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J. Phycol.

35, 884–888 (1999)



Paulina Uribe C.2, Benjamı́n A. Suárez-Isla

Laboratorio de Toxinas Marinas, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 70005,
Santiago 6530499, Chile

Romilio T. Espejo
Laboratorio de Bioingenierı́a, Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnologı́a de los Alimentos, Universidad de Chile, Macul 5540, Santiago, Chile

The heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) reveals guished as three distinct groups using the same cri-
sequence dissimilarity between DNA by measuring teria (Scholin et al. 1994a). Based on nuclear-en-
the retarded migration of the hybrid or heterodu- coded, small- and large-subunit ribosomal RNA
plex using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Het- (SSU and LSU rRNA) gene sequences, a number of
erogeneity in some cultures of toxic dinoflagellates Alexandrium species are recognizable as distinct
of the genus Alexandrium (Halim) Balech was ob- groups, as defined morphologically (Destombe et al.
served during comparison of the amplified D1–D2 1992, Scholin and Anderson 1993, Scholin et al.
region of the large subunit rRNA gene (rDNA) using 1994a, Adachi et al. 1994, 1996, Zardoya et al. 1995).
this method. HMA also allowed grouping of clones By the same genetic criteria, the tamarensis complex
obtained from toxic bloom events in the Chilean, is divided into at least five geographically distinct
southernmost Pacific within the Asian Southern Pa- lineages. These lineages do not reflect the devel-
cific lineage of A. catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Bal- opment of new morphotypes but rather reveal a
ech. The applied methodology provides a rapid and monophyletic radiation and independent evolution
simple tool for use in assessing heterogeneity as well of geographically isolated regional populations
as for molecular grouping of strains among the ge- (Scholin et al. 1995). Isolates of A. catenella that are
nus Alexandrium. indistinguishable by morphological criteria can be
Key index words: Alexandrium; heteroduplex mobil- genetically grouped in different lineages that cor-
ity assay; large subunit; Pacific; PCR; rDNA respond to their geographical origin (Scholin et al.
Abbreviations: HMA, heteroduplex mobility assay; Sequence heterogeneity in cultures of Alexan-
LSU, large subunit; PSP, paralytic shellfish poison- drium isolates has previously been observed in LSU
ing; SSU, small subunit rDNA (Scholin et al. 1994, Zardoya et al. 1995, Ada-
chi et al. 1996), and this may hinder straightforward
Marine dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium identification by sequence comparison. Ribotypes
(Halim) Balech inspire special economic and public and subribotypes of Alexandrium have been defined
health concern, because they include a number of on the basis of the most prevalent class of LSU mol-
species that produce saxitoxin and its derivatives, ecule cloned from the organisms and also on the
highly toxic compounds that cause paralytic shell- basis of unique combinations of heterogeneous clas-
fish poisoning (PSP)(Taylor 1984, 1993). Toxic spe- ses of rDNA (Scholin et al. 1994b). RFLP analysis of
cies of the genus Alexandrium are widespread in the whole PCR products more recently employed to
many regions of the world (Shumway 1990, Halle- assess the heterogeneity among members of the
graeff 1995, Richardson 1997), and their rapid and North American and temperate Asian ribotypes has
unequivocal identification has become an important suggested that the heterogeneity is larger than pre-
aim in toxic dinoflagellate research. An increasing viously observed through cloning and sequencing
effort has been made to differentiate between or- (Scholin and Anderson 1996).
ganisms at species and strain levels using morpho- The first documented toxic bloom in Chile was
logical and subcellular criteria (Oshima et al. 1982, reported in 1972 in Magallanes (Guzmán and Cam-
Cembella et al. 1987, Hayhome et al. 1989, Sako et podónico 1975). Since then, the dominant toxic di-
al. 1990, 1993). However, members of A. catenella/ noflagellate species in Chilean southern coastal ar-
tamarense/fundyense (the ‘‘tamarensis complex’’), eas and estuaries during toxic bloom events has
which include most toxic species, are not distin- been identified by morphological criteria to be A.
catenella (Guzmán and Campodónico 1978). How-
1Received 17 June 1998. Accepted 23 April 1999.
ever, the association of these strains with one of the
2Author for reprint requests; e-mail: different geographical ribotypes requires sequence comparison of the LSU rDNA.

