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Hyperbaric Oxygen in Cardiovascular Disease

Potential Usages and Hazards
CLINICAL interest in hyperbaric oxygena- suires are combined wvith the respiration of
tion is recent, buit scientific curiosity pure oxygen. Present-day medical chambers
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abouit high-pressuire environment dates back reflect this concept in their design and em-
to ancient times. Alexander the Great of ployment.
Macedoinia was the earliest hyperbaric inves- In the moderni chamber alveolar oxygen
tigator of whom we have recorded evidence.' te(-_nsions canl. be increased far beyond levels
2 He suirveyed the ocean depths in a glass and achieved by any other means. In practice,
animal skin diving-bell (fig. 1). Among his the patient respires puire oxygen from a mask
most remarkable observations was a fish of or other appropriate delivery system while
such extraordinary length that it required the chamber is pressurized with air. At several
3 days to svim by his viewing port. Certainly atmospherecs of environmental pressure the
Alexander and his biographers were not given
to uinderstatement, a trait they may share with
subsequent workers in this field. During the
past two centuries, scientists in many couin-
tries have studied the biologic effects of in-
creased environmental pressures with em-
phasis on the uinderwater civil and military
applications of this knowledge. Sporadic ef-
forts at treatment of various illnesses with
compressed air alone have proved ineffectual
and been abandoned with the exception of
decompression sickness.3 More recently, how-
ever, Boerema and associates' have intro-
duiced the hyperbaric chamber to the modern
medical era by demonstrating enhanced oxy-
genation when increased atmospheric pres-

Froln the Departmiieint of Medicine, Duke Uni-

versity Medical Center, Durhamii, North Carolina.
Supported in part by Grants 07896-02, 01596-0851,
IIE' 07363-02, lIE 047-02-4, NIl 2E-2e36, -IE 07563- Figure 1
02, NIlf 8669, and 63 G 127 fromii the National
Heart Institute, U. S. Puhlic ilealtlh Service, The Illustration according tO a medieval F'rench mlmtiti-
American Heart Association, and the North Caro- script of Alexanrder the Great stnrveying thle oceatn
lina Heart Association. The survey of the literature fr1on a divinig bell. Frontca Thirteenth Century miatnu-
for the article was completed in October 1964. script, courtesy of the New York Ptublic Librartar.
454 Circulaion, Voluinc XXXi, Atarh 1965
oxygen molecules breathed are crowded to- less the physiologic importance of freely dis-
gether and exert a proportionally greater pres- solved oxygen is great. The number of oxy-
sure upon the alveolar air spaces and pul- gen molecules forced into solution can be
monary capillaries.5 With efficient respiratory increased readily by a factor of 5 with res-
gas exchange, pulmonary capillary blood will piration of pure oxygen. Oxygenation can be
equilibrate to the same tension, thereby forc- increased still further by increasing the at-
ing larger amounts of oxygen into free solution mospheric pressure. At 3 atmospheres of ab-
in blood. If this increase in oxygen delivery solute pressure, the alveolar oxygen tension
can be translated into more effective oxygena- exceeds 2,000 mm. Hg, and perfectly equilib-
tion of tissues, hyperbaric oxygenation will rated pulmonary capillary blood would con-
have dramatic therapeutic application in cer- tain 6 vols. per cent of oxygen in free solution,
tain cardiovascular diseases associated with an amount exceeding the over-all metabolic
organ hypoxia. Suitable examples include coro- requirements. This oxygen content of blood
nary heart disease, cerebral vascular insuffi- has been experimentally determined in normal
ciency, arterial insufficiency of the extremities, animals and man during exposure to increased
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and surgical procedures that require tempo- atmospheric pressure.6 8 In most studies the
rary interruption of the circulation. This re- measured values for arterial blood oxygen
view describes the known biomedical effects of tension are similar to the findings in table 1.
hyperbaric oxygenation upon the circulation In general, the anticipated linear relationship
in health and in the presence of cardiovascular to atmospheric pressure is demonstrated read-
disease. In addition, the special problems as- ily. Under the usual experimental conditions,
sociated with this modality are discussed however, observed values fail to equal the
briefly, so that the limitations of present-day anticipated measurements for reasons that are
therapy can be delineated more clearly. not understood fully. The measured arterial
Physiologic Effects blood oxygen tension approaches 1,700 rather
Environmental air contains 20.93 per cent than 2,000 mm. Hg at 3 atmospheres absolute,
oxygen with a resultant inspired air tension with approximately 5.0 vols. per cent of oxy-
of 149 mm. Hg.* Dilution of this gas in the gen in free solution. That physically dissolved
lungs lowers the effective alveolar oxygen ten- oxygen exceeds the over-all body metabolic
sion to 100-110 mm. Hg. Other factors normal- requirements is confirmed by demonstration
ly present reduce the tension to 100 mm. Hg of 100 per cent oxygen saturation for venous
or less during the time equilibrated pulmon- blood hemoglobin. Under the same experi-
ary capillary blood enters the systemic circu- mental conditions the right atrial blood oxy-
lation. The amount of this slightly soluble gas gen tension exceeds 400 mm. Hg (table 1).
whieh enters free solution obeys physical laws Certain vascular effects of hyperbaric oxy-
described by Henry and is proportional to genation can be observed directly in the optic
the oxygen tension. Normally constituted fundus in figure 1. Hyperbaric oxygenation
blood will hold 0.0031 vol. per cent of oxygen produces two major changes in the retinal
for each mm. Hg tension exerted by that gas. vessels when they are compared to air-breath-
Therefore, a 100-ml. aliquot of blood would ing control.9 First, marked constriction occurs
hold 0.31 ml. of oxygen in free solution, if the in both veins and arteries, and smaller vessels
oxygen tension wvere 100 mm. Hg. This vol- are no longer visible. The caliber of the retinal
ume is small by comparison to the much vessel decreases further as the oxygen tension
rises. Secondly, the normal color difference
larger (20 ml.) amount carried in chemical between retinal venous and arterial blood is
combination with oxyhemoglobin; neverthe-
lost. The general nature of the vasoconstric-
tive phenomenon is indicated by the calculat-
Tensions are calculated as the product of en-
vironmental dry pressure and gas concentration, i.e., ed rise of systemic vascular resistance in nor-
[(760 -water vapor pressure [47] ) X 0.2093 = 149]. mal subjects exposed to hyperbaric oxygena-
Circulation, Volume XXXI, March 1965

