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© 2016 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2017 May;57(5):643-51
Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06159-4


One night of partial sleep deprivation increased biomarkers of

muscle and cardiac injuries during acute intermittent exercise
Mohamed A. MEJRI 1, 2, Narimen YOUSFI 1, Omar HAMMOUDA 3 *, Amel TAYECH 4,
Mohamed C. BEN RAYANA 5, Tarak DRISS 3, Anis CHAOUACHI 1, Nizar SOUISSI 1, 6

1Research Laboratory “Sport Performance Optimization”, National Center of Medicine and Sciences in Sport (CNMSS), Tunis,
Tunisia; 2Faculty of Science, Carthage University, Bizerte, Tunisia; 3Research Laboratory CeRSM (EA 2931), Department of Physiology,
Biomechanic and Movement Imaging Group, UFR STAPS, Université Paris Nanterre, Nanterre, France; 4High Institute of Sport and
Physical Education, Ksar-Saïd, Manouba University, Manouba, Tunisia; 5Department of Clinical Biology, Research Laboratory SURVEN
(Nutritional Surveillance and Epidemiology in Tunisia), National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology of Tunisia (INNTA), Tunis,
Tunisia; 6National Observatory of Sports, Tunis, Tunisia
*Corresponding author: Omar Hammouda, Laboratoire CeRSM (EA 2931), Equipe de Physiologie, Biomécanique et Imagerie du Mouvement, UFR STAPS,
Université Paris Nanterre, 200 avenue de la République, 92000 Nanterre, France. E-mail:

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two types of partial sleep deprivation (PSD) on biomarkers of muscle and
cardiac injuries in response to acute intermittent exercise in professional athletes.
METHODS: In a counterbalanced order, ten healthy male Taekwondo athletes were asked to perform the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
(YYIRT) in three conditions, allowing a 36 h recovery period in between: 1) following a full night of habitual sleep known as a reference sleep
night (RN); 2) following PSD in the beginning of the night (PSDBN); and 3) following PSD in the end of the night (PSDEN). Heart rate (HR)
and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) were measured during exercise. Blood samples were taken just before and 3 min after the YYIRT to meas-
ure biomarkers related to muscle and cardiac injuries (BRMCI).
RESULTS: No significant effect of PSD was observed for physiological parameters (i.e., HR and SaO2). However, a significant alteration of
resting ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP) (P<0.05) and myoglobin (MYO) (P<0.01) levels was detected after PSDEN. Furthermore,
all BRMCI were altered by exercise. Likewise, compared to RN, PSD affected creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and MYO levels in response to
exercise (P<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: The present study indicates that PSDEN increase the resting us-CRP and MYO levels, and that the two types of PSD increase
the CPK and MYO levels in response to acute intermittent exercise, among Taekwondo athletes, in the evening of the following day. However,
no rise of the physiological responses has been observed after the two types of PSD, at rest and in response to the exercise.
(Cite this article as: Mejri MA, Yousfi N, Hammouda O, Tayech A, Ben Rayana MC, Driss T, et al. One night of partial sleep deprivation increased
biomarkers of muscle and cardiac injuries during acute intermittent exercise. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2017;57:643-51. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-
Key words: Sleep deprivation - Cardiovascular system - Risk - Myoglobin - Martial arts.

T here is ample scientific evidence to support the con-

clusion that adequate sleep is essential for general
healthy functioning, ameliorating recovery of body sys-
covery from competitions.2 The sleep-wake cycle, may
be disturbed by various factors and its disruption could
have adverse consequences on physical performances,2, 3
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

tems, energy conservation, memory consolidation, brain and many physiological measures in athletes.4 Other-
development, and discharge of emotions.1 In athletes, it wise, previous epidemiological studies have shown that
has been evidenced that good sleep is generally associ- reduced sleep duration has been identified as a risk fac-
ated with better physical performances and adequate re- tor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.4, 5 The

