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Town of Franklin Coon ‘Agenda September 4, 2018, 6.00 pam. Call t Order- Mayor Bob Seat Pledge of Allegiance Vice Mayor Barbara McRae Approval of the August 6 aed August 21,2018 Towa Counct Minos Adoption ofthe September ,2018 Towa Board Agenda Public Hearing 6:5 pun. for Text Amendment to the Unlfed Development Ordinance Pac Session New Busines ‘A) Board Action on Text Amendnen to the Unified Development Ordnance Town Count Proclamation foe Constitution Weak- Mayor Bob Seu {C)_Proiametio for lechol and Drug Adiction Recovery Ment Mayce Bob Sout 1D) Reston for Mission ad HCA. Mayoe Bob Scot IE) Resokton for Red Fag- Mayor Bob Soot F) Presentation from Non-Profit Funding Poo! Applicants fr FY 18-19- Mayor Bob Sect G)_ Budget Amendments: Finanee Onier Kyra Deer 1H) Tec kRelewes- Town Manager Summer Weodard 1) Appoinment of Mat Holland io the Tourist Development Authority Boed-Town Manager Summer Woodard 41) ReAppoiniment of Peter Mosco othe Tows Penning Board-Land Use Adminisator usin Sete K)_ResAppointment of Sisy Patil othe Alzhol Beverage Convo Beard- Town Manager Summer Woodard L) Water Trestment Plant Synagso Conirst-Town Manager Summit Woods and Town Engine Nathanes] Moore IM) Discussion on Women's History Tal Ptaque Honoring Eloise Prs- Counel Member Barbara Mekae N)_ Discussion on Historic Preservation Site Survey-Councl Member Barbara McRae ©} Discussion on Main Stet Pathng- Covet Member David Calpepper ) Discussion on Leterof Suppor for Women’s History Tel Seulpur- Council Member Barbara McRae )_Digussion on Read2Me Story Walks Mamaia Park- Town Manager Sunvmer Woodad FR) Delegation of Voting Delegate for NCLM Conference 2018- Town Manage Sommer Woodard Stet Closing Requist for Centro Comanitao- Town Minager Summer Woodars ‘A) Discussion on Tow oF Frain Comprehensive Plan Town Astomey John Henning J 'B) Delegation of Authority Regarding Towa Polises- Town Attomey John Henning J Announcements ‘A) Family Movie Night Priday September 72018 ot 800 pm. movie will be Paddngion 2 '.) Retioront Paty for Public Works Direc ay Gibson Fic September I4, 2018 fon 2:00pm. to 4:00 pam .) Special Called Town Counil Mesting to Discus Non-Profits Monday September 24, 2018 at $30 pom. 1) Joint Meeting with the Town of Highlans and Macon County Tuesday Sepembsr 28, 2018630 pa. athe Springhous in Highlands, NC 10, Adjournment DRAFT ‘August 6, 2018 meeting, The regular mesting of the Franklin Town Council was held on Monday August 6, 2018 at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall Board Room. Mayor Robert S. Scott presided. Vice Mayor Barbara McRae, Council Members Joe Collins, Adam Kimsey, Dinah Mashburn and Brandon MicMahan were present. Council Member David Culpepper was absent. ‘The Pledge of Allegiance was done by Vice-Mayor Barbara McRae. Motion was made by Collins, seconded by Kimsey to excuse Council Member Culpepper. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Approval of the July 2, 2018 Town Council minutes Motion was made by McRae, seconded by Kimsey to approve the June 4, 2018 meeting minutes. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Adoption of the August 6, 2018 T uncil Agenda Mayor Scott — Mrs, Mashburn has an item to add. it can be item J if approved. It’s about the Senior Citizen Celebration Expo request. Also, Mr. Jimbo Ledford has submitted a street closing request. We can put that as K on the agenda. Motion made by McMahan, seconded by Kimsey to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carri Vote: 5 to 0. Public Session Karen Duncan discussed a resolution that would ask NC legislators and governor to pass legislation about guns. New Busine: Hearing for Unified De it Ordinance Text Amené Land Use Administrator Justin Setser presented this item, ‘Motion was made by McRae, seconded by McMahan to set a public hearing at the September 4, 2018 ‘Town Council meeting at 6:05 p.m. Motion carried, Vote: 5 to 0. New Business: Budget Amendments Finance Officer Kyra Doster presented this item. ‘Motion was made by McMahan, seconded by Mashburn to approve budget amendments as presented; appropriation of $1,000 donation to the Fire Department supplies line item and $1,000 donation to the Police Department non-capital equipment line item. Motion carried. Vote: § to 0. ‘August 6, 2018 meeting continued, ‘New Business: Tourism Development Authority Chair Appointment ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard presented this item, ‘Motion made by McRae, seconded by Kimsey to appoint Connie Gruberman as the Tourism Development Authority Chair as a three year appointment. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. New Business: Touri opment Authorit intent ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard presented this item. ‘Motion made by Collins, seconded by McMahan to appoint Candy Presley to the Tourism Development Authority board as a three year appointment. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. New Business: Discussion on Town of Franklin Comy ive Plan Land Use Administrator Justin Setser presented this item. No action was taken. New Business: Discussion on Town of Franklin Banner Designs ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard presented this item. Vice-Mayor McRae and Council Member Mashburn were appointed to look further at the designs that were presented. New Business: sion on Town of Franklin Personnel Poli ding Vacation Carry Over ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard and Human Resource Officer Travis Tallent presented this item. ‘Motion made by Kimsey, seconded by Masburn to cap employee's vacation time at 240 hours based on their anniversary date. Vote: 5 to 0. Excerpt from Personnel Policy is attached. New Business: Discussion on Town Council Meeting Dates to Discuss Uniform Guidance Policies ‘Town Manager Summer Woodard presented this item. Motion made by McRae, seconded by McMahan to hold a Special Called Meeting on August 21, 2018 ‘at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. DRAFT ‘August 6, 2018 meeting continued, ‘New Business: Discussion on Town Hall Parking Lot The Town Council discussed county employees parking in lower Town Hall parking lot. Motion was made by Collins, seconded by Kimsey to direct the Town Manager to inform the County to ask employees to leave parking spots from the tree to the road open for visitors and shoppers. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. ‘New Business: Discussion on Seniot Celebration Donation Council Member Mashburn presented this item. Motion by Mashburn, seconded by McRae to donate $500 to the Senior Celebration that will take place at Western Carolina University on September 7, 2018. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. New Business: Street Closing Request for JEPACA Jimbo Ledford presented a request to close portions of Carolina Mountain Drive to make it one lane, ‘Town Council directed Ledford to gather feedback from the businesses in the area and return to the special called meeting on August 21, 2018, Motion made by Kimsey, seconded by Collins to table the request until the August 21, 2018 special called meeting, Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Legal: Update on Ray's Chapel ‘Town Attorney John Henning Jr. presented this item. Legal: Discussion Barking Dog Ordinance Town Attorney John Henning Jr. will bring this item to the August 21, 2018 special called meeting. Legal: Closed Session for Discussion on Economic Development Incentives, 318.11(a)(4 Motion was made by McRae, seconded by Mashburn to enter closed session at 7:15 p.m. pursuant to GS. 143-318.11(a)(4) to discuss matters related to economic development incentives. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. ‘Motion was made by McMahan, seconded by Kimsey to return from closed session. Motion carried, Vote: 5 to 0. DRAr™ ‘August 6, 2018 meeting continued, Adjournment ‘Motion made by McMahan, seconded by McRae to adjourn the Town Council meeting at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 0. Robert S. Scott, Mayor Travis Tallent, Town Clerk DRAFT The Franklin Town Council held a special called meeting on Tuesday August 21, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Robert S. Scott presided. Vice-Mayor Barbara McRae and Council Members Joe Collins, David Culpepper, ‘Adam Kimsey, Dinah Mashburn, and Brandon McMahan were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a street closing request from JEPACA, Uniform Guidance Policies, the barking dog ordinance and economic development incentives. August 21, 2018 meeting, ‘Mayor Scott called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Motion was made by McRae, seconded by McMahan to add a closed session for Discussion on Economic Development Incentives, N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(4) Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. ‘Old Business: Street Closing Request for JEPACA Jimbo Ledford pulled this request. Donnie Bishop of Frogtown Market also spoke about this request. ld Business: Barking Dog Ordinance ‘Town Attorney John Henning Jr. presented this item. Members of the public spoke in support of the ordinance Motion was made by Collins, seconded by McRae to adopt the barking dog ordinance as presented. Motion carried. Vote: 6 to 0, Ordinance is attached. New Business: Uniform Guidance Policies ‘Town Attorney John Henning ir. presented this item, No action was taken. Legal: Closed Session for Discussion on Economic Development incentives ‘Motion was made by McRae, seconded by Kimsey to enter closed session for Discussion on Economic Development Incentives. Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. Motion was made by Collins, seconded by Kimsey to return to open session. Motion carried. Vote: 6 too. Motion was made by McRae, seconded by Mashburn to pass a resolution to pursue grant opportunities regarding economic development incentives and authorizing the Town Manager to send alletter of support stating that. Motion carried. Vote: 5 to 1. Culpepper opposed. Resolution is attached. Adjournment ‘Motion was made by McMahan, seconded by McRae to adjourn the special meeting at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried, Vote: 6 to 0. Robert S. Scott, Mayor Travis Tallent, Town Clerk Agenda Item — ‘Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 5 Department/Agency: Land Use Subject Matter: Public Hearing at 6:05 p.m. for Text Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance. Land Use Administrator Justin Setser will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Suggested Motion: N/A Attachments: Yes __ io_X Action Taken: Agenda Item — Town Council ‘Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (A) Department/Agency: Town Council Subject Matter: Board Action on Text Amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: Ordinance No. 2018-004 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN REQUIRING ADA STANDARD WIDTH FOR SIDEWALKS. WHEREAS, there was adopted a unified development ordinance for the Town of Franklin, by unanimous vote of the Board of Aldermen, at its regular meeting held on the 1 day of October, 2007; and ee WHEREAS, the Acts of the State Legislature of the Stat@ of North Carolina empower and authorize the Legislative Body of this Town to adopt ondinances, and to revise, amend, augment, recodify and restate ordinances age pet to that authority; and oh, WHEREAS, as the Legislative Body of the Gi of Franklin, théTown Council deems itnecessary and expedient to adopt certain‘amendments to the uni ified development ordinance forthe Town of Franklin and ha¥'€bysidered adoption of the Same after due advertisement and public hearing: “2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT As by the Town Couneil of the a of Franklin that: — > Section 1. §152, ge: of the Unlidu De Deve iar x. is hereby amended as follows: 2, “(D) Road and sidewalk requi vesubdivided develops te roads aid access ways shall be designed and ue itate Theiss oo vement of motor vehicle and rig al te ads, use Gia ‘gutter, and paving specifications shall ‘mined by. ei this chapteftealing with parking and drainage. To ne kth not ster vee foregoing subchapters, and to the extent that the requiremeits set forth in thig.subchaptér for subdivision streets may be relevant to the ynents, the requirements of this subchapter may be applied hin the first sentence ofthis subsection. nts in unsubdivided developments. Within (5) The sidewalks required by this section shall be atJeast-fous five (5) feet wide, or at the width currently required by the Ame with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, whichever is wider, and otherwise constructed according to the specifications of the town, except that the permit issuing authority may permit the installation of walkways constructed with other suitable materials when it concludes that (a) such walkways would serve the residents of the development as adequately as concrete sidewalks and (b) such walkways could be more environmentally desirable or more in. keeping with the overall design of the development. Variances of the width requirement in this section shall be considered pursuant to applicable law, based on geographical (cS: 0t084088D0¢ } ‘obstacles or structural obstacles. In the event that the sidewalk is permitted to be constructed less than 5 feet width requirement, then a 60” passing space must be located at least every 200 feet. Bus transit stops, driveways, and building entrances may be counted as passing spaces. The Land Use Administrator may approve an alternate plan the proposes different pedestrian amenities provided that the intent of this section is, fulfilled, Section 2. _§152.098(K) of the Unified Development @iditiance is hereby amended as follows: f” Zo, “(K) Sidewalk requirements. All new development or redevelopment shall have sidewalks, with curb and gutter and =e sewer, ao abutting the development in accordance wjgfithe standards of th i 2 Section 3, This ordinance stfi'be deemed nnd. the day of its adoption and approval by the Town Legislative Body and the Clerk ofithe Town of Franklin is hereby Office of the Town Clerk. authorized and ordered to file a cop: gen Section 4. ail sf, shall be in full force ati Pe Wrcdiaely on the date of its publication =i filing thereof in the Office, said ordinance shall be presumptive evi ens in all courts and cro of the ordinances and all provisions, sections, ena aid in uta therein co ie and of the date of passage, and that the sam he 4, tested pied me approved and that any public hearings and ~S by law i on ADM ge This “da; 018, upon motion by Council Member » seconded by Coultdil Member , and having been approved ily vote of __ iit fayor and > against. ATTEST: <>), ‘TOWN OF FRANKLIN jon the standards for sidewalks contained in subsection | of Travis Tallent, Clerk Robert S. Scott, Mayor (CS: 07054088,00C } Agenda Item ~ Town Council ‘Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (B) Department/Agency: Mayor Subject Matter: Proclamation for Constitution Week. Mayor Bob Scott