Here we report the assessment of intraculture se-

quence heterogeneity of the D1–D2 region of the
LSU rDNA in strains of Alexandrium species complex
using the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA). This
assay is based on the decreased electrophoretic mi-
gration, caused by the formation of heteroduplexes,
of PCR-amplified D1–D2 regions of the rDNA in
polyacrylamide gels (Delwart et al. 1993). By using
this technique to perform sequence comparisons,
we also determined the genetic association between
the four Chilean isolates obtained from blooms that
occurred in Aysén in 1994 and in Magallanes in
1997 and the Asian Southern Pacific A. catenella ri-
Cultures and strains. Clonal cultures of A. catenella ACC07 and
ACC01 from Aysén (458329 S, 738349 W) and MACBN8 and
MACBB1 from Magallanes (538559 S, 678099 W) were obtained
from the laboratories of the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero,
Puerto Montt, and the Universidad de Magallanes, respectively.
A. catenella strain OF101, A. tamarense strains PEIV, and A. fun- FIG. 1. (a) Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after amplifi-
dyense strain GtCA29 and A. lusitanicum GtPort were kindly pro- cation of D1–D2 LSU rDNA of different Alexandrium strains, lane
vided by Dave Kulis from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti- L1; A. lusitanicum GtPort, C7; A. catenella ACC07, T1; A. tamarense
tution, Woods Hole, MA. Cultures were grown in f/2 medium at PEIV, M; 100-bp ladder (Promega). (b) Heteroduplex nature of
158 C under a 16:8 h LD cycle (Guillard 1975, 1995). polymorphism observed in amplification product cultures of A.
DNA Extraction. DNA was extracted by a modification of the catenella OF101 and A. fundyense GtCA29. C1, F1, and L1 show the
method described by Adachi et al. (1994). Approximately 106 ex- products of A. catenella, A. fundyense, and A. lusitanicum, respec-
ponential phase cultured cells were harvested by centrifugation tively. Lane A, amplified products; B, products obtained after a
for 10 min at 5000 3 g. Cell pellets were washed with f/2 medium, single amplification cycle of samples in A performed after dilu-
submerged in N2, powdered with a mortar and pestle, and mixed tion to avoid annealing (five times the volume applied for elec-
with three volumes of extraction buffer (1.0% Sarkosyl, 0.25% trophoresis in A was used to compensate for the dilution per-
sucrose, 50 mM NaCl, 20 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.0], formed, assuming that the product was doubled after the ampli-
and 10 mM 2-mercaptoethanol). After incubation at 658 C for 30 fication cycle); C, products obtained after denaturation and re-
min, the solution was extracted with phenol/chloroform (Sam- naturation of the samples shown in B.
brook et al. 1989). The aqueous phase was treated with proteinase
K (100 mg·mL21; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) for 1 h at
378 C and was precipitated with 2-isopropanol. The precipitated in 7% polyacrylamide gels (7 cm long 3 8 cm wide 3 0.15 cm
DNA was dissolved in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 10 mM thick), with Tris-borate buffer (Sambrook et al. 1989), at 150 V