Vol. 57 - No. 5 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 643
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fundamental mechanisms linking between sleep restric- Furthermore, muscle and cardiac biomarkers altera-
tion and increased cardiovascular risks are unknown.4 tion does not depend only on sleep. Indeed, it has been
Nevertheless, one potential pathway may be the activa- well documented that both short-term maximal and
tion of inflammatory processes 4, 5 and/or the disturbance long-duration exercises induce systemic and tissue in-
of endocrine and metabolic function during sleep loss.6 flammations, and have adverse effects on immunologi-
In this context, it has been shown that sleep restriction cal function.3, 16, 23-25
results in a number of abnormal physiological changes To date, it seems that the effect of SD on BRMCI re-
(i.e., heart rate [HR], arterial oxygen saturation [SaO2]) sponses during exercise has not been investigated. Nev-
at rest 5, 7-9 and in response to physical exercise.7, 10, 11 ertheless, few studies have examined the concomitant
However, scientific literatures have shown contrasting effects of SD and exercise on inflammatory and immune
results. Indeed, it has been evidenced that sleep depriva- responses.3, 24, 25 It has recently been reported a distur-
tion (SD) decreases,7 increases 5, 8, 9 or did not alter 9, 12, 13 bance in the immune function (i.e., white blood cells,
resting HR and SaO2.13 To the best of the authors’ knowl- lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils) during maximal
edge, very few studies have examined the physiological exercise performed following one night PSD.25 More-
responses (HR, SaO2) to exercise after SD. It has been over, a significant alteration of IL-6 and TNF-α re-
reported that one night of total sleep deprivation (TSD) sponses to high-intensity exercises, was reported after
did not affect heart rate peack (HRpeak) and SaO2 during one night PSD at the end of the night.3, 24
exhaustive aerobic exercise.13 However, Omiya et al.7 Recently, it has been documented that Yo-Yo Intermit-
have shown that one night of partial sleep deprivation tent Recovery Test (YYIRT), as a field acute intermittent
(PSD) decreased HR at anaerobic threshold, but did not exercise, affect hematological responses in Taekwondo
affect the HRpeak following maximal exercise. However, athletes.25 Indeed, the YYIRT seems to be a suitable test
Mougin et al.10 noted that PSD in the middle of the night for Taekwondo athletes to evaluate their ability to per-
significantly increased submaximal HR during a pro- form high-intensity intermittent exercise.25 Furthermore,
gressive incremental aerobic exercise. the physiological responses during this test could inquire
Alternatively, several studies supported the associa- us about the cardiac hemodynamic to different stressors
tion between sleep, immune function and inflammation. (i.e., sleep loss, strenuous exercise).22 In light of these
It has been shown that SD is associated with increased findings, the aim of the present study was to assess the
inflammatory responses.5 In this light, several studies effects of PSD scheduled at the beginning and at the end
have shown that aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), of the night on BRMCI, and physiological responses
ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP), creatine during the YYIRT in Taekwondo athletes. In the current
phosphokinase (CPK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) study, we hypothesized that physiological and BRM-
and myoglobin (MYO), considered as biomarkers relat- CI measures at rest and in responses to acute exercise
would be affected after PSD, and that PSD at the end of
ed to cardiovascular risk and muscle damage,14-16 were
the night is more disturbing for athletes’ health than PSD
not previously analyzed for athletes who are most of-
on the beginning of the night.
ten faced to the sleep disorders. Analysis of the resting
measures of muscle and cardiac injuries changes after
SD has shown contrasting results. Indeed, in rats, ASAT Materials and methods
level was reported to increase after prolonged rapid
eye movement SD.17 Likewise, in human, it has been
documented that SD increases,5, 8, 18 decreases,19 or did Ten healthy male professional Taekwondo athletes
not affect 9, 18, 20, 21 resting measures of these biomark- (age, 17.6±0.52 y; height, 175.8±6.21 cm; weight,
ers related to muscle and cardiac injuries (BRMCI) (i.e., 61.17±5.80 kg; % Body Fat, 9.88±1.77 %; mean±STD)
ASAT, us-CRP, CPK, and LDH). Recently, in athletes, it volunteered to participate in this study. They were
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

has been found that one night PSD increases the morn- competitors at national standard with Black Belt and
ing levels of CPK and MYO.22 However, to the best of 6.60±1.26 (mean±STD) years of experience in Tae-
the authors’ knowledge, no study has explored the effect kwondo practices. They usually trained at least 3 d/week
of SD on the BRMCI among athletes. for an average of 2 h daily evening training. They were

