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Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Form 3 - Chapter 6 – Algebraic Expression III [Notes Completely]

Level discussion on activity
L=Level Discussion L1-L8
A=Activity A01-A05
Issued by learning lesson standard
Review Form 1 - Chapter 7 – Algebraic Expression I
( ) L1A01- review and enable to know unknown and coefficient.
( ) L1A02- enable to state the product of the unknowns with a number.
( ) L1A03- enable to state the like terms and unlike terms.
( ) L1A04- enable to state the number of terms in a operations/expression.
1. Unknown and coefficient.
2. An algebraic term in two or more unknown is product of the unknowns with a
number. For example: Eg. -9xyz=-9×x×y×z
3. Like terms and unlike terms.
Like terms – same unknowns, same power of unknowns. e.g. ……………………
Unlike terms – different unknowns, different power of unknowns. e.g. …….……
4. An algebraic expression consists of two or more terms that combined by
addition, subtraction or both of the operations.
For example: 3x + 4y - 6 is an expression with three terms.
1 2 3
5. The like terms in an algebraic expression can be simplified by adding or
subtracting the coefficients of the unknowns in the algebraic terms.
For example: x + 4y + 2x – 3y = x+2x + 4y – 3y
= 3x + y

1. M students from N society have collected p kg of old newspapers and q kg of tins
in a recycling campaign.
State the letters that represent the unknowns and objects. -……………...….
2. What is the coefficient of -12a? -……………...….
3. -13h , 6k , -¼ h , 1.2h , 1.3k
State all the like terms of 3h. -……………...….
4. Determine the number of terms in the expression.
5x + y + 3x – 4y – 25. -……………...….
5. Simplify x + y + 4y + x + 2x. -……………...….……………...….
6. The weight of an empty basket is 5y kg. The total weight of the basket filled with
durian is (7y – 3) kg. Find the weight, in kg, of the durian.

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

7. Simplify⅓p + 3q + 2p – 2q -……………...….……………...….
8. Simplify 6x – y – (-x) + y -……………...….……………...….
9. Simplify 5m – n – 4m – 2n + 7 -……………...….……………...….
10. Harun is (5x + 23) years old. His son is 7x years old. Find the difference between
their age in terms of x. -……………...….……………...….

Review Form 2 - Chapter 3 – Algebraic Expression II

( ) L2A01- review and enable to know product of the unknowns with a number.
( ) L2A02- enable to state the coefficients like terms and unlike terms.
( ) L2A03- enable to solve the Multiplication and Division algebraic expressions.

Exercise3.1: Algebraic terms in two or more unknowns

Write the following as a product of the unknowns with a number.
6ab= -3dce= 7ku2v=
8mno= –rs3t= ac2=
10cde= 5.6k2lm= - 5 xyz=

Write the coefficients for the following algebraic terms.

-36mn 4h2mp3
The coefficients of mn is …… The coefficients of
The coefficients of m is …… The coefficients of
The coefficients of n is …… The coefficients of
-0.9x2yz st2u3
The coefficients of xyz is … The coefficients of 1 is ……
The coefficients of x is …… The coefficients of tu2 is ……
The coefficients of yz is …… The coefficients of stu is ……

Circle the unlike term and underline the like term in each of the following.
5gk , -2kg , gk , 12gkh 4ph , -1hp , 9hpg , hp
rst , 3cde , 2.2dec , 7.5dce 5.6xyz , 2yxz , yx , 7zxy
3sr3 , -5s3r , 7r3s , 2.3sr3 3hm3 , -m3h , 3h3m , 5.6 hm3

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
3.2 Multiplication and Division of two or more terms
Tip and note of this subtopic:
Prepared by Kelvin
4(5x-3) = 20x – 12
(8x – 12)÷4 = (8x/4) - (12/4)
= 2x – 3

Exercise 3.2:
Find the products of the following.
3cd×5f= 3cd×7c= -4pq×6qr=

-3mn×(-2my)= -4kh×1mn= -2uv2×(-5vw)=

Find the quotients of the following.