EDTA, and was subsequently incubated with RNAse A (100 for 1 h 45 min. DNA was visualized with silver nitrate staining
mg·mL21; Sigma) at 378 C for 1 h. After a second extraction with (Espejo and Escanilla 1993). Sequence similarities among D1–D2
phenol/chloroform, the DNA was precipitated twice with ethanol regions were calculated using those reported by Scholin et al.
and resuspended in buffer TE (10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.0] and 1 (1995), which were aligned with the SSEARCH program (Smith
mM EDTA). and Waterman 1981, Pearson 1991).
PCR Amplification. Amplification was performed by a modification
of the method described by Zardoya et al. (1995). DNA was am- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
plified in 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl [pH 8.0], 2.0 mM MgCl2,
0.1% Triton X-100, and deoxynucleoside triphosphate 0.2 mM, Sequence heterogeneity among Alexandrium isolates. A
using primers corresponding to the D1–D2 region of the LSU of single product was observed after amplification of
Prorocentrum micans (Prorocentroides, Dinophyceae, Phyrrophy- the LSU rDNA D1–D2 region of DNA obtained
at position 23; Reverse 59-GTTAGACTCCCTTGGTCCGTGTTT- from the cultures of A. lusitanicum 6t Port, A. cate-
CAAGA-39 at position 741) at a concentration of 0.25 pmol·mL21 nella ACC07, and A. tamarense PEIV (Fig. 1a). The
and with Taq polymerase (Promega) 0.08 U·mL21. Amplification lower relative migration of A. lusitanicum corre-
was performed with 35 cycles of the following steps: 948 C for 1 sponded with the shorter sequence reported for this
min, 608 C for 1 min, 728 C for 1 min, with a final cycle at 728 C
for 5 min. A HYBAID Omm-E thermal cycler (Hybaid Limited, species (Scholin et al. 1994b, Scholin and Anderson
Teddington, Middlesex, United Kingdom) was used. 1996). In contrast, the product of both A. catenella
Heteroduplex analysis. Heteroduplexes were obtained by dena- OF101 and A. fundyense GtCA29 contained addition-
turation and renaturation of the mixed amplification products al electrophoretic bands. As shown below, these
from different dinoflagellate strains, performed using the follow- bands consisted of heteroduplexes formed during
ing procedure: Pairs of amplified D1–D2 from LSU rDNA were
mixed at a concentration of about 5 ng·mL21 in the renaturation the amplification reaction. When the amplification
buffer described by Delwart et al. (1993)(0.1 M NaCl, 10 mM Tris- products differ in nucleotide sequence, they may
HCl [pH 7.8], and 2 mM EDTA), denatured at 988 C for 7 min, form heteroduplexes by annealing of the single
and subsequently renatured at 608 C for 40 min. Denaturation strands when the temperature is lowered from the
and renaturation for analysis of single PCR amplification products
were performed in the same buffer used for amplification, follow- denaturation to the annealing step (Jensen and
ing the addition of EDTA to a final concentration of 4 mM, using Straus 1993). The heteroduplex nature of these
the same temperatures and times. Electrophoresis was performed bands was established by subjecting the product to

