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Social and Emotional Learning: A Framework

for Promoting Mental Health and Reducing Risk Behavior

in Children and Youth
John W. Payton, Dana M. Wardlaw, Patricia A. Graczyk,
Michelle R. Bloodworth, Carolyn J. Tompsett, Roger P. Weissberg

ABSTRACT: Many programs have been developed to help schools enhance students’ health and reduce the prevalence of drug use,
violence, and high-risk sexual behaviors. How should educators choose among these? This article describes selection criteria based
on theory, research, and best educational practice that identify key social and emotional learning (SEL)competencies and program
features. The SEL competencies for students include I7 skills and attitudes organized into four groups: awareness of self and others:
positive attitudes and values: responsible decision making: and social interaction skills. The 1I program features critical to the
success of school-based SEL programs emphasize curriculum design, coordination with larger systems, educator preparation and
support, and program evaluation. Developed by the Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the SEL
framework can be used to guide selection of research-based prevention programs that address health, substance abuse, violence
prevention, sexuality, character, and social skills. (J Sch Health. 2000;70(5):179-185)

these weaknesses, some educators regard these programs as

B 0th parents and educators want young people to succeed
in their academic, personal, and social lives. They want
young people to have the motivation and ability to achieve;
fads that will soon be replaced by yet another ad hoc
program to address the next perceived crisis.*
to establish positive relationships with their peers and Because the problem behaviors that these programs
adults; to adapt to the complex demands of growth and target often occur together in clusters, share many of the
development; to contribute to their peer group, family, same risk and protective factors, and can be addressed by
school, and community; and to make responsible decisions similar ~trategies,~ there is growing national support for a
that enhance their health and avoid risky behaviors. To help comprehensive, coordinated approach to the prevention of
young people accomplish these tasks, schools are increas- risk and promotion of positive youth de~elopment.~.~ Such
ingly challenged to offer more than basic instruction in the comprehensive initiatives typically target multiple
traditional academic areas. In response, many schools have outcomes, are multiyear in duration, coordinate school-
adopted programs targeting one or more categories of prob- based efforts with those in families and the larger commu-
lem behaviors such as violence, drug use, risky sexual nity, and include environmental supports so children have
behaviors, or early school withdrawal. opportunities to practice positive behaviors and receive
When schools adopt multiple programs to address these consistent reinforcement.6
social and health issues, they face several implementation Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs provide
difficulties. Multiple programs tend to be poorly coordi- systematic classroom instruction that enhances children’s
nated, and thus compete among themselves and with capacities to recognize and manage their emotions, appreci-
lessons in core learning areas for scarce instructional time ate the perspectives of others, establish prosocial goals and
and school resources. Often they are of short duration and, solve problems, and use a variety of interpersonal skills to
because they typically remain on the margins of schools’ effectively and ethically handle developmentally relevant
established routines, they are not likely to be sustained tasks. SEL programs also establish environments that
from year to year.’ Finally, these programs frequently lack support, reinforce, and extend this instruction so that what
the environmental supports at home and school, such as children learn in the classroom is generalized to their lives
modeling and reinforcement of healthy norms and behav- outside the classroom. SEL programs aim to foster the
iors by teachers and parents, that enable children to main- development of students who are knowledgeable, responsi-
tain what they have learned in the classroom. As a result of ble, and caring,’ thereby contributing to their academic
success, healthy growth and development, ability to main-
John W. Payton, DrPH, CHES, Director, SEL Program Review, Dept. of tain positive relationships, and motivation to contribute to
Psychology ( M K 285), <jpaytol>: Dana M. Wardlaw, MA, their communities.
Community and Prevention Research doctoral student, <>; Hundreds of programs are available to help educators
Patricia A. Graczyk, PhD, NIMH Postdoctoral Fellow in Prevention
Research, CASEL Senior Research Associate, <>:
prevent problem behaviors and promote children’s health
Michelle R. Bloodworth, MA, Clinical Psychology doctoral student, and character development. In order to make wise choices
cmbloodl>; Carolyn J. Tompsett, BA, Research Specialist, among this large field, educators need assistance in identi-
<>: and Roger P. Weissberg, PhD, Professor of fying both the elements of quality programs and the
Psychology and Education, CASEL Executive Director, <>, programs that incorporate these elements. To address this
University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 W . Harrison St., Chicago, IL
60607-7137.This CASEL project is supported by funding from the US need, the Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional
Dept. of Education (grant #R215U980025), the Fetzer Institute, the Irving Learning (CASEL) has developed a framework of key SEL
B. Harris Philanthropic Fund, the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, the competencies (skills, attitudes, and values essential to the
Surdna Foundation, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. In addition social and emotional development of young people) and
to contacting the authors, readers can find out more information about the
Collaborative to Advance‘ Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and
identified program features critical to the effective enhance-
the ongoing review of SEL programs by visiting the CASEL website at ment of these competencies. The primary purpose of this
<>. paper is to describe these key elements of quality programs,

