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Academic Behavior Contingency Plan Susan Regan 12

Title: “Advice You can Bank on: When Pigs Fly, Anything is Possible”
Grade: 4h Grade Integrating Math, Science, and Social Studies
Undesirable Behavior Targeted: Difficulty staying on task during group work
Not contributing content related ideas to group topic, not staying with assigned group, not talking at the
appropriate level voice, not actively listening to every group member, not using time management
efficiently. *** Students who do not work in a productive manner may disrupt learning of all members of
the assigned group, distract other groups, and minimalize learning time.
Expected Behavior Targeted: On task group work
The desired behavior will look like: Contributing content related ideas to group members, staying with
assigned group and raising hand to ask permission from the teacher to get up, talking at a level 2 table
voice, actively listening and supporting ideas of all members of the group, and using time efficiently.
Types of Positive reinforcements:
1.Immediate R+ - Students will receive dimes every time they demonstrate desirable behavior.
2.Ongoing R+- Students will place the dimes they have earned in their groups piggy bank until it is full (140
dimes or more).
3.Overall R+-- Once the piggy bank is full and goal the is met, students will have the opportunity to
participate in a fun STEM Engineering Design Process Activity: When Pigs fly!
** At the end of each group assignment, the teacher will give a coin to each member of the group who
practiced expected behavior. Students will place their dimes into their designated piggy bank. At the end of
each week, students will count their money and log it in their financial journals, recording their balances.
Interactive Learning Activity- This learning activity will correlate with the classroom economy already set in
place. Students will count their money in their piggy banks. They will use their money to buy materials at
the classroom store and build a way for their piggy get down safely. The goal is to create a parachute of
sorts. The class will test out designs on playground on top of the slide.
1. Science (6) Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that energy exists in many forms and can be
observed in cycles, patterns, and systems. The student is expected to: (D) design an experiment to test the
effect of force on an object such as a push or a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetism.
2. Social Studies (23) Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills,
working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected to:
(A) use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options,
consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness
of the solution
3. Math (10) Personal financial literacy. The student applies mathematical process standards to manage
one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security. The student is expected to:
(B) calculate profit in a given situation
Teaching Expected Behavior: The teacher will model desirable behavior and allow students to practice
modeling desirable behavior throughout the 6 weeks. The teacher will start each group lesson reminding
the students of desired behaviors while going over lesson objectives. The class will practice contributing
ideas, using appropriate level voices, using time management effectively, and staying in seat.
Explain How you will teach the Plan: After reviewing expected behaviors on the first day, the teacher will
explain how students can earn one dime each class period that they successfully perform the desired group
behavior. Students will place their money into their group piggy jar.
*Options: Quarters can be handed out for students who need greater incentive or practiced above
expectations during group work. Another option would be that students could pick different activities to
choose from instead of just one set stem activity.
Items Needed: Play Dimes, Play Quarters, Piggy Banks, various materials for interactive learning activity

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