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Arroyo Flooding at UTEP

Written by Frederic Williams

Enid Martinez
RWS 1302
Dr. Vierra
University of Texas at El Paso


1 POV Laptop in stream landscape SFX forest
ZOOM Into laptop

2 ANGLE Shift to footage of arroyo SFX forest

0:12 on screen

TITLE Arroyos of UTEP

3 INSERTArroyo: A small deep VO VO Self: “Arroyo: A small deep

0:18 gully or channel of a dry gully or channel of a dry desert
desert contains streamflow contains streamflow only after
only after rain rain”

4 PAN Subject to flooding picture SFX Dramatic jingle

5 MONTAGE Desert rains SFX Thunder and rain

6 MONTAGE Arroyos filling up SFX Thunder and rain


7 MONTAGE Rapid arroyos SFX Thunder and rain

8 INSERT Question: How are arroyos SFX Jingle
0:48 managed in urban areas?

9 PAN Arroyo with water at UTEP SFX Jingle

INSERT Lesson 1 Soil Crusts VO Self: “After rainfall, bare
soils develop a dry outermost
layer called a crust.

10 PAN Hydrophobic soil and SFX Jingle

1:00 Chihuahuan desert
This layer absorbs minimal water
and increases runoff from

Mualem et al. p. 132



11 INSERT Lesson 2 Asphalt SFX Jingle
VO Self: “Pavement makes a
waterproof seal found in cities
that increases the quantity and
the speed of urban runoff.”

12 PAN Water on streets and going SFX Jingle

1:12 into drain
VO Self: “Pavement makes a
waterproof seal found in cities
that increases the quantity and
the speed of urban runoff”

13 PAN Old parking lot on inner SFX Jingle

1:18 campus



15 INSERT Littered arroyo leading SFX Jingle

1:30 into campus
VO Self: “Drain systems have to
Original footage of arroyo
be monitored regularly for trash”

16 Shot of Greg McNicol VO Greg McNicol: “After any rain

1:36 event grounds people are the
Original footage of arroyo
first to go out and check all the

17 Original footage of arroyo They're designed to catch debris

1:42 through pipes and keep material out of the pipe
but we don't want to get material
down in there because I don't
want to send anybody in there to
have to clean it up, or get the
city to have to do that”


18 PAN & INSERT Aerial view of UTEP SFX Jingle
1:52 prior to 2009

19 SHOT 1914-2014 signs VO Self: “UTEP celebrated it’s

2:00 one hundred-year anniversary with
the campus transformation
project. “

20 INSERT Centennial celebration

2:03 2014

21 Videos: Celebration clips


22 PAN Master plan cover page VO Self: “The master plan was
2:12 drafted by 2009 and detailed
various streets running through
the inner campus

23 Videos of campus before that would be replaced by

2:18 construction pedestrian-friendly trails

24 Campus under construction videos Construction was underway by

2:24 2013.”
Sketches of master plan.

25 Images of campus under SFX Jingle

2:30 construction

26 Ten Eyck Website recording VO Self: “Prime consultant, Ten

2:36 Eyck Landscape Architects had
previous experience with higher
education landscaping in

27 Images from Ten Eyck website desert regions and was the
2:42 perfect candidate for the UTEP
transformation design.”


28 Shot of Greg McNicol VO Greg McNicol: “Centennial
2:48 Plaza, A lot of people don't
recognize that it collects
some...just under a half a
million gallons of water per rain

29 Original footage of arroyo on there's a whole series of

2:54 campus

30 Shot of Centennial Plaza Gravel, we put a layer of gravel

3:00 and then a layer of sand and then
Original footage of arroyo
the brick pavers on top

31 Original footage of arroyo, Okay. So the water can actually

3:06 including catch basins get down into this

32 PAN Image catch basins section when it gets kind of

3:12 flooded and then it seeps beyond
that back into the ground well.
That rain component is once there
the basin is full

33 Arroyo on campus So there's every time you build

3:18 something you have over full
PAN Image of catch basins
component to it as the water's
coming down from off the mountain

