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E. M.


Professora: Patrícia Sena
Aluno (a): __________________________________________
Ano: 8º Turma: ____ Data: ____/____/____ Valor: ____/60


1)Imagine as seguintes situações e dê os conselhos adequados do quadro abaixo, usando should:

call a doctor – take an aspirin – go to the hospital – take some medicine –

go to the dentist – go on a diet – take some vitamins and stay in bed

a) Peter has a terrible toothache. What should he do?

b) She has a stomachache. What should she do?
c) The baby has an earache. What should the parents do?
d) I have a terrible cold. What should I do?
e) John broke his arm this morning. What should he do?
f) Carol is very, very fat. What should she do?

2)Preencha os parênteses da coluna da direita com as possíveis soluções para os males da coluna da

a) I have a headache - ( ) You should take some aspirin.

b) I have a toothache - ( ) You should drink plenty of liquids.
c) I.m getting a cold - ( ) You should go home and rest.
d) I have a cough. - ( )You should get some cough syrup.
e) I.m getting a flu - ( )You should go to the dentist.

3) Complete cada lacuna com a opção correta.

a) I live in a small city in Brazil. _____________ (There is / There are) two schools and ____________
(there is / there are) one cinema.

4) Marque a alternativa que usou adequadamente o verbo THERE TO BE nas lacunas abaixo.

a)There are a man in the car.

b) There is two dogs in the house.

c)There are a fly in your soup.

d)There is a new store here.

5) Complete as frases com there is ou there are na afirmativa, negativa ou interrogativa.

a) _____________________a movie theater on Maple Street. (aff.)

b) _____________________many offices in that building. (aff.)
c) ______________________a school here? (int.)
d) ______________________9 countries in South America? (int.)
e) ______________________23 letters in the English alphabet? (neg.)
6)Podemos dizer que THERE IS significa:
a) Lá está.
b) Onde é.
c) Aquele é.
d) Existe.
e) Existem.

7)Selecione as palavra que, na sequência, completam a lacuna: _________ __________ many students
in your class?
a) There is
b) There are
c) Are there
d) Are
e) In there


a)How many friends are there in the classroom?


b)A forma interrogative da frase: Priscilla should eat more healthy food.

c)Como ficaria na negativa a frase: Victor and Thiago should sleep in the classroom.

d)Dê 02 exemplos de Phrasal Verbs:


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