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User Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Copyright 2005 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

Cheque issue & Management

Table of Contents
Overview.................................................................................................................................................. 3 
Set up ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 
CHEQUE.TYPE ................................................................................................................................... 5 
CHEQUE.STATUS .............................................................................................................................. 6 
Setting up a charging structure for the issuing of cheques.................................................................. 7 
Linking a transaction code to a cheque type ....................................................................................... 8 
Issuing & Registering of Cheques ....................................................................................................... 9 
Presenting a Cheque ......................................................................................................................... 14 
Re-presenting a cheque ................................................................................................................. 14 
Re-order Process ............................................................................................................................... 16 
Issuing Bank Drafts ............................................................................................................................ 16 
Stopped Cheques .............................................................................................................................. 16 
SWIFT MT111 ................................................................................................................................ 21 
SWIFT MT112 ................................................................................................................................ 22 
Returned Cheques ............................................................................................................................. 22 
Deal/Transaction processing ................................................................................................................. 23 
Deposited Cheque Collection ............................................................................................................ 23 
Transaction codes .......................................................................................................................... 23 
Category Code ............................................................................................................................... 26 
Category Codes and Interest Adjustments .................................................................................... 27 
Suspense Accounts........................................................................................................................ 28 
CQ.PARAMETER and ACCOUNT.PARAMETER ......................................................................... 28 
Bank Sort code ............................................................................................................................... 29 
FT LOCAL CLEARING and FT BC PARAMETER ......................................................................... 30 
Cheque Collection.............................................................................................................................. 30 
Cheque Batch................................................................................................................................. 40 
CHEQUE.CHANGE........................................................................................................................ 45 
CHEQUES RE-BATCH .................................................................................................................. 46 
Changing the status of Cheque’s in CHEQUE.BATCH ................................................................. 46 
CHEQUE.COLLECTION accounting ............................................................................................. 47 
Stock Management ............................................................................................................................ 47 
STOCK.PARAMETER.................................................................................................................... 47 
STOCK.ENTRY .............................................................................................................................. 48 
STOCK.REGISTER........................................................................................................................ 49 

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Cheque issue & Management


T24 provides functionality for banks that have requirements to manage the issuing and registration of
cheques and bank drafts issued to their clients.

Banks can record requests for chequebooks ordered by customers and when these cheques are
received from the vendors, issue them to the appropriate customer.

When a chequebook is issued to the client, the range of the cheque numbers will be recorded into a
cheque register. Furthermore, when cheques are stopped or returned, this can also be recorded in
the cheque register. When cheques are presented, this is stored in a CHEQUES.PRESENTED file.

There is also the functionality to charge the client for the issuing of cheque books, for charges to be
applied on the usage of cheques by the customers, and also a periodic charge for possession of a
cheque book.

On the presentation of a cheque, the cheque register is consulted to confirm that:

• The Cheque number is valid for the account on which it is drawn;

• The Cheque has not been stopped by the client

Furthermore, the CHEQUES.PRESENTED file is also consulted to confirm that the cheque has not
already been presented elsewhere.

When a cheque does not conform to the above rules, an override is requested. If the override is
accepted the cheque may still be used.

On completion of the above transaction the cheque register and CHEQUES.PRESENTED file is
updated with the last status on the cheque.

Banks can issue cheques and drafts drawn on them. Details for these are stored in a similar manner
to customer cheques. Further details regarding the following could be obtained from the system if

• The name of the client to whom the cheque/draft was issued.

• The beneficiary of the cheque.
• The amount and currency of the cheque.
• The date and place of issue.
• The cheque number.

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Set up

There are 2 parameter files which can be used for cheque processing; CQ.PARAMETER and
ACCOUNT.PARAMETER. The system will first check the CQ.PARAMETER record, if the system
does not find the required setting here it will check the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record. However,
not all of the functionality available on CQ.PARAMETER is available on ACCOUNT.PARAMETER.

