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Didactic Transposition in Mathematics Textbooks


Didactic transposition: an epistemological difference between knowledge used and knowledge taught
model is that as long as you only use knowledge in doing some-
Almost no one today believes that knowing is passively thing, you need not justify nor even take note of that
receiving everything ready-made from one's environment. knowledge to endow your activity with social meaning. In
The rejection of this belief is a fundamental assnmption of contrast, teaching requires the social acknowledgement
the constructivism that is a major influence on the thinking and legitimation of the knowledge taught [Chevallard, op,
of educatots and cognitive scientists. Constmctivists are cit., p 9]
not in accord, however, on the old quarrel between the The first step in establishing some body of knowledge as
ontological view that accepts the objectivity of knowledge teachable knowledge consists in making it into an orga-
and the phenomenological view that denies it That is, radi- nized and more or less integrated whole [Chevallard, op,
cal constmctivists take the drastic step of replacing objec- cit , p. 8]. As a way of achieving this goal, taught bodies of
tivity with the intersubjectivity of knowledge, and thus set knowledge have been derived from cmresponding scholar·-
themselves free from the traditional epistemological para- ly bodies of knowledge. A scholarly body of knowledge is
dox posed by the skeptics, whereas trivial constructivists nothing other than knowledge used both to produce new
consider only the process of cognitive construction and do knowledge and to otganize the knowledge newly produced
not take the paradox seriously [von Glasersfeld, 1985] into a coherent theoretical assemblage [Chevallard, op. cit,
In fact, the paradox itself is already a trap to both ontol- p. 10] In teaching, however, the mechanism of knowledge
ogy and phenomenology. There is no way out of the dilem- production and assembly is hidden. It is the task of didactic
ma without some cost The solution given by radical con- transposition theory to illnminate that mechanism so· that
structivism is one way out at the cost of confining knowl- we can produce didactic transpositions that will be to om
edge to a specific kind. 'That is, the negation of the objec- society's best advantage [Chevallard, op . cit, p 12]
tivity of knowledge by the radical constructivists can be
persuasive only when one says about knowledge that, apart Two modes of knowledge
from faith and dogma, it fits observations [von Glasersfeld, As an epistemological model, didactic transposition theory
1987, p 5] That negation is a consequence of considering can be reinforced by reviewing knowledge from a philo-
the binary relation between knowledge and the knower sophical perspective If one wants to restore human
The ordinary usage of the word teach, however, assumes attributes to knowledge, then the theoty can be re-exam-
the ternary relation of the teacher, the student, and the ined according to Martin Buber's philosophy of "I and
knowledge taught Furthermore, knowledge to be taught in Thou."
school has many aspects other than that it fits one's obser- According to Buber, I may interact with people or things
vations . We may need an alternative epistemology if we in two modes, the !-You and the l-It In the !-.You mode, I
admit that most of the knowledge in school mathematics is and You meet in genuine appreciation. !-You is the prima-
a compound of knowledge that fits observations together ry phrase of relationship, whereas l-It is that of experienc-
with our values, instructional purposes, mathematical ing and using In the l-It mode, I use It for my pwpose
skills, and so on "Constructivists need to clarify and Even when I am retrospecting with a strong emotion,
develop their ontological commitments. . We need an whatever remains in my memory is the It in an l-It mode
epistemology that takes ontology into account" [Kilpatrick, The You never stays in a form. In Buber's [1970] words,
1987, p. 19].. Can we construct an epistemology that allows "The It is the chrysalis, the You the butterfly" [p . 69].
us to treat knowledge at least "as if' it existed indepen- Knowing has the two modes: I may know something as
dently outside of the knower without violating much of the either You or It And I may pass between these two modes
constructivist position? One epistemological model that Let us say, for example, I come to know (discover, invent,
gives a positive answer can be found in the didactic trans- or construct) something: It may be a geometrical fact about
position theoty of Chevallard [1985, 1988; see also Bal- a triangle, an algebraic pattern in a group of numbers, or a
acheff, 1990] solution path for a given answer. Now I know it, but I did
Didactic transposition theory is based on an assertion not intend to find it because I was not even conscious of its
that bodies of knowledge are, with a few exceptions, existence: It might exist in another world but uot in my
designed not to be taught but to be used. The didactic world just before I know it Thus, to know in this sense is
transposition of knowledge is the transposition from very different from simply to remember Knowing at this
knowledge regarded as a tool to be put to use to knowledge moment is an interaction in the 1-You mode
as something to be taught and learned [Chevallard, 1988, Knowledge in the I-You mode is always inclined to
p. 5]. Thus any modification of knowledge under instruc- become knowledge in the l-It mode because I have to use
tional purposes can be called a didactic transposition. The it to do other things: I have to present it to others, I have to

For the Learning ofMathematic.s 12, 1 (February 1992)

2 FLM Publishing Association, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
write it down, or I have to remember it. I o retain it, I of the transfOrmer, who may be a community as a whole or
endow it with a form. The form may be a simple nauation, an individual person. The typical transformation of knowl-
an ideogmphic expression, or a rigorous numerical formu- edge is done for a scholarly purpose. Mathematics educa-
la Sometimes I may give the form the flavor of my per- tors are most interested in transformations having instruc-
sonal taste A mnemonic system may be used. Or more tional purposes, that is, the didactic transposition of mathe-
effectively, it can be related to and coordinated with other matical knowledge.
