We can say that 𝐴!!!

lies within 𝐴! but is not equal to 𝐴! . Therefore 𝐴!!! ⊂ 𝐴! . However if we pick an element x
from 𝐴!!! we will see that there is always a natural number n such that !
< x which makes the
sequence endless. Therefore there will not be any value intersecting all the subsets of !!! 𝐴! .
This means the intersection has to be empty.
Thus, !!! 𝐴! =∅
We have hence proved the statement by taking 𝐴! as (0, ! ). QED
Introduction To Mathematical Thinking ShivaniKumar
Newton Kannan

Answer 10
Give an example of a family of intervals 𝐴! ; n = 1, 2, …. . such that 𝐴!!! ⊂ 𝐴! for all n and
!!! 𝐴! consists of a single real number. Prove that your example has the stated property.

! !
Proof: Let us take the interval 𝐴! as [0, ! ]. Here, as n → ∞ we notice that ! goes to 0. Since the
! !
right side ! goes to 0 , as n → ∞ the interval will tend to (0,0). Let us take 𝐴!!! as [0, !!! ] ,

even in this case as n → ∞ the interval will tend to (0,0). We can say that 𝐴!!! lies within 𝐴! but
is not equal to 𝐴! . Therefore 𝐴!!! ⊂ 𝐴! . For any value of n, 0 will be included in any given set
as the only intersection.
This proves the statement by taking 𝐴! as [0, ! ] that there in only a single intersection in the set

where 𝐴!!! ⊂ 𝐴! QED

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