Example CQ.PARAMETER record

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ACCOUNT.PARAMETER for cheque processing

To enable cheque-processing, the CHEQUE.REGISTER field on the CQ.PARAMAETER or

ACCOUNT.PARAMETER application needs to be set to a value of ‘YES’.

The first step towards issuing cheques on accounts is to set up a CHEQUE.TYPE record. This
record will allow you to specify certain default parameters associated with a class of cheques.

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The CHEQUE.STATUS record ‘90’ is delivered and is the default record. Additional
CHEQUE.STATUS records should be created within the range 01-99. Various cheque status like
Cheque request received, Cheque sent for printing, Issued etc can be maintained. This will then be
used to track the request in the CHEQUE.ISSUE application.

Example of potential CHEQUE.STATUS records

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Setting up a charging structure for the issuing of cheques

The user can set up the charging rules in the CHEQUE.CHARGE application to levy charges on
cheques issued, cheques used, and also a periodic charge for having the cheque facility.
FT.CHARGE.TYPE and FT.COMMISSION.TYPE can be used in this application in field
CHARGE.CODE, the value in the field CHARGE.CODE must be a valid entry on either
FT.CHARGE.TYPE or FT.COMMISSION.TYPE table and this has been linked to
CHEQUE.ISSUE application.

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Linking a transaction code to a cheque type

In order to invoke the processing that will validate cheques issued to a client account, a
TRANSACTION record will need to be linked to the CHEQUE.TYPE. The transaction code used
in the accounting entry raised for the cheque transaction must be linked into a CHEQUE.TYPE
record for the system to perform the extra validation associated with cheque issue and management.
An example of this has been illustrated as under:

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Linking cheque processing to TRANSACTION code

Issuing & Registering of Cheques

Cheques are issued to clients through the CHEQUE.ISSUE application. This application has been
linked to soft delivery by triggering delivery messages on cheque status change.

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In the example above the client account 10178 has requested an issue of Cheques, of the cheque type
‘CURR’. The field CHEQUE.STATUS is used to keep track of cheque issue status. When entering
CHEQUE.STATUS in CHEQUE.ISSUE the system will not allow a status less than the existing status
for the record. Input of a new record is allowed for the account only when the cheque status is more
than ‘90’ (i.e. issued). In the above example a status of 70 is REQUEST.RECIEVED.

Once the cheques have been issued

CHEQUE.ISSUE status ‘90’ issued

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The CHEQUE.REGISTER is updated as shown below:


As seen in the figure above account number 10178 now has cheque 100001-100025 issued to it.

An additional request has been placed on the account 10178, in this example you can see that the
client is being charged for the issue of these cheques.

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Additional request for CHEQUE.ISSUE

The CHEQUE.REGISTER is updated as below.

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The history of charges debited under various stages and the history of date of statuses will be stored
in CHEQUE.CHARGE.BAL for reference by the Bank.

Example CHEQUE.CHARGE.BAL for issue of cheques

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Presenting a Cheque
Once a cheque has been presented through FT, TELLER or DATA.CAPTURE, (the field
CHEQUE.NUMBER in the application must be input) the file CHEQUES.PRESENTED is updated
with the date that it was presented on. The key to this file is the account number and the cheque


Re-presenting a cheque

The following screen shot depicts how the system responds when attempting to present a cheque
already presented earlier to the system.

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Cheque already presented

This is because in the CHEQUES.PRESENTED file there is already a record of this cheque having
been used. If we say ‘Yes’ to the override; the CHEQUES.PRESENTED file gets updated, and the
REPRESENTED.COUNT field is updated.

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Re-order Process
Cheques can be reordered manually using the CHEQUE.ISSUE application as detailed previously
or, during COB, the accounts that have reached the minimum holding level of cheques will be
identified and new cheque issue records will be automatically created with status as defined by user.
Banks can follow this record, for automatic delivery of chequebooks to customers as a re-order

Issuing Bank Drafts

Bank drafts and cheques issued by the bank may be registered using the same procedure as that
detailed above, with the difference of using a Nostro account instead of a client account. Thus a new
cheque type for bank drafts would need to be set up (with "Nostro accounts" as the category field),
and a TRANSACTION record to be used when issuing drafts. The TRANSACTION record would
have to have ‘CREDIT’ flagged in the DEBIT/CREDIT indicator (as opposed to debit for client
cheques). No CHEQUE.CHARGE record would be required.