644 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness May 2017
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given a through explanation of the protocol before sign- the experimental period, the subjects were not allowed
ing an informed consent form. Participants were selected to eat or drink any caffeinated substances and were re-
based on their chronotype by means of a sleep question- quested to maintain their habitual physical activity and
naire.26 Only those of intermediate (N.=7) or moderate avoid strenuous activity during the 24 hours before the
morning (N.=3) chronotypes participated to this study. test sessions. During each test session, subjects were
Participants reported no sleep disorder and they had asked to perform the YYIRT in an indoor sports hall, in
also regular sleeping schedules based on the Bastuji and the evening at 5 pm. Before each test session, partici-
Jouvet calendar,27, 28 completed over one-month period pants took a standard isocaloric meal at 12 am, which
prior to the investigation; estimated sleep duration was finished at least 4 h before the tests. After the meal, only
8.2±0.9 h (h±fraction). They were non-smokers, did not water ad libitum was allowed.
consume alcoholic beverages, and none of them was HR was measured continuously during the YYIRT
taking antioxidant compounds, including vitamins and using a heart rate monitor (Polar Electro Oy, T61-coded,
medications (e.g., anti-inflammatory agents). The study Hungary). In addition, SaO2 was measured using a por-
protocol complied with the Helsinki declaration for hu- table multiparameter monitor (Philips M4 M3046A) 5
man experimentation and was approved by the Clinical min before and immediately after exercise. Blood sam-
Research committee of the National Centre of Medicine ples were taken just before and 3 min after the YYIRT.
and Sport Sciences of Tunis.
The level 1 YYIRT
Experimental design
As previously described,28 the test consisted of 20-m
Before beginning the study, participants were fa- shuttle runs performed at increasing speeds with 10 s of
miliarized with the experimental procedure. During active recovery in a distance of 5-m between runs until
the first experimental adaptation day, they slept in the exhaustion. Audio cues of the YYIRT were recorded on
laboratory between 10.30 pm and 6 am, in an individual a CD (, Ancona, Italy) and broad-
bedroom at controlled temperature (22-24 °C). Then, casted using a portable CD player (Philips, Az1030 CD
they participated in three experimental sleep conditions, player, Eindhoven, Holland). The end of the test was
in a counterbalanced order, allowing a recovery period considered when the participant twice failed to reach
≥36 hours in-between them. The first condition was a the front line in time (objective evaluation) or felt un-
reference night (RN) during which the participants were able to complete another shuttle at the dictated speed
synchronized with a nocturnal sleep from 10.30 pm to 6 (subjective evaluation). The total distance covered dur-
am. The second night is a condition of PSD in the begin- ing the YYIRT was considered as the test score. Before
ning of the night (PSDBN) during which they went to the test, all participants carried out a warm up period
bed at 3 am and were woken up at 6 am. They were not consisting of the first four running bouts in the test.
allowed to sleep before 3 am; they were then allowed
to sleep until 6 am. The third night is a condition of Blood sampling and analysis
PSD in the end of the night (PSDEN) during which the
participants went to bed at 10.30 pm and were woken During each condition, blood samples were collected
up at 3 am. They were not allowed to sleep thereafter. by antecubital venipuncture after 5-min of seated rest
Participants were kept awake in the same constant envi- and 3-min following the exercise. All specimens were
ronment light (150-200 lux) by passive means such as put in a cooler and quickly transported to the laboratory
watching TV, playing computer and reading books. Fur- and processed within 60 minutes. A heparinized tube
thermore, they were not allowed to ingest food, caffeine was used to determine biochemical responses. Samples
or other stimulant and they were observed continuously were centrifuged immediately at 3000 × g and 4 °C for
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

by a technician. 5-min. Aliquots of the resulting plasma were stored at

Upon arrival for their first test session, participants’ -80 °C until analyzed. To eliminate inter-assay variance,
body mass (Tanita, Tokyo, Japan), height and percent- all samples were analyzed in the same assay run. All bio-
age of body fat (skinfolds) were recorded. Throughout logical tests were performed in duplicate in the same lab-

