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Quantifying Subpopulation Synergy for Antibiotic Combinations via

Mechanism-Based Modeling and a Sequential Dosing Design

Cornelia B. Landersdorfer,a,b Neang S. Ly,b Hongmei Xu,b Brian T. Tsuji,b Jürgen B. Bulittaa,b
Centre for Medicine Use and Safety, Monash University (Parkville campus), Parkville, Victoria, Australiaa; School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at
Buffalo, State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, USAb

Quantitative modeling of combination therapy can describe the effects of each antibiotic against multiple bacterial populations.
Our aim was to develop an efficient experimental and modeling strategy that evaluates different synergy mechanisms using a
rapidly killing peptide antibiotic (nisin) combined with amikacin or linezolid as probe drugs. Serial viable counts over 48 h were
obtained in time-kill experiments with all three antibiotics in monotherapy against a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
USA300 strain (inoculum, 108 CFU/ml). A sequential design (initial dosing of 8 or 32 mg/liter nisin, switched to amikacin or lin-
ezolid at 1.5 h) assessed the rate of killing by amikacin and linezolid against nisin-intermediate and nisin-resistant populations.

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Simultaneous combinations were additionally studied and all viable count profiles comodeled in S-ADAPT and NONMEM. A
mechanism-based model with six populations (three for nisin times two for amikacin) yielded unbiased and precise (r ⴝ 0.99,
slope ⴝ 1.00; S-ADAPT) individual fits. The second-order killing rate constants for nisin against the three populations were 5.67,
0.0664, and 0.00691 liter/(mg · h). For amikacin, the maximum killing rate constants were 10.1 hⴚ1 against its susceptible and
0.771 hⴚ1 against its less-susceptible populations, with 14.7 mg/liter amikacin causing half-maximal killing. After incorporating
the effects of nisin and amikacin against each population, no additional synergy function was needed. Linezolid inhibited suc-
cessful bacterial replication but did not efficiently kill populations less susceptible to nisin. Nisin plus amikacin achieved sub-
population synergy. The proposed sequential and simultaneous dosing design offers an efficient approach to quantitatively char-
acterize antibiotic synergy over time and prospectively evaluate antibiotic combination dosing strategies.

T he emerging global health care crisis caused by multidrug-

resistant bacteria and a lack of effective antibiotics presents a
major challenge and is one of the three greatest threats to human
versa (i.e., independent effects). Such combinations may be de-
signed to maximize killing during the first hours of therapy to
prevent bacteria from becoming tolerant or resistant to both an-
health (1–5). While resistance is increasing rapidly, the number of tibiotics. Importantly, emergence of resistance is a time-depen-
new approved antibiotics has declined dramatically since the dent process involving both phenotypic tolerance and genotypic
1980s (6). Synergistic combinations of available antibiotics offer a resistance mechanisms (14). To ensure survival of the predomi-
promising and timely option to combat multidrug-resistant bac- nant population during the first hours of therapy, bacteria com-
teria. However, quantitative approaches for antibiotic combina- monly utilize phenotypic tolerance mechanisms that do not re-
tions that characterize the time course of synergistic killing or of quire a mutation.
resistance prevention are scarce (7–9). Existing methods to de- To minimize both upregulation of tolerance and de novo for-
scribe synergy are limited to outcomes at a single time point (often mation of resistant mutants, we used a rapidly killing first antibi-
24 h) and do not implement the mechanism(s) of synergy (10, 11). otic (nisin) and tested the efficacy of the second antibiotic against
In vitro experiments and mathematical modeling offer advan-
the population(s) surviving the first antibiotic in real time (i.e.,
tages, since they can assess the time course and proposed mecha-
without isolation of resistant colonies after growth for ⱖ24 h on
nisms of synergy and can therefore more rationally optimize an-
antibiotic-containing agar plates, for example). Some studies as-
tibiotic combination therapy.
sessed the susceptibility (MICs) of colonies resistant to the first
Bacterial populations that are less susceptible or even resistant
to antibiotics may cause failure of antibiotic therapy, in particular antibiotic that were generated via long-term (ⱖ24 h) passaging
in severe infections with a high bacterial burden or infections in toward a panel of second antibiotics (15). We are not aware of
patients with an impaired immune system (9, 12, 13). High-inoc- systematic methods to evaluate subpopulation synergy that ac-
ulum infections likely harbor preexisting populations that are less
susceptible to one or both antibiotics. To optimally treat such
Received 12 January 2013 Returned for modification 20 February 2013
infections, antibiotic combination strategies may utilize subpop-
Accepted 3 March 2013
ulation synergy with one antibiotic killing the resistant popula- Published ahead of print 11 March 2013
tion(s) of the second antibiotic and vice versa (Fig. 1) (7–9). In the Address correspondence to Cornelia B. Landersdorfer,
absence of a population that is resistant to both antibiotics in mono-, or Jürgen Bulitta,
therapy, subpopulation synergy can yield eradication of a bacterial
inoculum without resistance. Such synergy seems particularly prom- Supplemental material for this article may be found at
ising for combinations of antibiotics that do not share an important /AAC.00092-13.
resistance mechanism which affects both antibiotics. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
For the simplest case of subpopulation synergy, bacterial kill- doi:10.1128/AAC.00092-13
ing by antibiotic A does not affect killing by antibiotic B and vice

May 2013 Volume 57 Number 5 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy p. 2343–2351 2343
Landersdorfer et al.

