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International Research Journal of Computer Science (IRJCS) ISSN: 2393-9842

Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)


Astari Retno wardhani
Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program
Master of Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University,Indonesia
Dwi Susilo
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana,Indonesia
Yaya Sudarya Triana
Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana,Indonesia
Manuscript History
Number: IRJCS/RS/Vol.05/Issue08/AUCS10081
Received: 05, August 2018
Final Correction: 12, August 2018
Final Accepted: 20, August 2018
Published: August 2018
Citation: Retnowardhani, Susilo & Triana (2018). DESIGN OF SERVICE APPLICATION FOR AUTO DETAILING: A
CASE STUDY OF JETWASH AUTO SPA TANGERANG. IRJCS:: International Research Journal of Computer Science,
Volume V, 422-434.doi://10.26562/IRJCS.2018.AUCS10081
Editor: Dr.A.Arul L.S, Chief Editor, IRJCS, AM Publications, India
Copyright: ©2018 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, Which Permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited
Abstract— Transaction activities at Jetwash Auto Spa are still recorded manually. In service transactions,
customer acceptance only relies on manual transaction evidence, it makes the output format is not standardized.
Therefore, sometimes it can effect lost documents. The stock of goods in car salons is only recorded in some
books so that it can not be controlled, such as how many the amount of goods available and that is exhausted,
otherwise it is difficult to adjust the price of goods with market prices is also a constraint due to the absence of
price history of goods. Then, with the design analysis Jetwash Auto Spa application Tangerang web-based it
becomes easier to do data collection.
Keywords— Design Analysis; Car Salon; Jetwash Auto Spa;

The car salon business is an exterior and interior car care business, such as cleaning in a car with a vacuum
cleaner and polishing the body and car tires. But over time, the car salon business more diverse. The design
consideration becomes the main factor consumers in choosing a car. As a result, the car manufacturers are
competing to make cars with better designs from time to time. As car production increases every year that soar,
and service owners offer car maintenance is also growing very rapidly. Competition of premium car salon and
public salon increasingly tight, the detailer compete to improve the ability to analyze the problem properly. They
no longer rely solely on experience to provide satisfactory customer service, while car users are also looking for
practical ways to take care of their own vehicles to keep them in good condition and do not have to pay extra for
maintenance [1].
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

Most owners do not know how to care and maintain the interior or exterior of the car is often a problem for the
users of four-wheeled vehicles, for example swirl mark. Swirl marks can be caused by human factors, usually
caused by direct parking of cars under bright sun, where the reflection of sunlight appears on car body panels [2].
Some types of services used currently are detailing the interior or exterior of the car are: i) Nano Interior Coating
is car interior treatment by removing bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the body such as the smell of new
cars and there are chemicals in the interior. ii) Nano Glass Coating is a new car glass treatment, protects the glass
and provides additional safety that allows viewing during heavy rain without the need for wipers. iii) Nano
Ceramic Coating is to help and protect the car paint for a longer period and helps maintain the authenticity of
paint color [3].
The picture shows the existence of a very tight competition in car washing business. Entrepreneurs must apply
innovation in attracting consumers, in offering their services, the entrepreneurs must apply appropriate
promotional strategies. Through the promotion, potential customers can get information about what facilities are
offered by car wash services. Quality of service of course supports the company to provide satisfaction for the
customer [4].
In the management of transaction report data in Jetwash Auto Spa still use the file in a manual format. The subject
becomes less effective considering the number of missing files, or the difficulty of finding files. On the other hand,
the difficulty of making the transaction report becomes one of the causes of difficult reporting it entered. For that
need to be built a design of Jetwash Auto Spa Tangerang transaction data collection system.


The application design process can involved several methods or anlysis models [5]. In this process an analysis of
information performance, economy, application security, efficiency and customer service must be performed. The
process of development system or application in this research is follow Pressman method, as shown in Fig. 1 [6]:

Communication Planning
Project initiation Modeling
Estimating Analysis Construction Deployment
Requirement Scheduling design Code Delivery
tracking test Support

Fig. 1 Waterfall Pressman

Here is an explanation of Fig. 1 [6] :
a. Communication
It is an analysis of the technical needs, and the stage for collecting data by conducting meetings with
customers, such as analyzing the problems encountered and collecting the necessary data.
b. Planning
This stage will result in estimation of maintenance prices or can be regarded as data related to user desire
in making software.
c. Modeling
Stage designing and modeling system architecture that focuses on designing data structures, software
architectures, and program algorithms.
d. Construction
The process of translating the design into a form in a language that can be recognized by the computer.
After encoding is complete it will find errors to the system to be fixed.
e. Deployment
This stage can be said making software to customers, software maintenance periodically, software repair
and software development.
This paper is discuss on Modeling stage. Before the design or modeling is done, the first step in this designing
process is analysis a system use Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Services (PIECES) to
determine the identification of existing problems, consisting of [7]:
a. Performance
Registration of care for this should be done at the registration site by filling out the online form.
b. Information
The lack of media information about car salon shop is still from one individual to another.
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