mathematical facts. Now I know it, because I retain it: I Just as the l-It mode of knowledge can simultaneously
know it, because I use it. Knowing at this stage is an inter- help and disturb the activation of the I-You mode of
action in the l-It mode. knowledge in a person, a transformation of knowledge is
What is once a knowledge in the I-You mode can take both necessary and deficient. It can help one to retain and
various representations in the l-It mode. Also, knowledge convey one's thought in a relatively stable form, but it may
that was once represented in the l-It mode may or may not also destroy original thoughts. In this sense, knowledge is
be revived as knowledge in the I-You mode . Converting very fragile . That is, as communication is repeated, it
knowledge from the l-It mode to the I-You mode, howev- becomes harder for any item of knowledge to be retained
er, is not the inverse process of going from I-You to l-It. It with its original representation and meaning. Some knowl-
is rather the activation of the relationship between me and edge may disappear with wrong and meaningless represen-
the knowledge as You. For knowledge to be meaningful, tations. Some may be expanded with rich meaning and bet-
the activation of an I-You mode is essential The I- It mode ter representations. Some may be transformed into knowl-
may or may not be helpful for this activation of an I-You edge that has a very different meaning from that of the
mode. It may help me change the mode to I-You by recall- original.
ing the situation in which I met the knowledge in a previ- The fragility of knowledge has a paradoxical aspect in
ous I-You mode . But it may also disturb me by giving me that a constant form cannot keep constant meaning The
a mental set. more we adhere to a specific form, the more we lose the
When we teach, the knowledge to be taught is presented original meaning in the form This paradox is well illus-
as the It in an l-It mode. During learning, however, the trated by Brousseau's [1986, p 13] claim that a classroom
knowledge at the moment the student comes to know is the lesson is irreproducible. To keep original meanings as long
You in and I-You mode. The teacher has the special task of as possible requires not the reproduction of explicit fOrms
converting the mode of knowledge from the It in a stable of knowledge but epistemological vigilance [Brousseau,
form, which especially in the case of mathematical knowl- 1986, p 32] with respect to the knowledge Such vigilance
edge has been accumulated throughout a long history and is essential for protecting the fragile knowledge in the
various cultures, to the You in the student This task can be didactic transposition. Recording knowledge in a book is
characterized as a communication of knowledge or a shar- often seen as the most efficient way to preserve and trans-
ing of knowledge between the teacher and the student mit knowledge, but that simply increases the need for the
teacher to exercise vigilance
Fragility of knowledge
A process of communicating knowledge can be abstracted Didactic transpositions and mathematics
as follows In his or her own personal context, an original textbooks
thinker comes to know something mathematical The A mathematics textbook is a typical way of preserving
thinker understands it in a particular way in a specific con- mathematical knowledge . Thus, it is a very essential point
text. We can say that at this stage his or her mathematical along the route of didactic transpositions in school mathe-
knowledge is personalized and contextualized. Although matics It provides a source in which some aspects of
both modes of knowledge are working, the I-You mode is didactic transpositions can be investigated. For example,
essential in this process or personalization and contextual- many geometry textbooks in the United States introduce
ization because the knowing is always initiated through the mathematical proof with two columns, for statements and
I-You mode reasons, a form seldom found in other mathematics text-
To be communicated, however, the knowledge needs to books Such a presentation of proof is a didactic transposi-
be organized and given a form In most cases, the original tion from abstract knowledge about mathematical proof It
thinker may have to hide something, such as the personal is also a form that can be discarded after one masters the
conditions that governed his or her success . The I-You technique of mathematical proof. The two-column proof as
mode begins to fade out. This is a process of depersonal- an outcome of a didactic transposition suggests a conjec-
ization and decontextualization in which the l-It mode of ture that, through a didactic transposition, knowledge in
knowledge becomes dominant school mathematics tends to be presented within a format
The cycling of these epistemological processes implies that may be transitory. By inspecting such conjectures, we
that the l-It mode of knowledge comes to take various can increase our understanding of didactic transpositions
forms or representations within a community as well as Such understanding may help us improve our way of han-
within a person's mind That is, knowledge is transformed dling knowledge in school mathematics