Journal of School Health May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5 179

\k\Lsl Rw.lLh, thCQI-j, anh hest th\!\i\Q\a\ pl\Li\c!t %EL,heueQpapplQpiltiateSEL gQA\lnh c!\l\\lQQn\%m-
suggest are essential to enhance children's social and ing activities, create supportive contexts for and assure the
emotional learning. The paper also will describe how sustainability of SEL, and evaluate their SEL program
CASEL is using these key elements to conduct a compre- initiatives.
hensive SEL review of categorical and multitarget preven- The task of describing the critical elements of quality
tion and positive youth development programs. SEL programs and determining the extent to which they are
incorporated in available prevention programs also builds
BACKGROUND on previous reviews of prevention programs for youth.*-"
CASEL is an international organization founded in 1994 However, the SEL program review differs from these
to establish social and emotional learning as an essential efforts in several important respects. First, although the
part of education from preschool through high school. Its SEL program review includes the results of well-designed
goals are: 1) to advance the science of SEL; 2) to translate outcome evaluations as an element critical to successful
this scientific knowledge into effective school practices; 3) programming, it devotes more rigorous attention than previ-
to disseminate information about scientifically sound SEL ous efforts to assessing each program's SEL content
educational strategies and practices; 4) to enhance training (Figure 1) and to program design, coordination, and educa-
so that educators effectively implement high-quality SEL tor preparation and support features (Figure 2). Second, the
programs; and 5) to network and collaborate with scientists, SEL program review includes within a single review
educators, advocates, policymakers, and interested citizens programs from a broad range of content areas including
to increase coordination of SEL efforts. alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention; violence
To identify the critical elements of quality SEL prevention; sexuality, health, and character education, and
programs and apply them in rating the programs included social skills enhancement. Its focus in reviewing this range
in the SEL program review, CASEL assembled an interdis- of single and multitarget programs is on how well they
ciplinary team, representing the fields of school, commu- teach the key SEL competencies and link them to the range
nity, and clinical psychology, school social work and health of behaviors these programs target.
education, and special education. The work of this team A third difference is that this review is limited to SEL
builds upon CASEL's previously developed SEL guidelines programs whose instructional component has sequenced,
for educators,' which were intended to help educators well-designed lessons intended for use in regular-education
reflect on what their schools are currently doing to foster classrooms. The requirement that programs have a

Figure 1
Key SEL Competencies

Awareness of Self and Others

Awareness of feelings: The capacity to accurately perceive and label one's feelings.
Management of feelings: The capacity to regulate one's feelings.
Constructive sense of self: The capacities to accurately perceive one's strengths and weaknesses and handle everyday challenges
with confidence and optimism.
Perspective taking: The capacity to accurately perceive the perspectives of others.

Positive Attitudes and Values

Personal responsibility: The intention to engage in safe and healthy behaviors and be honest and fair in dealing with others.
Respect for others: The intention to accept and appreciate individual and group differences and to value the rights of all
Social responsibility: The intention to contribute to the community and protect the environment.

Responsible Decision Makina

Problem identification: The capacity to identify situations that require a decision or solution and assess the associated risks,
barriers, and resources.
Social norm analysis: The capacity to critically evaluate social, cultural, and media messages pertaining to social norms and
personal behavior.
Adaptive goal setting: The capacity to set positive and realistic goals.
Problem solving: The capacity to develop, implement, and evaluate positive and informed solutions to problems.

