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Damping Factors and Fatigue Notch Factors of

Pseudoelastic NiTi-Shape Memory Alloys

Dämpfungs- und Kerbwirkungszahlen von Pseudoelastischen
W. Predki, A. Knopik, M. Klönne*

Pseudoelastic NiTi- shape memory alloys (SMAs) provide a high Pseudoelastische NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen (FGL) verfü-
damping capacity and can be used in order to achieve a reduction of gen über ein hohes Dämpfungsvermögen. Es ist auch von einer ho-
peak loads being caused by unexpected shock loading. These hen Stoßdämpfung auszugehen. Diese beiden Eigenschaften dieser
“pseudoelastic” properties are related to the formation of martensite Legierungen resultieren aus der spannungsinduzierten Martensit-
M from austenite A, which has been induced by stress; they allow to umwandlung. Die Erfüllung der beiden Funktionen Dämpfung
refer to SMAs as functional materials. Furthermore, these func- und Stoßminderung macht den Einsatz dieser Legierungen als
tional materials can operate at high stresses and thus, have to with- Funktionswerkstoff denkbar. Des Weiteren sind die zulässigen
stand severe mechanical loadings like classical structural materials. Spannungen dieser Legierungen mit denen der klassischen Struk-
In combination, these characteristics provide opportunities for tech- turwerkstoffe vergleichbar. Dies macht den Werkstoff als Struktur-
nical applications, e.g., to reduce vibrations or to reduce peak loads werkstoff attraktiv. Die technischen Anwendungen wären z. B. Re-
caused by shock loading. An extensive knowledge of the functional duzierung von Maschinenvibrationen oder Reduzierung von Last-
and structural fatigue behaviour of the material is required to design spitzen aufgrund von Defekten oder anderen unerwarteten Störgrö-
SMA components. NiTi hollow shaft samples and solid shaft sam- ßen. Zur Dimensionierung von FGL-Bauteilen ist jedoch das Wis-
ples have been tested under cyclic torsional loading conditions in a sen über die strukturelle und funktionelle Ermüdung notwendig.
load-controlled mode. By using these two geometries the influence Hierzu dienen Voll- und Hohlwellen als Proben. Diese sind einer
of the sample geometry on the fatigue behaviour can be investi- wechselnden und momentengeregelten Torsionsbelastung ausge-
gated. In addition, a test programme has been elaborated in order setzt. Die Verwendung von Hohl- und Vollwellen ermöglicht die
to investigate the behaviour of the material when subjected to bend- Untersuchung des Geometrieeinflusses auf das Ermüdungsverhal-
ing. The experimental data have been evaluated describing the ten. Ein weiterer Prüfstand zur Untersuchung der Werkstoffeigen-
transformation behaviour induced by stress concerning transforma- schaften unter einer reinen Biegebelastung ist in Planung. Die
tion stress, apparent shear modulus of the austenite GA and apparent Auswertung der Messungen liefert die Phasenumwandlungspara-
stiffness sMs (describing the slope of the shear stress-strain-curve in meter (die Umwandlungsspannung sMs, den Austenit-Schermodul
the transformation range GA-M). These parameters naturally depend GA und die Steifigkeit während der Austenit-Martensit-Umwand-
on the cycle number, the load amplitude as well as the temperature. lung GA-M) in Abhängigkeit von der Zyklenzahl, der Lastamplitude
Engineering failures are often associated with the presence of und der Temperatur. Technische Ausfälle sind oft mit Kerben ver-
notches. In this context, torsion tests on notched samples are bunden. Aus diesem Grunde sind Torsionsversuche mit gekerbten
planned to be carried out in order to assess the resulting data based Proben geplant. Das funktionelle und strukturelle Ermüdungsver-
on the results obtained from the notch free samples. This will allow halten der gekerbten Proben ist dann mit dem Ermüdungsverhalten
to derive simple design rules based on fatigue notch factors, which der ungekerbten Proben zu vergleichen. Aus dem Vergleich sind
are needed for engineering design. Kerbzahlen zu ermitteln. Schließlich sind Näherungsgleichen zur
KEYWORDS: NiTi shape memory alloys, pseudoelasticity, Berechnung der funktionellen Ermüdung herzuleiten.
damping behaviour, torsional loading, technical applications SCHLAGWORTE: NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen, Pseudo-
elastizität, Dämpfungsverhalten, Torsion, technische Anwendun-

