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The three charts comprise of fund used by a school in UK between 1981 and 2001.
Steadily, over the 3 year period, trainer fee is an area spending most of school money with
percentage more than 40%. This value shows slight difference with the amount of school expend
in three others area such as infrastructures, literature, and other staff fee, if together accounted.
Whereas, school guarantee needs the least money compared to all areas with a merely growth in
every year.
Body 1:
School finance used for teachers wage stood at 40% in 1981. It was increase became a half of
entire money owed by the school in 10 years later and dips marginally into 45% in 2001. While,
30% is used for fulfill the infrastructure and literature with equal proportion in 1981. This
amount is compressed to be 5% and 20% respectively in 1991. However, in 2001 the school
added more study facilities up to 23% and minimize in advancing books into 9% of allocation
Body 2:
Additionally, there is an opposite trend between money distributing in other workers salary and
insurance. The percentage of purchasing staff salary is decrease gradually, 28% in 1981 turn into
22% and 15% in each year 1991 and 2001. In contrary, the requirement of school guarantee is
getting higher fourfold, two percent to eight percent between 1981 and 2001.

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