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Yvette Ruiz

August 01, 2018

Accommodations & Modifications

1. Quantity: Adapt the number of items the learner is expected to learn or

a. Allow the student to differentiate between 3 tribes, instead of 4.

2. Time: Adapt the time allotted and allowed for learning, task completion, or
a. Allow the student to finish the assignment as homework.

3. Level of Support: Increase the amount of personal assistance with a specific

a. Allow the student to work in a group of 3, rather than just in pairs.

4. Input: Adapt the way instruction is delivered to the learner.

a. The teacher can provide an additional example by creating a graphic
organizer about 1 of the 3 tribes.

5. Difficulty: Adapt the skill level, problem type or the rules on how the learner may
approach the work.
a. Allow the student to re-watch the YouTube video.

6. Output: Adapt how the student can respond.

a. Allow the student to verbally differentiate between the tribes.

7. Participation: Adapt the extent to which a learner is actively involved in the task.
a. Allow the student to start and stop the YouTube video.

8. Alternate Goals: Adapt the goals or outcome expectations while using the same

9. Substitute Curriculum: Provide different instruction and materials to meet a

student’s individual goals.


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