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08 August 2018 Dear Dr. lan Smith. | would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. | am Paula Guillen from Ecuador and | am 28 years old. | graduated in August 2014. In 2016 | began my journey to become ECFMG certified. ‘Since | was a child | wanted to study a career that allows me to serve people unconditionally, therefore | started my journey in order to become a physician, | found the medical science very interesting and | got passionate learning about it. The idea of applying knowledge to solve health problems has a prevalent impact when you increase the quality of life of someone and is a good ‘emotional contribution. Jam a General Practitioner graduated from University of Cuenca and | worked for a year in a rural area called San Juan de Llullundongo in Guaranda this is where | could experience the needs of our indigenous people who have really limited resources. | was involved in various activities regarding the promotion of health in the communities which has allowed me to develop strong interpersonal and organization skills. | strongly believe in succeeding of hard work, every day is a new opportunity to learn from past experiences, people and books. Medicine is a continuous learning and acquisition of new skills that ‘may allow the physician serve the community every day in a better way. | enjoy at working independently as much as | do sharing creative ideas with other team members, ‘As lam aware, that every single experience either positive or negative can make a difference in our life. | am currently looking for my next career move, and this opportunity caught my attention, because it perfectly blends my passion for helping others with my interest for keeping learning. | would love ‘to work at your hospital and make a contribution in your team. In the future, | am planning to apply for a residency training in Pathology in the US, and | am seeking to apply, if possible, to an observership or shadowing opportunity. Thus, | would really like to become a pathologist specialist and do some research in order to contribute to the community, and. hopefully return to my country and help Ecuadorians as well Sincerely Yours;

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