FIG 2 Mechanistic synergy with drug B enhancing the rate of killing by drug
FIG 1 Subpopulation synergy concept. Bacterial cells inside the solid line are A for the population susceptible to drug A, the population resistant to drug A,
susceptible to drug A; bacterial cells inside the long dashed lines are susceptible or both populations.
to drug B. Bacteria within the dotted lines are resistant to either drug A or drug
B. The combination of drug A and drug B will eradiate these bacterial popu-
lations due to the lack of a population resistant to both drugs.
ic(s). Viable counts representing the initial inoculum were obtained
within less than 10 min prior to dosing.
Monotherapy. Static time-kill studies assessed nisin (4, 8, 32, and 128
counted for the time-dependent upregulation and minimized the mg/liter), amikacin (1, 4, 16, and 64 mg/liter), and linezolid (2, 8, and 32

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impact of phenotypic tolerance mechanisms during the first hours mg/liter) in monotherapy.
of therapy. Therefore, methods that can rapidly isolate less-suscepti- Combinations. Sequential combinations with nisin switched to ami-
ble populations may be a valuable alternative. This may be important kacin or linezolid quantified the rate of growth and bacterial killing by
to better understand the reasons for success of simultaneously dosed amikacin or linezolid against the nisin-intermediate and nisin-resistant
combinations, as bacteria have limited time to become tolerant or populations. Both the nisin-intermediate and nisin-resistant populations
were selected by exposing the initial bacterial inoculum to 8 mg/liter nisin
resistant after simultaneous dosing of two antibiotics.
over 1.5 h. The nisin-resistant population only was selected separately by
Nisin, a lantibiotic, is a peptide antibiotic that induces pore exposure to 32 mg/liter nisin over 1.5 h. These nisin concentrations and
formation in bacterial membranes and inhibits peptidoglycan the 1.5 h duration of exposure were optimized in pilot time-kill studies
synthesis. Due to its rapid killing of methicillin-resistant Staphy- (results not shown). Nisin was then removed by centrifugation of the
lococcus aureus (MRSA) (16, 17), nisin served as a probe drug. conical tubes and careful removal of the supernatant. The bacterial pellets
Our primary objective was to assess an experimental strategy were immediately resuspended in prewarmed broth containing no anti-
that identifies and characterizes potential types of synergy and to biotic (control), 8 or 16 mg/liter amikacin, or 8 or 32 mg/liter linezolid at
develop quantitative, mechanism-based models for antibiotic approximately 1.75 h. In addition to the sequential combinations with
combinations. In addition to monotherapy and simultaneously pretreatment by nisin, simultaneous combinations also were studied,
dosed antibiotic combinations, we utilized a new sequential de- where the bacteria were simultaneously exposed to nisin plus amikacin or
nisin plus linezolid throughout the whole experiment. The simultane-
sign that exposed bacteria to nisin for 1.5 h to rapidly kill nisin-
ously dosed combinations were studied for selected informative combi-
susceptible bacteria. Subsequently, nisin was removed and the ef- nations of nisin (8, 16, and 32 mg/liter) with amikacin (4, 8, and 16 mg/
ficacy of amikacin or linezolid was assessed against the bacteria liter) or linezolid (2, 8, and 32 mg/liter).
surviving 1.5 h exposure to nisin. Viable counting. For all arms, serial viable counts were quantified
(Part of this work has been presented as a short oral presenta- over 48 h as described previously (19–21). For sequential combinations,
tion and a poster at the National Institute of General Medical additional viable counts were assessed before centrifugation and ⬃5 min
Sciences Quantitative and Systems Pharmacology Workshop II, after resuspension of the bacterial pellets.
Bethesda, MD, 9 to 10 September 2010 and as a poster at the Pharmacodynamic modeling and synergy concept. (i) Subpopula-
American Conference on Pharmacometrics, San Diego, CA, 3 to 6 tion synergy. We define two types of synergy: subpopulation synergy and
April 2011.) mechanistic synergy. Subpopulation synergy (Fig. 1) occurs if antibiotic A
kills the bacteria that are less susceptible to antibiotic B and vice versa. If
there are no bacteria resistant to both antibiotics, the combination will
MATERIALS AND METHODS eradicate all bacteria. In the simplest case of independent effects, antibi-
Bacterial strains, media, and susceptibility testing. An MRSA USA300 otic A does not affect the rate of killing by antibiotic B and vice versa.
strain obtained from the Network on Antimicrobial Resistance was uti- (ii) Mechanistic synergy. The second type of synergy defined here is
lized for all experiments (18). Static time-kill studies and MIC tests were mechanistic synergy (Fig. 2), which, in the present analysis, refers to an
performed in Luria-Bertani broth (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI) sup- enhanced rate of killing of a bacterial population due to the simultaneous
plemented with 12.5 mg/liter Mg2⫹ and 25 mg/liter Ca2⫹. The MICs were presence of two antibiotics. Mechanistic synergy was identified via mod-
additionally determined in duplicate in cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton eling if a bacterial population was killed more rapidly by the combination
broth. Nisin A and amikacin were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, St. of antibiotics A and B than by the independent effects of both antibiotics
Louis, MO, and linezolid was provided as a kind gift by Pfizer. Nisin A was in monotherapy. For example, antibiotic B may be a ␤-lactamase inhibi-
dissolved at pH 2 in diluted hydrochloric acid, and the denatured milk tor or an efflux pump inhibitor that achieves no (or limited) killing in
solids were removed by centrifugation. Viable counts were determined on monotherapy. In combination with antibiotic A, antibiotic B may in-
Luria-Bertani agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI). crease the target site concentration and therefore the killing by antibiotic
Time-kill experiments. Time-kill experiments were performed as de- A. In our modeling analysis, mechanistic synergy was considered for ei-
scribed previously (19–21). In brief, fresh bacterial colonies were grown ther specific population(s) or all populations.
on Luria-Bertani agar for approximately 20 h prior to each experiment. A Life cycle growth model. For each population, a life cycle growth
bacterial suspension of ⬃109 CFU/ml in saline was prepared spectropho- model (22, 23) was applied that accounts for the underlying biology of
tometrically and diluted into 20 ml of fresh, prewarmed, sterile broth to bacterial growth (24) and contains bacteria that are preparing for replica-
obtain an initial inoculum of ⬃107.7 CFU/ml. Bacteria were then grown tion (state 1) and bacteria immediately before the replication step (state
for 60 min to ⬃108.0 CFU/ml prior to addition of the respective antibiot- 2). The transition from state 1 to state 2 occurred via a first-order growth

