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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

July 11, 2018

Members Present: Marie Black

Dr. Imogene Mixson
Beverly Raley

Also Present: Sandra Holmes, Library Director

Jennifer Simpson, Administrative Assistant
Chris Wisham, FOL President
Bonnie Crawford, Head Fundraiser

Absent: Marian Jenkins

Jewnita Clark

Marie Black called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

Minutes from June. Dr. Imogene Mixson moved to have the June minutes approved and
Beverly Raley seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.

Circulation Report. Statistics for June are up due to our Summer Reading Program (SRP) and
school being out for the summer.

Financial Report. We just completed our 9th month of the fiscal year. Payroll is 64.74% but we
still have one month with an additional payroll. We have spent money on items that were not
budgeted and this will continue until the end of the year. We have cut back on buying books for
now. We went up on our advertising which is code 248. The accounts for Religious Trust, code
347, and the Genealogy Trust, code 348, have now been closed.

Old Business.
A. Library Update. Marie Black, Sandra Holmes and Bonnie Crawford met with Attorney
Jim Jacobs Tuesday regarding the Chuck Auman funds. He agreed to provide a cover
letter to Mr. Auman and his attorney when the Library returns the principal. He has also
agreed to speak with Mr. Auman’s attorney to see if he is willing to let us keep the
donated funds without his stipulations. Bonnie said now that we are under 501c3 we
cannot keep the funds he donated unless he agrees to remove the restrictions and Chuck
has also made it very clear he doesn’t want the money associated with the new building
in any way.

B. Amazon Sales. This month we sold $44.45 worth of books for the month of June.

C. Summer Reading Program. Our Summer Reading Program (SRP) did exceptionally
well this year. We had great programs and wonderful attendance and participation from
the community.
D. Weeding. We are still in the process of deleting outdated and poorly circulated material.

E. Site Location. Bonnie met with Mr. Charlie Harper regarding the lot that is owned by
The Commercial Bank in front of Family Dollar in the Super Save parking lot. Mr.
Harper said the Bank will sell that particular lot to the Library for $65,000, which is a
good price. The Bank has also agreed to pay all closing costs of the sale. To cover the
cost of purchasing the lot we have a total of $90,592.55 in a Vanguard Investment
account that can we can use. A motion to purchase the lot using funds from Vanguard
Investment was made by Beverly Raley and seconded by Dr. Imogene Mixson. All were
in favor and the motion was passed.

New Business
A. Vanguard Religious and T. Rowe. We removed all funds from Vanguard Religious
and T. Rowe Price accounts. We are just awaiting transfer to Mr. Auman. Sandra and
Marie will go to the bank to get cashier’s checks. The Religious and T. Rowe had a
combined total of $106,399.72. We are only giving Mr. Auman what he originally
donated to the Library which is $69,086.92, and we are keeping the interest that those
funds earned which is $37,312.80.

B. Articles of Dissolution. Marie, Beverly and Imogene read over the Articles regarding
our old business entity Ozark-Dale County Public Library. A motion was made to
approve the Articles of Dissolution and Beverly seconded. All were in favor and the
motion passed, and they all signed the document.

C. Next Fundraiser. Originally our next fundraiser was scheduled to be held at the end of
July, but it’s too close to the end of the month so it will be moved to sometime in
August. Before a date is chosen we will check with the Chamber of Commerce to make
sure there are no other events to coincide with ours. Bonnie feels that a moving sale will
be beneficial to us and that should bring in people from the community. We also still
have the travel trailer and two motorcycles to sale. We are also considering bringing the
Whistler painting back from the Bruggink home. The Bruggink’s have offered to buy
the painting for $10,000 but we are going to hold onto it for now, as it is worth much
more. Sandra will speak with Lindy Bruggink about the painting. Bonnie said to expect
more donations towards the end of August.

D. Bricks and Pavers. Chris Wisham brought up using Bricks-R-Us for the pavers. Since
we are deleting books now to get ready for a new Library, people can purchase these
pavers either in honor or memory of someone. For a 4x8 brick the cost for the purchaser
is $100. Bricks-R-Us will keep $19 for the cost of the brick and the remaining $81 will
come to the Library. For an 8x8 brick, the cost is $225 and the same concept applies.
Placing of the bricks will be left up to us. We can either choose to find someone to place
them or Bricks-R-Us will do it for $25 a trip. Jennifer will go to their website and print
off more information for Marie.
E. Honorarium and Memorial donations for New Building Fund. Imogene suggested
that we list in our monthly newsletter that we will accept monetary gifts in honor and
gifts in memory of someone and place it in the New Building Fund. We will also have
designated space in the newsletter to list these donors. Imogene made a motion to list in
our newsletter that we are accepting gifts in honor and gifts in memory for the New
Building Fund and Beverly seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed.

F. Beverly Surgery. Beverly will be having ankle surgery on July 26th so please keep her
and her family in your prayers. The doctor said she would be down approximately six to
eight weeks. We wish her a painless and quick recovery.

G. Marian Jenkins. Sandra or Marie will speak to Marian to see if there would be a better
time for her to hold the Board Meeting since she is unable to attend due to her new
position at work.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m., and the next meeting will be held on August 8th at 9

Respectfully submitted by _________________

Approved by Secretary _________________

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