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Legalizing Animal Instincts

Legalizing Animal Instincts

India is a hot country. Our customs and our practices accordingly require people living in
an ordered society to regulate sex. Our shastras, Vedas and other holy books guide us to
restrain sexual indulgence up to the age of 25. But it is very strange that high court has
legalized homosexuality. Unnatural sex and unrestrained indulgence in sex destroy
Go back to the Bible. In the Old Testament, we are told that the cities of Sodom
and Gomorhea – note the names – were destroyed by the wrath of God on account of
immoral ways of the people. And the ancient Persians hated the Greeks because they
practiced homosexuality and lesbianism – there was an island Lesbos – and through
successive invasions were instrumental in ending the high Greek civilization.
Our society for the last 5000 years has survived because it is founded on values.
Three cardinal values are – niyama, a preferred way of doing things, sanyama, individual
and social restriant and shraddha, respect for things/people/values/society.
It is unfortunate that the country’s official policy since 1950 has promoted the
opposite of these values – freedom to do what you want to do, indulgence and an absence
of respect for age, knowledge and values. Our society will undergo a cataclysmic conflict
between the India governed by English knowing westernized, urban elite and the mass of
people – what form it takes and when, we don’t know but an ancient civilization that has
faced so many challenges will not give up.
How can a judge say that moral values of a society are not the basis of law. Then
what is the basis? A borrowed constitution? Animal instincts?
This philosophy has inbuilt destruction. Open display of vulgar sexuality on the
roads, media and official support for all this – this is the road to ruin.
The best way is to let unnatural practices be just as we let gutters be. But we do
not open up the gutters and glamorize them.
We are in trouble because all the rulers – politicians, officials, media persons –
have been educated in an educational system that as a matter of policy excludes the
intellectual texts of our civilization and feeds them on the diet of an alien culture with the
result that those who come out of this system are at best ignorant and at worst have
contempt for their own culture. They are driving this society.
Last week I was watching the debate on India TV on this issue. One of the
debaters, a doctor said to Baba Ramdev that he does not know about science and human
psychology. Is the doctor aware of what India has over thousands of years explicitly said
about sexuality, normal and deviant? Or is he wiser than all the thinkers and texts that
are till today object of deep study in major western universities?
Are we animals? Will we go on to legalize all animal instincts – violence,
But I think we are not in an age where thinking is popular or respected.

Kamal Wadhwani,
20 – B, Pocket B, Phase 2, Ashok Vihar
Delhi - 52.
Mob: 9250535204
Legalizing Animal Instincts
But I think we are not in an age where thinking is popular or respected.

20 – B, Pocket B, Phase 2, Ashok Vihar
Delhi - 52.
Mob: India is a hot country. Our customs and our practices accordingly require people
living in an ordered society to regulate sex. Our shastras, Vedas and other holy books
guide us to restrain sexual indulgence up to the age of 25. But it is very strange that high
court has legalized homosexuality. Unnatural sex and unrestrained indulgence in sex
destroy civilizations.
Go back to the Bible. In the Old Testament, we are told that the cities of Sodom
and Gomorhea – note the names – were destroyed by the wrath of God on account of
immoral ways of the people. And the ancient Persians hated the Greeks because they
practiced homosexuality and lesbianism – there was an island Lesbos – and through
successive invasions were instrumental in ending the high Greek civilization.
Our society for the last 5000 years has survived because it is founded on values.
Three cardinal values are – niyama, a preferred way of doing things, sanyama, individual
and social restriant and shraddha, respect for things/people/values/society.
It is unfortunate that the country’s official policy since 1950 has promoted the
opposite of these values – freedom to do what you want to do, indulgence and an absence
of respect for age, knowledge and values. Our society will undergo a cataclysmic conflict
between the India governed by English knowing westernized, urban elite and the mass of
people – what form it takes and when, we don’t know but an ancient civilization that has
faced so many challenges will not give up.
How can a judge say that moral values of a society are not the basis of law. Then
what is the basis? A borrowed constitution? Animal instincts?
This philosophy has inbuilt destruction. Open display of vulgar sexuality on the
roads, media and official support for all this – this is the road to ruin.
The best way is to let unnatural practices be just as we let gutters be. But we do
not open up the gutters and glamorize them.
We are in trouble because all the rulers – politicians, officials, media persons –
have been educated in an educational system that as a matter of policy excludes the
intellectual texts of our civilization and feeds them on the diet of an alien culture with the
result that those who come out of this system are at best ignorant and at worst have
contempt for their own culture. They are driving this society.
Last week I was watching the debate on India TV on this issue. One of the
debaters, a doctor said to Baba Ramdev that he does not know about science and human
psychology. Is the doctor aware of what India has over thousands of years explicitly said
about sexuality, normal and deviant? Or is he wiser than all the thinkers and texts that
are till today object of deep study in major western universities?
Are we animals? Will we go on to legalize all animal instincts – violence, revenge?

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