2344 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Subpopulation Synergy of Antibiotic Combinations

FIG 3 Life cycle growth model for the population susceptible to both nisin
and amikacin. This two-state life cycle growth model was applied to each of the
six populations in Fig. 4. k12, first-order growth rate constant; k21, first-order
replication rate constant (representing doubling); InhRep, inhibition of the
probability of successful replication; Inhk12, inhibition of the first-order
growth rate; other symbols are explained in Table 1 and Materials and
Methods. FIG 4 Subpopulation synergy model for nisin and amikacin comprising six
populations with different susceptibility to each antibiotic. Niss, nisin suscep-
tible; Nisi, nisin intermediate; Nisr, nisin resistant; Amis, amikacin susceptible;
Amir, amikacin resistant. Thick arrows represent fast growth or fast killing.
rate constant, k12 (Fig. 3), and replication (k21, or doubling) was assumed Solid downward arrows represent killing by nisin, and dashed arrows represent

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to be fast. This two-state life cycle growth model offers the advantage to killing by amikacin. See Table 1 for parameter explanations.
describe a lower growth rate due to inhibition of protein synthesis by
linezolid, for example. Alternatively, a less-susceptible population may
have a decreased biofitness and a longer mean generation time (1/k12)
compared to susceptible bacteria (Fig. 3). The potentially decreased CFUmax, REP approaches 1, representing a 50% probability of successful
biofitness of less-susceptible populations was estimated as a growth rate replication where bacteria continue to transition between states 1 and 2
factor (fk12) that was multiplied with the growth rate constant (k12) of the but the total viable count is constant (22). The differential equation for
susceptible population. For example, the growth rate constant (k12_RR) of CFUSS,2 also included killing by nisin and amikacin:
a population resistant to both antibiotics was expressed as k12_RR ⫽
fk12_RR · k12.
dt 冉
⫽ k12 · CFUSS,1 ⫺ k21 ⫹ k2S · CNis

Population model. Models with one, two, or three preexisting popu-
KmaxS · CAmiHill
lations with different susceptibilities to the respective antibiotic were con- ⫹ · CFUSS,2 (4)
sidered similarly to previously described models (8, 14, 19, 22, 25–30). CAmiHill ⫹ KC50Hill
The susceptibility of each population was estimated via a specific rate of The differential equations for the five populations that were less sus-
bacterial killing by the respective antibiotic (Fig. 4). ceptible to nisin, amikacin, or both are shown in the supplemental mate-
Nisin-plus-amikacin combination. The mathematical model for ni- rial. These differential equations accounted for the decreased susceptibil-
sin plus amikacin contained six populations, including all combina- ity to nisin (using k2I or k2R instead of k2S; Table 1) or to amikacin (using
tions of a nisin-susceptible (Niss), -intermediate (Nisi), and -resistant KmaxR instead of KmaxS). Some less-susceptible populations were esti-
(Nisr) population and of an amikacin-susceptible (Amis) and -resis- mated to have a decreased biofitness described by a longer mean genera-
tant (Amir) population. With the two states (i ⫽ 1 and i ⫽ 2 in equa- tion time (denoted by the rate constants k12_RS_SR, k12_IR, and k12_RR
tion 1) for each population from the life cycle growth model, the total [Table 1]).
population (CFUALL) contained 12 compartments (i.e., two compart- Survival fraction. The survival fraction after pretreatment with nisin
ments for each of the six populations). for 1.5 h was calculated for each population based on the second-order
2 killing rate constants (i.e., k2 was either k2S, k2I, or k2R) as FrSurvive ⫽
CFUALL ⫽ 冱 CFUSS,i ⫹ CFUIS,i ⫹ CFURS,i ⫹ CFUSR,i exp(⫺k2 · CNis · 1.5 h).
Initial conditions. The total inoculum and the mutation frequency of
⫹ CFUIR,i ⫹ CFURR,i (1)
each less-susceptible population were estimated model parameters. The
The differential equation for the concentration of bacteria from the product of the total inoculum and the mutation frequency defined the size
Niss/Amis population in state 1 (CFUSS,1) comprised the second-order of each of the less-susceptible populations at 0 h (i.e., initial condition).
killing by nisin and a saturable killing by amikacin (initial condition de- The initial condition of the population susceptible to both antibiotics was
scribed below): calculated by subtracting the size of all less-susceptible populations from
dt 冉
⫽ REP · k21 · CFUSS,2 ⫺ k12 ⫹ k2S · CNis
that of the total initial inoculum. All bacteria of a population were initial-
ized into state 1 of the respective population (i.e., for i ⫽ 1 in equation 1).

