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Wellcome Middle School

Cross Country 2018

Miss J. Murphy ​
Team Policies

1) All WMS policies are to be abided with.

2) Expectations at practices:
a. Come with a good attitude – ready to work, coachable, and eager to improve.
b. Be at the track ready to begin our warm up laps at 3:45.
c. Wear proper attire
i. For practice, please wear appropriate clothing based on the weather - if you are not dressed
to workout you will not be allowed to practice (which will count as an unexcused miss of
d. Individual team members must notify the coaching staff of an absence ​prior​ to being absent or it will
it count as an unexcused absence.
e. Bring all stuff out to the track -​ t​ here should be no reason to return back into the build​ ​once
practice is finished.
f. Any trouble at practice and the athlete will be asked to take the remaining day and the next day off.
g. Practice ends at 5:00 - students are to be picked up​ no later than 5:15.

3) Expectations at competitions:
a. Wear proper attire and uniform.
i. Always dress in your Wellcome Middle School uniform at every meet.
ii. Athletes must supply their own black running shorts and return their jersey prior to leaving
each meet.
b. Travel with the team and stay for the entire meet.
i. All athletes are expected to stay and support their teammates.
ii. If you plan to leave with a parent AFTER a meet you must sign out and your parent must be
the one to check you out before leaving.

4) Expectations in the Classroom:

a. Maintain a minimum of 70% in each class
i. Bi-weekly progress reports will monitor this minimum
ii. Failure to maintain this the grade in each class will result in the athlete sitting out of practice
and meets until the grade is brought up
b. Dedicated to be leaders and staying out of trouble
i. Step Infractions:
1. 1st step: warning
2. 2nd step: 50/50 (50 burpees/50 sideline touches)
3. 3rd step: 50 3’s (50 burpees/50 sideline touches, 50 bear crawls)
ii. Referral Infraction:
1. 1st referral: One meet suspension (100 burpees, 50 end-zone touches)
2. 2nd referral: Removal from the team

What happens if I miss practice or am late being picked up from practice?

1) First unexcused practice/late pick up will be considered your “grace mark”
2) Second unexcused practice/late pick up will consist of missing the next meet.
3) Third unexcused practice/late pick up results in dismissal of the team.
*any practice missed the day before a meet will result in the athlete not competing
Wellcome Middle School
Cross Country 2018
Miss J. Murphy ​

Team Policies

5) All WMS policies are to be abided with.

6) Expectations at practices:
a. Come with a good attitude – ready to work, coachable, and eager to improve.
b. Be at the track ready to begin our warm up laps at 3:45.
c. Wear proper attire
i. For practice, please wear appropriate clothing based on the weather - if you are not dressed
to workout you will not be allowed to practice (which will count as an unexcused miss of
d. Individual team members must notify the coaching staff of an absence ​prior​ to being absent or it will
it count as an unexcused absence.
e. Bring all stuff out to the track -​ t​ here should be no reason to return back into the build​ ​once
practice is finished.
f. Any trouble at practice and the athlete will be asked to take the remaining day and the next day off.
g. Practice ends at 5:00 - students are to be picked up​ no later than 5:15.

7) Expectations at competitions:
a. Wear proper attire and uniform.
i. Always dress in your Wellcome Middle School uniform at every meet.
ii. Athletes must supply their own black running shorts and return their jersey prior to leaving
each meet.
b. Travel with the team and stay for the entire meet.
i. All athletes are expected to stay and support their teammates.
ii. If you plan to leave with a parent AFTER a meet you must sign out and your parent must be
the one to check you out before leaving.

8) Expectations in the Classroom:

a. Maintain a minimum of 70% in each class
i. Bi-weekly progress reports will monitor this minimum
ii. Failure to maintain this the grade in each class will result in the athlete sitting out of practice
and meets until the grade is brought up
b. Dedicated to be leaders and staying out of trouble
i. Step Infractions:
1. 1st step: warning
2. 2nd step: 50/50 (50 burpees/50 sideline touches)
3. 3rd step: 50 3’s (50 burpees/50 sideline touches, 50 bear crawls)
ii. Referral Infraction:
1. 1st referral: One meet suspension (100 burpees, 50 end-zone touches)
2. 2nd referral: Removal from the team

What happens if I miss practice or am late being picked up from practice?

4) First unexcused practice/late pick up will be considered your “grace mark”
5) Second unexcused practice/late pick up will consist of missing the next meet.
6) Third unexcused practice/late pick up results in dismissal of the team.
*any practice missed the day before a meet will result in the athlete not competing

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