c. Economics
It takes a lot of money to create brochures in order to disseminate treatment promo information.
d. Control
The stacking of unintegrated transaction data makes the duration of data recording online.
e. Efficiency
Registration is still less efficient because of having to do manually and even the promo care information
the customer must find out for themselves.
f. Services
The number of customer complaints about the workshop in terms of service delivery is not optimal, and
customer communication media has not been well established, due to the limitation of place and
communication media .
Based on the summary report of each detailing treatment, the execution of the results of testing the effectiveness
of paint protection on the car body with various types of wax such as turtle wax, waxco metallic wax, and
carnauba liquid wax. This provides an overview prior to testing on paint protection, the measurements were
made to find out how much protection the paint and wax protect the paint so that the paint's durability can last a
long time despite being washed repeatedly [8] . Many things cause damage to the body of the car caused by
natural factors such as changes in unstable temperature from hot to cold so vice versa, this can cause the paint on
the car body becomes dull [8].
From several stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using the waterfall method contained in
Figure 1, the data collection system in Jetwash Auto Spa report will use the method up to the Design stage. In
designing this system required a process modeling system using Unified Modeling System (UML) Use Case
Diagram, Class Diagram technique for database design and Activity Diagram to describe the flow of activity [9, 10].
a) Current Use Case Diagram

Notify the detailing Care



Receive Report Detailing

Treatment Package

Manually Input Report

Fig. 2 Current Detailing Reporting System

The currently running system in Fig. 2 is the customer actor performing the detailing package selection and the
staff actor receives the detailed treatment package report and manually inputs the report.

b) Use Case Diagram Proposed

The proposed system contained in Fig. 3 is the customer actor logging into the website, can input customer data,
and choose the type of care, and print the transaction receipt. While the staff actor can login into the system, then
manage care data, and make payment transactions.

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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

Fig. 3 Proposed Data Collection Detailing Report System

c) Class Diagram
Class Diagram is a diagram that shows the interaction between classes and class components into a system. Class
Diagrams provide an overview of the various types of objects in the system and various relationships statically
[10, 11]. So in the design of a Data Base system required a Class Diagram.

Fig. 4 Class Diagram of Detailing Care Reports

Class data diagram shown in Fig. 4 shows the seven classes and inter-class relationships such as login, customer,
car brand, car type, maintenance type and payment transaction.
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

d) Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram is a workflow or activity of a system or menu contained in the software. Activity Diagram is used
to define the order or grouping of views of a system or business process [11].

Fig. 5 Activity Diagram of Login Jetwash Auto Spa

Fig. 5 describe that admin can login from every where to enter into the website. Then a system have task to
display screen display login and checking a correct username and password .

Fig. 6 Activity Diagram Jetwash Auto Spa Customers

Admin also can choose user menu such as view, add, change, delete user data and system can display user screen
display and save data. Fig. 6 is explained that workflow.

Fig. 7 Activity Diagram Brands Jetwash Auto Spa

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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

Fig. 7 has shown the admin can choose brand car and can see, add, delete data of car brand while the system
performs appearance of car brand display and can store data.

Fig. 8 Activity Diagram Car Type Jetwash Auto Spa

Fig. 8 has shown the admin can choose the type of car and can see, add, delete data type of car while the system
performs the appearance of the car type screen.
Admin System

Select The Treatment Displays The Treatment

Type Menu Type Screen

Delete Type of Care

Save Data



Saved Data

Fig. 9 Activity Diagram Type Jetwash Auto Spa Treatment

Fig. 9 has shown the admin can choose menu treatment type besides that admin also can see, add, change, and
delete data type of treatment.

Fig. 10 Activity Diagram Manage Transaction Detail Jetwash Auto Spa

Fig. 10 has shown the admin can choose a transaction menu and enter payment transaction maintenance while
system display payment transaction.

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Fig. 11 Activity Diagram Print Report Jetwas Auto Spa

Fig. 11 has shown the admin can select the report menu as well as enter the desired report parameters while the
system displays report parameters such as transaction date and type of treatment.
e) Database Specifications
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Username Varchar 25 Customers Name
2 Password Varchar 25 Customers Password
Table 1 consists of two pieces namely username and password. Table 2 consists of 6 fields: customer id, customer
name, license plate number, phone number, address, brand id, and id type.
TABLE 2 Customers
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Customers_id Char 25 Customers Id
2 Customers_name Varchar 25 Customers Name
3 Plate_Series Char 8 Customers Plat Series
4 Phone_number Char 12 Phone Number Customers
5 Address Varchar 60 Address Customers
6 Brand_id Varchar 9 Brand Car Customers
7 Type_id Varchar 9 Type of Car Customers
TABLE 3 Brand Car
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Brand_id Int 4 Brand id
2 Brand_Car Char 15 Car Manufacturers
Table 3 consists of 2 fields brands of brand id and car brands. Table 4 consists of 2 fields types of id and type of car.
TABLE 4 Type of Car
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Type_id Int 6 Car Code
2 Kind_car Char 20 Kind of Car
TABLE 5 Type of Treatment
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Treatment_id Int 2 Treatment Code
2 Treatment_name char 20 Treatment Name
3 Amount_payment Int 10 Amount of Payment
Table 5 consists of 3 fields treatment id, treatment name, amount of payment. Table 6 consists of 7 fields that
transaction id, date of transaction, customers id, id brand, type id, id treatment, amount of payment.

