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FCE Speaking Exam: Part 1

All these questions are taken from previous FCE speaking exams. Choose a number, and tell your group
your answer.

1 Which part of the 2 Where are you 3 How do you usually 4 Do you have a full-
day do you enjoy from? spend your free time? time or a part-time job
most? Why? at the moment?

5 What can tourists 6 Do you like the 7 Where did you go 8 Do you like to be
do in your area? same things as your for your last holiday? active when you are on
friends, or do you have holiday?
different interests?

9 Would you prefer to 10 Tell us about a TV 11 How often do you 12 Do you see much
live somewhere else? programme you’ve go to clothes shops or of your friends during
seen recently. shoe shops? the week? What do
you do together?

13 What kind of 14 Do you ever go to 15 Do you enjoy 16 Do you like going

presents do you like to concerts? What kind meeting new people? to the cinema? What
get for your birthday? of concerts do you Why (not)? films would you like to
enjoy? see next?

17 Tell us about a 18 What do you like 19 What are you 20 Do you have a
special occasion most about the area going to do next favourite newspaper or
you’ve celebrated where you live? weekend? magazine? (Why do
recently. you like it?)

21 Do you use the 22 Would you rather 23 Tell us about a 24 Are you interested
Internet to learn new go on holiday with your day you’ve really in sport? Which sports
things? family or with friends? enjoyed recently do you enjoy?

25 Would you like to 26 What’s the most 27 What job would 28 How often do you
do the same job as interesting place you most like to do? use the internet?
your parents? you’ve visited near

29 Do you like playing 30 Are you happier 31 What do you do to 32 Do you like to
games, or do you doing mental or relax at the end of the dress up for special
prefer to watch? physical work? (Why?) day? occasions?

33 When is your next 34 Do you enjoy going 35 Do you like 36 Is there anything
birthday? Are you to restaurants? What cooking? (What sort of new that you’d like to
planning to do kinds of restaurants things do you cook?) learn in the future?
anything special? do you prefer?

37 What sort of music 38 Do you like to plan 39 Do you prefer 40 Do you find it easy
do you listen to? (Why your holidays carefully working on your own or to study where you
do you enjoy it?) or do you prefer to just with other people? live? (Why? / Why
go? (Why?) (Why?) not?)
Cambridge English: First (FCE) Assessment commentary and marks: Florine and Maria

Video can be found at

Florine Maria

Grammar and Vocabulary 5 3

Discourse Management 5 3
Pronunciation 5 3
Interactive Communication 5 4
Global Achievement 5 3

Grammar and Vocabulary Mark: 5
Control and range of grammar
Florine shows a good degree of control of a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms:
I think it must be a tourist because there’s a map in the photo 2.50 Part 2
I don’t think it will attract a lot of tourists because of one club 8.36 Part 3
Yes, maybe the parks are a better idea to provide because they’re really nice to have a walk in 9.12 Part 3
There are also occasional lapses in control:
I actually have seen it last night 0.54 Part 1
There isn’t a lot time for holidays12.01 Part 4

Range and appropriacy of vocabulary

Florine uses a range of appropriate vocabulary to express her views on a wide range of familiar topics
Actually happened, Love relationship, main characters 1.00 - 07 Part 1
Soccer player, hurt 2.40 - 2.43 Part 2
In pain 3.14 Part 2
Get injuries 3.19 Part 2
Serve the people 3.37 Part 2
Shopaholics 7.37 Part 3
Putting up security cameras 7.58 Part 3
A combination of several things 8.42 Part 3
Fancy hotel 10.18 Part 4

Discourse Management Mark: 5


Florine produces extended stretches of language with very little hesitation. She speaks for a full minute when
describing her picture in Part 2; however, her response to the question after her partner has described her picture is a
little short, lasting only about 15 seconds, half the time available. Otherwise however, her contributions are of an
appropriate length

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Cambridge English: First (FCE) Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge English Language Assessment
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I watch kind of different things; I watch the regular news and also just lazy entertainment programmes and also I
watch a lot of movies 0.34 Part 1
Occasionally there is a little hesitation e.g.
… because I think you can also have a good time … 10.02 Part 4
but generally this does not interfere with her extended contributions
Relevance, coherence and cohesion

Florine’s contributions are relevant and ideas are clearly organized, using a range of cohesive devices and discourse
In the first picture … in the second photo…it’s really important to help people in these situations because …
2.39ff Part 2
… because you have to have space for the tourists to live in, so if there’s no space there probably won’t be a lot
of tourists 9.40 Part 3
If you’re in school like I am you’ve got a lot of long breaks, especially the summer break … but I think when
you’re done with school and you have to start your professional life, then there … 11.45 Part 4

Pronunciation Mark: 5
Florine is always intelligible

Her intonation is generally appropriate, e.g.
Actually quite a lot. My mum doesn’t always like it 1.28 Part 2
I actually don’t really think that there are a lot of advantages 12.49 Part 4
Sentence and word stress is accurately placed
I really like the movie Titanic 0.51 Part 1
I think it’s her own garden 5.32 Part 2
Individual sounds
Individual sounds are articulated clearly, with occasional exceptions, such as final /s/ in
Characters Part 1
officers Part 2

Interactive Communication Mark: 5

Initiating and responding
Florine initiates and responds appropriately, linking contributions to what her partner has said. She initiates the
discussion in Part 3 and shows that she has listened to Maria’s before adding her ideas.
Well I think all the ideas on the booklet are quite good actually … 6.38 Part 3
Yes I think we can have a lot of fun in parks 7.13 Part 3
Yes definitely, but … 8.34 Part 3

Florine maintains and develops the interaction. She frequently invites Maria’s responses:
What do you think about that? 6.55 Part 3
Why do you think that? 7.04 & 9.04 Part 3
She also negotiates towards an outcome.
So what do you think is the best idea? 8.53 Part 3
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further information see our Terms of Use at

Cambridge English: First (FCE) Speaking test marks and commentary – published by Cambridge English Language Assessment
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First Certificate in English

Speaking Test

Part 1 (3 minutes)

Sample Test Materials

The examiner who speaks to you (the interlocutor) uses the following script.

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First Certificate in English
Speaking Test

Part 2 (4 minutes) 17 Special moments

Sample Test Materials 18 Leisure activities

The examiner who speaks to you (the interlocutor) uses the following script.

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© UCLES 2008 Page 5

First Certificate in English
Speaking Test

Parts 3 & 4

Sample Test Materials 30 Film club

The examiner who speaks to you (the interlocutor) uses the following script.

Part 3 (3 minutes)

Interlocutor Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes.
I'm just going to listen.

The film club at your school has asked you to choose two films which
would be interesting for the students to watch and then discuss. Here
are the films they are considering.

[Place picture sheet 30 in front of the candidates.]

First, talk to each other about how interesting these different types of
film would be. Then decide which two would be the best for students
to discuss.

You have only about three minutes for this. So, once again, don't worry if I
stop you, and please speak so that we can hear you. All right?

Candidates ………………………………………………………..
! 3 minutes

Interlocutor Thank you.

[Retrieve picture sheet 30.]

Part 4 (4 minutes)

Interlocutor [Select any of the following questions as appropriate:]

!" How popular do you think a club like this would be?

!" What sort of films do you never watch? ….. Why?

!" Are there any films that you’d like to see again? ….. Why (not)?

!" Would you prefer to be in a film or behind the camera?

!" How important do you think it is to watch films in English?

!" What can you learn about a country’s culture by watching films
from that country?

Thank you. That is the end of the test.

[Check that all test materials have been replaced in the file.]

© UCLES 2008 Page 6

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