Table 1
Mean Blood-Oxygen Responses to Hyperbaric Oxygenation in Ten Normal Subjects
Environmental Arterial blood Venous blood
pressure Inspired pO2 ()2 p02 02 content
(atmosphere) gas (mm. Hg) (vol. %) (inm. Hg) (vol. % )
1 air 89 3.2* 19.1 0.32 41 0.9 14.9 0.47
1 100% 02 507 13.9 21.2 0.51 57 3.5 17.2 0.51
3.04 air 402 9.2 20.8 0.51 68 3.2 18.1 0.44
3.04 100% 02 1721 33.5 25.2 0.51 424 77.8 20.7 0.54
* 1 Standard error.

Table 2
HIemodynamic Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in Ten Normal Subjects
Environmental Cardiac Heart blood Peripheral
pressure Inspired output rate pressure resistance
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(atmospheres) gas (L./min.) (beats/min.) (mm. Hg) (units)

I air 6.1 + 0.38* 75 + 2.5 89 + 3.8 15.3 + 1.14
1 100% 02 5.8 + 0.35 71 ± 2.8 90 ± 2.8 16.0 ± 1.11
3.04 air 5.7 + 0.25 68 + 2.8 88 + 3.5 15.8 + 0.79
3.04 100% 02 5.3 + 0.35 63 + 2.8 92± 3.2 17.8 + 1.20
* 1 Standard error.