Social Interaction Skills

Active listening: The capacity to attend to others both verbally and non-verbally to demonstrate to them that they have
been understood.
Expressive communication: The capacity to initiate and maintain conversations and to clearly express one's thoughts and feelings
both verbally and non-verbally.
Cooperation: The capacity to take turns and share in both pairs and group situations.
Negotiation: The capacity to consider all perspectives involved in a conflict in order to resolve the conflict peacefully
and to the satisfaction of all involved.
Refusal: The capacity to make and follow through with clear "NO" statements, to avoid situations in which one
might be pressured, and to delay acting in pressure situations until adequately prepared.
Help seeking: The capacity to identify the need for support and assistance and to access available and appropriate

180 Journal of School Health . May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5

prescribed sequence of lessons contributes to an organized Conversely, programs that have only one year of sequenced
and coherent curriculum similar to that used in other learn- classroom instruction are included if they have some other
ing areas in which student learning at one level builds on structure in subsequent years to promote maintenance of
what has come before and prepares for what comes later. what students learned in the first year, such as ongoing peer
Prescribed lessons also contribute to maximizing the likeli- mediation teams or booster sessions.
hood that teachers will present all key material and that Finally, programs in the review must be available in their
there will be consistent implementation across cla~srooms.'~ most recent and complete version and have a national
Well-designed lesson plans are another important aid to distribution system. This assures fairness in the review
program implementation with integrity.14 Limiting the process and also enables readers of the educator consumer's
review to programs intended for use in regular-education guide, which CASEL will publish to summarize review
classes underscores CASEL's belief that all children may findings, to request programs of interest. To facilitate
benefit from school-based SEL and that SEL should be program selection by educators, programs added to the SEL
integrated into the regular school c~rriculum.'~ program review will be posted with contact information on
Fourth, the SEL program review includes only programs CASEL's website ( When available,
covering two or more consecutive grades from pre-K to 12. findings from the review also will be posted.
This criterion is based on the considerable body of research
in prevention and positive youth development suggesting CONTENT OF QUALITY SEL PROGRAMS:
that two or more years of programming have significantly KEY COMPETENCIES
greater impact than a single year.16-20 Determining what A primary consideration in developing this framework
constitutes a multiyear program, however, turned out to be of key competencies that quality SEL programs should
a challenge. Initially, it was assumed that programs cover- address was that the language used be understandable to a
ing a range of grades, such as 4-6, would have lessons in a broad audience of educators, parents, policymakers,
prescribed sequence for each grade specified in the range. program developers, and scientists. In addition, it was
However, lessons in some multiyear programs are deemed essential that key SEL competencies be based on research
by the program developers as appropriate for any grade in demonstrating connections between social adjustment and
the range covered, eg, fourth, fifth, or sixth. Moreover, in children's health outcome^,^^,^'-^^ and on relevant theories. In
many cases, a sequence for the lessons is not even the development process, two groups of theoretical models
suggested. Thus, some programs first considered multiyear were reviewed: 1) models specific to social and emotional
in design turned out to be collections of unsequenced activ- learning, such as theories of emotional intelligen~e,~~ social
ities designated for use within any grade in the range of and emotional competence promotion,*' social developmen-
grades reportedly covered by these programs. Such tal social information processing,22and self-
programs are not included in the SEL program review. management,25and 2) models pertaining to behavior change

Figure 2
Features of Quality Programs that Enhance SEL Competencies

Program Design
Clarity of rationale: Program objectives and the methods for achieving them are based on a clearly articulated conceptual
Promotion of effective Program includes detailed instructions to assist teachers in using a variety of student-centered teaching
teaching strategies: strategies.
Infusion across Program provides structure for the infusion and application of SEL instruction across other subject areas
subject areas: within the school curriculum.
Quality of lesson plans: Program lessons follow a consistent format that includes clear objectives and learning activities, student
assessment tools, and a rationale linking lessons to program design.
Utility of implementation Program provides tools for monitoring implementation and guidance in their use, including how to use the
monitoring tools: collected data to improve program delivery.

Program Coordination
School-wide coordination: Program includes structures that promote the reinforcement and extension of SEL instruction beyond the
classroom and throughout the school.
School-family partnership: Program includes strategies to enhance communication between schools and families and involve families
in their children's SEL education both at home and at school.
School-community Program includes strategies that involve students in the community and community members in school-
partnership based instruction.

Educator Preparation and Support

Teacher training: Program provides teachers with formal training to enable them to comfortably and effectively implement
the program within their classrooms and schools.
Technical support: Program provides teachers with ongoing assistance to further build their capacity to successfully
implement the program and to facilitate the resolution of any implementation issues.

Program Evaluation
Quality of evaluation: Program provides evidence of positive effects on SEL-related student outcomes from at least one
methodologically sound study that includes program implementation data.