1 Introduction plications in seismic isolation of civil structures [1,2].

Although the behaviour of SMA wires has been extensively
It is well documented that pseudoelastic NiTi SMAs show a examined under uniaxial cycling loading, there are only a
wide stress (s) –strain (c) –hysteresis in connection with load- few publications to be found relating to non-uniform and mul-
ing-unloading tests. This represents a dissipation of energy tiaxial stress conditions [3]. The aim of the present work is to
R find out whether pseudoelastic NiTi can be used in drive train
( sdy), which can be exploited for the definition of damping
factors. The s–c–hystresis is connected with relatively high components in view of the severe operating conditions like
stress plateaus. Therefore, pseudoelastic NiTi SMAs have vibrations and peak loads. For this purpose, we need informa-
to withstand stresses of the same magnitude as normal struc- tion concerning damping characteristics as well as fatigue be-
tural materials. NiTi SMAs have been used for damping ap- haviour from tests on notched and plain specimens.
Another important stress state is associated with bending.
Therefore, pure bending needs to be investigated. The present
paper provides a preliminary design for a suitable test rig for
* Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Maschinenelemente, pure bending.
Getriebe und Kraftfahrzeuge, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bo- The present work concentrates on cyclic loading with load-
chum, Germany ing conditions being relevant for drive train applications. Tor-

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5 DOI: 10.1002/mawe.200400758 307

F 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
sion and bending of notched and plain specimens have to be
taken into consideration. We present results of torsion tests as
well as the design of a bending test rig, which is outlined in

2 Experimental
Hollow (H) shaft and solid (S) shaft samples are tested.
These are machined from a pseudoelastic NiTi-rod with Fig. 2. Simplified stress-strain diagram of NiTi
50.8 at-% Ni. The hollow shaft samples have an outer dia- Abb. 2. Vereinfachtes Spannungs-Dehnungs-Diagramm von NiTi
meter of 8.5 mm and an inner diameter of 7 mm. The solid
shaft samples have an outer diameter of 8 mm. Both sample
geometries have a gauge length of 70 mm. A defined initial
state of the samples is achieved by means of a heat treatment
at 850  C for a period of 15 minutes, followed by water
quenching. A subsequent precipitation annealing at 350  C
for a period of 60 minutes seems to be appropriate, because
the samples treated at 500  C for a period of 15 minutes are
showing a less favourable fatigue resistance [4]. Precipitation
annealing at 350  C for a period of 60 minutes implicates an
AF-temperature of 5.5  C [5].
Conclusions concerning the structural fatigue behaviour re-
quire tests, which are taken through to rupture.
Fig. 3. Loading parameters
2.1 Torsion Abb. 3. Beanspruchungsparameter