tion (table 2) .8 Both cardiac output and well. With use of the eye as a test organ of
heart rate decrease moderately in this experi- convenience, temporary retinal ischemia is
mental setting, and mean arterial blood pres- produced by application of pressure over the
sure remains constant. As a result, measured eyeball.10 11 In the absence of perfusion, vis-
heart work does not increase grossly. ion is lost within a 10-second period during
The observed hyperoxygenation of venous air breathing and returns promptly after re-
blood suggests that tissues accumulate in- lease of the ischemic pressure. However, in-
creased amounts of oxygen during hyperbaric halation of 100 per cent oxygen increases the
exposure despite vasoconstriction and blood persistence of vision during ischemia to 50
flow reduction. This oxygen storage effect, seconds at 3.72 atmospheres absolute (fig. 2).
however, is not easily demonstrated. Minia- Persistence correlates directly with the higher
ture electrodes have been developed for in- arterial blood oxygen tensions. In addition,
sertion into tissue but seem influenced to an this interval of retained vision can be extend-
excessive degree by proximity to blood ves- ed further with the addition of carbon dioxide
sels or alterations in tissue pressure. Perhaps in small amounts to the inspired oxygen gas
the most valid test of tissue oxygen uptake is mixture.12 However, in another series of
to determine whether normal organ function studies, Brown and associates13 have demon-
can be prolonged if perfusion is temporarily strated only a modest increase in survival of
interrupted. Several recent experiments of this a large series of dogs subjected to hyperbaric
type have demonstrated a measurable in- oxygenation prior to total arrest of the circula-
crease in tissue oxygen storage during hyper- tion by electronic fibrillation of the heart.
baric oxygenation. For example, mean nor- Only five of 14 animals survived 15 minutes
mal brain electrical activity persists for 20 of total circulatory arrest after hyperoxygena-
seconds longer during induced circulatory ar- tion at 4 atmospheres absolute and hypo-
rest if the experimental animal has been hy- thermia.
peroxygenated at 3.04 atmospheres absolute. Three conclusions can be drawn from these
Hyperbaric oxygenation can be demonstrated several experimental observations. First, hy-
to produce similar effects in normal man as perbaric oxygenation does increase the deliv-
Circulation, Volume XXXI, March 1965

Figure 2
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Photographis of optic futndis in a norm al subject (left) breathitig air, at 1 otniosphere absoluite,
atid (right) breathinig 100 per cent oxygen at 3.04 atmospheres absolute. Note the markedl
decrease in size of all vessels durinig hyperbaric oxygenationl.

