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In our life

Name : Dea Handayani

Grade : 9 Andes

Subject : Chemistry

Teacher : Ms Esa

1. Chapter 1 : Introduction

2. Chapter 2 : How the topic applied in our life

3. Chapter 3 : More about alcohol

4. Chapter 4 : Impact of alcohol

5. Chapter 5 : Reflection

6. Bibliography
For this essay, the topic that I choose is about alcohol. In this essay, I will tell you

about one of the impact, sign, and the symptoms of alcohol for our life. Not only that. I

also will tell you the bad thing that given by the alcohol to our body. And also more

about alcohol. By making this essay I want to inform to the people that drink alcohol to

stop drink the alcohol. Because it is not good for their life, their health and also their

body. I make this essay because I just want to tell you more about alcohol. And also the

role of alcohol in our life. Not only that. I also tell about the consumption of the alcohol

in Indonesia. Alcohol that is consumed is created by fermentation. It is happen in a

process which the yeast fungus feeds on the sugars and in certain plants such as barley

or grapes along with carbon dioxide. The different colors, tastes, potencies and flavors

come from the different fruits or vegetables used as well as the additives, by-products

and diluting substances of the fermentation process.

How the topic applied in our life
Alcohol is one of the leading causes of death in our country. The holiday season for

some will have been a time of year for parties and celebrations which many times have brought

increased exposure to alcohol. Some people will have used alcohol to augment their celebrating

and others to dull the pain that holiday memories have brought. For this reason I thought it

good to start planting some seeds of thought for anyone who might have faced a problem with

drinking during the holidays. Alcohol in Indonesia has been widely used in their life.

Hundred of unused shop is used for making a club, and bar. In every night, the people

around that place always go to the bars or the club to drink an alcohol. The Indonesian

government has maintained the number of alcohol import in Indonesia. Some of the

trader in Indonesia is very unfair. They make the alcohol by themselves and they put

the poison inside the alcohol. When the tourist came to Indonesia and they drink an

alcohol, they died because of the alcohol. In February, police have arrested 5 people that

peddling an alcohol that killed 16 people on in the island of Java. In May of last year, 23

people were killed in Bali because of drinking an alcohol. And also some of the tourist

from America died because of the same thing. When the alcohol was being examined,

the alcohol was an arak and inside the arak, there is methanol. Methanol is deadly in

even a small doses but it is commonly used in home brews. In Indonesia, there is one

company that has a permission from the government to import the alcohol. On 1990 the

government banned all of the company to take the alcohol from other country. But in

this year, the government will allowed the company to take the alcohol from other

To some of the people, alcohol abuse is:

o Based on College students opinion: heavy drinking that leads to vomiting is not

alcohol abuse but simply having a good time and being one of the gang

o Based on Many whose religion requires abstinence opinion: simply tasting an

alcohol beverage is not only alcohol abuse but a sin

o Based on May activists opinion: a married couple quietly enjoying a drink with

their dinner is guilty of abusing alcohol if they happen to be twenty years of age.

o Based on national highway traffic safety administration opinion: an accident is

alcohol related if a driver who has consumed a drink is sitting at a red light and

rear ended by an inattentive teetotaler.

Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis describing the recurring use of alcoholic

beverages despite negative consequences. Alcohol abuse is sometimes referred to by

the less specific term of alcoholism. Many definition of alcoholism exist, and only some

are compatible with alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse has both short term and long term. If

a person has driven while drunk or binge drinks, they are considered to have involved

in alcohol abuse. Short term abuses of alcohol include, but are not limited to, violence,

injuries, unprotected sexual activities, and additionally social and financial problems.

Binge drinking increases chances for vandalism, fights, injuries, drunk driving,

trouble with police, and negative health, social, economic, or legal consequences to

occur. Binge drinking combine with the stress of returning to work is a contributing

factor to heart attacks.

Symptoms of alcoholism:
1. Loss of control

2. Craving

3. Tolerance

4. Physical dependence

Sign of alcoholism:

1. Anxiety or jumpiness 6. Irritability

2. Shakiness or trembling 7. Fatigue

3. Sweating 8. Loss of appetite

4. Nausea and vomiting 9. Headache

5. Insomnia 10.Depression

Sign and symptoms of alcohol:

o Repeatedly neglecting your responsibilities at home, work, or school because of

your drinking

o Continuing to drink even though your alcohol use is causing problems in your

relationships. For example: getting drunk with your friends even though you

know that your wife will be very upset.

o Drinking as a way to relax.

Impact of alcohol
There are some impacts of drinking alcohol. Additional factors include having a

psychiatric condition such as schizophrenia, depression, or anxiety disorders. Not only

that. Poverty, social isolation and shyness may also be risk factors. If a person feels good

all the time, he or she use a drug, it tends to make them want to use the drug again.

There are some complications of alcohol, such as:

1. Arrhythmias : the heart beat is not normal and it is can kill even young people if

they are abusing alcohol

2. Beriberi: lack of vitamin B1. It is the common in those dependent on alcohol can

make heart damage

3. Brain damage: kills the brain cells

4. Diabetes

5. Heart damage: involving changes in the heart’s size and structure

6. Hypertension: high blood pressure

7. Liver disease: cirrhosis

8. Loss of feeling: in hands, feet and everywhere else due to the nervous system

9. Stomach ulcers: gastritis

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy has been shown to have a negative effect on

babies. Even small amount of alcohol consumed during the pregnancy, can lead to

neurological changes in the developing of fetus. If they consumed a big amount of

alcohol, can lead to the birth of child with fetal alcohol syndrome. It can cause

permanent intellectual and mental impairment.

As we know from the information up there, alcohol is dangerous for our life.

Especially for the one that have the baby inside their body. The alcohol can affect the

baby. At the first time, people used alcohol only want to try a bit. But the addicted to

drink alcohol every time if they are boring or they are have a problem. My reflection in

this essay is that we cannot use alcohol only for fun. We also need to see the

disadvantages of using alcohol in our life. Even thought alcohol is not dangerous as

drugs or other thing like morphine, codeine, amphetamine, shabu shabu, ecstasy, and

other else, but alcohol also one example of drugs. And for the people who are have

consumed alcohol, try to decrease the glass of alcohol when you drink alcohol. So that

you can reduce to drink alcohol in your life.

Chapter 2 : -


Chapter 3 :- world book “Alcohol”


Chapter 4 :-

- World book “Alcohol”

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