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Fraud squad is an insult to disabled people

If the Social Services Minister can find 100 staff to investigate non-existent fraud then
he can also raise the NDIS staffing cap and employ more planners to help disabled
people access the scheme, according to Australian Greens disability spokesperson
Senator Jordon Steele-John.

“The government has acknowledged that the level of fraud in the scheme is ‘minimal’ at
best, certainly not enough to warrant the creation of a taskforce of 100 officers when
there are disabled Australians waiting months just to access the scheme,” Senator
Steele-John said.

“Minister Tehan needs to be very clear about where the taskforce is being seconded
from, and what the impact will be on current wait times and outcomes for NDIS
participants. Will they be new employees or will they be taken from the already limited
staffing capacity?

“It was anticipated the NDIS would need 10,000 employees to ensure every participant
had timely access to the care and support they needed. Currently there is a staff cap of
just 2500 with an upper limit of 3000 to be reached in the next 18 months.

“There is simply no way that the investigation of NDIS fraud is more important than
ensuring disabled Australians interact with well-trained staff who understand their
needs, and can deliver then in a timely manner.

“The NDIA is already chronically understaffed. As far as I am concerned if there are any
positions created under the scheme they must be planners, to ensure that disabled
Australians are getting the best possible outcomes, not fraud investigators.

“If the government want to be proactive in this space then they should do something
about the violence, abuse and neglect of disabled people in institutional and residential
“It is an insult to disabled people, and the parents, guardians and carers who also
interact with the scheme on their behalf, that this government would rather prioritise
scrutinising them than making sure disabled Australians can access the care and
support they need.”
Media contact:
Tim Oliver – 0448 316 387

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