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Name: __________________________________________ Grade/Section: ____________

Teacher: __________________________________ Score: ___________ Rating: ________


SY: 2017 -2018

DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet.

1. In what part of the house can you usually find these materials?

a. In the bedroom c. in the kitchen

b. in the living room d. in the bathroom

2. Chemical substances like fertilizers when not properly handled will ________.
a. Make the soil more fertile c. Pollute the soils
b. Make the soil less fertile d. help plants grow

3. Observe the pictures below, What materials are they made of?

a. Wood b. plastic c. glass d. ceramic

4. Under what condition will water change to water vapor?

a. By heating b. by cooling c. by freezing d. by experimenting

5. Which of the following is the product of combining iron with water and oxygen?
a. Galvanized iron b. rust c. both a and b d. none of them

6. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

a. Magnetizing iron filings c. Cutting a piece of wood
b. Rusting of a steel wool d. cutting a paper into one-fourth

7. Warning symbols is used to indicate that a material is harmful. Which of them

symbolizes that a material is poisonous?
a. c.

b. d.

8. How can you properly dispose garbage that easily decomposes?

a. Recycle them c. bury them
b. burn them d. throw them anywhere

9. Which of these garbage materials do not decompose?

a. Plastics, glass, bottles c. Fruit peelings and food left-overs
b. Used cooking oil d. falling leaves

10. What should you do with non-biodegradable garbage?

a. Bury them c. recycle them
b. burn them d. throw them

11. Plastic bottles, cups and bottle caps __________.

a. Can be made into a beautiful lantern/product
b. Can be used as recycled materials
c. Both a and b
d. Cannot be recycled

12. Hard candle when heated become soft. Which factor being about change of
hard candle to become soft?
a. Heat of the sun c. water from the river
b. The sea water d. cold water

13. What has mass and takes up space?

a. weight b. volume c. space d. matter

14. Which of the following signs does NOT indicate that a chemical change
has happened?
a. only a change in state c. change in color or odor
b. foaming or bubbling d production of heat or light

15. Which of the following is the ability of the material to easily decompose?
a. Combustibility b. Reactivity c. Biodegradability

16. Which will catch fire easily?

a. Cloth b. Paper c. Wood d. Vegetable peelings

17. A rusty nail is an example of ____________.

a. Combustibility c. Biodegradability
b. Flammability d. Reactivity
18. It is a part of the air that surrounds us. It is used by the body to continue life. It also
has effects on different materials.
a. Oxygen b. Carbon c. Nitrogen d. Helium

19. It is metabolized or used up in the body by combining with oxygen. This process
releases energy from the food so that the body can use it for biological processes or
for work.
a. Digested food c. Undigested food.
b. a and b d. None of them

20. People and animals use oxygen in respiration. As oxygen is inhaled, some materials
inside the body combine with it and undergoes_____________
a chemical reaction that gives off carbon dioxide, water and energy.
b. physical change
c. harmful substances.
d. no chemical reaction

21. Consumers are encouraged to reduce their waste by ________

a. Purchasing in bulk c. ) Switching to re-useable
b. Buying items with less packaging d) All of the above

22. This means to make less garbage. For example, instead of buying juice boxes for
lunch, buy a large container of juice and use a washable single serving container to
take it to school.
a. Reduce b. Reuse c. Recycle d. Rebuild

23. Which of the following shows the correct hierarchy?

a. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse c. Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
b. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle d. Refuse, Refuge, Rufus

24. Reuse of stuff would _________

a. Minimize the strain on the environment
b. Help municipal waste management
c. Both a and b option
d. Difficult and time consuming.

25. Which of the following is recyclable material?

a. Aluminum c. Glass
b. Cardboard d) All of the above

26. This means to make less garbage. For example, instead of buying juice boxes for
lunch, buy a large container of juice and use a washable single serving container to
take it to school.
a) Reduce b. Reuse c. Recycle d. Rebuild

27. When the matchstick burned, what will happen?

a. there was change in color, smell and substance.
b. It remains the same
c. None of above
d. Co change at all

28. Matter could be changed chemically due to _________

a. Application of heat
b. Application of change
c. Cold resistance
d. oxygen

29. What harm do motor vehicles do to the environment?

a. They produce harmful chemicals
b. They produce useful chemicals
c. They produce bad odor
d. All of them

30. What material used in conductors, strong malleable and magnetic properties?
a. Glass b. Metals c. Ceramics d. plastics

31. What can you say about Rubber?

a. transparency
b. insulators and highly durable
c. Flexible, elasticity, and electrical resistance
d. Versatile, heat and electrical resistance

32. Which of these materials are soft?

a. Table b. floor wax c. stone d. electric stove

33. Which of these groups of materials used for our body

a. disinfectant, shampoo, and muriatic acid
b. lotion, cologne, and baby powder
c. body soap, bleaching solution and conditioner
d. comb, hairpins and wood

34. What household materials have been improved by technology?

a. soaps, detergents, plastics, paints, and stainless metals
b. grinders, washers, and cooking and floor wax
c. woods, tables, bleaching solution and cotton
d. plastics, tables, washers, and woods

35. What is used by the body to continue to life?

a. carbon dioxide c. oxygen
b. kerosene d. carbon monoxide

36. Rusting chain is an example of _________________ change.

a. Physical b. Chemical c. biological d. Atmospheric

37. What do you call the appearance of the matter changes and no new material is
a. Physical change c. Chemical change
b. biological change d. Atmospheric change

38. Which of these is an example of chemical change?

a. charcoal c. matches
b. ice turn to water d. crumpled paper

39. Which of these local materials that can be recycled.

a. Plastic bags c. tissues
b. Juice wrappers d. paper towels

40. Why it is metal is a good choice for heating food.

a. Because it conducts heat well
b. Because it is difficult to break
c. Because it is man-made
d. Because it is attractive
41. Why it is important to observe Safety precautions in using household materials?
a. to avoid danger/harm
b. it will not ensure safety
c. to ensure the safety of the users
d. both a and c

42. How did you classify the household materials?

a. according to their uses c. according to their color
b. according to their shape d. according to their hardness

43. How will you know if household material is harmful?

a. more lead content found in a material
b. can cause death
c. both a and b
d. none of them

44. Why it is important of recycling the waste materials?

a. to improve the community
b. to make something new latest
c. to conserve raw materials and reduce the need to consume other
precious resources.
d. to make more waste materials

45. What does it mean to reduce?

a. Use something over and over again.
b. Use less of something, creating smaller amounts of waste.
c. Make something into something new.
d. Make something ugly into something beautiful.

46. Which of the following is bad for the environment?

a. Recycling b. Littering c. Reducing d. Reusing

47. What happens to trash after the garbage truck picks it up?
a. It goes to a river or a resource recovery facility
b. It goes to a landfill or a resource recovery facility
c. It goes to a landfill or in the river
d. It goes to the air

48. Which of the following represents the three Rs?

a. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
b. Reduce - Rearrange - Recycle
c. Reduce - Respect - Recycle
d. Reduce - Reconsider - Respect

49. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

a. paper c. organic waste
b. glass d. all of the above can be recycled

50. Study the pictures below that show different activities. Which of them shows
harmful effects of materials?

a. c.
b. d.


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