Vol. 57 - No. 5 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 645
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oratory with simultaneous use of a control serum from formed. Data obtained during YYIRT following the two
Randox Laboratories (Crumlin, Northern Ireland, UK). conditions of SD (PSDBN, PSDEN) were compared to
ASAT activity was determined with an enzymatic those obtained after the RN. Data were analyzed using
rate method. The intra-assay coefficient of variation for a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeat-
the ASAT kit was 6.8%. CPK activity was determined ed measures (3 [sleep condition] × 2 [before/after ex-
spectrophotometrically by measuring nicotinamide ercise]). When the ANOVA indicated significant sleep
adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) formed by condition or before/after exercise effects or a signifi-
hexokinase and the D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge- cant interaction sleep condition × before/after exercise,
nase coupled enzymatic system. The intra-assay coeffi- post-hoc multiple comparisons using the LSD Fischer
cient of variation for the CPK kit was 4.5%. LDH activ- Test was conducted. Effect sizes (ES) were calculated
ity was determined by measuring nicotinamide adenine as partial eta-squared ηp2 to assess the practical signifi-
dinucleotide (NADH) consumption using a reagent kits. cance of our findings. ES was interpreted as follows:
The intra-assay coefficient of variation for the LDH kit ~0.2=small, ~0.5=moderate and ~0.8=large. The level
was 5.9%. Us-CRP concentration was determined us- of significance was set at P<0.05. When the SPSS out-
ing an immunoturbidimetric method. The intra-assay put demonstrated significance levels of P=0.000, these
coefficient of variation for us-CRP kit was 1.3%. Con- were corrected to P<0.0005.
centrations of us-CRP under the detection level of the
us-CRP assay (0.02 mg/dL) were assigned a value of Results
0.01 mg/dl.5 CRP below the detection level accounted
for 11 of the 60 points of this study. All these parameters Physiological parameters
were measured with an automated analyser (Beckman
Coulter UniCel DxC 600 Synchron, Beckman Instru- There was no significant sleep condition effect and
ments, Danville, CA, USA). MYO was measured us- no significant sleep condition × before/after exercise
ing a chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay interaction for HR and SaO2 (Table I). However, there
(Architect Stat Myoglobin, Abbott Laboratories). The was a significant before/after exercise effect for these
intra-assay coefficient of variation for the MYO kit was physiological parameters (Table I).
5.4%. Blood samples were corrected for plasma volume The post-hoc Test revealed a significant increase of
changes from before to after exercise, using the equa- HR (Figure 1A) and a significant decrease of SaO2 (Fig-
tion of Dill and Costill.29 ure 1B) in response to the exercise after the three sleep
conditions (RN, PSDBN, PSDEN). However, no altera-
tion of these physiological parameters has been found
Statistical analysis
following these two types of PSD compared to RN, at
All statistical tests were processed using the Statis- rest and after the exercise (Figure 1A, B).
tical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Win-
dows, version 19. All values within the text and ta- BRMCI
bles are reported as the Mean and Standard Deviation
(mean±STD). The Shapiro-Wilk W-Test revealed that There was a significant sleep condition effect for us-
data were normally distributed. Once the assumption CRP and MYO (P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively) (Ta-
of normality was confirmed, parametric tests were per- ble II). However, no sleep condition effect was detected

Table I.—Statistical results from analysis of variance of physiological parameters.

or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

Sleep condition Before/after exercise Interaction

HR (bpm) F2, 18=1.22, P>0.05, ηp2=0.12 F1, 9=5114.74, P<0.0005, ηp2=0.99 F2, 18=0.65, P>0.05, ηp2=0.07
SaO2 (%) F2, 18=0.35, P>0.05, ηp2=0.04 F1, 9 =69.02, P<0.0005, ηp2=0.89 F2, 18=0.83, P>0.05, ηp2=0.09
HR: heart rate; SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation.

646 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness May 2017
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tion between sleep condition × before/after exercise was

**** **** **** significant for CPK and MYO only (P<0.05) (Table II).
This significant interaction indicates that the variation
in these biomarkers after exercise depended to sleep
condition. However, no interaction for ASAT, LDH and
us-CRP has been detected (Table II).
HR (bpm)