Hollow shaft and solid shaft samples are tested by means of the two parameters load and load frequency. The samples
torsion tests. Tests on notched solid shafts are intended to be are cycled until fracture in order to assess the long time fatigue
carried out. The experimental focal point are the hollow behaviour.
shafts. Quasi-homogeneous stress distribution across the The load results from the sample geometry and the desired
cross-sectional area is achieved by a high radius-to-wall- stress in the outer fibre. The stress steps are geared to the mar-
thickness-ratio. Figure 1 shows the test rig. One end of sample tensite start stress sMS and the martensite finish stress sMF. Fig-
is fixed by non-rotational torque-transducers. The torque is ure 2 shows the simplified stress-strain diagram.
applied by a synchronous servo motor in the other end of The alternating transmission of the stress into the sample
the sample. The ambient temperature is measured by a can be divided into three parameters, which are stress ampli-
NiCr/Ni thermocouple and the sample temperature is mea- tude sa, maximum stress s0 and nominal stress sm (see figure
sured by an infrared sensor. Two rotary encoders are measur- 3). The nominal stress sm is varying, whereas the stress am-
ing the rotary angle. plitude sa is resulting from the preset maximum stress s0.
All tests are executed in load-control mode. The samples If the selected stress step is lower than the martensite start
are alternately loaded at a preset torque amplitude, a preset stress, there is no martensitic transformation occurring. Thus
rated torque and a preset load frequency. The load frequency it is possible to analyse the structural fatigue behaviour and
has to be changed from 0.1 Hz to 15 Hz. Thus, the frequency the functional fatigue behaviour depending on the degree
sensitivity concerning the behaviour of the material can be of transformation.
analysed. The temperature is the third parameter apart from The mechanical behaviour to the experiments is shown in
the torque-torsion hysteresis curve. The measured torque and
the measured rotation angle are converted into shear stress s
and shear strain c assuming that the strain is proportional to
the radius of the shaft in the cross section. A model is imple-
mented, which allows to estimate the torque-twist curve of
cylindrical bodies from a given simplified stress-strain curve
(see figure 2) by integrating the stresses along the radius of the
cross section [5]. By means of our simple model, it is easy to
determine the transformation stresses and strains from a given
The damping is represented by the energy, which is dissi-
pated in the respective cycle. It is calculated by the specific
damping capacity W, which represents the ratio of the dissi-
pated energy to the elastic strain energy. The region of the hys-
teresis is representing the dissipated energy (see figure 4),
whereas the region between the stress-strain curve during
Fig. 1. Test rig for torsion tests loading and the abscissa is representing the elastic strain en-
Abb. 1. Torsionsprüfstand ergy (see figure 5).

308 W. Predki, A. Knopik and M. Klönne Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5
tion in the linear guides is generating minimum radial forces,
which are negligible. As far as the high loading frequency is
concerned, the effects of the vis inertiae must be estimated.
The sample geometry for bending tests is equivalent to the
sample geometry for torsion tests and the varied parameters
are equivalent to the torsion parameters. For bending tests,
only the solid shaft specimens were used.

3 Results and Discussion

Fig. 4. Definition of the dissipated energy within the stress-strain Under torsional loading, NiTi-SMAs show a brittle fracture
diagram behaviour in spite of the high psseudoelaticity. Figure 7 shows
Abb. 4. Definition der dissipierten Arbeit innerhalb des Span- the fracture behaviour of the torsion samples. The angle be-
nungs-Dehnungs-Diagramms tween the fracture surface and the stress axis was 45 . The
helical incipient crack is followed by an axial fracture. As
far as solid shafts are concerned, visual inspection is sufficient
to detect cracks, figure 8.
The mechanical hysteresis curves of the solid shaft samples
and hollow shaft samples have been discussed in detail in [4,
5, 6]. By using these geometries it is possible to investigate the
influence of the sample geometry on the fatigue behaviour. In
the following, both geometries are compared at a frequency of
0.1 Hz. Investigations of solid shafts show the influence of the
inner sample material, which is less loaded, on the fatigue be-

Fig. 5. Definition of the elastic strain energy within the stress-

strain diagram
Abb. 5. Definition der elastischen Arbeit innerhalb des Span-

2.2 Bending

The realisation of a pure bending condition along the sam-

ple axle is difficult. Problems are caused by the support of the
transmission moment, when the material is bent. The bending
moment should not be supported by a radial force but by a
supporting moment. Therefore, a suitable support had to be
constructed. Figure 6 shows the principle solution of the pro-
blem. The bending moment is equivalent to the torsional mo-
Fig. 7. Fracture behaviour of solid shafts and hollow shafts (1)
ment of the motor. Linear guides are supporting the bending
moment. The arrangement of the linear guides allows horizon- Abb. 7. Bruchverhalten der Voll- und Hohlwellen (1)
tal rectilinear motion and vertical rectilinear motion of the jig,
but it does not allow a twist of the jig. The allowed rectilinear
motions prevent the occurrence of radial forces. Only the fric-

Fig. 6. Principle test plant for bending tests Fig. 8. Fracture behaviour of solid shafts and hollow shafts (2)
Abb. 6. Prinzip des Biegeprüfstandes Abb. 8. Bruchverhalten der Voll- und Hohlwellen (2)