cry of oxygen to vulnerable tissues, anid this Tvo patientsxwith. retinal occiltsive vaLscuilar
increased oxygen supply can be utilized to disease demonstrated small increases in visual
prolong organ funiction in the absence of per- field size as measuired with a Goldman- pe.rim-
fusion. Secondly, this oxygen-storage effect eter during oxygen breathing at 1 atmosphere
is of itself limited and not likely to be of absolute. Significant additional improvement
exceptional value to the cardiovascular anid did not occur duirinig hyperbaric oxygenation,
nieuirosurgeon with present technics of appli- and visual field measurements returned to
cation. Third, organ function fails promptly control values after termination of oxygen
and inevitably in the total absence of a cir- breathing. In a third patient, oxygen breathinig
culation, supporting theoretical calculations at 3.04 atmospheres did not improve vislual
and experimental observations which indicate acuity which had been damaged by a retinal
that gas diffuses poorly through nonvascular arterial embolism a few hours earlier. Never-
tissue routes.'4 thleless, vision retturned completely 12 hours
Clinical Obserxationis of Hyperbaric later after movement of the embolism pe-
Oxygenation in Cardiovascular Disease ripherally. Negative obserxvations of the latter
The biologic effectiveness of hyperbaric type do inot ruile ouit totally Ca beneficical
oxygenation in the treatment of medical is- effect of hyperoxygenation, sinice edema re-
chemic illness is limited clearly by factors not sulIting from hypoxia might not have r-esolved
presenit in studies of normal subjects. Most durinig a short period of treatment. Oni the
important, normal tissue oxygein delivery re- otlher hiand, a reduced circuilation. may suistainl
organ function only durin-g hyperlaric oxy-
(Itilres an intact capillarx circulation, and genation. As a possible example of this lhy-
imllpaired organ perfusion is an inherent part pothesis Heymanl', has observed a remarkable
of ischemic illness. Retinal vascular occlusive
disease is an easily identified clinical problem restoration of netirologic fulnction with hyper-
of this type. In addition, function of the visual oxygenation in fouir of 12 patients witlh acuite
organ can be measured xvith precision. So far cerebral vascular accidenits. In one of these
the favorable visuial fuinctional responses to in stances, the improvement persisted after
hyperoxygenation have been real but small, decompression. Hoxwve r, the over-all fune-
and appear limited to the initerface between tional responses to short periods of hyper-
perfused and nonperfuised retinal tissue.'5 oxygenation has not beeni impressive in this
Circilbtiorn, Volumc XXIz,ilfa?ch 1<965
group. An apparent excellent treatment re- the groups compared. Future studies of high-
sponse has been observed also in a youngster risk patients should provide a more precise
with purpura fulminans who developed pro- answer to this important question.
found peripheral ischemia, pain, and a blue- The results of treatment for peripheral is-
black discoloration of the distal extremities.'7 chemic illness have been inconclusive.'9 Is-
Since the natural history of this illness is often chemic pain disappears commonly but returns
one of gangrene, amputation, and loss of after completing treatment. However, hyper-
life, the child was exposed intermittently to a oxygenation therapy requires further evalua-
total of 40 hours of hyperoxygenation at 2 tion as regards extension of exercise tolerance
atmospheres of pressure, in an attempt to and healing of ulcers in ischemia.
oxygenate the hypoxic tissues. During each Hyperbaric oxygenation offers great prom-
treatment the ischemic areas changed in color ise to the cardiovascular surgeon, particularly
from purple to red and pain decreased not- in the management of severe cyanotic con-
iceably. This child recovered completely. In genital heart disease. These patients often have
another instance, a 53-year-old woman sus- responded unfavorably to previously avail-
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tained a second myocardial infarction with able therapy. An increase in oxygen tension
cardiac arrest and resuscitation followed by and content during hyperbaric exposure should
sustained hypotension and a chaotic heart provide a greater tolerance to anesthesia and
rhythm which could not be reversed by to circulatory arrest during surgical treatment
pharmacologic means. After all therapy had of the cardiac abnormality. Bernhard20 21
failed, the patient was subjected to 18 hours has operated on 90 children with congenital
of hyperbaric oxygenation at 2 atmospheres cardiac malformations with the aid of hyper-
of absolute pressure. In the eighth hour the barbic oxygenation. The results are impressive,
cardiac rhythm reverted to normal and re- particularly in the cyanotic group, in which
mained stable thereafter. This patient has re- 18 of 25 children have responded favorably.
covered also from her illness. However, large Nevertheless7 respiratory gas exchange be-
case series confirming the general significance comes a very inefficient means of oxygenating
of these individually favorable responses have blood in a child with a large extrapulmonary
not been forthcoming as yet. right-to-left shunt. Enormous tensions would
The internist has been excited most by the be required to saturate arterial blood normally.
potential of hyperoxygenation for the treat- For this reason, the physiologic advantages
ment of severe coronary heart disease. Only resulting from oxygen respiration alone may
Cameron'8 has reported a carefully compiled prove limited. However, the combination of hy-
and controlled series thus far. He reports no peroxygenation, efficient extracorporeal heart-
difference in treatment results for 20 patients lung machines, and hypothermia may have
with acute myocardial infarcts who were ex- extraordinary value and merits very active
posed to 48 hours of hyperbaric oxygenation study.
at 2 atmospheres absolute. Furthermore, the
mortality of 30 per cent was identical to Special Problems Inherent in the Clinical
Application of Hyperbaric Oxygenation
previous hospital experience. However, inter- to be Considered Carefully by
pretation of this study is limited by technical Interested Groups
problems of gas delivery and the statistical Unfortunately, the structural and hardware
limitations of good-risk case evaluation. Of requirements of a hyperbaric chamber do not
the six patients in the hyperoxygenated group conform to standard architectural experience.
who died, five manifested cardiogenic shock The builder and user must solve unfamiliar
prior to treatment. Only one patient in the problems in design. As a result, the research
control group manifested circulatory collapse hyperbaric facility becomes enormously ex-
upon entering this series, suggesting some pensive to construct and may approach a cost
difference in the clinical severity of cases in of $1,000 per square foot of net usable floor
Circalation, Volume XXXI, March 1965
space. Much of this cost is inherent in the order to perform this task without producing
stringent safety requirements of an artificial on the one hand a serious expiratory load
environment and is not likely to be changed resistance or on the other hand exposing the
with experience. Furthermore, like the sub- lungs of the patient to the large intolerable
marine, the hyperbaric chamber requires an pressure gradient across the chamber wall.22
experienced crew familiar with the intimate If a fire were to occur despite all precautions,
details of their ship and capable of reacting in- a fire sprinkler system has been provided
stantly and correctly to changing requirements. which incorporates sufficient pressure pro-
We have found that experienced Navy-trained duced by a booster pump to overcome the re-