The post-hoc revealed a significant increase in the

resting plasma concentrations of the us-CRP (Figure
2D) and MYO (Figure 2E) following the PSDEN com-
pared to RN (P<0.05). However, no alteration has been
found for the resting values of ASAT (Figure 2A), CPK
(Figure 2B) and LDH (Figure 2C), following the two
types of PSD. Regarding the effect of exercise on the
A RN PSDBN PSDEN variation of these biomarkers, we found a significant
increase following the RN (ASAT [P<0.0005] [Fig-
ure 2-A], LDH [P<0.001] [Figure 2C], MYO [P<0.05]
[Figure 2E]), PSDBN (all biomarkers) (Figure 2) and
PSDEN (ASAT [P<0.001] [Figure 2-A], CPK [P<0.05]
[Figure 2-B], us-CRP [P<0.05] [Figure 2-D], MYO
[P<0.01] [Figure 2-E]). Moreover, in comparison with
SaO2 (%)

**** **** RN, the two SD conditions increased significantly the

MYO concentrations after exercise (Figure 2E), reflect-
ing the effect of interaction of sleep condition × before/
after exercise. However, the increase in us-CRP after
exercise following the PSDEN (Figure 2D), reflects
also the sleep condition effect; and the increase in CPK
after exercise following PSDBN and PSDEN compared
B to RN (Figure 2B), reflects thus the effect of interaction
Figure 1.—Means values of physiological parameters at rest (black bars) of sleep condition × before/after exercise.
and following the exercise (gray bars) after the three sleeping conditions
HR: heart rate (A); SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation (B); RN: reference
night; PSDBN: partial sleep deprivation in the beginning of the night; Discussion
PSDEN: partial sleep deprivation in the end of the night.
****Significant difference from resting values (P<0.0005) This study investigated the effects of two different
types of SD on the BRMCI before and after an acute
for the other biomarkers (ASAT, CPK, LDH) (Table II). intermittent evening exercise in Taekwondo athletes. As
Moreover, there was a significant before/after exercise a result, we come up with no significant effect of SD on
effect for all biomarkers (Table II). However, interac- the physiological parameters (HR and SaO2), and the

Table II.—Statistical results from analysis of variance of biomarkers related to muscle and cardiac injury.
Sleep condition Before/after exercise Interaction
ASAT (UI.L-1) F2, 18=3.53, P>0.05, ηp2=0.28 F1, 9=83.78, P<0.0005, ηp2=0.90 F2, 18=2.83, P>0.05, ηp2=0.24
CPK (UI.L-1) F2, 18=0.12, P>0.05, ηp2=0.01 F1, 9=8.55, P<0.05, ηp2=0.49 F2, 18=4.53, P<0.05, ηp2=0.34
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LDH (UI.L-1) F2, 18=0.95, P>0.05, ηp2=0.10 F1, 9=15.44, P<0.01, ηp2=0.63 F2, 18=0.51, P>0.05, ηp2=0.05
us-CRP (mg.dL-1) F2, 18=3.91, P<0.05, ηp2=0.30 F1, 9=47.04, P<0.0005, ηp2=0.84 F2, 18=1.19, P>0.05, ηp2=0.12
MYO (ηg.mL-1) F2, 18=6.74, P<0.01, ηp2=0.43 F1, 9=27.30, P<0.01, ηp2=0.75 F2, 18=4.83, P<0.05, ηp2=0.35
ASAT: aspartate aminotransferase; CPK: creatine phosphokinase; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; us-CRP: ultra-sensitive C-reactive protein; MYO: myoglobin.

Vol. 57 - No. 5 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 647
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ASAT and LDH concentrations at rest and in response

Before exercise to exercise. However, a significant alteration in the
After exercise
resting values of us-CRP and MYO was observed fol-

lowing PSDEN. Likewise, CPK and MYO values have

been relatively affected due to the interaction between
SD and exercise. Furthermore, all the physiological pa-
rameters as well as the BRMCI have been altered by

Effects of sleep deprivation on physiological responses

CPK (UI.L-1)

to the YYIRT

According to previous reports, results of the present

study showed that SD did not affect resting 9, 12, 13, 22 or
exercise 7, 11, 13 measures of HR. Yet, the present findings
are in disagreement with previous investigations which
demonstrated that SD decreased 7, 11 or increased 5, 8-10
resting and exercise HR. The present findings about
LDH (UI.L-1)