56km÷8m 27h2p÷3hp 18bc÷2b

-15a3bc2÷25abc 36ef3g2÷12efg2 24pq2r÷6pq

Solve the following.

6xy×5y÷3xy= 4h3×9pqr÷12h2p =

12p2q2×9pqr÷(-3p2q)= 2ab×3bc÷4a2=

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
4mn÷(-12m2k)= −4gk 2 × 5g 2 k 2

Simplifying algebraic expressions

For example : -7(4x – 5xy) + 2(2x + 3) = -28x + 35xy + 4x + 6
= 35xy – 24x + 6

Review Form 3 - Chapter 6 – Algebraic Expression III

( ) L3A01- review and enable to know
( ) L3A02- enable to state the
6.1 Expanding Bracket (Expansion) - 1213 / 1314

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
6.2 Factorization NOTES :- 条件:1.-要有一个同样的 unknown 出现。
Type1 - Factorization into Monomials(HCF): 2- Term 1 -- 两个 unknown
Factorize: ax + bx = x(a + b) 3- Term 2/3 -- 两个 unknown
Expand: x(a + b) = ax + bx (1213) 4- square 不可以同时出现在 2/3 个 term, 只
Example: 1. 12x2 + 18x3 = 6x2 (2 + 3x) 可以出现在 1 个 term
2. 5pq+10pr-5ps = 2a(b-2c)
Factorize:1. 6x2 (2 + 3x) = What is Monomials?
(试一试) 2. 2a(b-2c) = Monomials is an algebraic
Type2-Factorization By Grouping of Terms: expression consisting of one term.
条件:1-要有一个同样的 unknown 出现。(通常是两个一组的)
2- 有四个 terms。(做法和 type 1 一样,只是分成两组)
Factorize: ax + bx + ay + by
= x(a+b)+y(a+b)
= (a + b)(x + y)
Expand: (a + b)(x + y) = ax + bx + ay + by(1314)
Example: 1. 8p2-18 2. p2qx + pq2y + px y+ qxy2
= 2(4p -9) (factorize () HCF) = px (pq + xy) + qy (pq + xy)
= 2[(2p)2-32] (remove square) = (pq + xy)(px + qy)
= (一加一减=减 -18)
Factorize 2(2p+3)(2p-3) (pq + xy)(px + qy)
: = =
(试一试) = =
Type3 - Trinomial Perfect Squares:
Term 的具备条件: Term 1: unknown square e.g.:x2
Term 2: number 两个/一个 unknown e.g.:2ab
Term 3: 另一个的 unknown square (若是两个 unknown)
OR term 2 的 number square (若是一个 unknown)
Factorize: 1. a2 + 2ab + b2 2. a2 - 2ab + b2
=(a + b)2 = (a + b)(a + b) = (a - b)(a - b)
Expand: (a + b)(a + b)= a2 + 2ab + (a - b)(a - b)=a2 - 2ab + b2
Example: 9p2 + 24pq + 16q2 4x2 – 12x + 9
= (3p + 4q) (3p + 4q) = (2x – 3) (2x – 3)
= (3p + 4q)2 =(2x – 3)2
Factorize: (3p + 4q)
(试一试) = =
= =

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin
2 2
Type 4: a -b :
条件:1- 不可以有同样的 unknown 出现在两个 terms
3- 两个 terms 一定要有 square 的
3- Term 2 -- 一定要(-)negative 的
做法:看到有这些条件的题目,直接开两个(),填 HCF, 放加减。
Factorize: a2-b2=(a+b)(a-b)
Expand: (a+b)(a-b)=a2-b2(1213)
Example: 1. 25m2-9 2. 8p2-18
=(5m+3) (5m-3)
Factorize: 1. (5m+3) (5m-3) 3. 2(_ _+_) (_ _-_)
(试一试) = =
Algebraic fraction
6.3+6.4 Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of algebraic fraction
Addition and Subtraction 加减法:-
做法条件:-分母一定要一样, 没有什么就乘什么。
Multiplication and Division 乘除法:-

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

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Mathematics Form 3 – Chapter 6 © Notes Prepared by Kelvin

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