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There has been a lot of discussion about the convenience of having zoos; some people think this

kind of places are useful to look after endagered species and to provide the posibility of distraction
to people in their leisure time. But others consider that zoos only produce suffering on animals. As
far as I am concerned, I agree with the first group since right now it is very difficult allowing animals
to live in their natural environment. Besides, there is a great risk due to the fact that many animas
has been killed by hunters in order to get raw materials for luxury industries. And finaly I consider it
is a good idea to have the oportunity of knowing about those animals because it could improve our
envaironmental concience.

The human population is growing up in all the world faster than ever before. Because of that, great
areas of wilderness has been and are being destroyed and colonized by humans. As a direct
consecuence, the conflict between humans and animals has increased, and this situation has wiped
out a great number of species and put in great risk to many others. One of the possible solutions is
to catch some of this animals and put them in zoos with the hope of breeding young members of
those endagered species. This method has been proved effective with some species like elephants,
lions and bears.

Another reazon to maintain zoos is the great risk due to hunters. This risk has been growing up in
the last years, because an increase in the demand for more raw materials necessary for some
industries, especially luxury industries. If some memebers of the blank rinocerhos had been put in
a zoo, this wonderful specie would not have been destroyed. And the same process is hapenning
with many animals like cocodriles, whose skin is used to make bags, elephants, whose teeth are
used to make a lot of luxury products etc.

In order to avoid wiping out most of the wonderful animal species we have on our world, it is very
important to create concience about the risk that there is on those species, and understanding that
animals could be useful in the future. Right now, a lot of medicines and treatments to improve our
health has been discovered inside certain animals, thus, it is a matter of our own life to preserve
species as most as we can. And one of the ways of doing it is to create well suited zoos where animals
can live in good living conditions.

As a conclusion, it is possible to say that zoos has an important role in the modern world. This role
is to preserve for the future generations the wonderful animals that we have been able to see and
enjoy. It is also important to say that, animals are like our brothern, and in that way, since we are
more intelligent than them, we have the responsability of taking care of them, as if we had a brother
who were sick and in great risk.

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