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Bazi: Meanings of "Void" in pillars and 10 transformation stars

"Void" means nothing, missing, lacking karma and poor or no relationship in

Bazi. "Void" occurs because there are 12 earthly branches to match with ten heavenly
stems. Two branches in each group of 10 binomials in the 60-jia-zicycle will have no
match and are defined as "in void".


 Year pillar in void: Year pillar represents life period between age 1-
16. Daymaster (DM) suffers obstacles and illness during this period; lacking
support from older generations.
 Month pillar in void: Month pillar represents life period between age 17-
32. DM suffers obstacles more than successes during this period; disharmony or
with little or no relationship with siblings or parents.
 Day pillar in void: Day pillar represents life period between age 33-48. DM
suffers bad luck in career/ wealth and disharmony in family during this
period; poor relationship with wife; wife may die prematurely or simply no wife
 Hour pillar in void: hour pillar represents life period after age 48. DM has little
or no relationship with children or simply no children; cannot rely on children for
old age support; likely to be alone and poor


1. Bi-jian (+peer) in void: few siblings or siblings are not helpful or in disharmony;
male DM will have no wife or wife is not helpful; female DM lacks relationship
with husband
2. Jie-cai (-peer) in void: incapable or unhelpful siblings; problems in
accumulating wealth; easy to waste money away.
3. Shang-guan (+output) in void: few children or no kid; marital problem or
4. Shi-shen (-output) in void: decreases in blessing and life expectancy
5. Zheng-cai (+wealth) in void: problems in accumulating wealth; toiling hard for
money; lacking relationship with wife; late marriage; family disharmony.
6. Pian-cai (-wealth) in void: jinxing father; lacking relationship with father; no
"unexpected wealth" luck
7. Zheng-guan (+power) in void: deceases in wealth from government career; not
suitable for public post; few children for male DM; poor relationship with
husband for female DM.
8. Qi-sha (-power) in void: lacking mentor/ help from superiors or senior
generation; DM has no authority or influence; few children for male DM; poor
relationship with husband for female DM.
9. Zheng-yin (+resource) in void: problems in achieving authority and academic
successes; jinxing mother.
10. Pian-yin (+resource) in void: problems in getting success in academia or
school; jinxing step-mother.

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