It should be noted that at present it is not possible to run a TELLER or FUNDS.TRANSFER deal
where both sides of the transaction refer to TRANSACTION records where the CHEQUE.IND field is
set to YES. In other words, it is not possible for a client to buy a registered bank draft, using their own
registered cheques.

Stopped Cheques
The PAYMENT.STOP.TYPE application is used to enter different reasons for placing a stop. The
following is an example of a typical PAYMENT.STOP.TYPE

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The PAYMENT.STOP table allows all payment stop instructions to be recorded. These are input
against the account to which they relate. All stop instructions for one ACCOUNT number is
maintained on the same record. The DATA.CAPTURE, TELLER and FUNDS.TRANSFER
applications then use this record to validate against when processing a cheque.

Charges and taxes can now be collected for the stop payments recorded. Charges can be a valid
charge or commission code from FT.CHARGE.TYPE or FT.COMMISSION.TYPE and can be
defaulted from the PAYMENT.STOP.TYPE or can be defined by the user for the particular stop
payment. If a tax is associated with these charges then the tax is also booked. When the
WAIVE.CHARGE field is set to ‘NO’ or holds no value then the charges can be defaulted from the

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Stopping a cheque

When the payment stop record is authorised the details of the charges and taxes collected are moved
to a live file PAYMENT.STOP.BALANCES whose id is the same as the PAYMENT.STOP file.

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The field MOD.PS.CHQ.NO in PAYMENT.STOP can be used to revoke either a single cheque or a
range of cheque numbers can be entered


The details of the revoked PAYMENT.STOP are populated in PAYMENT.STOP.HIST. The user
will have the option to revoke the stop payment instructions for a particular cheque number or a range
of cheque numbers at his discretion.

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History of stopped payment

The CHEQUES.STOPPED file as shown under:

CHEQUES.STOPPED record for cheque no. 000005

Now when an attempt is made to use a stopped cheque on a transaction the system responds with an
override message that has been illustrated in the figure below:

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Attempted presentation of a stopped cheque

If the answer to this override were ‘Y’ then the FUNDS.TRANSFER record would record this
message into its OVERRIDE fields.


SWIFT message MT111 (Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque) can be produced from the
application EB.MESSAGE.111.

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Incoming SWIFT MT111 is processed using OFS.GLOBUS.MANAGER and a PAYMENT.STOP

record is automatically created.


SWIFT Message MT112 (Status of a request for Stop Payment of a Cheque) is produced from the
PAYMENT.STOP application, via Soft Delivery.

Setting the field RAISE.ACTIVITY to ‘Yes’ will:

1. Allow input to be made in the following fields-


2. Populate the following system Delivery fields -


3. Raise a Delivery Activity.

Inward MT112 will be directed to print by the system.

Returned Cheques

If a cheque is to be returned, then, by entering ‘YES’ in the RETURN.CHEQUE field on

FUNDS.TRANSFER, it automatically returns a cheque, taking the payment from a return suspense
account as set in either the CQ.PARAMETER or ACCOUNT.PARAMETER. The account that the
transfer was originally to have been from is then stored in DRAWN.ACCOUNT, which is found on both
the FUNDS.TRANSFER and STMT.ENTRY applications. The ranges in CHEQUE.REGISTER
are maintained as normal.

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Deal/Transaction processing
Deposited Cheque Collection

The system handles the collection of deposited cheques; this is in addition to the normal method of
clearing cheques. The cheque clearing system takes cheques entered through TELLER,
FUNDS.TRANSFER or DATA.CAPTURE and creates a Cheque Collection Record for each
cheque. The cheque collection record can be processed individually or through CHEQUE.BATCH,
that groups batches of cheques together for processing. The processing caters for cheques deposited
into the T24 bank that clear in a certain or uncertain number of days. For example foreign cheques
may take an uncertain number of days to clear, with this functionality T24 can deal with this. While the
cheques are waiting to be collected the funds are posted to a Suspense account. Upon the successful
collection, the funds are then credited to the customer. If the cheque is returned then funds in
suspense to are returned to a suspense account.