Initial conditions for the compartments representing state 2 (i ⫽ 2 in
KmaxS · CAmiHill equation 1) were zero, since k21 was rapid.
⫹ · CFUSS,1 (2)
CAmiHill ⫹ KC50Hill Nisin-plus-linezolid combination. The model for nisin plus linezolid
where CNis is the nisin and CAmi the amikacin concentration in broth contained three populations, including nisin-susceptible and linezolid-
medium. CFUSS,2 is the concentration of bacteria in state 2 of the Niss/ susceptible (Niss/Lins), nisin-intermediate and linezolid-susceptible
Amis population. The rate constants k21, k12, and k2S and the parameters (Nisi/Lins), and nisin-resistant and linezolid-intermediate (Nisr/Lini)
for the Hill-type killing function for amikacin (KmaxS, KC50, and Hill) are populations. The differential equation for the Niss/Lins population in
defined in Table 1. The replication factor REP ensures that the total con- state 1 (CFUSS,1) contained second-order killing by nisin and two inhib-
centration of bacteria in all populations (CFUALL) does not exceed the itory effects of linezolid (Fig. 3; initial condition calculated as for the
maximum population size (CFUmax): nisin-plus-amikacin model):

REP ⫽ 2 · 1 ⫺
CFUmax ⫹ CFUALL 冊 (3)
⫽ REP · (1 ⫺ InhRep) · k21 · CFUSS,2 ⫺ (k12 · Inhk12

At low viable counts, REP approaches 2, representing a 100% proba- ⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFUSS,1 (5)
bility of successful replication (i.e., doubling). As CFUALL approaches where REP was defined as above and CFUALL was the sum of both states

May 2013 Volume 57 Number 5 2345

Landersdorfer et al.

TABLE 1 Parameter estimates for nisin combinations with amikacin or linezolid

Estimate (relative SE [%])

Nisin ⫹ amikacin Nisin ⫹ linezolid

Parameter Symbol (unit) S-ADAPT NONMEM S-ADAPT NONMEM

Growth parameters
Log10 (initial inoculum) 7.89 (2.0)c 7.84 (2.2) 7.88 (1.4)c 7.83
Mean generation time
Niss/Amis and Nisi/Amis k12⫺1 (min) 57.3 (7.0)b 67.5 (9.5)
Niss/Lins and Nisi/Lins k12⫺1 (min) 83.9 (7.5)b 56.6
Growth rate factors
Nisr/Amis and Niss/Amir fk12_RS_SR Very lowa Very lowa
Nisi/Amir fk12_IR 0.532d 0.519 (14)
Nisr/Amir fk12_RR 0.413d 0.386 (12)
Nisr/Lini fk12_R 0.144 (15) 0.102
Replication rate constant k21 (h⫺1) 50 (fixed) 50 (fixed) 50 (fixed) 50 (fixed)
Log10 (maximum population size) CFUmax 9.23 (2.5)c 9.23 (2.0) 9.38 (1.7)c 9.25

Log10 (mutation frequencies)

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Nisi/Amis ⫺4.25 (15)c ⫺3.63 (8.2)
Nisr/Amis ⫺3.25 (7.1) ⫺3.89 (8.0)
Niss/Amir ⫺2.57 (23) ⫺2.58 (18)
Nisi/Amir ⫺4.37 (9.3) ⫺4.48 (8.2)
Nisr/Amir ⫺7.42 (7.7) ⫺7.47 (4.5)
Nisi/Lins ⫺2.88 (6.2)c ⫺3.02
Nisr/Lini ⫺4.15 (7.3) ⫺3.59

Second-order killing rate constants for nisin

Susceptible population k2S [liters/(mg · h)] 5.67 (14)b 3.58 (17) 4.49 (12)b 3.08
Intermediate population k2I [liters/(mg · h)] 0.0664 (6.9) 0.0605 (19) 0.0209 (12) 0.0605
Resistant population k2R [liters/(mg · h)] 0.00691 (13) 0.00484 (21) 0.00318 (13) 0.00383