Journal of School Health May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5 181

and learning theories, such as The Health Belief the environment. Examples might include participating in
The Theory of Reasoned A ~ t i o n , ~Problem’ Behavior activities to make one’s classroom a more caring place, a
Theory,28and Social-CognitiveTheory.29 neighborhood service project, or community efforts to
Because no single model adequately captures all the reduce the wasteful use of natural resources.3o
elements that the models collectively suggest are important The competencies in the first two groups of Figure 1
for social competence, the CASEL framework of SEL provide a foundation for the skills described in the third
competencies (Figure 1) combines elements from all these group. Comprehension of the feelings of those involved in a
perspectives. It is divided into four groups of closely related situation and possession of the core values of responsibility
but distinct elements that build upon one another within and and respect for others are essential to making effective and
across groups: 1) awareness of self and others; 2) positive responsible decisions, which includes identifying situations
attitudes and values; 3) responsible decision making; and 4) that pose a challenge or problem and assessing the risks,
social interaction skills. The first group of competencies barriers, and resources relevant to a solution (problem iden-
begins with learning to correctly identify and regulate one’s tification). Of further importance to the development of
feelings.23An example of such awareness is being able to positive and informed solutions to problems are the capaci-
correctly name and distinguish among a variety of ties to identify and evaluate the norms that influence behav-
emotions, such as understanding how anger is different ior (social norm analysis) and to set adaptive goals
from sadness. Another example is understanding the situa- (competency 10). An example of their importance is the
tions that commonly give rise to a range of emotions, such norm to conform to peer group pressure felt strongly by
as the satisfaction that comes when being praised for a job adolescents and setting a goal to resist the pressure to use
well done or the shame associated with betraying a friend. alcohol while maintaining important relationships through
Awareness of feelings also includes the ability to identify suggesting alternatives. Identifying a range of possible
the physical states and thoughts associated with feelings alternative solutions to a problem, thinking prospectively
and to understand that contradictory feelings such as love about the probable consequences of each, and making the
and hate sometimes occur together. Beyond recognizing best choice complete the process of developing positive and
feelings, it is important to be able to monitor and regulate informed solutions (problem solving). The implementation
them. This includes the capacity to moderate negative feel- and evaluation of decisions made form a bridge from this
ings so that they do not impede appropriate action, control third group of SEL competencies to the social interaction
impulsive behavior in response to strong feelings, and skills described in section four of Figure 1.”
enhance pleasant feelings to comfort oneself. Once a problem has been identified, a goal set, and a
Being able to identify and regulate one’s feelings in solution developed, social interaction skills are essential to
adaptive ways also contributes to the promotion of a following through with the decision that has been made.
constructive sense of self, the third in this first group of Active listening, through which youth demonstrate to
SEL competencies. Knowledge of personal feelings, others that they have been understood, and the capacity to
strengths, and areas in which one might want or need to use both verbal and nonverbal means to clearly express
improve, along with self-regulation of impulses and thoughts and feelings are the bases for all social interaction
actions, are critical to developing a sense of confidence and and so are listed first in this fourth group of SEL competen-
optimism that one will be able to meet the challenges of cies. Depending on the context, skills such as cooperating
everyday life now and in the future. Further, social situa- with others in a group to accomplish a shared outcome,
tions require that young people extend their awareness and negotiating a peaceful resolution to a dispute so that all
understanding of feelings and other personal attributes to concerned are satisfied, avoiding or refusing to participate
others. The ability to recognize the feelings and take the in irresponsible behaviors, andlor seeking support and
roles of others (perspective taking) helps predict how one assistance from personal and community resources may be
might act in a given situation and guides one’s own behav- appropriate applications of these communication skills.
ior in response. Teaching young people how to apply these SEL compe-
While accurate awareness of self and others represents a tencies in their lives may not in itself ensure that they will
critical step toward social and emotional competency, be able to generalize them to the range of behavioral
awareness alone is insufficient to motivate youth to use domains commonly targeted in school-based prevention
their knowledge and skills for prosocial ends. The second programs. For SEL programs to successfully promote posi-
group of competencies in the SEL framework identifies tive student outcomes in these domains (health promotion,
positive attitudes and values that guide behavior. These healthy sexual development, prevention of drug use and
elements focus on the intentions behind behaviors. Personal violence, promotion of school achievement and citizen-
responsibility, the first element, is the intention to behave in ship), these competencies must be specifically and inten-
ways that promote health (eg, not using drugs or engaging tionally applied to achieving these outcomes. Programs
in risky sexual behavior) and to treat others honestly and intending to effect behaviors in these domains must consis-
fairly (eg, keeping promises and appropriately recognizing tently include learning activities that apply the SEL compe-
others’ contributions to shared projects). Respect for others, tencies to these behaviors. Examples of such applications
the second element in this group of SEL competencies, also include lessons that: 1) explore how students’ feelings,
is fundamental to developing good character. It encom- personal values, and conflicts among these influence deci-
passes avoiding stereotypes and prejudice, valuing the sions about marijuana use, physical fighting, or sexual rela-
strengths that come from individual differences, and tionships; 2) identify the possible short-term and long-term
respecting the rights of.al1 people. The third competency in health, social, and/or legal consequences of alcohol use,
this group, social responsibility, extends the intention to carrying weapons, or finishing school; 3) critically evaluate
behave ethically to the betterment of one’s community and social norms and media messages regarding tobacco use,