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5 Damping 309

Fig. 9. Stress-strain diagrams of the hollow shafts for cycles 1 and Fig. 10. Stress-strain diagrams of the solid shafts for cycles 1 and
2500 5000
Abb. 9. Spannungs-Dehnungs-Diagramme der Holwellen für den Abb. 10. Spannungs-Dehnungs-Diagramme der Vollwellen für
ersten und 2500. Lastwechsel den ersten und 2500. Lastwechsel

haviour as well as on the damping behaviour. In general, the tely transformed. Further loading results in an elastic defor-
solid shaft can be divided into several hollow shafts. Assum- mation of the transformed material. In that case, also plastic
ing that all hollow shafts have the same rotary angle, the strain deformations can occur. The upper area of the hysteresis
linearly depends on the radius of the solid shaft. The total load straightens out due to functional fatigue. The lower area of
of the solid shaft is resulting from all single loads of the hol- the hysteresis gets wider due to the increasing residual strain.
low shafts. An R-phase transformation already occurs at a stress of ap-
The functional fatigue is characterised by three parameters proximately 50 MPa, which is a general behaviour of aged
as a function of the cycle number [4, 5]. These parameters are alloys with high dislocation density [7, 8, 9]. This is to be
the transformation stress sMs, the apparent shear modulus of seen by the irregularity of the stress-strain curve.
the austenite GA and the apparent stiffness of the austenit-mar- Figure 10 shows the stress-strain diagrams of the solid
tensit transformation GA-M. The transformation stress sMs and shafts for cycles 1 and 5000. The solid shafts show a similar
the apparent shear modulus of the austenite GA decrease with behaviour as the hollow shafts. The hysteresis are smaller and
increasing cycle number. The apparent stiffness of the auste- steeper after a period of 5000 cycles. The residual strains of
nit-martensit transformation GA-M rises with the cycle num- the solid shafts are smaller than the residual strains of the hol-
ber. The absolute values of these effects increase with applied low shafts. The smaller residual strains result from the sup-
levels of load and strain. Thus, the outer material of the tor- porting inner material, which is not transforming. The upper
sional sample is more governed by these fatigue effects asso- area of the hysteresis flattens out in very much the same way
ciated with higher strain. as the hysteresis of the hollow shafts due to functional fatigue.
Figures 9 and 10 show s-c curves, which are calculated by The lower area of the hysteresis does not widen as much as the
the measured torsion deflection curves. As far as hollow shafts hysteresis of the hollow shafts due to the increasing residual
are concerned, it is assumed that a constant stress in the cross strain. The supporting inner material inhibits this process.
section is resulting in the calculated stress being lower than Therefore, the hysteresis area of the solid shafts is smaller
the real outer fibre stress. Stresses of the solid shaft samples than the hysteresis area of the hollow shafts due to functional
are deduced by linear-elastic calculation. Resulting from this, fatigue effects.
the calculated stresses in the outer fibre seem to be higher than Figure 11 shows the transformation stress sMs depending on
the real stresses during martensitic transformation. the number of cycles and the load amplitude of the solid shafts
Figure 9 shows the stress-strain diagrams of the hollow as well as of the hollow shafts. The transformation stress sMs
shafts for cycle one and for cycle 2500. Functional fatigue of both shafts decreases with increasing cycle number. The
effects can be clearly detected. The smaller hysteresis and solid shafts show a more stable behaviour.
the higher residual strains result from these fatigue effects Figure 12 shows the apparent shear modulus of the auste-
after 2500 cycles. This is due to the increasing residual mar- nite GA depending on the number of cycles and the load am-
tensite and the dislocation density. If the dislocation density plitude of the solid shafts as well as of the hollow shafts. The
exceeds a certain level, the samples can no longer be comple- apparent shear modulus of the austenite GA of both shafts de-

310 W. Predki, A. Knopik and M. Klönne Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5
Fig. 11. Transformation stress sMs depending on the number of cy- Fig. 13. Apparent stiffness of the austenite-martensiet transforma-
cles and the load amplitude tion GA-M depending on the number of cycles and the load ampli-
Abb. 11. Umwandlungsspannung sMs in Abhängigkeit von der Zy- tude
klenzahl und der Lastamplitude Abb. 13. Steifigkeit während der Austenit-Martensit-Umwand-
lung GA-M in Abhängigkeit von der Zyklenzahl und der Lastampli-