while it is communicated. Some transformations are so Although a mathematics textbook is a source in which
effective for communicating knowledge that they are fixed one can observe some aspects of didactic transpositions, a
and remain in a relatively permanent state. Those types of didactic transposition in a textbook may have certain limi-
transformation can be classified according to the intention tations When Kilpatrick [1980] asked the question, "Is

problem solving bookable?" at the 58th annual meeting of Declaration can be detected even in small bodies of
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in Seat- knowledge. Consider the following example. At one time,
tle, he was questioning whether anyone could put into the and still today in some schools, the following expansion
linear, static form of a textbook the multidimensional, formulas were taught with considerable emphasis:
dynamic process of solving a problem. The most obvious (a + b)Z • a2 + 2ab + b2;
difficulty is that if the text contains a solution to the prob- (a - b)Z = a2 - 2ab + b2;
lem, there is nothing to stop the puzzled student from look- (a+ b)(a- b) • az- b2.
ing ahead to the solution. But there are other difficulties as
well How do you "book" blind alleys, incorrect solutions, Later, the following factorization formulas were taught:
reformulations of the problem, hints, and so forth? aZ + 2ab + b2 • (a + b)Z;
Because mathematical problem solving can be located at a2 - 2ab + b2 • (a - b)Z;
the core of mathematical activity, Kilpauick's question can aL 2b • (a + b)(a - b)
be extended as "Is mathematical knowledge bookable?"
The extended question requires us to clarify the special The expansion and factorization formulas express the same
characteristics, including the limitations, of didactic uans- mathematical fact. They are just special cases of the dis-
positions in mathematics textbooks. Uibutive law,
Some characteristics of didactic transpositions in U.S m(a +b)· ma + mb
algebra textbooks were examined by Kang [1990].. For
example, he observed that the textbooks were written Although knowing this law might be enough for one to
under the assumption that mathematical knowledge is understand or explain all the expansions and factorizations
taught and learned through a procedure of explanation fol- of finite polynomials, the above expansion and factoriza-
lowed by practice. He categorized didactic transpositions tion formulas were presented to students as important for-
in three algebra textbooks into four groups: localization of mulas to be familiar with. Obviously, the formulas were
mathematical concepts, real-world models for mathemati- didactic devices. That is, the knowledge from the disuibu-
cal concepts, word problem types, and bodies of extra- tive law was didactically u·ansposed to and declared as the
mathematical knowledge. He also found that the form of expansion and factorization formulas
the knowledge involved in the didactic transposition in a Declarations may go further Consider the example of
textbook is unstable That is, the knowledge in a mathe- the distributive law again . Instead of presenting many
matics textbook is about mathematical facts that are expansion formulas, just one formula,
unsteady and being confirmed dynamically, whereas (a+ b)(e +d) • ae +ad+ be+ bd
school mathematics as a declared body of knowledge has a
static quality could be presented. This formula is another didactic trans-
position from the distributive law.
Declamtlon In didactic transposition Didactic Uanspositions can occur again at a higher level
Chevallard [1988] explained the difference between knowl- That is, we can observe one or more didactic devices for
edge used and knowledge taught in the light of the social this formula. One may teach the formula with the follow-
aspect of knowledge. The most decisive atUibute of knowl- ing diagram:
edge used is its revelance. Knowledge that is not useful is ~
likely to be discarded. Relevance, however, is not so impor- (a+ b)(c +d) • ae +ad+ be+ bd
tant for knowledge taught For a body of knowledge to be
taught, whether it is useful in practice or not, it should be Or one may use more sophisticated device such as the
first acknowledged socially. That is, what is important for mnemonic FOIL, where F, 0, I, and L are the initial letters
the knowledge taught is social acknowledgement and legiti- of the first, outer, inner, and last terms, respectively, with
mation . In going from knowledge used to knowledge the following diagram:
taugh~ relevance gives way to legitimacy. A didactic Uans- first last
position is a process to bestow social acknowledgement and ~ first outer inner last
legitimacy on knowledge used. To receive social acknowl- (a + I2Sl + d) • ac + ad + be + bd

edgement, knowledge must be declared beforehand. Being
declared is part of leachability [Chevallard, p . 9]
Above all, school mathematics as a whole is a declared outer
body of knowledge to be taught in schools. The declara- The declaration of knowledge in a didactic Uansposition
tion, however, must then be broken into parts For exam-
may be explicit, as in the FOIL method, or implicit, as in
ple, in secondary schools in the United States, school the above rule for multiplying binomials.