Killing by amikacin
Maximum killing rate constants
Susceptible population KmaxS (h⫺1) 10.1 (19) 9.10 (21)
Resistant population KmaxR (h⫺1) 0.771 (18) 0.635 (10)
Amikacin concn causing 50% of Kmax KC50 (mg/liter) 14.7 (7.7) 16.5 (7.2)
Hill coefficient Hill 2.45 (12)b 2.83 (14)

Inhibition of replication and growth rate by linezolid

Inhibition of successful replication by linezolid
(InhRep) for Niss/Lins and Nisi/Lins
Maximum inhibition of replication ImaxRep 1.0 (fixed) 1.0 (fixed)
Linezolid concn causing half-maximum IC50,Prot (mg/liter) 3.92 (19) 7.35
inhibition of protein synthesis
Inhibition of rate of growth (all populations, Inhk12)
Maximum inhibition of rate of growth Imax,k12 0.858 (12) 0.918
Linezolid concn causing 50% of effect IC50,k12 (mg/liter) 4.25 (31) 19.4
Hill coefficient Hillk12 10 (fixed) 10 (fixed)
Turnover rate constant for protein pool kProt (h⫺1) 0.72 (7.1) 0.458
Standard deviation of additive residual error on SDCFU 0.395 (9.5) 0.775 (15) 0.307 (7.6) 0.549
log10 scale
Replication for these two populations was estimated to be very slow in the present static time-kill experiment. Eventually, fk12_RS_SR was fixed to 0.
For the population PD modeling analysis in S-ADAPT, the biological variability between the viable count profiles (between-curve variability) was set to a coefficient of variation of
15% for all parameters except those estimated on a log10 scale. The between-curve variability was set to 10% for the Hill coefficient.
The between-curve variability for parameters estimated on a log10 scale in S-ADAPT was set to a variance of 0.25. For the maximum population size and the experimentally
standardized initial inocula, the variances were estimated to be small and therefore eventually fixed to 0.01.
As these fractions were estimated via a logistic transformation in S-ADAPT, their mean estimate was close to zero on a transformed scale (equivalent to 50% on a linear scale).
This resulted in relative standard errors of 222% for fk12_IR and of 65.4% for fk12_RR, since the mean on transformed scale was almost zero. These artificially inflated relative
standard errors did not impact the performance of the model or the curve fits, as also suggested by the small standard error in the NONMEM analysis which did not use this

for the three populations of the nisin-plus-linezolid model. Parameters in the linezolid concentration (CLin) required for half-maximal inhibition of
equations 5 to 9 are explained in Table 1. Linezolid inhibited protein protein synthesis. In the absence of linezolid, the protein pool is at its
synthesis, and the protein constituent pool (P), with an initial condition of hypothetical baseline of 100%. Depletion of the protein pool by linezolid
1.0, was defined as: increases the probability of unsuccessful replication (InhRep):
⫽ kprot · 冋冉 1⫺
CLin ⫹ IC50,Prot 冊 册
⫺P (6)
InhRep ⫽ ImaxRep · (1 ⫺ P)
As described previously (22), an InhRep (equations 5 and 7) of 0.50

kprot is the turnover rate constant for the protein pool, and IC50,Prot is results in net stasis of the respective bacterial population and an InhRep of

2346 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Subpopulation Synergy of Antibiotic Combinations

⬎0.5 results in bacterial killing, since bacteria that replicate unsuccessfully and Fig. 6C). The modeled survival fraction (FrSurvive; based on
are eliminated (i.e., lost from the system) (Fig. 3). Linezolid additionally estimated k2S in Table 1) of the Niss populations after 1.5 h pre-
inhibited the growth rate (Inhk12): treatment was ⬍10⫺18, indicating a complete killing of Niss bac-
Imax,k12 · CLinHillk12 teria (calculated from k2S in Table 1). For the Nisi populations,
Inhk12 ⫽ 1 ⫺ (8) FrSurvive was 0.056 (equivalent to 1.25 log10 killing) for 32 mg/liter
CLinHillk12 ⫹ IC50,k12Hillk12
nisin and 0.49 (equivalent to 0.3 log10 killing) for 8 mg/liter nisin
The differential equation for bacteria in state 2 (CFUSS2) was:
pretreatment. Thus, 32 mg/liter nisin pretreatment killed the Nisi
dCFUSS,2 populations to levels below those of the Nisr populations. For the
⫽ k12 · Inhk12 · CFUSS,1 ⫺ (k21 ⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFUSS,2
dt Nisr populations, the FrSurvive values were 0.79 for 32 mg/liter and
(9) 0.94 for 8 mg/liter nisin pretreatment, suggesting that these pop-
The differential equations for state 1 (CFUIS,1) and state 2 (CFUIS,2) of ulations were killed by ⱕ0.1 log10 by either pretreatment. These
the Nisi/Lins population were: FrSurvive results were in good agreement with results from the pilot
dCFUIS,1 experiments (results not shown) that optimized the nisin concen-
⫽ REP · (1 ⫺ InhRep) · k21 · CFUIS,2 ⫺ (k12 · Inhk12 trations and duration of pretreatment.
⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFUIS,1 (10)
Nisin switched to amikacin. Control arms that switched from
nisin pretreatment to no antibiotic showed growth and thus con-