Fig. 12. Apparent shear modulus of the austenite GA depending on

the number of cycles and the load amplitude Fig. 14. Specific damping capacity W and dissipated energy Wdiss
Abb. 12. Austenit-Schermodul GA in Abhängigkeit von der Zy- as a function of the number of cycles and the load amplitude
klenzahl und der Lastamplitude Abb. 14. Verhältnismäßige Dämpfung W und dissipierte Energie
Wdiss in Abhängigkeit von der Zyklenzahl und der Lastamplitude
creases with increasing cycle number. The solid shafts show
also a more stable behaviour.
Figure 13 shows the apparent stiffness of the austenite-mar- shaft, because hollow shafts fully transform (see figure 9 and
tensite transformation GA-M depending on the number of cy- figure 10). Material regions in the hollow and the solid shaft,
cles and the load amplitude of the solid shafts and of the hol- which undergo the transformation simultaneously experience
low shafts. The apparent stiffness of the austenite-martensite functional fatigue in parallel. In this range of the material the
transformation GA-M of both shafts rises with increasing cycle area of the hysteresis decreases with cycle number. The inner
number. The stiffness GA-M shows a similar behaviour as the material of the solid shafts does not undergo the transforma-
parameters sMs and GA concerning fatigue. The solid shafts tion. For this reason, this range of material does not give rise to
show a more stable behaviour. an increased hysteresis and it does not affect the functional
Figure 14 shows the specific damping capacity W and the fatigue of the outer material. The major difference between
dissipated energy Wdiss depending on the number of cycles the hysteresis of both geometries is related to residual strain.
and the load amplitude of the solid shafts and of the hollow Generally speaking, the hysteresis areas of the hollow shafts
shafts. As far as the specific damping capacity W is con- are not decreasing in the same way as the hysteresis areas of
cerned, the hollow shafts show a more stable behaviour in the solid shafts with the cycle number due to the smaller re-
contrast to the three transformation parameters sMs, GA and sidual strain. The specific damping capacity W, directly de-
GA-M. This behaviour results from the inner supporting mate- pends on the hysteresis areas (see figure 14).
rial of the solid shafts, which is not transforming. The outer
material of the solid shafts undergoes transformation. For this
reason, the outer material experiences functional fatigue. Be-
sides, the residual strains in this range increase with cycle 4 Conclusions
number. The inner material does not undergo functional fati-
gue and the residual strains in this range are constant and do The present paper presents experimental results of the me-
not increase with cycle number. The total residual strain of the chanical behaviour of NiTi hollow and solid shaft samples,
solid shaft is smaller than the total residual strain of the hollow subjected to cyclic torsional loading. The functional fatigue

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5 Damping 311

is described by three parameters. These parameters are the 6 References
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the austenite-martensite transformation GA-M increases with Loading, Journal de Physique IV – Oroceedings: Inernational
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show a more stable functional fatigue behaviour. The more Alloys sublected to Torsional Loading, Conference on Shape
stable functional fatigue behaviour of the solid shafts results Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Asilomar/CA, May
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The material of the hollow shafts fully transforms and there- 6. W. Predki, M. Klönne, Int. Conf. on Shape Memory and Super-
fore suffers functional fatigue. The fatigue effects can be elastic Technologies and Shape Memory Materials, Kunming 2.-
clearly seen. The functional fatigue effects show smaller hys- 6. September 2001, Materials Science Forum 2002, 394 – 395,
teresis loops in the stress-strain diagram and increasing resi- 115.
7. T. Saburi, Ti-Ni shape memory alloys; Cambridge University
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the residual strain of the hollow shafts which is also due to the 8. D. Treppmann, Thermomechanische Behandlung von NiTi; For-
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5 Acknowledgments A. Knopik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Maschinene-

lemente, Getriebe und Kraftfahrzeuge, Universitätsstraße 150,
The authors would like to acknowledge funding by the DFG 44801 Bochum, Germany, Tel. 02343226284, Fax 02343214160,
through SFB 459 (Project B5) and support by MWF NRW.
Received in final form: 3/15/04 [T 758]

312 W. Predki, A. Knopik and M. Klönne Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 2004, 35, No. 5

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