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Session type Abstract Submission

Topic 14. Pediatrics

Presentation e-Poster Presentation


Abstact number MSCC8-0225

Abstract title Febrile Neutropenia in Indonesian Pediatric Childhood Cancer

S. gunawan1, M. Mantik1, P. Herwansyah1, E.C. Wowor1.

1Prof. Dr. dr. RD Kandou Hospital Manado/ Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi

manado, Indonesia.


Offensive therapy of childhood cancers including systemic antineoplastic

effects on a variety of normal cells including hematopoietic elements of th
causing neutropenia. Neutropenia increases the risk for serious infection
remarkable morbidity and mortality. The approach to the treatment of the
pediatric patient has evolved substantially because high- and low-risk crit
empirical antibiotics developed.


To examine the characteristics of children with febrile neutropenia in seve

Indonesia and their causing bacteria and antibiotics sensitivity results.


We reviewed literatures in PubMed and Google Search using keywords: fe

cancer, and Indonesia. Literature was included when research was focuse
children with febrile neutropenia or reported on febrile neutropenia-causin
sensitivity results. Literature was excluded when full version of the paper


There are 15 papers found but 4 papers were excluded. Papers came from
common characteristics are male, age 5-6 years old, Absolute Neutrophil
suffered from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), and malnutrition.

The most common etiology of FN was gram negative bacteria (Escherichi

aeruginosa). Antibiotics sensitivity to those bacteria were meropenem and


FN are frequently occurred in ALL and malnourished children. Gram nega

common caused and sensitive to meropenem and amikacin.
Keywords Febrile

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