182 Journal of School Health May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5

dietary and exercise habits, and gender roles; or 4) practice in classroom instruction and provide service learning
active listening, perspective taking, refusal and/or negotia- opportunities for students.
tion skills in situations where violence, drug use, or risky Adequate training in effective teaching strategies and
sexual behavior is likely. ongoing technical support are crucial to implementing
This framework of key SEL competencies includes programs with i ~ ~ t e g r i t y . ' ~Teachers
- l ~ , ~ ~ -who
~ ~ are ill-
skills, attitudes, and values that are critical to promoting prepared compromise the benefits that students receive
positive behaviors across a range of contexts important to even if the content and design of a program are exemplary.
the academic, personal, and social development of young Quality SEL programs provide training that goes beyond
people. As illustrated in these examples, it is this capacity acquainting teachers with the purpose, methods, and mate-
of SEL to provide a bridge connecting categorical areas that rials. Training includes efforts to promote teacher accep-
suggests its utility as a resource for addressing school- tance of the program, such as opportunities to explore their
based prevention initiatives in a more integrated, coordi- attitudes toward the program, practice using program mate-
nated manner. When generalized across these contexts, the rials and receiving feedback, and develop classroom imple-
SEL competencies promote the development of young mentation plans. Quality programs also build teachers'
people who are not only able to engage in responsible and capacity in program delivery by providing on-site technical
health-promoting behaviors but also have a positive self- assistance, such as observation and coaching, advanced
image, are able to develop mutually supportive relation- training, and help with implementation monitoring.
ships, are successful in school, and are contributing and In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in
caring members of their peer groups, families, and commu- evidence for the efficacy of school-based prevention
nities. programs based on methodologically sound ~ t u d i e s . ~ * ' ~ . ~ * , ~ ~
While the effectiveness of programs in producing signifi-
FEATURES cant, positive effects on SEL-related outcomes as demon-
OF QUALITY SEL PROGRAMS strated in well-designed evaluation studies is an important
The literature on best practice in health promotion, risk criterion of quality programs, it is also essential to deter-
prevention, and education was consulted in developing the mine whether these studies include evidence that data
program design, program coordination, educator prepara- measuring the integrity of program implementation were
tion and support, and program evaluation features of quality collected. The availability of such data might suggest that a
SEL programs (Figure 2).7,21,32-35Program design features in study's failure to find significant positive effects may be
section one of Figure 2 include: 1) selection of program due to inadequate implementation rather than to program
objectives and a sequence of learning activities based on a weaknesses.4o
clearly articulated conceptual framework; 2) instructions
sufficient to enable teachers to implement a variety of OPERATIONALIZING THE KEY ELEMENTS
learning strategies that actively involve students, draw on O F QUALITY SEL PROGRAMS
their previous experience, provide them with opportunities To determine how well school-based prevention efforts
for skill practice and feedback, and address their diverse incorporate the SEL competencies and program features,
learning styles; 3) structures to assist teachers infuse and rating scales with operational definitions of these key
apply SEL instruction across other subject areas within the elements and examples characterizing each level of quality
school curriculum; 4) well-organized, easy-to-follow lesson were developed. Given space limitations, this section
plans with clear objectives and learning activities, student briefly describes two of these scales, one for program
assessment tools, and a rationale linking individual lessons content (SEL competencies) and the other for one of the
to the overall program design; and 5 ) tools for monitoring program features (educator preparation and support).
program implementation with guidance on how to use the In developing a rating scale for determining how well
tools and the data collected to improve program delivery. programs teach SEL competencies, the goal was to describe
The second group of program features, coordination, a progression that, if followed, would promote student self-
includes schoolwide initiatives and the development of efficacy and mastery of these competencies. Social-
school-family and school-community partnerships that Cognitive Theory (SCT) was the primary source for
reinforce and extend SEL instruction beyond the classroom developing operational definitions of the ratings in this
to the entire school, home, and c ~ r n m u n i t y . ~ ~Examples
.*~"~-~~ scale. According to SCT, self-efficacy is a primary determi-
of schoolwide coordination efforts include joint planning nant of skill mastery. It is defined as one's confidence in
by teachers using the program, development of a school performing particular behaviors and achieving desired
climate characterized by mutual support and trust between outcomes. Self-efficacy is progressively promoted through
teachers and students, and specifying roles in program verbal instruction and encouragement, watching others
implementation for nonteaching personnel, especially those model behaviors and observing the results, participating in
providing student health and mental health services. guided and independent practice, getting reinforcement,
Examples of how programs might support development of and celebrating s u c c e s s e ~Social-cognitive
.~~ theorists also
school-family partnerships include establishing regular and emphasize the importance for skill mastery of promoting
varied communication channels between schools and fami- clear connections between the concepts and skills being
lies and building family members' capacity to be supportive taught and students' actual experiences in order to make
of and involved in their children's education both at home explicit the relevance to their lives of the content being
and in the classroom. Promoting school-community part- addres~ed.~'
nerships depends on enhancing student understanding of The rating scale developed for SEL competencies has
and their ability to appropriately use community resources four points (0-3), a number that is both manageable and
and encouraging members of the community to participate adequate for differentiating programs on how well they

