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Name ____________

1 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series


Directions: This will help you discover what you know about compounds and reactions before you begin
this lesson. Answer the following True or False.

1. Matter can never change.

T_______ F_______

2. Chemical reactions occur when there is a change in the chemical composition of substances.
T_______ F_______

3. In a mixture, substances do not bond.

T_______ F_______

4. In an ionic bond, the protons in the nucleus attach themselves to other atoms.
T_______ F_______

5. An electropositive element is one that has a tendency to attract electrons.

T_______ F_______

6. Molecules are covalent bonds.

T_______ F_______

7. A molecular formula precisely describes how many atoms there are in a single molecule.
T_______ F_______

8. A molecule of water, H2O, has two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen atom.
T_______ F_______

9. All life processes—like respiration, digestion, and reproduction—are chemical processes.

T_______ F_______

10. A battery produces electricity by passing electrons back and forth from the anode to the cathode.
T_______ F_______

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

2a Vocabulary Definitions

The following words and terms used in the program may be unfamiliar to you. Try to listen for these terms while
viewing the program, pay close attention so you can later include them in your scientific descriptions, observa-
tions, and creative writing assignment activities.
anode - Where oxidation, or the giving up of electropositive elements - Those elements negative ion - An ion that has more elec-
electrons, occurs. that tend to lose electrons. They are on the trons than protons.
left-hand side of the periodic table.
atom - The fundamental unit of matter in the neutral atom - When an atom has an
universe, made up of a nucleus of protons element - An atom with a unique number of equal number of protons and electrons, its
and neutrons and orbiting electrons protons. electrical charges are balanced and the
atom has a neutral electrical charge.
atomic number - The number of an element energy levels - Electrons orbit the nucleus
determined by the number of protons in its of atoms with different levels of energy. neutron - Particles in the nucleus of atoms
nucleus. These energy levels are sometimes called that have no electrical charge.
shells or levels. The energy levels corre-
spond to the periods of the periodic table. nuclear change - A change that occurs in
atomic mass - The mass of the element.
the nucleus of atoms.
cathode - Where reduction, or the gain of fission - When the nucleus of atoms are split
apart releasing energy. This is the energy of octet rule - Atoms tend to gain, lose, or
electrons, occurs.
nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors. share electrons in order to acquire a full set
of valence electrons.
change of state - Most substances can
fusion - When two hydrogen atoms fuse
undergo changes from a gas, to a liquid, to a
under extreme heat, energy is released. physical change - When a substance under-
solid, but still retain their chemical composi-
Fusion is the energy of the sun and stars. goes change but retains its chemical compo-
tion. This is sometimes called physical
sition. This is sometimes called change of
change. groups - Vertical columns of the periodic state.
chemical bonds - When valence electrons polarity - Molecules with slight negative or
of elements are lost, gained, or shared ions - Atoms with more electrons than pro- positive charges.
between different atoms to create substances tons or fewer electrons than protons are
with unique chemical properties. called ions. positive ion - An ion that has fewer elec-
trons than protons.
chemical equations - Descriptions of what ionic bonds - Two or more ions held to-
happens in a chemical reaction using chemi- gether by the electrical attractions be-tween proton - Positively charged part of the
cal symbols. them. nucleus of atoms.

chemical reaction - A change in the che- Law of Constant Composition - A given Quantum Theory - The theory that ex-
mical composition of a substance. compound always contains the same ele- plains matter and energy at atomic and sub-
ments in the same proportion by mass. atomic levels.
compounds - When valence electrons of
elements are lost gained or shared between Lewis Dot drawings - Representations of radiation - When the nucleus of an atom
different atoms to create substances with elements by showing the valence electrons decomposes to form a new nucleus, it re-
unique chemical properties. as dots around the nucleus. leases radiation in the process.

