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Test case for Login page

Test cases for user name and password:

Test data: username and password

Test case Id: 001

Enter valid username:

Enter valid password:

Expected Result: enters into welcome page

Test case id: 002

Enter valid username:

Enter invalid pwd:

Expected Result: should not enter into welcome page

Test case id: 003

Enter invalid user name:

Enter valid pwd:

Expected Result: should not enter into welcome page

Test case id: 004

Enter invalid user name:

Enter invalid pwd:

Expected Result: should not enter into welcome page

Test case id: 005
Enter username: blank

Enter valid password:

Expected result: display “this field should be filled” message

Test case id: 006

Enter username: valid

Enter pwd: blank

Expected result: display “this field should be filled” message

Test case id: 007

Enter username: blank

Enter pwd: blank

Expected result: display “this field should be filled” message

Test case for login button:

Test data: username and password

Test case id: 011

Enter valid user name and password and click on the login button

Expected result: Login button should not be disabled

Test is passed, if the login button disappears then the test is failed
Test case id: 012
Enter valid user name and password and click on the login button

Login successfully and welcome page is not displayed (i.e., any other
page is opened)

Test case for “remember me” check box

Test data: username and password

Test case id: 021

Enter valid username and password and click on the remember me

Expected result: Gmail welcome should be opened automatically

without entering credentials when the Gmail login page is opened

Test case for “forgot password”

Test data: username

Test case id: 031

Enter username and click on the forgot password button
Expected result: enter email id page should be displayed
Test case for “ email validation”
Rules for creating a valid email id:

List of all test scenarios:

Test for all alphabets





Check whether username is having valid characters and no spaces

Positive testcase:
Test case id: 041
Enter username: username beginning with space

Enter pwd: valid

Expected result: “username should not begin with space” message

should be displayed

Test case id: 042

Enter username: username having spaces in the middle

Enter pwd: valid

Expected result: “username should not have spaces” message should

be displayed

Test case id: 043

Enter username: username with special characters

Enter pwd: valid

Expected result: “username should not have special characters”

message should be displayed

Note: only few special characters like “.”, “_”, “-“, ************ (try to
create an email with “test_$%#&^%()”

Test case id: 044

Enter username: username with 3 characters

Enter pwd: valid

Expected result: “username should have minimum 6 characters”
message should be displayed

Test case id: 045

Enter username: username with 33 characters

Enter pwd: valid

Expected result: “username should have maximum 30 characters only”

message should be displayed.


Agile testing

Waterfall methodology of sdlc




(new, assigned, fixed,ready for testing, tested/verified

Verification and validation

Functionality testing

Black box testing

White box testing

Automation testing

Phases of sdlc (analysis, design, development,testing,deployment)

Agile Methodology: Release, (major, minor), Sprirint, Iteration (15 days)


Testing levels: unit testing, integration, system testing, UAT

Testing types: retesting, regression testing, smoke testing,

Tools: Jenkins

Data driven framework

Keyword driven framework

Hybrid framew

testing – framework

annotations: @BeforeTest, @Aftertest , @test

test plan or test strategy









User stories

Business Analyst


As an *** of this application,

I want to be able to login to the application,

So that, I can see the “welcome “ screen/

Sizing of userstories:

T-shirt sizing : S – 2 to 4 points

M – medium



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