34 Drone footage of arroyo coming and if it's flowing this

3:24 into the city direction One of the things that
we build as a check dam, is what
they're called, and it's actually
a damn that looks

35 Drone footage. backwards. It does cause the

3:30 water to dissipate and then flow
over the top and slow down and
when it gets down further

36 Nyssen et al. 2004: Check dam

3:36 image


37 Video of catch basin It'll be another check dam. If
3:42 you go look in the aseqios in and
around Centennial Plaza, you'll
see these all over the place”

38 Image of SITES plaque on campus VO Self: “The project has been

3:48 awarded the Sustainable SITES
Image of Ten Eyck website stating
that UTEP got a silver award,
Initiative Silver Certification,
highlighted the first project in the world to
earn SITES

39 Certification beyond the

3:54 initiatives pilot projects,
recognizing the project as a
model of sustainability”

40 Shot of Greg McNicol VO Greg McNicol: “I'm proud of

4:02 the group that works here... goes
PAN Acknowledgements page pf
master plan
to whether they're trying to
harvester stormwater,

41 PAN Acknowledgements page pf energy, water, consumption that

4:08 master plan we do on our cooling towers, all
of that. Part of why we're doing

42 PAN Tuition and fees image is to keeps your tuition as low

4:12 as I can. We don't want to be the
reason your tuition has to go

43 INSERT What can students do to be VO Self: “What can students do to

4:18 a part of the solution? be a part of the solution?
Background: Campus arroyo

44 PAN recycling bins, red to green The Miner Recycling System makes
4:24 to black and blue. it easy to keep trash off the

45 UTEP street drain UTEP campus and keep our drains

4:28 and arroyo beautiful and

46 Drone footage of arroyo and UTEP SFX Jingle

4:36 buildings


47 Background: El Paso sunset SFX Jingle
Credits roll


Film Nomenclature
Here are some scriptwriting terms you can use. You need to use at least
one term in every scene.

ANGLE: Directs the camera to focus on a person or thing.

AD LIB: Instructs actors to make up and fill in dialogue in the scene.
CUT TO: To go from one scene, or element in a scene, to another very
DISSOLVE: A film editing technique where one scene "melts" or fades
into another scene.
ESTABLISHING SHOT: Use to be used to give an overall perspective of a
EXT. Short for exterior, or outside.
FADE IN: This is the start of the screenplay.
FADE OUT: This is the end.
Fg: Stands for Foreground. Used to place an object or person in front
of the scene.
FREEZE FRAME: The image freezes on the screen and becomes a still shot.
INT.: Short for interior, or indoors.
INTERCUT: To go back and forth between to locations, scenes, or
elements in a scene.
INSERT: An item that is inserted into the camera view. Usually a note,
or picture is inserted so the audience can either read what is on the
note or see the picture.
Master scene heading: Begins each new scene. It consists of three
parts: The LOCATION, PLACE, and TIME of the scene. For example:
MONTAGE or SERIES OF SHOTS: A number of different scenes shown one
after the other. Used to show a number of events passing in a short
period of time.
OS or OC: OFF SCREEN or OFF CAMERA. A character talks, or something
happens out of view of the camera.
OVER THE SHOULDER: A camera shot over the shoulder of a character.
PAN: A camera shot that pivots up and down, or side to side.
PLOT POINT: A turning point, or transition in the screenplay that
propels the screenplay forward.
POV: POINT OF VIEW. The perspective view of one character as they look
at another character or thing in the scene.
REVERSE SHOT: When two characters are talking to each other and the
camera shifts for one character to the other.

SLOW MOTION: Self-explanatory.

SPLIT SCREEN: The location of the scene is divided in to two, or more
SUBLIM: A shot lasting less than a second. (The brief flashbacks scenes
usually done when a character is dying and their live flash before
their eyes)
SUPER: A SUPERIMPOSITION. One image merged into another image.
VO: VOICE OVER. Usually used by a narrator of a scene. The character
doing the VO is usually not in the same location as the scene.
ZOOM: A camera focus upon something in the scene.

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