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Brugada syndrome:

Unmasking a silent killer

Learn to recognize this genetic disorder that can cause sudden death
in apparently healthy young people.

By Leslie Foran Lee, RN, and Nancy Felmlee, BSN, RN

DEALING WITH THE DEATH of an apparently red way to accurately identify and treat these patients.
healthy young person is one of the challenges we face The risks are the presence of symptoms before diagno-
in healthcare. A person may just not wake up one morn- sis, a spontaneous type 1 ECG at baseline, inducible
ing, or die suddenly while resting on the sidelines after ventricular dysrhythmias in an electrophysiology (EP)
the big game. This mystery of sudden death has baffled lab, and being male.3 (See A closer look at Brugada syn-
healthcare providers for centuries. One of the links drome for details on ECG patterns found with the syn-
to this mystery is Brugada syndrome, or unexplained drome.)
sudden cardiac death syndrome, a genetic disorder that
causes syncope or death in young people with no appar- Pathophysiology
ent cardiac history. Since the syndrome was described Brugada syndrome is an ion channel disorder, which
by Pedro and Josep Brugada in 1992, Brugada syndrome results in the abnormal electrical activity in the epicar-
has attracted great interest because of its high incidence dial cells of the right ventricle. How this actually occurs
in many parts of the world and its association with is under investigation, but a familial occurrence is noted
a high risk of sudden death, especially in men ages 30 to be present in about half the patients with Brugada
to 50.1 syndrome, suggesting a genetic component to the dis-
The syndrome is characterized by ST-segment eleva- ease. Also suggestive of a genetically determined disease
tion in the right precordial leads (V1, V2, and V3) and a is the clustering of the first onset of symptoms at ages
high incidence of sudden death. Many different clinical 30 to 50. Recent studies show a confirmed genetic asso-
situations or drugs can exacerbate or unmask a Brugada- ciation in 10% to 30% of patients, with mutations in
like ECG pattern.2 the SCN5A gene that encodes the cardiac sodium
channel. The result is a loss of proper function of the
Risks and mortality sodium channel and a predisposition to ventricular
Although the genetic mutation responsible for Brugada fibrillation (VF).4
syndrome occurs equally in men and women, the Because the sodium channel plays a key role in
prevalence of the syndrome is 8 to 10 times higher in conducting cardiac impulses, reviewing it can help you
men.1 better understand the pathophysiology of Brugada syn-
Recent studies have shown that, for unknown rea- drome. The sodium channel has two main functions:
sons, Brugada syndrome is far more common in Asian moving sodium ions across the pores in the cell mem-
men. They are healthy individuals with no apparent brane and gating (opening or closing in response to
cardiac history. After history and physical exam of these changes in membrane potential).5 The cardiac sodium
men, it was found that there was a family history of ei- channel opens and closes rapidly at the onset of the car-
ther syncope or sudden death. The syncopal episodes or diac action potential. In Brugada syndrome, the channel
sudden deaths followed rigorous exercise, or occurred is perpetually closed.6
during sleep, or were exacerbated by a fever. In the last Genetic defects in the membranes’ ion channels
several years, risk stratification has become the prefer- can disrupt the delicate balance of dynamic interactions

Cardiac Insider 8 Spring 2010

between the ion channels and the cellular environment, • documented VF
leading to altered cellular function. A single mutation • documented polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT)
in the sodium channel is enough to cause Brugada • family history of sudden death at an age younger than
syndrome and contribute to the genesis of cardiac 45 years
dysrhythmias.5 • the presence of coved-type ECG in family members
• inducible ventricular dysrhythmias with programmed
Recognizing the problem electrical stimulation
About 8% of asymptomatic patients with Brugada waves • syncope
on ECG have subsequent cardiac events.3 Although this • nocturnal agonal respirations.3
number will undoubtedly grow as research continues, The right precordial ST-segment elevation associ-
many clinicians feel it’s not possible to justify genetic ated with this syndrome can be mistaken for other
studies, endocardial biopsies, magnetic resonance imag- cardiac problems, including acute pericarditis, acute
ing, EP studies, and coronary arteriography in every myocardial ischemia or infarction, and Prinzmetal
patient in whom this syndrome is suspected.7 angina. (See What’s up with the ST segment? for de-
Brugada syndrome can be diagnosed based on the tails on differentiating Brugada syndrome from other
patient’s ECG and family history. (Other tests may be conditions.)
done to rule out other cardiac conditions.) Three types If you’re caring for a patient who had a syncopal
of ECG patterns in the right precordial leads are recog- episode but has no history of cardiac disease, obtain an
nized, and often all three are present in the patient. extensive history and perform a careful physical assess-
However, Brugada syndrome can only be definitively ment. If you suspect Brugada syndrome, place the right
diagnosed if the patient has the type 1 ECG pattern in precordial leads slightly higher on the patient’s chest to
more than one right precordial lead (V1–V3), in the capture a complete right bundle-branch block or type 1
presence or absence of a sodium channel blocking ECG pattern. Place leads V1 and V2 at the third inter-
drug, such as flecainide or procainamide, and one of costal space to the right and the left of the sternal border,
the following: instead of at the fourth intercostal space.6

A closer look at Brugada syndrome

The waveform shows the coved-type ST-segment elevation in leads V1 and V2 that are characteristic of type 1 ECG
patterns you may see in a patient with Brugada syndrome. Diagnostic criteria for Brugada syndrome, based on ST-
segment abnormalities in leads V1 through V3, are outlined in the table.