The cheque collection functionality is triggered by TRANSACTION codes. New transaction codes are
created to indicate whether processing is required or not. After the new transaction codes have been
created they are input onto the Account parameter record. For every transaction created through
and ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record for the transaction code. If the transaction code is not found
on the either record, the Cheque Collection processing is by-passed.

Transaction codes

New transaction codes must be created as a means of identifying the transaction to be processed
through the cheque collection processing.

There are three methods of deciding which suspense account the funds go to for clearing and returns,
the suspense category is either defined on the BC.SORT.CODE record, the CQ.PARAMETER or
ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record with the transaction code. The transaction code decides where
the funds should be posted, there are a minimum of three transaction codes required on the
CQ.PARAMETER and ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record. A transaction code must be created for
the Collection of Cheques, the Clearing of Cheques and the Return of Cheques. Multiple transaction
codes can be set for each of the mentioned cheque actions. The CQ.PARAMETER and
ACCOUNT.PARAMETER accepts multiple TRANSACTION codes as a unique transaction code
could be created for FUNDS.TRANSFER, DATA.CAPTURE and TELLER.

For example a cheque is deposited using a TRANSACTION code that is on the

ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record, the transaction is then posted to the collection suspense account
(as defined by the collection category code on the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record) and a
CHEQUE.COLLECTION record is created.

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Cheque deposited sent for collection transaction code

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Example TRANSACTION record

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Example TRANSACTION record

The above example transaction codes will be used through the remainder of this manual. The
transaction codes are entered onto the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record and also used by the
Teller Transaction codes.

Category Code

New CATEGORY codes will need to be created to enable the set up of the new suspense accounts.
These category codes specify which suspense account the funds should be held in. The category
codes can be defined on the CQ.PARAMETER, ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record and/or the Bank
sort code record, the differences will be explained later on. There must be at least one category code
for each transaction code. The category codes must be between the range of 10000 and 19999, thus
defining them as internal accounts.

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Cheque collection suspense category

Category Codes and Interest Adjustments

It is possible through fields on the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER application to configure the

CATEGORY codes used to book adjustments to the previous year and month, for all types of interest
(Debit, Debit2, Credit and Credit2). At correction time of a previous capitalisation the system will
compare the capitalisation date against the last FINANCIAL YEAR.END. In the COMPANY record
and if the correction date falls in the last year the P&L adjustment will be posted to the last year
category, if not it will be posted to this year. Debit interest adjustment categories must be in the range
51000 to 51999 and credit interest adjustment categories must be in the range 50000 to 50999.

Cheque categories entered onto the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER

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Suspense Accounts

Internal suspense accounts need to be created for each CATEGORY code. These internal suspense
accounts are updated when the corresponding transaction codes are used in a transaction. As there
are three main category types required so too is there a need to create a minimum of three internal
Suspense accounts.

As the cheque progresses through the deposited Cheque Collection system, the funds move with it
through the internal suspense accounts until the cheque is cleared. If the cheque is returned then the
returned suspense account will contain the value of the returned cheque.

Cheque Collection Suspense Account


Either the CQ.PARAMETER or ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record determines whether or not the

deposited cheque collection functionality should be invoked. If the CQ.PARAMETER or
CHQ.RTN.TXN and the DEF.RTN.SUSP fields entered then the deposited cheque collection
functionality is invoked.

The system decides what processing to invoke by locating the transaction code in the transaction
code fields (CHQ.DEP.TXN, CHQ.COLL.TXN and CHQ.RTN.TXN) on these records.

