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So Guys!! Hope You all will be enthisiastic and making thorough preparations for MDCAT 2018.

Here are some important points regarding the preparation of test.

The very first thing is to lock this idea in your mind that MDCAT exam is just an ordinary exam but the thing that
makes it depressing is the curiosity of students about it. So don't take any kind of stress regarding this.
Make a firm decision that I.A I will clear it.
Don't show careless attitude about it if u really want to give your best.
About subjects....
1-PHYSICS : Don't need to cram every topic except for the numerical values, formulas and definitions of laws etc.
Make a clear concept about every topic.
You must understand the interchanging of formula from one to other form.
Make a thorough practice of numericals.(by any academy books).
And plz don't get to much deep in any thing.
2-BIOLOGY : It is just cramming. But you must know and remember the mechanisms and concepts of different chemical
processes as given in Chap 11 of Book-1
3-Chemistry: In physical chemistry you just need to know the mechanisms, formulas and concepts of different topics. No
need to cram.
For inorganic you must cram.
For organic a thorough concept is required as questions asked in exam are about organic reactions and stoichiometric
4-ENGLISH : Carefully listen to the teacher especially when he is teaching the grammar rules.
Don't need to read all the rules as you don't have time in exam to apply those rules.
Just remember the usage of superficial rules as given in the (Grammar at a glance) portion of KIPS grammar book.
Basically for English practise the questions as fully as you can. That's the only way.
Moreover, for English there is no need to read the Fsc text books. So for it., I will recommend you the English grammar
book(written by Sir Ali Shan Rao).The last edition of book had too theoretical material. The new edition has smart material
consisting of grammar rules with examples from Fsc text book. And also there is a separate practice book. So I think that it
will be helpful.And the vocabulary book also has the prepositions written with each word so must read that.Prepare hard for
English as it is the only subject that decides merit and position.
5.The last and most important point is that MDCAT is all about practice. If you make many revisions of the whole syllabus
but don't have practice it is almost impossible to tackle the test...So plz make a thorough practice...
Best of Luck.!!
Regards:Kumail Abbas. (MDCAT topper 2017).

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