HR can be explained by previous reports denoting that

SD did not alter plasma catecholamine levels.12 How-
ever, exceeding HR response after exercise, might be
a consequence of reduced parasympathetic tone and/or
C RN PSDBN PSDEN increased sympathetic tone in the autonomic nervous
system,8 which could be also explained by the effect of
us-CRP (mg.dL-1)

the increase of catecholamines synthesis and adrenergic

On the other hand, the present finding showed that
one night PSD did not alter SaO2. These findings are in
agreement with those of previous investigations show-
RN PSDBN PSDEN ing that one night TSD,13 or PSD22 did not affect SaO2
D in athletes. This unaltered SaO2 can be justified by pre-
vious finding showing that SD did not alter spiromet-
MYO (ηg.mL-1)

ric variables.30 Moreover, the decrease of SaO2 at the

end of exercise could be also attributed to the increase
of blood circulation of skeletal muscle and raised oxy-
gen consumption by the muscle metabolism.31 In this
context, Adami et al.32 suggested that the reduction in
RN PSDBN PSDEN pulmonary capillary transit time associated with the
E increase in cardiac output during exercise may have
Figure 2.—Means values of biomarkers related to muscle and cardiac evident effects on post-exercise SaO2 decrease. Conse-
injury at rest and following the exercise after the three sleeping condi- quently, the SaO2 during exercise at any given inspired
tions (RN, PSDBN, PSDEN).
ASAT: aspartate aminotransferase (A); CPK: creatine phosphoki- O2 fraction diminishes with increased the workload
nase (B); LDH: lactate dehydrogenases (C); us-CRP: ultra-sensitive and remains low during recovery period. Overall, the
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

C-reactive protein (D); MYO: myoglobin (E); RN: reference night;

PSDBN: partial sleep deprivation in the beginning of the night; PSDEN: controversy between results seems to be due to various
partial sleep deprivation in the end of the night.
#, ##Significant difference compared to RN for the same period (P<0.05,
factors such as sex, body posture, physical activity, in-
P<0.01, respectively). *, **, ***, ****Significant difference from resting val- tensity of illumination, food and beverage consumption,
ues (P<0.05, P<0.01, P<0.001, P<0.0005, respectively). and time of day of measurements that exert a significant

648 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness May 2017
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influence on the sympathetic nervous system were not (i.e., ASAT, CPK, LDH, us-CRP, MYO) after acute
strictly controlled in previous studies. exercise.15, 16, 23, 33 In this context, it has been reported
that increased plasma ASAT, reflects disrupted perme-
Effects of sleep deprivation on biomarkers related to ability of the cells, in which this enzyme can be found
muscle and cardiac injuries responses to the YYIRT (e.g., heart and skeletal muscle).34 On the other hand, it
has been established that CPK values were highly cor-
Effects of sleep deprivation related with ASAT, LDH and MYO values, in response
to acute exercise.33 In fact, we speculate that, the dis-
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first ruption of the sarcomere and failure within the excita-
work to describe the BRMCI responses to physical ex- tion-contraction coupling system observed following
ercise in relation to sleep loss in professional athletes. this type of exercise (i.e., YYIRT), are the primary fac-
As previously reported,5, 8, 22 the present study results tors initiating muscle injury.16 As a result, the efflux of
showed that resting levels of us-CRP and MYO in- all these biomarkers (i.e., ASAT, CPK, LDH, us-CRP,
creased after PSDEN. Indeed, Meier-Ewert et al.5 re- MYO) from muscle may occur because of increases in
ported that both acute total (one, two, or three nights the permeability of the myocellular membrane and/or
of TSD) and partial (4.2 h for 10 consecutive days) SD the intramuscular vasculature.35 As well as, the extent
resulted in elevated us-CRP concentrations in healthy of the response of these biomarkers has been related
adults. Moreover, van Leeuwen et al.8 reported that mainly to the exercise intensity.15, 16
five nights PSD significantly increased serum levels of
CRP in healthy young men. However, the present find-
ings are divergent with previous investigations which Concomitant effects of sleep deprivation and ex-
showed that TSD,9 or repetitive short-term SD, such as ercise
four nights PSDEN (sleep from 11 pm to 3 am),20 three
nights PSD (sleep from 1 pm to 5 am),21 did not increase The results of the present study indicated that one
serum levels of CRP. However, Frey et al.19 noted that night PSD remarkably increase CPK and MYO re-
forty hours of TSD decreased significantly the levels of sponses to acute intermittent exercise, without alteration
this biomarker in healthy men and women. Concerning in the others biomarkers (i.e., ASAT, LDH, us-CRP).
MYO, the present data demonstrated that one night PSD To the best of the authors’ knowledge, convincing as-
(PSDEN) increases resting circulating levels of MYO, sociations between the biochemical evidence related to
which is consistent with those of Mejri et al.,22 who muscle and cardiac injuries, and the combined effect of
showed a significant rise of MYO concentrations, at the SD and exercise have not been demonstrated. The sig-
morning, following one night of PSDEN. However, one nificant interaction between SD and exercise, causing
night PSD has no effect on the resting ASAT, CPK and the increase of CPK levels in the present study, might be
LDH responses. In disagreement with the present find- justified by the theory of “inefficient isolated effects and
ings, previous studies reported that prolonged TSD,18 or efficient combined effects” conceived from the study of
one night PSD22 induced a significant rise in the resting Coleman et al.36 Indeed, in the present work, isolated
levels of these biomarkers among healthy males or ath- effect of exercise did not increase CPK concentrations
letes, respectively. However, the present findings are in following RN. Likewise, there is no significant isolated
agreement with Ilan’s study which has not found a sig- effect of SD on resting CPK responses. However, after
nificant SD effect on the resting LDH levels.18 Several PSDBN and PSDEN, CPK and MYO levels increased
methodological issues between the studies cited above significantly following exercise. This leads us to suggest
and the current study may contribute to the inconsistent that the fatigue generated by the combined effects of SD
findings for the responses of these biomarkers. and evening exercise, is the principal cause of increased
levels of these biomarkers. Against this background, it
or other proprietary information of the Publisher.