an additional amplification cycle after appropriate

dilution in order to avoid annealing of the single
strands (Delwart et al. 1993). Under these condi-
tions, heteroduplexes disappeared, but they reap-
peared when this last product was subjected to de-
naturation and renaturation. Figure 1b shows the
results obtained after subjecting the heterogeneous
amplification products of A. catenella OF101 and A.
fundyense GtCA29 to these treatments. The homo-
geneous product of A. lusitanicum was included as a
Sequence heterogeneity in cultures of Alexan-
drium isolates was observed previously in LSU rDNA
(Scholin et al. 1994b, Zardoya et al. 1995, Adachi et FIG. 2. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the products ob-
al. 1996). It is likely that in strains with heteroge- tained after denaturation and renaturation of amplified D1–D2
LSU rDNA from different strains of the genus Alexandrium, in-
neous sequences, ribotypes and subribotypes have cluding the Chilean isolate A. catenella ACC07. The results ob-
been defined on the basis of the most prevalent tained with the amplification products of different strains are
clone of the LSU molecule (Scholin and Anderson shown in the following lanes (their sequence similarity is provided
1996). RFLP analysis of the whole PCR products was between parentheses, when known). L1/T1, A. lusitanicum/A. ta-
employed in order to assess this heterogeneity in marense PEIV (80.3%); L1/C7, A. lusitanicum/A. catenella ACC07;
L1/C1, A. lusitanicum/A. catenella OF101 (82.3%); T1/C7, A. ta-
members of the North American and temperate marense PEIV/A. catenella ACC07; T1/C1, A. tamarense PEIV/A. ca-
Asian ribotypes. These results suggested that the het- tenella OF101 (90.2%); and C1/C7, A. catenella OF101/A. catenella
erogeneity is larger than previously observed ACC07. The results obtained with the single strains A. catenella
through cloning and sequencing (Scholin and An- OF101, A. catenella ACC07, A. tamarense PEIV, and A. lusitanicum
GtPort are shown in lanes C1, C7, T1, and L1, respectively. Het-
derson 1996). However, potential heteroduplexes eroduplexes are indicated by dots. The darker bands above the
formed during PCR amplification, as shown here, heteroduplexes correspond to single strands.
may generate nonannealed restriction sites that
would be resistant to the restriction enzyme and that
would generate additional bands that would suggest shown in Figure 1b and in lane C1 of Figure 2. Com-
a larger polymorphism. parison of the other three Chilean clones using the
HMA analysis of reference strain sequences and HMA same procedure provided identical results (data not
comparison of Chilean clones. Isolates from southern shown). These observations indicate that the four
Chilean coastal areas were identified by comparison Chilean clones isolated to date belong to the Asian-
of the nucleotide sequences of the D1–D2 region of Pacific ribotype group of A. catenella.
their LSU rRNA with those of other Alexandrium Alexandrium fundyense was analyzed independently
strains, including A. catenella. The sequence similar- because of its large intraculture sequence dissimilar-
ity was assessed by the HMA of the amplified prod- ity in the D1–D2 region of the LSU rRNA. This high
ucts of this region. Heteroduplexes were obtained intraculture dissimilarity caused the formation of
by denaturation and renaturation of the amplified several heteroduplexes, which were clearly observed
regions from different strains mixed in similar con- when annealed with A. lusitanicum, which is 21.4%
centrations and were subsequently resolved by elec- dissimilar (Fig. 3, lane F1/L1). However, when it was
trophoresis in polyacrylamide gels (Fig. 2). The rel- annealed with A. catenella OF101, which is 12.9% dis-
ative migration of the heteroduplex formed be- similar, the heteroduplexes migrated close to those
tween strains of known nucleotide sequence was observed after self reannealing of A. fundyense, and
roughly proportional to their sequence similarity. only a change of the relative intensity pattern was
Heteroduplexes between different strains (indicated noticeable (lane F1/C1). This change is probably
by dots) were usually resolved into two bands, which due to the heteroduplexes formed between F1 and
probably correspond to the reciprocal hybrids C1 or C7. The expected migration for these hetero-
formed by each plus and minus complementary duplexes is difficult to estimate, because the actual
strand of the amplified D1–D2 region. Although the differences in nucleotide sequence among the dif-
extent of dissimilarity in those hybrid pairs is iden- ferent LSU rRNAs in A. fundyense are unknown. The
tical, single-stranded regions in each hybrid may dissimilarities indicated above were calculated from
form distinctive structural conformations, which the reported sequence for A. fundyense (Scholin et
may result in variability in their mobility (Jensen and al. 1995), which should correspond to only one of
Straus 1993). One of the Chilean isolates, A. catenella the different LSU rRNA observed in this culture.
ACC07, behaved identically to A. catenella OF101 These LSU rRNA with dissimilar sequences could
and did not form a heteroduplex with this strain; show either greater or lesser similarity with the LSU
the faint band observed just above the homoduplex rRNA of other strains. According to the relative mi-
corresponds to the heteroduplex formed after self- gration of the heteroduplexes formed by self-an-
annealing of the product in A. catenella OF101, as nealing of A. fundyense, the intraculture dissimilarity

teria in natural populations has been previously dis-

cussed (Espejo and Romero 1997), and it could be
applied to harmful algal blooms as well.
The authors thank Dr. Miriam Seguel, from the Instituto de Fom-
ento Pesquero, Mr. J. C. Uribe, from the Universidad de Magal-
lanes, and Dr. Jacob Larsen and Mr. Dave Kulis, who provided
clonal cultures for this study. This study was funded by grants
FONDEF-Conicyt 2-37 and Fondecyt 1990765.

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