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If the TRANSACTION code is found the system then assigns a CATEGORY code to the transaction.
The category code can come from three places; the BC.SORT.CODE record for the bank sort code
used in the transaction, from the CQ.PARAMETER or ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record
(transaction codes can have associated category codes).

Linking transaction codes with suspense categories

Bank Sort code

Bank sort code records can be created with CATEGORY codes. The category codes are only used
for suspense deposited cheque collection transactions if the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record is set.
If the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER record has been set, and a bank sort code is used by the
transaction, the system will firstly check the sort code record for a category code to suspend the funds.
If there is no CATEGORY code it will use the CATEGORY code from the

Having the CATEGORY codes on the BC.SORT.CODE records allows the funds to be posted to
individual suspense accounts for each bank.

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Individual suspense accounts for a sort code


The FT.BC.PARAMETER and the FT.LOCAL.CLEARING files go hand in hand. If you need to
create or modify the FT.BC.PARAMETER record then the FT.LOCAL.CLEARING record should
also be checked and/or updated. For further information on the FT.BC.PARAMETER file and the
FT.LOCAL.CLEARING file see the Funds Transfer and/or Local Clearing User Guides.

Cheque Collection

The cheque collection records are created through FUNDS.TRANSFER, DATA.CAPTURE and
TELLER. The normal processing for these applications occur, however if the transaction code is
found on the account parameter record the system will also create a cheque collection record. In
Teller the TELLER.TRANSACTION code record contains the TRANSACTION code used in the
contract, and in FUNDS.TRANSFER the FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION code record contains the
transaction code used in the contract.

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Incoming payment by cheque

In the above example the FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION record IC has a TRANSACTION code of

221 (Incoming Cheque Payment), therefore a cheque collection record has been created. For every
Funds Transfer, Data Capture and Teller transaction created the system searches through the list of
code of the deal. The field on the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER where the TRANSACTION code is
found determines what processing is required for Cheque collection.

Normal account processing takes place on the transaction. In the example below you will see that the
USD Nostro account has been debited $2500.00, while the internal suspense account has been
credited with the $2500.00, the customer account has not been credited. The internal suspense
account has been derived from the BC.SORT.CODE record 100000301123 which has a Collection
suspense CATEGORY of 14820.10400.

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Debiting the Nostro

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Crediting suspense

On the STMT.ENTRY record the CHQ.COLL.ID

credit field indicates the
CHEQUE.COLLECTION id - Customer Account number

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The record is now available for processing through CHEQUE.COLLECTION. The

CHEQUE.COLLECTION record shows the cheques status. CHEQUE.COLLECTION records
are created with a status of Deposited, this indicates a cheque has been entered into T24 and is
waiting to be processed. Cheques can be processed individually in CHEQUE.COLLECTION or in
batches through the CHEQUE.BATCH application (see Cheque Batch section).

A Cheque can be Clearing, Cleared or Returned. The cheque collection CHQ.STATUS field indicates
what status the cheque is at. Cheques are usually sent for Clearing, and can come back either
returned or cleared. The CHEQUE.COLLECTION record then has the CHQ.STATUS field changed
to the appropriate status.

The CHEQUE.COLLECTION record is processed through changing the CHQ.STATUS to the

required status.

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There are 4 different statuses:

• DEPOSITED – When the cheque is initially deposited

• CLEARING – This status indicates that the cheque has now been batched in the
CHEQUE.BATCH application
• CLEARED – This status indicates that the funds on the cheque have been collected
• RETURNED – This status indicates that the funds on the cheque could not be cleared and the
cheque was returned


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The cheque collection record with a CHQ.STATUS of cleared will create the following accounting
entries. The accounting entries will credit the customer account and debit the internal suspense
account completing the transaction. Note that no accounting entries are generated when the cheque
status changes from deposited to clearing.