mathematics consists of many courses, such as Algebra I,
Algebra II, Geometry, and General Mathematics, that are The changing environment in didactic
used as norms for sorting and arranging the mathematical
content to be taught Although those courses are traditional
Besides the declaration, there is another attribute that dis-
in school mathematics, mathematical knowledge in general
tinguishes the didactic transposition from other transfor-
cannot be partitioned in such a way mations of knowledge. Usually, the knowledge to be used

arises in a specific environment within which various com- Didactic phenomena
binations of situations are possible. In a given environ- As one might expect, a practical problem of didactic trans-
ment, appropriate knowledge arises to be used in a situa- positions is whether each transposition can be devised effi-
tion: knowledge depends on the environment But in a ciently A difficulty with such efforts is how to control the
didactic transposition, the emergence of the knowledge to fragility of mathematical knowledge through a balanced
be taught depends on the didactic intent. Thus, the didactic facilitation of both pairs of processes-the student's per-
environment that enshrouds the knowledge to be taught sonalization and contextualization and the student's deper-
has to be changed or rebuilt properly from the start sonalization and and decontextualization. Four extreme
The basic principle of changing the environment of a phenomena should be seriously considered when any
didactic transposition is to facilitate the learner's contextu- didactic transposition is being devised or observed
alization and personalization of the knowledge to be For the process of contextualization and personalization,
learned. lhus, the teacher's main job is to recontextualize we consider two extreme phenomena: the metacognitive
and repersonalize the knowledge taught to fit the student's shift and the formal abidance. The metacognitive shift is a
situation. This recontextualization and repersonalization, consequence of overemphasizing the process of a hypo-
however, is temporary and hypothetical. Especially in text- thetical student's personalization and contextualization,
books, it assumes hypothetical students, teachers, and whereas the formal abidance is that of de-emphasizing or
classrooms that seem representative In this sense, didactic ignoring it
transpositions in textbooks are consequences or processes For the second cycle of the epistemological rejection
of pseudo-contextualizations and pseudo-personalization and investment, that is, for the student's decontextualiza-
The context and meaning of an item of knowledge tion and depersonalization, there are also two extreme phe-
change along the route of its transformation. For example, nomena we have to consider: the Topaze effect and the
although an item of knowledge about the distributive law Jourdain effect The Topaze effect is a consequence of the
may mean an axiom that sustains a particular number sys- expedient failure to consider the process of student's
tem for mathematicians, students are usually taught it as a depersonalization and decontextualization, and the Jour-
law that produces specific expansion or factorizations fOr- dain effect is that of overestimating it
mulas The didactic intent reflects the judgement that the
Metacognitive shift
distributive law can be better understood not as an axiom
The metacognitive shift is a change of focus in a teacher's
but as a law The didactic intent is not always obvious,
(or educator's) didactical effort from the mathematical
however, especially to learners. Even teachers may not
knowledge to his or her own didactical devices. As
recognize the didactic intent that has changed the context
Brousseau [1984, p. 117] showed, a typical example of this
of the knowledge to be taught It is only because of our
phenomenon is the use of graphs, such as an oval to repre-
cultural conditioning that we usually take leachability for
sent a set, in the 1960s to teach structures, a method con-
granted [Chevallard, 1988, p 7] When mathematical
nected with the name of G Papy Another example is the
knowledge is given a pseudo-context, its range of applica-
use of "magic peanuts" to represent negative integers in
tion, the relation of mathematics to the real world, the pur-
the Comprehensive School Mathematics Program [see
pose of posing problems, and the emphasis on connections
Howson, Keitel, & Kilpatrick, 1981, pp. 154-159] In the
between mathematics and other fields are changed [Kang,
use of the area model to explain the factoring of the poly-
nomial a2 - b2, a metacognitive shift occurs when the geo-
Textbook authors usually regard the student as the main
metric manipulation is emphasized over the algebraic pro-
reader They want teachers to encourage students to read
cedure [Kang, 1990] The metacognitive shift has the
the book Because they cannot intervene directly in the
advantage of facilitating the student's personalization and
communication between teacher and students, the authors
contextualization, but it may lead the student's mathemat-
usually write the textbook from the teacher's position.
