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For Microsoft SQLServer the calculation should look like this:

cast_integer(convert({varchar},[Returned items (query)].[Time dimension].[Date],112))

For Oracle:

to_number(To_Char([Returned items (query)].[Time dimension].[Date], 'YYYYMMDD'))

Useful links

Cognos Time and Date Functions from temple university

Find Current Period using closingPeriod Function

closingPeriod ([sales_and_marketing_cs].[Time].[Time].[Month])

Period to date

[monthClosingPeriod] =
closingPeriod( [GOC].[Years].[Years].[Month] )

[periodsToDateForClosingPeriodMonth] =
PeriodsToDate( [GOC].[Years].[Years].[Year] , [monthClosingPeriod] )

Show real date from power cube

Current Day_Date
descendants ([Current Day],1)

descendants ([Yesterday],1)

Useful links

Using the periodsToDate function within IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio to Calculate an OLAP

IBM Cognos 8 Framework Manager - Dimensional Modeling for Time Period Analysis

Oracle date functions

Get the last day of the week select trunc(sysdate, 'DAY')+6 from dual;

Get first day of year SELECT TRUNC(TO_DATE('17-DEC-2001'),'YEAR') "First Day" FROM Dual; Get
last Day of Current Month
SELECT add_months(trunc(sysdate) - (to_number(to_char(sysdate,'DD')) - 1), 1) -1 FROM dual

SQL server date functions

Get the first day of month DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DT.DAY_DT)-1),DT.DAY_DT) Get date key select
cast(convert(varchar(8), getdate(), 112) as integer) Get last Sunday
Select cast(convert(varchar(8), dateadd(day,-datepart(weekday,dateadd(WEEK,-1,GETDATE()))
+1,dateadd(WEEK,-1,GETDATE())), 112) as integer)

Useful Query items

1. Get total reminding to go for product Category XYZ, set 0 if the reminding to go as 0

if (([Product Category] = 'XYZ') and (total ([Forecast] for [Province Id], [Product Category] ) -
total([Sales] for [Province Id], [Product Category]) > 0)) then ( total ([Forecast] for [Province Id],
[Product Category] ) - total([Sales] for [Province Id], [Product Category] )) else (0)

2. TYD, QTD and HTD based day ( Assume [Fact Current Date],[Fact Current Quarter Number] and
[Fact Current Quarter Number] )
#/* YTD at the begining of year*/#
_add_days ([End Date], -_day_of_year ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Date])+1)
#/* QTD */#
if ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id] = [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
then ([Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0)

#/* HTD */#

If ( [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number] > 2 ) Then
( If ( [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Number] > 2) Then
( If ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id] <= [Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
Then [Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0) )
Else ( 0) )
Else (
If ([Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Quarter Id]<=[Fact Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Year]*10+[Fact
Table].[Dim Time].[Fact Current Quarter Number])
then ([Fact Table].[Fact Table].[Measure])
else (0) )


Cast date to string, want MM/DD/YYYY formatting (Read 3728


Re: Cast date to string, want MM/DD/YYYY formatting

Have a column where the DOB was cast to a varchar. Want to hide certain birthdays so
XX/XX/XXXX shows under certain circumstances. When the cast to varchar was done it formatted
the date as 1994-02-03. I want the date formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. Is there a FORMAT
statement or such that can be done on the dates, or do I perform substrings to move the date

I'd make the same suggestion I did for your other thread and use a conditional style rather than
changing the actual data type of the query item.

Yes, Lynn's suggestion on my other related thread worked like a charm. It was "how to format a
string as currency"
You can't substring a date.

Try these:
select cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(2)) + '/' +
cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)) -- m/d/yyyy
select right('00' + cast(month(getdate()) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + right('00' +
cast(day(getdate()) as varchar(2)), 2) + '/' + right('0000' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar(4)),
4) -- mm/dd/yyyy
select convert(varchar(10), getdate(), 101) -- mm/dd/yyyy

Replace the getdate() function with whatever your date expression is.

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