divers are particularly valuable in meeting sistance of a high atmospheric pressure within
these needs. The well-designed chamber pro- the chamber.
vides back-up systems for all essential opera- The research chamber must be engineered
tional components. A typical example is the to permit quantitative measurement if results
problem of air supply for pressurization and of treatment are to be evaluated properly.
ventilation should the compressors fail. An Every physiologic measurement made during
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ideal solution is to maintain, at all times, an a hyperbaric exposure requires a special en-
emergency 24-hour supply of air in high- gineering solution. For example, blood sam-
pressure storage flasks. ples collected at 3 atmospheres will bubble
Fire is the most serious consequence of and hemolyze if transferred outside the cham-
technical failure. The problem is particularly ber for measurement. Therefore, equipment
acute here because there is no possible rapid should be placed in the chamber for measure-
escape from the interior of a pressurized ment of gas tension at the pressure of sample
chamber. The gaseous environment, instru- collection.
mentation, and limited volume exaggerate the A patient subjected to a protracted hyper-
hazard, and fatal accidents due to fire have baric exposure is isolated to a large extent
occurred in nonclinical facilities. The advent from many of the hospital facilities that would
of therapeutic chambers has made a solution be available ordinarily if a clinical require-
to the problem more difficult, since the cir- ment arose. Therefore, the operational cham-
cumstances of treatment may preclude at- ber should contain essential emergency drugs
tempts at movement of either the patient or and supplies, including tracheotomy and cut-
attending personnel. We have attempted to down trays. Adequate nursing help and both
solve our problem by eliminating all possible integral operating and x-ray facilities should
fire hazards and by providing a specific be incorporated, whenever possible, in future
means of control if all precautions fail. The clinical hyperbaric chamber construction. If an
Duke Chamber contains no sparking electric acute surgical requirement were to occur dur-
motors. Air-powered motors drive the internal ing hyperoxygenation, the ability to move the
air conditioner and even turn the tonometer patient to an operating room and perform the
on the waterbath. The uniforms worn by necessary surgical therapy without decom-
personnel and all of the surgical drapes are pression would offer obvious advantages.
impregnated with a special fire retardant. Al- Another problem peculiar to hyperbaric ex-
though the chamber is pressurized and ven- posure is decompression illness or "bends." A
tilated with air, enrichment of the internal bends incidence of 2 to 6 per cent is found in
environment with oxygen or anesthetic gas standard references.3 This figure is unaccept-
would be hazardous. For this reason, and in able in a medical environment. Unfortunate-
order to facilitate collection for measurement, ly, the differing biologic characteristics of
expired air of oxygen-breathing patients and medical personnnel as compared to selected
animals is vented through a special exhaust healthy young divers, and the present bio-
device directly to the exterior. A special parti- medical emphasis on prolonged shallow sub-
tioning valve system had to be designed in surface dives, increases the likelihood of in-
Circulation, Volumine XXXI, March 1965
adequate nitrogen elimination when standard monary ventilatory and mechanical perform-
decompression tables are used. Three transi- ance.25 In addition to an increase of pulmon-
ent visual manifestations of dysbarism oc- ary work, airway resistance rises and flow
curred in our first 1,500 personnel dives.23 rates decrease, as would be anticipated.
However, the respiration of pure oxygen dur- The most serious unsolved problem for the
ing the final minutes of an air decompression hyperbaric therapist is oxygen toxicity. Ex-
schedule accelerates nitrogen elimination and treme hyperoxia can produce acute central
decreases the likelihood of nitrogen bubble nervous system symptoms and signs that ter-
formation during decompression. Clinically minate in convulsions and death.20 This form
significant symptoms have occurred only once of oxygen toxicity is easily managed in man
in our personnel since oxygen breathing has by discontinuing oxygen breathing promptly,
been incorporated into our decompression but limits seriously the duration of safe ex-
routine. Fortunately, the patient has the posure at oxygen pressures greater than 2i2 at-
largest margin of protection under these cir- mospheres absolute. Furthermore, patients
cumstances, since he will wash out much of may develop oxygen convulsions more readily
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his tissue nitrogen while respiring pure oxy- than normal subjects. For example, a patient
gen during treatment. In any case, if a serious with sickle-cell disease in crisis convulsed
bend occurs, equipment and personnel should after only 12 minutes of oxygen breathing,
be prepared for prompt recompression. with a measured arterial blood oxygen tension
In future exposures the use of exotic gas of less than 1,200 mm. Hg (equivalent to a
mixtures with differing tissue solubility and 2i2 atmosphere exposure).
clearance characteristics will require more A much more serious form of oxygen toxic-
sophisticated decompression schedules. Ex- ity occurs in the lungs with excessive exposure
otic gases will be used for the patient, to hyperbaric oxygenation.27 Characteristic ir-
in order to avoid prolonged exposure of pul- reversible findings of bronchopneumonia, con-
monary tissue to pure oxygen, and for per- gestion, and fibrinoid hyaline membrane for-
sonnel so that they may function efficiently at mation appear with subsequent failure of res-
greater environmental pressures. At the pres- piratory gas exchange. This process terminates
ent time, the narcotic effects of nitrogen limit ultimately in death. However, an uninterrupt-
air-breathing personnel to an exposure of 4 ed exposure of 3 to 5 hours does not produce
atmospheres or 45 p.s.i.g. if they hope to func- symptoms of respiratory toxicity at inspired
tion at a near optimum level.24 This measure- oxygen pressures of less than 3 atmospheres
able narcotic phenomenon is particularly seri- and forms the basis of most curremt treat-
ous if technically difficult procedures, such as ment schedules.
cardiovascular surgery, are planned. A unique form of acidosis develops during
Major respiratory gas-delivery problems hyperbaric oxygenation with displacement of
have occurred in severely ill, dyspneic, and acid into plasma, which would otherwise be
only partially oriented patients. Unfortu- bound isohydrically to the large venous pool
nately, control of the airway by intuba- of reduced hemoglobin. This phenomenon is
tion has served these patients poorly. Pul- caused by the less efficient buffering action of
monary work and respiratory distress increase oxygenated venous hemoglobin. The extent
substantially as a result of an increased res- of acidosis is small and limited to the venous
piratory gas density during hyperbaric ex- circulation in normal animals and man with
posure. Airway intubation aggravates res- a pCO2 rise of 5 or 6 mm. Hg and pH fall of
piratory distress because of the inevitable re- 0.01 unit.6' 28 However, animals subjected to
duction in size of airway lumen. This effect hyperbaric oxygenation after surgical creation
can be demonstrated readily in normal sub- of a large venoarterial shunt demonstrated a
jects by introducing tracheotomy fittings into very severe systemic acidosis, despite vigor-
a respiratory assembly and measuring pul- ous respirator-controlled ventilation. In this
Circulation, Volume XXXI, March 1965