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dCFUIS,2 firmed the viability of the surviving bacteria (results not shown).
⫽ k12 · Inhk12 · CFUIS,1 ⫺ (k21 ⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFUIS,2
dt Nisin control arms that contained a 2-fold-lower nisin concentra-
(11) tion compared to that in pretreatment showed stasis followed by
The same growth rate constant (k12) was used for the two Lins popu- growth and thus confirmed the decreased susceptibility of bacteria
lations (Niss/Lins and Nisi/Lins), and a lower growth rate constant (k12_R) surviving nisin pretreatment (results not shown).
was used for the Nisr/Lini population to reflect a decreased biofitness. The Against bacteria surviving 32 mg/liter nisin pretreatment, se-
differential equations for state 1 (CFURI,1) and state 2 (CFURI,2) of the quential therapy with 16 mg/liter amikacin achieved viable counts
Nisr/Lini population contained the inhibitory effect of linezolid on
below the limit of counting (1.3 log10 CFU/ml equivalent to 1
the growth rate (Inhk12) but lacked the effect on the probability of suc-
cessful replication (InhRep):
colony per plate) at 9.5 and 32 h (Fig. 5C). Thus, the surviving
bacteria were susceptible to amikacin monotherapy, since amika-
dCFURI,1 cin remained active against Nisi and Nisr bacteria selected via pre-
⫽ REP · k21 · CFURI,2 ⫺ (k12_R · Inhk12 ⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFURI,1
dt treatment.
(12) Simultaneous combination of nisin and amikacin. Consis-
dCFURI,2 tent with the assumption that amikacin killed the Nisi and Nisr
⫽ k12_R · Inhk12 · CFURI,1 ⫺ (k21 ⫹ k2S · CNis) · CFURI,2 populations, the simultaneous combination of 32 mg/liter nisin
(13) plus 16 mg/liter amikacin achieved near-eradication from 4 h, and
Observation model. All log10 viable counts for nisin plus amikacin or 16 mg/liter nisin plus 16 mg/liter amikacin reduced viable counts
nisin plus linezolid were simultaneously fitted using an additive residual to below the limit of counting from 8 h (Fig. 5E).
error on a log10 scale. For observations below 100 CFU/ml, the number of Modeling nisin and amikacin. The rate of bacterial killing by
colonies per plate was directly fitted using a previously developed residual nisin over the studied concentration range was satisfactorily de-
error model (19). scribed when modeled to be proportional to the nisin concentra-
Computation and model selection. To provide a robust mathemati- tion, and a more complex function was not necessary to describe
cal analysis, model development was performed independently in two the profiles. This second-order killing function for nisin was in
software packages (S-ADAPT and NONMEM) which utilize different es- agreement with its ability to form pores in bacterial membranes
timation algorithms. The importance sampling Monte Carlo parametric
(16, 38). The killing rate constant was 85.5-fold lower for the Nisi
expectation-maximization method (pmethod ⫽ 4) in S-ADAPT (version
1.57 [31]) using SADAPT-TRAN (32, 33) and the first-order conditional
and 821-fold lower for the Nisr populations compared to the Niss
estimation method with the interaction option (FOCE⫹I) in NONMEM populations (Table 1). Bacterial killing by amikacin was relatively
VI (level 1.2; using the ADVAN9 subroutine; NONMEM Project Group, rapid and adequately described by a Hill function that takes into
Icon Development Solutions, Ellicott City, MD [34]) were applied. Mod- account the fact that amikacin reaches a maximum effect on bac-
els were evaluated based on the S-ADAPT objective function value (⫺1⫻ terial killing at high concentrations and the sigmoidicity of the
log likelihood), NONMEM objective function value (⫺2⫻ log likeli- concentration effect relationship. This choice of a Hill function
hood), and a series of standard diagnostic plots as previously described was in agreement with previous papers on aminoglycosides (39,
(35–37). 40). The estimated maximal killing rate constant for amikacin
against the Amis populations was 13-fold higher than that of the
RESULTS Amir populations (Table 1). Only a very small fraction (10⫺7.42 for
Nisin and amikacin monotherapies. The MIC of the studied Nisr/Amir [Table 1]) of the initial inoculum was estimated to be
MRSA strain was 16 mg/liter for nisin and 8 mg/liter for amikacin. resistant to both nisin and amikacin.
Both nisin and amikacin displayed (relatively) rapid killing and A model with independent (i.e., additive) effects of nisin and
prevented regrowth over 48 h at the highest tested concentration amikacin against each of the six populations fitted all viable count
in monotherapy (Fig. 5A and B). Nisin at 4 and 8 mg/liter yielded profiles well and was in agreement with the observation that ami-
2.3 to 3.5 log10 killing during the first 2 h followed by near-com- kacin killed the Nisi and Nisr populations. Thus, a model with
plete regrowth at 24 h. subpopulation synergy was suitable to describe the viable counts
Survival fractions during pretreatment. Pretreatment with 8 (Fig. 5C, D, and E).
or 32 mg/liter nisin for 1.5 h resulted in 2 to 3 log10 killing (Fig. 5C All 20 viable count profiles with nisin and amikacin mono-

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Landersdorfer et al.