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TABLE 6 Payment Transaction Data
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Transaction_id Int 6 Transaction Code
2 Transaction_date Date Transaction Date
3 Customers_id Char 6 Customers Name
4 Brand_id Char 4 Brand Car
5 Type_id Char 4 Type of Car
6 Treatment_id Char 15 Type of Treatment
7 Amount_payment Int 20 Amount of Payment
TABLE 7 Data Transaction Report
No Field Data Type Long Information
1 Transaction_id INT 5 Transaction Code
2 Transaction_date Date Transaction Date
3 Customers_name Varchar 30 Customers Name
4 Brand_id Varchar 25 Brand Car
5 Type_id Varchar 20 Type of Car
6 Treatment_id Char 10 Type of Treatment
7 Amount_payment INT 20 Amount of Payment
The propose system design consist 3 display design. The design are admin display, customer display, and a page
to enter and register. The distinguishable and some menu that can be used, to be able to find out more see the
figure and description below.
a) Admin View

Fig. 12 Admin Home

On the main menu screen, the user can choose the menu of the homepage: The results of detailing on Jetwash Auto
Spa follow the appearance as like in Fig. 12.

Fig. 13 Customer Data

On the customer data menu screen, the admin can process the data that has been entered from the customer and
the admin can do deletion and editing of data, which can be done after admin login, as shown in Fig. 13.
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

Fig. 14 Car Brands

On the car brand menu screen, admins can process and delete car brand data after the customer fills in the car
brand form. The following Fig. 14 has shown the design.

Fig. 15 Car Type

On the car type menu screen, the admin can process and delete car type data, after the customer fill the form of
the following car type looks like in the Fig. 15.

Fig. 16 Type of Treatment

In the treatment menu type screen, admins can process and delete the data type of care after the customer fills out
the form of treatment type and it looks like the Fig. 16.

Fig. 17 Transaction Details

On the detail transaction menu screen shown in Fig. 17.

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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

In the transaction form admin details can fill in data, such as id number, transaction date, customer name, car
brand, and car type, maintenance type, payment amount, and print transaction.

Fig. 18 View Transaction Details

On the menu screen add transaction detail contained in Fig. 18, In the form view transaction detail admin can see
the results of detail transactions, which have been input and print them.

Fig. 19 Print Transaction Details

On the print menu screen view transaction detail contained in Fig. 19, In the print transaction details form, admin
then print the results of the transaction.

Fig. 20 Transaction Report

On the transaction report menu screen shown in Fig. 20, in this transaction report form admin displays the date of
Jetwash auto spa transaction.

Fig. 21 Change Password

On the password menu screen in Fig. 21, in the form change the admin password can change the password.
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

b) Customer View

Fig. 22 Customer Home

On the main menu screen, the user can choose the menu of the homepage: The results of detailing on Jetwash Auto
Spa, the design can be seen in Fig. 22.

Fig. 23 Customer
In the car type menu screen in Fig. 23 the customer fills out the online registration form detailing. Data that has
been filled by the customer will be processed by the admin.

Fig. 24 Display of Car Brands

On the car brand's display menu screen in Fig. 24, the customer selects the car brand. In the car type menu screen
in Fig. 25 the customer selects the car type.

Fig. 25 Car Type View

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Fig. 26 Display The Type of Treatment

In the car type menu screen in Fig. 26 the customer selects the type of treatment listed.

Fig. 27 Change Password

On the password menu screen in Fig. 27, in the password substitute form the subscriber can change the password.
c) Login and Registration View

Fig. 28 Login
On the login menu screen in Fig. 28, the customer can log into the system, the customer must first have a
registered account if the customer does not already have a registered customer account can press the register
button to register.

Fig. 29 Account Registration Form

On the menu screen registration form in Fig. 29 the customer is required to fill in the name, address, phone
number, e-mail, username, password, reset password. With the condition of e-mail must be active.
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Issue 08, Volume 5 (August 2018)

The design of this collection application displays related make a reports, maintenance the data and can help car
salon administrator to facilitate the search data and generate output in accordance with customer needs. This
application also can improve the customer satisfaction, because the service is increase.


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