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ditions. New England Cardiovas. Soc. 21: 31, JR.: Oxygen transport and acid base responses
1963. of cyanotic dogs to hyperbaric oxygenation.
22. SMITH, W. W., AND BROWN, I. W., JR.: An Second International Conference on Hyper-
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atmospheric pressure partitioning device for baric Oxygenation, Glasgow, Scotland, Septem-
respiratory use in hyperbaric chambers. In ber, 1964, to be published by E. and S. Living-
preparation. stone Ltd., Edinburgh, 1965.
MA, H. A.: Dysbarism in hyperbaric personnel. AND HORTON, B. D.: Effects of in vivo hyper-
J.A.M.A. 190: 1043, 1964. oxia on erythrocytes hemolysis in mice ex-
24. BEHNKE, A. R., THOMSON, R. M., AND MOTLEY, posed to hyperbaric oxygenation. Proc. Soc.
E. P.: Psychologic effects from breathing air Exper. Biol. & Med. 116: 259, 1964.

How Medicine Became a Science .

The latter part of the seventeenth century was dominated by the intelligence of New-
ton, whose influence on medicine was indirect. The influence of Newton was still strong
at Cambridge when Stephen Hales arrived there, and it is likely that the same influence
may have been at work to induce Francis Hauksbee to support Cheselden's lectures on
anatomy by teaching his students the mechanics of the human body. The latter part of
the seventeenth century saw a large field opened for observation by the development
of the microscope. Working with simple apparatus Hooke, Malpighi and Leeuwenhoek
gave accurate descriptions of many minute objects. Leeuwenhoek pictured some micro-
organisms which have in modern times been identified as common bacteria of the mouth.
In the same period Robert Boyle's chemical researches showed that air was necessary
for animal life, and a few years later Lower and Mayow showed that it was a special
part of the air which was essential for respiration; unfortunately the definite discovery
of oxygen was not to be made for another century.-ZACHARY COPE, KT. Some Famous
General Practitioners and other Medical Historical Essays. London, Pitman Medical
Publishing Co., Ltd., 1961, p. 187.

Circulation, Volume XXXI, March 1965

Hyperbaric Oxygen in Cardiovascular Disease: Potential Usages and Hazards
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Circulation. 1965;31:454-462
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.31.3.454
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