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FIG 5 Observed and individual fitted viable count profiles from S-ADAPT for nisin (A) and amikacin (B) in monotherapy and sequential (C) and simultaneous
(D and E) combinations. Time is the time after start of the experiment. For the sequential combinations, the time axis shows the time after switching treatment
to amikacin at 1.75 h after the start of the experiment. Plates with zero colonies are plotted as 0 log10 CFU/ml.

therapy, sequential and simultaneous combinations (Fig. 5) were the high inoculum, 32 mg/liter linezolid achieved slow killing by 1
successfully comodeled with unbiased and precise fits (r, 0.99; log10 from 8 to 56 h (Fig. 6B), whereas 2 mg/liter linezolid essen-
slope, 0.996; intercept, 0.05 log10 CFU/ml for observed versus in- tially paralleled the growth control. After nisin pretreatment, lin-
dividually fitted log10 viable counts). For the 1- and 4-mg/liter ezolid yielded mostly static profiles, suggesting that linezolid dis-
amikacin curves, the observation at 4 h was overpredicted played some activity against the Nisi and Nisr populations
(Fig. 5B); however, this did not have a large influence, since the (Fig. 6C). The simultaneous combinations of linezolid with 16
overall extent of killing by 1 and 4 mg/liter amikacin was very or 32 mg/liter nisin achieved 3 to 6 log10 killing at 48 h (Fig. 6D
modest and the 1-h and 8-h samples were reasonably fitted. The and E).
observed versus population fitted log10 viable counts (i.e., in the Modeling nisin and linezolid. For nisin and linezolid, all 20
absence of random between curve variability) were also unbiased profiles were adequately fit simultaneously (Fig. 6) with an overall
and reasonably precise (r ⫽ 0.94). All parameters for the nisin and r of 0.99, a slope of 1.001, and an intercept of 0.002 log10 CFU/ml
amikacin model were estimated with good precision (relative for the observed versus individual fitted log10 viable counts and an
standard errors, ⱕ23% except for fk12_IR and fk12_RR [Table 1]). r of 0.96 for the population fits. Only the 8- and 32-mg/liter curves
Inclusion of an enhanced rate of killing for the simultaneous com- for the nisin monotherapy and the 2-mg/liter linezolid mono-
bination improved neither the objective function nor the curve therapy showed slight misfits (Fig. 6A and B) which did not affect
fits, suggesting a lack of mechanistic synergy. This result on the the characterization of the type of synergy. In contrast to nisin and
types of synergy was based on thorough modeling analyses in amikacin, linezolid did not exhibit fast bacterial killing (Fig. 6B).
S-ADAPT and NONMEM which yielded comparable parameter In agreement with its effect on inhibiting protein synthesis, lin-
estimates (Table 1) and led to the same conclusion regarding a lack ezolid prolonged the mean generation time (Inhk12 in Fig. 3) of all
of mechanistic synergy. populations. For the Niss/Lins and Nisi/Lins populations, linezolid
Linezolid and nisin. The MIC was 2 mg/liter for linezolid. At additionally inhibited the probability of successful replication

2348 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Subpopulation Synergy of Antibiotic Combinations

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FIG 6 Observed and individual fitted viable count profiles from S-ADAPT for nisin (A) and linezolid (B) in monotherapy and sequential (C) and simultaneous
(D and E) combinations.

(InhRep), most likely by affecting the synthesis of proteins that are was defined here as a higher rate of killing of a bacterial population
necessary for replication. Therefore, linezolid (slowly) killed these under the simultaneous presence of two antibiotics (Fig. 2) com-
populations at linezolid concentrations above the IC50,Prot of 3.92 pared to the rate of killing of this bacterial population predicted by
mg/liter (Table 1) at the high inoculum studied. Linezolid the independent effects of both antibiotics in monotherapy.
achieved a static response only against the Nisr/Lini population The proposed approach accounted for the limited time avail-
which was modeled by linezolid prolonging the mean generation able to bacteria to elaborate their tolerance and resistance mech-
time (Inhk12). Nisin killed this population slowly. anisms to survive standard, simultaneously dosed antibiotic com-
The Nisr/Lini population was estimated to have a lower growth binations. Short-term (1.5-h) pretreatment with a rapidly killing
rate than the Lins populations. The estimated log10 mutation fre- first antibiotic (nisin) was utilized to select less-susceptible popu-
quencies suggested that the initial inoculum comprised a rela- lations. This approach allows one to test second antibiotics against
tively high fraction (10⫺4.15) of the Nisr/Lini population (Table 1). the entire surviving bacterial population and does not require
This result indicated that high nisin and linezolid concentrations isolating presumably more stably resistant colonies after
in combination would be required to achieve more than ⬃4.15 growth over 24 h or even longer on agar plates containing the
log10 killing against this high inoculum. first antibiotics.
Nisin very rapidly killed MRSA at a high inoculum which al-
DISCUSSION lowed an efficient selection of the Nisi and Nisr populations. Ami-
The experimental and modeling strategy developed in the present kacin achieved substantial killing against the Nisi and Nisr popu-
study was designed to efficiently identify and characterize synergy lations (Fig. 5B), whereas linezolid yielded only stasis or slow
mechanisms for antibiotic combinations. We proposed to distin- killing (Fig. 6B) against these populations. The Nisr/Amir popula-
guish between two types of synergy. Subpopulation synergy can be tion had a log10 mutation frequency of ⫺7.42 (Table 1), suggest-
greatly beneficial, if one antibiotic kills the resistant population of ing that nisin in combination with amikacin can achieve more
a second antibiotic and vice versa (Fig. 1). Mechanistic synergy than 7 log10 killing at high drug concentrations. This was success-