covalent bonds - When electrons are shared reduction - The gain of electrons.
matter - Material that makes up objects.
between atoms, they are called covalent Matter cannot be created or destroyed. single replacement - When an element
bonds, or molecules.
replaces another element.
mass - The total quantity of an object's mat-
double replacement - An exchange of ele- ter. synthesis - A union of substances into a new
ments to form a new compound. molecular structure.
mixtures - When substances are mixed but
electrochemistry - The study of the chemi- do not chemically bond. valence electrons - The outer ring of elec-
cal effects of electrical action. trons of an element.
molecules - When electrons are shared
electron - Negatively charged particles that between atoms. Molecules are covalent Volta, Alessandro (1745-1827) - Italian
orbit the nucleus of atoms. bonds. physicist best known as the developer of the
voltaic battery, which is named after him.
electronegative elements - Those elements molecular formula - The precise descrip-
that tend to attract electrons. They are on the tion of the type and number of atoms in a voltaic cell battery - A devise for producing
right-hand side of the periodic table. single molecule. an electric current by the action of two plates
of different metals in an electrolyte.
© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning
All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

2b COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Use the Right Word

Directions: Find the right word from the vocabulary list that completes the following sentences.
1. Fusion is an example of ____________ ____________ because it is the change in the nucleus of atoms.

2. ___________ ____________ occurs when there is an actual change in the chemical composition of sub-

3. An ____________ is an atom that has more or less protons than electrons.

4. "Atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons in order to acquire a full set of valence electrons," is called
the ____________ ____________.

5. Substances formed when electrons are shared between atoms in covalent bonds are called __________.

6. ____________ ____________ are precise descriptions of the number and type of elements in a single

7. Many molecules have slight negative or positive electrical charges. This is called ____________.

8. A union of substances into a new molecular structure is called a ____________.

9. ____________ refers to the loss of electrons, while ____________ refers to the gain of electrons.

10. A device for producing an electrical current by the action of two plates of different metals in an elec-
trolyte is called a ____________ ____________ battery.

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

2c COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Word Match

Directions: Connect the word with the proper definition.

anode an atom with more or less protons than electrons

cathode molecules with a slight positive or negative charge

chemical reaction change in chemical composition of substance

electrochemistry the gain of electrons

element where oxidation occurs

ion where reduction occurs

molecule an atom with a unique number of protons

oxidation study of chemical effects of electrical action

polarity covalent bond

reduction loss of electrons

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

3 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Connected/Not Connected

Directions: Place the following words in the proper sentences.

fusion positive ions ionic conventional

fission mixtures covalent oxidation
changes in state compounds negative reduction
chemical reactions electronegative positive anode
negative ions electropositive voltaic cathode

1. ____________ is connected to ____________ because both are nuclear charges.

2. ____________ are NOT connected to ____________ because a substance undergoes change in one while
in the other there is a change in the chemical composition of the substance.

3. ____________ are connected to ____________ because the opposite electrical charges holds them togeth-

4. ____________ are NOT connected to ____________ because in one the substances do not bond and in
the other there is a chemical bond of the substances.

5. ____________ elements are connected to ____________ elements because one tends to lose electrons
and the other tends to gain electrons.

6. ____________ bonds are NOT connected to ____________ bonds because the electrons in one type of
bond are lost or gained between the elements and the electrons in the other type of bond are shared between
the elements.

7. Molecules with a slight ____________ charge and molecules with a slight ____________ charge are con-
nected because they tend to attract each other.

8. A ____________ cell battery is NOT connected to ____________ electric power because in one the elec-
tricity is the result of a chemical reaction and in the other the electricity is generated by mechanical energy
when a magnet is spun in a coil of wire.

9. ____________ is connected to ____________ because one refers to the loss of electrons and the other
refers to the gain of electrons.

10. An ____________ is NOT connected to a ____________ because one electrode is where oxidation occurs
and the other is where reduction occurs.