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Debiting suspense

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Crediting customer

Cheques can be returned by the other bank and this result’s in the funds being transferred from the
internal cheque collection suspense account to the returned cheque collection suspense account. The
returned suspense account can be derived from the either the BC.SORT.CODE file, the

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Returned cheque

Along with the normal accounting entries for the FUNDS.TRANSFER there is the debiting of the
cheque collection suspense account and the crediting of the returned cheque collection suspense

Accounting entries for returned cheque

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Cheque Batch

CHEQUE.BATCH is the application that provides a method of clearing multiple deposited cheques.
Cheques can be of varying currencies and denominations with the validation ensuring the entered
total of each currency matches the calculated total for the batch. The cheques are then returned by
the external banks and are either cleared or returned. The entire batch can be updated, or individual
items can be updated.

CHEQUE.COLLECTION records can only be added to the CHEQUE.BATCH record if they have
a status of Deposited, which will be changed to Clearing, as they are entered into the

The CHEQUE.COLLECTION record can be added in either by entering the

CHEQUE.COLLECTION id's individually into the CHEQUE.BATCH record or they can be
entered in a group by selecting a group from an ENQUIRY and then dropping the group into the
CHQ.COLL.ID field. The later method of populating the CHEQUE.BATCH record automatically
opens a new multi-value for each item in the group. This can be done using the standard Windows
selection methods. Hold down the CTRL key, highlight the selected items with the mouse pointer, drag
the selection to the CHQ.COLL.ID field then drop the selection into the field.


The five items from the enquiry that are highlighted are dragged to the CHQ.COLL.ID field, which
expands. The cheque batch record will look as below:

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The CHEQUE.BATCH application will update the status of all the CHEQUE.COLLECTION
records on the batch automatically. The record will stay with a status of clearing until a cheque or all
the cheques have been either cleared or returned.

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Cheque in clearing

If a CHEQUE.COLLECTION record is part of a CHEQUE.BATCH, the status of the record can

only be updated through the CHEQUE.BATCH application. In CHEQUE.BATCH it is possible to
update the status of individual CHEQUE.COLLECTION records or to update the whole batch by
changing the OVERALL.STATUS field to the desired status. Changing the overall status field will
update every CHEQUE.COLLECTION record that currently has a status of clearing with the status
entered in the OVERALL.STATUS field.

In the below example the cheque for USD 2000.00 is returned, the individual status of the
CHEQUE.COLLECTION record has been updated leaving the status of all other
CHEQUE.COLLECTION records unchanged. The returned cheque funds will be posted to the
return Cheque Suspense account.

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Returned cheque in CHEQUE.BATCH

If the remaining cheques come back cleared then the OVERALL.STATUS can be updated to cleared,
this will populate all remaining status fields that have a status of clearing to Cleared.

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Mixed status cheques in a batch

All CHEQUE.COLLECTION records on this CHEQUE.BATCH record that have a status of

clearing have been set to ‘cleared’. Below is the CHEQUE.COLLECTION record that has been
returned noting that this record has not been updated since the status had been set to ‘returned’.

Cleared cheque from batch

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Cheque in clearing from the batch

Returned cheque from batch


In Outward clearing process, whenever clearing entries created through front ends like Teller, FT, DC
etc, the system generates CHEQUE.COLLECTION records for each entry with details of the
outward clearing. These CHEQUE.COLLECTION records can be grouped into a single batch
according to requirements.

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By using the application CHEQUE.CHANGE, the following processes are supported:

• All or selected Cheque Batches can be combined into a single batch. The ID of the new batch
created will be displayed by the system. All the cheque collection records of the new batch will
bear the new batch ID for future reference.
• Cheque collection records or batches meeting a certain selection criteria, can be processed
further; for RE-BATCH, or changing status to CLEARED/ RETURNED
• Through the operation DATE.CHANGE it is possible to change the value/exposure dates of
cheques. i.e. change the entire CHEQUE.COLLECTION record to either a fixed absolute date
or increment the respective dates by one more day or more using REAL dates (+01C or +01W).
• An existing enquiry based on Cheque Collection or Cheque Batch also can be used for selection
and further processing.



and groups them for further processing.
If CHEQUE.BATCH is selected as APP.ID and no further selections are made, all the open
cheque batches will be grouped together. This will be useful at a Service Branch of the bank to
combine the batches received from various branches and present them to Clearing House. The
regrouped new batch ID will be displayed as a no input field in BATCH.ID.