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

J point ≥2 mm ≥2 mm ≥2 mm

T wave Negative Positive or biphasic Positive

ST-T configuration Coved Saddleback Saddleback

ST segment (terminal point) Gradually descending Elevated ≥1 mm Elevated <1 mm

Spring 2010 9 Cardiac Insider

Assess and support the patient’s airway, breathing,
and circulation. Make sure he has a patent airway and What’s up with the ST segment?
have resuscitation equipment readily available. Place the A normal variant found in 90% of healthy young men
is an ST-segment elevation of 1 to 3 mm, most
patient on a cardiac monitor, establish vascular access,
marked in lead V2, appearing concave on the ECG.
and administer supplemental oxygen as indicated. Doc-
Here’s how the ST segment looks in other conditions:
ument and inform the healthcare provider of any car- • Brugada syndrome—rSR’ pattern in leads V1 and
diac rate or rhythm abnormalities. V2, with a downsloping ST-segment elevation in V1
Because the ECG pattern in Brugada syndrome pa- and V2.
tients can be dynamic, you may not see the characteristic • Left ventricular hypertrophy—Concave ST segment.
hallmark signs. To unmask the ECG pattern and aid in The patient also will have other electrocardiograph-
diagnosis, patients may be given an infusion of sodium ic features of left ventricular hypertrophy.
channel blockers to increase the sodium channel dys- • Acute pericarditis—Diffuse ST-segment elevation
function. Commonly used drugs include flecainide and and reciprocal ST-segment depression in lead aVR
procainamide. The patient undergoing the pharmaco- but not aVL. ST-segment elevation is rarely greater
than 5 mm; you’ll also see PR segment depression.
logical challenge test should have continuous ECG mon-
• Hyperkalemia—Widened QRS complex and tall,
itoring, and emergency equipment and supplies need to
peaked, tented T waves. Low-amplitude or absent P
be immediately available. The study should be termi- waves, and a usually downsloping ST segment. The
nated when the test is positive, if the patient develops patient will also have other electrocardiographic
premature ventricular beats or other dysrhythmias, or features of hyperkalemia.
the patient’s QRS complex widens to 130% or more of • Pulmonary embolism—Changes simulating myocar-
baseline.3 Monitoring the patient after testing is an im- dial infarction in inferior and anteroseptal leads.
portant nursing implication. Watch for changes in vital • Acute myocardial infarction—ST segment with a
signs, cardiac dysrhythmias, near-syncope, or syncope, plateau, shoulder, or upsloping pattern.
and intervene as appropriate. • Prinzmetal angina—Same ST-segment elevation as
The patient may need a cardiac EP study, depending in myocardial infarction, but transient.
on his clinical status. An EP study may not be needed for Source: Kyuhyun W, Asinger R, Marriott HJL. ST segment
elevation in conditions other than acute myocardial infarc-
a patient who has classic Brugada waves after VT has re- tion. N Engl J Med. 2003;349(22):2128.
verted to normal. (This patient will need an implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator [ICD].1)
An asymptomatic patient with Brugada waves in a abnormalities, you may be able to recognize this syn-
routine ECG may need an EP study; if VT can be in- drome in a patient and help him get appropriate care. ■
duced, the patient should receive an ICD.
Treating Brugada syndrome 1. Antzelevitch C. Brugada syndrome. Pace. 2006;29:1130-1159.
A patient whose Brugada syndrome isn’t treated has a 2. Hugues A, Dizon JM. Brugada syndrome. http://emedicine.
very poor prognosis. One-third of patients who suffered
3. Benito B, Brugada R, Brugada J, Brugada P. Brugada syndrome.
syncopal episodes or were successfully resuscitated after Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2008;51(1):1-22.
sudden cardiac death develop a new episode of poly- 4. Mattu A, Rogers R, Kim H, Perron A, Brady W. The Brugada
morphic VT within 2 years.8 syndrome. Am J Emerg Med. 2003;146-151.
No drugs have reduced the VT or VF in patients 5. Grant A. Molecular Biology of Sodium Channels and Their Role
in Cardiac Arrythymias.
with Brugada syndrome. Because the dysrhythmias are jhtml?identifier=3000452.
ventricular in nature, the primary treatment is ICD im- 6. Glatter KA, Chiamvimonavat N, Xu D. Evaluation of the critical
plantation, although the treatment is controversial be- care patient with Brugada syndrome. Crit Care Med. 2005;33(7):
cause an ICD carries the risk of inappropriate shocks.
7. Ahn J, Willis H. Worrisome thoughts about patients with
Educate the patient and family members about Brugada Brugada waves and the Brugada syndrome. Circulation. 2004;
syndrome and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Genetic 109:1463-1467.
counseling also is recommended.2 8. Mapfre Medical Foundation. Prognosis and treatment.

On the alert
Leslie Foran Lee and Nancy Felmlee are staff development spe-
By understanding Brugada syndrome, taking a careful cialists in clinical education and research at Virtua Health in
patient history, and being able to differentiate ECG Mount Laurel, N.J.

Cardiac Insider 10 Spring 2010

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