ics to take a quite different form from that of the mathe-
They give a pseudo-personalization to the mathematical
knowledge by providing the teacher with an explanation
that can be used in class and by providing exercises the Formal abidance
teacher can give to the students Formal abidance is a logical presentation of formulation
In explaining mathematical concepts, textbook authors knowledge, minimizing the metaphorical use of knowledge
sometimes devise auxiliary concepts that are not necessari- and neglecting a metacognitive strategy. It has been called
ly required in forming the principal concepts The auxiliary a metamathematical slide by Brousseau [1986]: It "con-
concepts may then present difficulties to students because sists in substituting for a mathematical problem a logical
they are incompletely explained [Kang, 1990] Textbooks debate about its solution and attributing to it all the somces
that present an area model for the multiplication of binomi- of errors" [p. 32]
als, for example, may overlook the auxiliary lines or rear- A typical example is the deductive presentation of math-
rangements needed when the model is used for the product ematical knowledge in Euclid's Elements and its equiva-
of the sum and difference of two variables; they may also lents In Olney's 19th century textbook, general rules were
ignore the restriction to positive numbers. The activities presented first and then examples were given. Given the
provided for students tend to be grouped as routine exer- binomial formula for (a + b)m, for example, expansions of
cises or as nonroutine problems following didactic impera- specific cases such as (x + y)5 and (x + y)-4 were explained
tives rather than providing a variety of learning tasks thereafter [Rash, 1975, pp 434-442] Understanding the

binomial formula meant applying a general rule to specific treats substitution as an axiom, a teacher may interpret a
cases. In such a textbook, the author's effort is to detail the student's use of substitution in an expression as evidence
logical process of applying a mathematical rule . In some of axiomatic reasoning [Kang, 1990] That is, the Jourdain
algebra textbooks today, formal abidance can be seen in effect occurs when the teacher takes student's prosaic
the way substitution is presented as an axiom or principle responses as representations of mathematical knowledge.
[Kang, 1990] Formal abidance may not help students One may argue that these four phenomena are extremes
understand the inductive side of mathematics, but it may we cannot avoid. In fact, not only are they extremes, but it
make depersonalization and decontextualization easier fm is also hard to define a clear boundary between normal and
them pathological cases of each phenomenon. The phenomena
may represent a teacher's or textbook author's difficulty in
Topaze effect
considering both the form and the meaning of an item of
The Topaze effect is a typical effect under the constraints
knowledge. Kang [1990] found that authors of algebra
of the so-called didactical contract (Brousseau, 1984) in
textbooks did not show a pathological use of didactic
which a teacher is led to empty the learning situation of all
transpositions. They maintained moderate attitudes regard-
cognitive content when manipulating the meaning of a stu-
ing didactic phenomena Such attitudes, however, suggest
dent's behavior
the limitations of using a textbook in a classroom. For
The Topaze effect was named by Brousseau after Mar-
example, a teacher can explain the factoring of the differ-
cel Pagnol's famous play "Topaze" In the first scene of
ence of squares using diagrams of rectangles more freely,
the play, the teacher Topaze attempts to get his 12-year-old
and thus sometimes more effectively, than a textbook can,
pupil, with whom he practices French dictation, to write
although the teacher may also pathologically transpose that
the silent plural "s" correctly in the phrase "des moutons
body of knowledge. The limitations of a textbook suggest
t!taient en sUrete dans un pare" (the sheep were safe in a
that a study of didactic transpositions of mathematical
park) While looking over the pupil's shoulder, he succes-
knowledge in classrooms should follow the study of those
sively dictates '~des mouton§.," "des mouton~," and finally
in textbooks
"des moutonsss" He eventually gives, after several fail-
ures, an obvious hint of the plural, begging for some sign
of consent [Brousseau, 1984, p 110]
Didactic transposition theory provides an epistemological
The "fUnnel pattern of interaction," which is illustrated
model that we can use to avoid extreme phenomenological
by Bauersfeld [1988, pp 33-36], is an example of this
and ontological views on the nature of knowledge. When it
effect In the funnel pattern, the teacher guides students
is reinforced with Martin Bober's philosophy of the two
toward a desired result by a series of questions. Another
modes of knowledge, the theory can also support meaning-
example is the giving of a solution to a problem in a text-
ful interpretations of many phenomena in the teaching and
book, as noted by Kilpatrick [1980] and discussed earlier
learning of school mathematics. Buber's view that our
In algebra textbooks stressing the use of a calculator, the
knowledge is either of You or oflt illuminates the vacillat-
