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Yvette Ruiz

August 01, 2018

T-TESS Three Goals

Goal 1: I will integrate technology in my Dimension: 1.1 Planning

lesson plans.
 Structure lesson plans to utilize some form of technology for at least five minutes
per lesson.
 Research and apply teaching techniques which require the use of technology.
 Incorporate technology through the use of tablets and desktop computers.
Targeted Completion Date: Weekly progress
Evidence: Lesson plans which detail the use of technology as applicable, formal and
informal observations

Goal 2: I will develop lesson plans that Dimension: 1.3 Planning

connect students’ prior knowledge and
experience in all lessons.
 Research and apply activities proven to activate prior knowledge.
 Implement the use of graphic organizers in lesson plans.
 Incorporate real-world examples to activate prior knowledge.
Targeted Completion Date: Daily Progress
Evidence: formal and informal observations, analysis of student data, lesson plans
which detail the use of KWL charts and other graphic organizers

Goal 3: I will include many formal and Dimension: 1.3 Planning

informal assessments to monitor
progress of all students.
 Incorporate formal and informal assessment in every lesson plan.
 Collaborate with team members to develop formal and informal assessments.
Targeted Completion Date: Daily progress
Evidence: Data tracking, lesson plans which detail the use of formal and informal


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