Grouping of CHEQUE.BATCH’S can be done using the fields, SELECTION.FIELD, OPERAND

and DATA.

On Verify mode, the process like RE.BATCH will be done.

Changing the status of Cheque’s in CHEQUE.BATCH

If the status of the individual cheques in CHEQUE.BATCH is required to be changed online and the
accounting entries are to be processed this can be done through CHEQUE.CHANGE by inputting
and the service is run. This will update the status of the cheques in CHEQUE.BATCH and will process
the entries online.

If any records in CHEQUE.BATCH are left in INAU and the service is run the cheques will be returned
to their previous status.

The record in CHEQUE.BATCH will be purged and moved to history after all of the cheques included
in the CHEQUE.BATCH record have been actioned based on the number of days in CB.POST.HIST
setup in CQ.PARAMETER.

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If the credit side transaction code of the TELLER.TRANSACTION relating to Clearing is defined in
the CQ.PARAMETER, and the DEF.COLL.SUSP field is left blank, then the credit of
CHEQUE.COLLECTION record will go directly to the customer account. Otherwise it will follow the
usual path defined in either the CQ.PARAMETER or ACCOUNT.PARAMETER. The
CHQ.DEP.TXN field in the CQ.PARMETER will not allow a value that has already been entered in
the same field in the ACCOUNT.PARAMETER.

CHEQUE.COLLECTION records are created by the system for the full amount, without deducting
charges. If the credit side transaction code matches the transaction code defined in
ACCOUNT.PARAMETER or CQ.PARMETER under CHQ.DEP.TXN, and if YES is defined in the
field DEFER.CHARGES in TELLER.TRANSACTION, then the charges defined at Teller level will be
carried over to CHEQUE.COLLECTION record and will be processed at the time of regularising the
credit as CLEARED or RETURNED. Otherwise the charges will be collected at the Teller entry level

Stock Management


The STOCK.PARAMETER table holds information relating to ID component of STOCK.REGISTER,

and the masking pattern of stock number.

The STOCK.PARAMETER application will only allow the set-up of the following records;


It is possible to define the ID of the STOCK.REGISTER in a flexible way by specifying a value in the
field STOCK.REG.ID. Once a value is defined here, it will be validated with the ID of the Stock

For example, if COMPANY.CODE is specified in this field, then the system will validate for the
presence of Company Code in Stock Register

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Cheque issue & Management

STOCK.ENTRY record Input screen



The STOCK.ENTRY is used to record inward/outward Printed stock of stationeries like Cheque’s,
FDR's for both numbered and blank stokes. Through this application stock details like cheque type,
series, start no, quantity and account no can be captured. Movement from one stock register to
another can also be entered.
On input in the STOCK.ENTRY, system adds a record in a live file STOCK.REGISTER if the stock
register id is valid as per STOCK.PARAMETER. It also forms the STOCK.SERIES based on

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Cheque issue & Management

series id, start no and quantity of stock are captured. Any movement from / to the stock register which
has been input through STOCK.ENTRY, will update the STOCK.REGISTER.

A live file is updated with total stock available for an “ID”. The stocks are listed based on the

Below is an example STOCK.ENTRY record, which is using the STOCK.PARMATER record CHQ
in the above example


Below is the system generated STOCK.REGESTER record created by the above STOCK.ENTRY
record SE035700003.

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Cheque issue & Management

STOCK.REGISTER record created by previous STOCK.ENTRY

When cheques are issued against an account, if the fields STOCK.REG and SERIES.ID are entered
the field CHQ.NO.START is defaulted. The STOCK.REGISTER is also updated. In order for this to
happen the field AUTO.REORDER.TYPE must be CHEQUE.NUMBER in the application


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Cheque issue & Management

Below the STOCK.REGISTER record has been updated

Example updated STOCK.REGISTER record

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