Journal of School Health May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5 183

teach the competencies. The 0-3 scale is hierarchical in that While selecting exemplary programs that incorporate all
each rating is assumed to incorporate all the characteristics the key elements for success is essential to promoting chil-
of lower ratings. A “0” rating indicates the program does dren’s social and emotional development, CASEL realizes
not address a key SEL competency. A “1” rating indicates a that program implementation with integrity by educators
program provides information only to increase students’ who serve children is also critical. Beyond identifying a
knowledge about the concept or skill. Programs earning a framework of elements for quality programs and selecting
rating of “2” promote connections between an SEL compe- programs that best incorporate these elements lay the chal-
tency and students’ lives, thus providing them with a lenges of establishing policies and training experiences to
personalized understanding of the concept or skill. Only support educators in effectively implementing and institu-
programs that provide opportunities for students to practice tionalizing high-quality SEL programs.
a competency to promote its application in their lives
beyond the lesson earn a “3” rating. References
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CONCLUSION 13. Lohrmann DK, Wooley SF. Comprehensive school health educa-
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Handbook. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc; 1998.
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15. Weissberg RP, Greenberg MT. Social and community compe-
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These institutions and corporations have expressed their commitment to and support of
coordinated school health programs by joining with the American School Health Association as an
ASHA Partner.

Platinum Endowment Partner

+ Glaxo Dermatology, 53 Leonard St., 5th floor, New York, NY 10013
+ Kansas Health Foundation, 1845 Fairmount, Box 16. Wichita, KS 67260-0016
+ Merck SLCO.,Inc., 770 Sumneytown Pike, P.O.Box, West Point, PA 19486-0004
+ McGovern Fund for the Behavioral Sciences, 22 1 1 Norfolk, Suite 900. Houston, TX 77098-4044

Gold Endowment Partner

+ Consumer Health Care Division of Pfizer. Inc., New York, NY 1 0 0 1 7
+ Tampax Health Education, 1500 Front St., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Silver Endowment Partner

+ Center for Mental Health in Schools, University of California, Los Angeles, Box 95 1563,
Los Angeles. CA 90095-1563
+ Dept. of Health Science Education, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 3261 1
+ Midland Dairy Council, 10901 Lowell, # 135, Overland Park, KS 662 10
+ School Health Corporation, 865 Muifield Drive, Hanover Park, IL 60103

Century Partner
+ Health Wave, Inc. 1084 St., Stamford, CT 06907
I + William V. MacGill &Co., 720 Annoreno Drive, Box 369, Addison, IL 60101

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Journal of School Health May 2000, Vol. 70, No. 5 185

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