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Function Language Vocabulary

lntroducing yourself to the Present simple of be Nursing personnel

nursing staff Present simple

Discussing a schedule Teiling the time Hospital facilities

Prepositions of time: at 7 a.m.,

_J in the moming, etc.

Meeting patients and their visitors Imperativas Family members: mother, father,
Asking vlsltors polltely to do/not son, daughter, etc.
to do things

Escorting a patient for tests Ordinal numbers, dates Medicar equipment:

Checking that a patient feels X-ray machina, CT scanner, etc.
comfortable Blanket, tro//ey, walking stick,

Checklng patlent detalla Spelling a patient's name Wh- questions Patient record: sumame, gender,
p. 12 Checking patient details for a marital status, etc.
patient record

Describing symptoms Be + adjective Symptoms: cough, dizzy,

Asking about symptoms Feel + adjective earache, etc.
Have + (adjective +) noun

Describlng common childhood Adverbs of frequency Common childhood diseases:

diseases rubella, mumps, meas/es

Carrying out a blood test lf you ... , /et me know. ltems for taking a blood sample:
Distracting and reassuring a antiseptic wipe, cotton ball, etc.
patient during a blood test

Taking a patient's temperature Making polite requests Thermometers: digital

Treating a patient with therrnometer, disposable
hypothermia therrnometer, etc.
Explaining where the rooms and Prepositions of place: down, on, Parts of a patient ward: clean

Nurslng dutles p. 24
areas in a patient ward are

Explaining the ward facilities

Describing a busy day
next to, etc.
There is/There are

Present continuous
Present continuous for futura
t supply room, conference room,
nurses' /ounge, etc.

Verbs: fil/ in, /ook for, consult,

feed, etc.

Responding to a call light (buzzer) Se + adjective Expressions for calming a patient

Negativa adjectives

Ordering food from a hospital A/An, some with countable and Food and beverages: cheese
menu uncountable nouns ome/ette, app/e juice, etc.
Like, would like

Measurements and Asking and answering questions Numbers Weights and measures: litres,
quantltles p. 30 about a patient's diet Metric conversions ca/oríes, kilograrns, etc.
How much/How many, much/
many wlth countable and
uncountable nouns j
Helplng 8 patlent order Helping a patient order from a Asking and answering questlons Verbs: breathe, chew, drink,
from a hospital menu hospital menu about what to eat swallow

Encouraging and praising a Expressions of encouragement Specialised utensils: non-slip

patient and praise plate, two-handled cup, etc.
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