Effects of YYIRT has been established that primary skeletal muscle dis-
order manifests with pain, fatigue, weakness, and se-
Current study results confirmed the findings of previ- rum CPK elevation.15 Likewise, previous studies have
ous reports showing a significant increase in BRMCI reported that post-exercise neutrophil counts correlated

Vol. 57 - No. 5 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 649
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with plasma MYO concentration and CPK activity. 23, 37 tential role of sleep on professional athletes and how to
Therefore, it has been well reported that a host of bio- avoid factors that compromise an adequate sleep during
chemical changes within the affected muscle areas such a season and after competition, as they have explained
as increased inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxy- as well the strategies that may help improve sleep in
gen species may aggravate muscle injuries 38 and thus professional athletes.39
increase the cardiac injury risk, mainly, following SD.
Based on these findings, concomitant effects of SD and Conclusions
exercise on CPK and MYO concentrations found in the
present study, support the data found by the recent re- The present study results indicate that PSDBN and
ports.3, 24, 25 Indeed, it has been reported that one night PSDEN did not affect physiological responses (i.e., HR,
PSD (PSDBN, PSDEN) causes an immunosuppres- SaO2) at rest and in response to the YYIRT, when per-
sion in response to the YYIRT.25 Likewise, it has been formed in the evening of the following day in Taekwon-
also established that one night PSD timed at the end of do athletes. In addition, results from this study suggest
the night induced a significant increase in IL-6 and/or that PSDEN increase the resting us-CRP and MYO lev-
TNF-α response during acute exercises (i.e., repeated els, and that the two types of PSD increase the CPK and
high-intensity exercise, Wingate-test) performed in the MYO levels in response to acute intermittent exercise.
following day at 6 pm by athletes.3, 24 In summary, the However, from the present study findings, it seems that
present study showed that concomitant effect of SD and transient rise of the BRMCI after YYIRT do not reach
acute exercise may generate transient muscle and car- clinical significance. Future studies will focus upon the
diac injuries, above all in athletes. Several limitations chronic effects of PSD on BRMCI.
of the study include as the small sample size and the ab-
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Funding.—This study was supported by The Research Laboratory ‘’Sports Performance Optimization’’ National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports
(CNMSS), and the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology of Tunisia (INNTA).
Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.
Acknowledgments.—The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to all the participants for their maximal effort and cooperation and the staff of the
Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of INNTA. We especially thank Prof. Bechir Zouari for his assistance with statistics.
Article first published online: February 11, 2016. - Manuscript accepted: February 4, 2016. - Manuscript revised: January 19, 2016. - Manuscript received:
September 17, 2015.
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Vol. 57 - No. 5 The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 651

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