May 2013 Volume 57 Number 5 2349

Landersdorfer et al.

fully confirmed for both sequential and simultaneously dosed models for aminoglycosides against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
combinations (Fig. 5). Staphylococcus aureus utilized Hill-type killing functions in agree-
The nisin-plus-amikacin combination leverages subpopula- ment with the present combination model (39, 40). Consistent
tion synergy via nisin killing the Amir populations and amikacin with previously developed models for linezolid against Enterococ-
killing the Nisi and Nisr populations (except for the small Nisr/ cus faecalis (41) and MRSA (18), the present model included an
Amir population that was only [slowly] killed by 16 mg/liter ami- effect of linezolid prolonging the mean generation time and inhib-
kacin [Fig. 5E]). This sequential dosing strategy was critical, since iting the probability of successful replication due to linezolid in-
it provided experimental insights into why eradication was hibiting protein synthesis. The population analysis in S-ADAPT,
achieved by the simultaneously dosed combination. In immuno- in addition to the analysis in NONMEM, demonstrated that the
competent patients the small Nisr/Amir population might be erad- model structure is sufficiently complex to capture all viable count
icated by the immune system (12, 13), as the vast majority of profiles well, as shown by the r ⱖ 0.99 for the individual fitted
bacteria are rapidly killed by the antibiotic combination. versus observed log10 CFU/ml, and it suggested there is a small
In contrast, the Nisr/Lini population had a high mutation fre- between-curve variability that is reflected by variability in the pa-
quency of ⫺4.15 log10 (Table 1). This suggested limited promise rameter estimates.
for the nisin-plus-linezolid combination against this MRSA strain In summary, nisin achieved subpopulation synergy with ami-
at a high inoculum. However, future studies are required to assess kacin but not with linezolid against a high inoculum of MRSA.

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whether the inhibition of protein synthesis and inhibition of bac- Additional mechanistic synergy was not needed to simultaneously
terial growth by linezolid may postpone the rate of emergence of model the time course of all viable counts for nisin and amikacin.
resistance. The proposed experimental and modeling strategy is valuable to
It was critical for the proposed approach to characterize sub- predict the potential benefits of combination therapies, as shown
population synergy against a high total inoculum exceeding the here with nisin as a probe drug. The proposed strategy can effi-
inverse of the mutation frequency of the less-susceptible popula- ciently identify and quantify subpopulation synergy and explain
tions. Standard MIC testing and checkerboard synergy studies in why simultaneously dosed combinations yield eradication. Short-
96-well plates with a low initial inoculum usually utilize ⱕ5 ⫻ 105 term (1.5 h) pretreatment with a rapidly killing first antibiotic
CFU/ml (equivalent to ⱕ1 ⫻ 105 CFU for a 200-␮l volume per allows this approach to minimize the impact of upregulation of
well). Such low inocula have an extremely low probability (here, tolerance and resistance mechanisms. This may be important, as
0.38%) to carry a single bacterial cell of the Nisr/Amir population bacteria have limited time to elaborate their tolerance and resis-
that had a log10 mutation frequency of ⫺7.42. Therefore, subpop- tance mechanisms to survive standard, simultaneously dosed an-
ulation synergy likely cannot be detected in checkerboard synergy tibiotic combinations in patients. Therefore, this sequential dos-
studies at low inocula. In contrast, the high inoculum used in this ing strategy may be beneficial for future studies on combinations
study of ⬃2 · 109 CFU per arm (⫽ 20 ml ⫻ 108 CFU/ml) had a with established and new antibiotics.
⬎99.9999% probability of containing the Nisr/Amir population.
Mathematical modeling and pilot experiments consistently in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dicated that pretreatment with 8 mg/liter nisin completely killed This study was partly supported by a grant from the Center for Protein
the Niss populations but (essentially) did not kill the Nisi and Nisr Therapeutics at SUNY, Buffalo, NY. N.S.L. is supported by a predoctoral
populations. Pretreatment with 32 mg/liter nisin completely fellowship from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education.
killed the Niss populations and killed the Nisi populations to via- H.X. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Pfizer. J.B.B. is an
ble counts below the Nisr populations but had very limited effect Australian Research Council DECRA fellow (DE120103084).
against the Nisr populations. This model fitted the viable count We thank Silvia V. Brown for excellent technical assistance during the
profiles well (Fig. 5) based on the assumption of subpopulation performance of the experiments.
synergy and independent killing effects of nisin and amikacin. We report no conflict of interest.
Inclusion of a mechanistic synergy term with an enhanced rate
of killing of one or multiple bacterial populations for the simulta-
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May 2013 Volume 57 Number 5 2351

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