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

4 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Crossword Puzzle

1 2

4 5 6

8 9

10 11





Across Down

3. Atoms with greater or fewer protons than electrons. 1. Molecules with slight negative or positive charges.
4. Where reduction occurs. 2. Negatively charged particle.
7. When substances mix, but do not bond. 5. The loss of electrons.
8. Release of energy when a nucleus decomposes. 6. The study of the chemical effects of electrical
11. Positively charged particles in the nucleus of action.
atoms. 9. Where oxidation occurs.
12. _____ cell battery. 10. The rule of how elements gain, lose, or share
13. Covalent bonds. electrons.
14. Union of substances into new molecular structures.
15. The gain of electrons.

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

5 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Creative Writing Story Ideas

Directions: Choose from one of the ideas listed below and write a story or dramatization. Include plot

5 lines that follow scientific principles and key vocabulary terms.

1. You have been asked by a prominent politician to write a speech advocating the expenditure of several bil-
lions of dollars to research fusion techniques for the generation of electricity. What is the text of the speech?

2. Chemists working in a private company have synthesized a new group of substances that are resistant to
the effects of heat, light, water, organic pests, and radiation. The company president has asked them to come
up with some ideas about how these new products might be commercialized. Write a story that dramatically
illustrates how they come to their conclusions.

3. Four university chemists have collaborated to analyze the chemical structures of a group of newly discov-
ered substances. Some have worked very hard at the project and made major contributions while others have
done little or nothing, but all four are very anxious to be recognized because those given credit for the
achievement will gain enormous prestige and their careers will be greatly enhanced. Write a short story
describing what happens when the association of chemists meets to give rewards and credit for the work.

4. Write a film script with a story line that involves four high students in a chemistry lab trying to understand
the molecular structures of various substances. A little humorous dialogue might lighten up the story.

5. Write a story that explores the reaction that people in the early nineteenth century might have had when
they saw how a voltaic cell battery actually worked. Perhaps the Italian physicist, Alessendro Volta, could be
in the story demonstrating this startling new technology.

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

6 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series

Video Quiz

Directions: Answer the following either true or false, or fill in the blank with the correct word to
make it true.

1. There are only 92 elements that are found naturally in the universe.
T_______ F_______

2. The process when atoms are broken apart to release energy is called fusion.
T_______ F_______.

3. When there is a change in the chemical composition of a substance, it is called a chemical __________.

4. When an atom loses or gains one or more electron, it becomes an ____________.

5. The octet rule states that atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons in order to acquire a full set of
valence electrons.
T_______ F_______

6. When electrons are shared between atoms in covalent bonds, they are called ____________.

7. Molecules never arrange themselves in the same way.

T_______ F_______

8. A chemical reaction is a process in which one or more substances are converted into new substances
with different physical and chemical properties.
T_______ F_______

9. Chemical equations do not need to balance. There can be different numbers of atoms on each side of
the equation.
T_______ F_______

10. The electric power in a battery is generated by a chemical reaction.

T_______ F_______

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
Name ____________

7 COMPOUNDS AND REACTIONS from the Elements of Chemistry Series


Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate term from the list below.

7 anode
chemical reaction ionic bond orbitals radiation
electrochemistry mass oxidation reduction

1. When there is a change in the chemical composition of a substance, it is called a ____________.

2. When two or more ions are held together by the electrical attractions between them it is called an

3. A covalent bond is when electrons are shared between atoms. These bonds are usually called

4. In a battery, the place where oxidation, or the giving up of electrons, occurs is called the ____________.

True or False
Directions: Fill in the blank with True or False. If the statement is false, change it to make the state-
ment true. Rewrite the true statement in the space provided.

5. __________ Nuclear changes occur when electrons move from atom to atom.

6. __________ Ionic bonds occur when the electrons of one atom merge with the electrons of another atom.

7. __________ When electrons are shared between atoms, they form covalent bonds, or molecules.

8. __________ A chemical reaction only occurs when molecules are formed.

9. __________ Oxidation-reduction, or redox reactions, occur when molecules merge.

Essay Section
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the back of this page or a sep-
arate sheet of paper to complete your answers.

10. Explain how ionic bonds are formed.

11. Explain how covalent bonds are formed.

12. Explain the term chemical reaction.

© 2003 Algonquin Educational Productions Published and Distributed by United Learning

All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.

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