introduction of the power key, yx, may cause a Topaze
ing quality of knowing during instruction: knowledge is
effect when lessons emphasize keystroke sequences rather
depersonalized and decontextualized when represented for
than the meanings of exponents [Kang, 1990]
communication, personalized and contextualized when
Jourdain effect first encountered, depersonalized and decontextualized
The Jourdain effect is a nontrivial degeneration of the again as it becomes part of the learner's codified knowl-
1 opaze effect: to avoid both a debate with students about a edge Didactic transpositions must contend with this oscil-
particular item of knowledge and eventually a confession lation. Knowledge is fragile; as it is repeatedly communi-
of defeat, the teacher acts as if he or she recognized evi- cated, it changes both its form and its meaning Recording
dence of scientific knowledge in the students' behavior or a body of knowledge in a book does not control its fragility
answers, even though these responses were actually moti- by keeping its meaning constant. Although school mathe-
vated by trivial causes and meanings [Brousseau, 1984, p matics has a static aspect in that it must be declared before-
115] hand, the form of the knowledge being presented in a text-
The Jourdain effect was named after M. Jourdain, one of book is not stable The processes of didactic transposition
the characters in Moliere's "Le bourgeois gentilhomme." used in a textbook can be termed pseudo-contextualization
M.. Jourdain asked a philosopher to teach him to spell and and pseudo-personalization. The four processes of contex-
received an explanation of the distinction between prose tualization, decontextualization, personalization, and
and verse. Eventually he exclaimed, "Well, my goodness! depersonalization are involved in the effective transposi-
Here I've been talking prose for forty years and never tion of knowledge in teaching mathematics or in writing a
known it, and mighty grateful I am to you for telling me!" mathematics textbook Although textbook authors seem to
[Brousseau, 1984, p. 116] employ moderate forms of didactic transpositions, teachers
In a mathematics classroom, for instance, a child who who follow textbooks uncritically may end up employing
has been made to carry out somewhat curious manipula- extreme forms. Thus, the effective use of mathematics
tions with small yogurt cups or colored pictures is sudden- textbooks in a classroom depends on the mathematics
ly told: "You have just discovered a Kleinian group" teacher's epistemological vigilance.
[Brousseau, 1984, p. 116] Given an algebra textbook that

Refemnces Chevallard, Y . [1988, August] On didactic transpo.sition theory:· some
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tive perspectives for mathematics education In D, A Grouws, T J in mathematics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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perspectives on research on effective mathematics· teaching (pp 27- textbooks Doctoral dissertation, University of Georgia
46) . Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, & Kilpatrick, J, [1980, April] Curriculums· of the 1980s (Cassette Recording
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum No . 206 at the 58th annual NCTM meeting in Seattle). Reston, VA:
Brousseau, G [1984] The crucial role of the didactical contract in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
analysis and construction of situations in teaching and learning mathe- Kilpatrick,J. [1987, July] What constructivism might be in mathematics
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(ICME 5- Topic Area and Miniconference: Adelaide, Australia, pp ceedings of the lith International Conference for the Psychology of
110-119). Bielefeld, Germany: Institut fiir Didaktik der Mathematik, Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp 3-27) . Montreal, Canada: Univer-
Universitlit Bielefeld site de Montreat
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Lochem, The Netherlands Archives de Psychologie, 53,91-101
Buber, M. [1970] I and thou (A new translation with a prologue 'I and Von Glasersfeld, E. [1987] Learning as a constructive activity. In C. Jan-
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Chevallard, Y. [1985] La transposition didactique [The didactical trans-
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Recognition of the indeterminacies present even within mathematics, for

centuries the paradigmatically rational discipline should not entail
abandonment of ideals of reason, of ideals of coherence and consistency
The illusion of closure is a product of failing to distinguish the ideal from the
real a failure to recognize the purely regulative function of the ideal But once
this is recognized the indeterminacies in mathematical representations the
undecidabilities in any formal system signalling the disciplines lack of
closure can be seen to be its source of problem solving and creative power
not a sign of weakness or of imperfection 1 J Mathematical constructions are
both concrete and symbolic; they do not provide an escape from
representation to reality but serve as a reminder that representations are part
of human reality just as human reality is constructed by representations
Mary Tiles

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