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CONFIDENTIAL PEN UN IV ERSITY Gi ALAYSIA JANUARY SEMESTER 2012 FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION CODE : HMEF§143 DATE 1 22 APRIL 2012 DURATION : 3HOURS TIME : 2.00 PM — 5.00 PM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 4. This question paper consists of TWO Parts - PART A and PART B. Read the instructions for each part carefully. 2. Write your answers in the Answer Booklet provided. This question paper consists of THREE PAGES of questions printed on both sides of the Paper, excluding this page. HMEFS1431JAN2012IF - FA, PARTA INSTRUCTIONS: 1. THERE ARE TWO (2) QUESTIONS IN THIS PART. 2. ANSWER BOTH QUESTIONS. Question 1 a. Explain with specific examples the different phenomena usually examined by the four main theoretical approaches used by sociologists in the study of education. [10 marks] Employing an interactionist framework, explain with examples the relationship between teacher expectations, student self-conceptions of academic ability, and student performance. [10 marks} [TOTAL: 20 MARKS] Question 2 a. “The underclass are channeled into poor secondary schools, and lower-level jobs. Thus schools teach poor and disadvantaged children to accept failure and low occupational status." Based on your understanding of the Malaysian society, which group or groups of Malaysians can be classified as ‘underclass’ and why? [10 marks] Discuss the relevance of the above statement to the Malaysian context. [10 marks} [TOTAL: 20 MARKS]

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