will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to proclaim September 17-23, 2018 as Constitution week in Franklin, NC. Attachments: Yes _X No__ Action Taken: TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 PROCLAMATION CONSTITUTION WEEK 2018 WHEREAS, September 17, 2018 marks the two hundred thirty-first anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitu- tional Convention; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document and its memorable anniversary; and to the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and WHEREAS, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 — 23, as Constitution Week, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS PROCLAIMED by the Mayor of, Franklin, North Carolina that September 17 - 23, 2018, is hereby designated as Constitution Week and all citizens are encouraged to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering lost rights may never be regained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of the Town of Franklin to be affixed on this fourth day of September, 2018. Bob Scott, Mayor Travis Tallent, Town Clerk Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (C) Department/Agency: Mayor Subject Matter: Proclamation for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Mayor Bob Scott will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to proclaim the month of September as Aleohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Attachments: Yes_X No__ Action Taken: TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 Proclamation Whereas, substance use disorder prevention and treatment is effective, and people are recovering in Franklin, NC and the United States; And Whereas, preventing and treating substance use disorder is essential to citizens achieving a healthy lifestyle both physically and emotionally; And Whereas, we must recognize the role of friends and relatives in guiding and supporting those in need of treatment and recovery; ‘And Whereas, last year more than705, 000 people in the state of North Carolina were estimated to have substance use disorder; And Whereas, the United States of America and the State of North Carolina are both currently experiencing an Opioid Crisis and Epidemic to such extent that the Surgeon General has issued ‘a new Advisory stating that all Americans should carry Narcan Overdose Prevention Kits; And Whereas, to help more people achieve and sustain long term recovery, the NC Dept. of Health and Human Services invites all residents to participate in National Recovery Month. Now, Therefore, |, Bob Scott, Mayor of the Town of Franklin, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as “Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month” in Franklin, NC, and commend its ens. observance to all Bob Scott, Mayor Travis Tallent, Town Clerk Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (D) Department/Ageney: Mayor Subject Matter! Resolution for Mission and HCA. Mayor Bob Scott will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Consideration Suggested Motion: If (favorable) adopt resolution as presented. Attachments? Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 RESOLUTION Whereby Mission’s stated goal is essentially the same as the Town of Franklin’ s—to improve the health and lives of the people of Franklin. The Town of Franklin will support the proposed sale of Mission to HCA when the following conditions are met, 1. Make the sales agreement made available for public review (for example, on a website) in sufficient time to ensure that public comments can be made and input will be meaningful in the Attorney General's approval process. 2. Specify in the sales agreement that if, after the protected period ends, HCA or a successor owner decides to stop operating Angel Medical Center as an Acute Care Hospital, the hospital must be returned to the community at no cost. 3. Make the Dogwood Health Trust board independent of both Mission and HCA and broadly representative of the region and the people it will serve by dissolving the current board and hiring at Mission's expense, an independent firm, selected by the Attomey General, to consult with the community and compose the first permanent board. Bob Scott, Mayor Travis Tallent, Town Clerk Agenda Item — Town Council ‘Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (E) Department/Agency: Mayor Subject Matter: Resolution for Red Flags. Mayor Bob Scott will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Consideration Suggested Motion: If (favorable) adopt resolution as presented. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: Resolution Supporting the Enactment for "Red Flag” Legislation in North Carolina Presented by Karen Duncan LEGISLATIVE INTENT/PURPOSE: WHEREAS, recent senseless tragedies in Las Vegas, NV, Sutherland Springs, TX, Parkland, FL, and Santa Fe, TX have deeply shaken our community and the nation, these horrific acts, and many others, have brought the issues of public safety and gun violence to the forefront of our attention; and WHEREAS, an independent data collection and research group, Gun Violence Archive, has compiled incidents of gun violence and gun crime nationally and found that 346 instances of Mass Shootings had occurred in 2017 and 383 in 2016; and WHEREAS, developing practical, effective, and legally sustainable policies to separate firearms from people at risk of violence or suicide represents an important, but challenging public health opportunity for gun violence prevention while ensuring protection of Second Amendment rights; and WHEREAS, eleven states have already passed “Red Flag" laws to provide for the issuance of protective orders prohibiting, considered to be a risk to themselves or others from possessing or purchasing firearms and ordering the securing of a restrained individual's firearms; and WHEREAS, “red flag” legislation authorizes extreme risk protection orders to address a critical public safety problem by empowering certain individuals, including relatives, and law enforcement with the ability to seek immediate, preventive relief from the judiciary to keep deadly weapons out of the hands of individuals who pose a clear and present risk of harm to themselves or others; and WHEREAS, now, more than ever, citizens are demanding leadership from elected leaders at all levels of government on the critical issue of preventing gun violence and ensuring the safety of our children; and WHEREAS, the NC Sheriff's Association supports the concept of extreme violence protective orders; and WHEREAS, while the concept of “red flag” legislation is rapidly gaining momentum throughout the nation, itis critical that legislators take adequate time to carefully cratt this legislation to ensure that the rights of all parties are respected and that this new tool can be effectively utilized by to enhance public safety. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT, the Franklin Town Council hereby declares it support of appropriate “Red Flag” legislation in North Carolina and urges the legislature to take up the issue of extreme protection order or “red flag” legislation and encourages members of the North Carolina Legislature to carefully consider the following issues as they move forward with their deliberations: the rights of all parties, including due process under the law; create provisions to ensure individuals in need of mental health treatment receive appropriate care; strengthen provisions to allow law enforcement to intervene and assist troubled individuals prior to tragedies occurring; create safeguards to ensure this tool is not used as a retaliatory tactic; and learning from the most effective statutes in the nation to create an effective tool for law enforcement and families. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the Mayor of the City of Franklin is directed to forward copies of this adopted resolution to the Governor of the State of North Carolina and to each of the member of Franklin's Legislative Delegation. Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (F) Department/Agency: Non-Profit Applicants Subject Matter: Presentation from Non-Profit Funding Pool Applicants for FY 18- 19, Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Suggested Motion: No motion is needed. This is for information only. Further discussion of the applications will be at a special called meeting. Attachments: Yes__ No_X. Action Taken: Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (G) Depariment/Agency: Finance Subject Matter: Budget Amendments. Finance Officer Kyra Doster will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval ‘Suggested Motion: If (favorable) approve budget amendments as presented. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken‘ =) BUDGET AMENDMEN; AMENDMENT # BUDGET CHANGE #S: FROM: DEPARTMENT: W&S. EXPLANATION: INSURANCE SETTLEMENT-PUMP REPAIR MACLOR FOREST FY 18-19 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION INCREASE _ DECREASE 60-3849 INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS: 2096.00 (60-7300-3520 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2096.00 REQUESTED BY DEPARTMENT HEAD. ED BY FINANCI ER. APPROVED BY TOWN MANAGER ACTION BY BOARD, APPROVED AND ENTERED ON MINUTES DATED DATE CLERK ENTERED. BUDGET AMEND? AMENDMENT # 7. BUDGET CHANGE #8: FROM: DEPARTMENT: FACILITIES EXPLANATION: INSURANCE SETTLEMENT-TRANSIT AUTO REPAIR DAMAGE-FY 18-19 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION INCREASE DECREASE 10-3849 TNSURANCE SETTLEMENTS: 502.00 10-4190-3530 ‘VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. 302.00, UESTED BY DEPAR® HEAD RECOMMENDED BY FINANCE OFFICER APPROVED BY TOWN MANAGER. ACTION BY BOARD APPROVED Al ‘RED ON MI iD DATE CLERK ENTERED Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (H) Department/Agency: Tax Subject Matter: Tax Releases. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Town Manager's Comments/fecommendation: Approval ‘Suggested Motion: If (favorable) approve tax releases as presented. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: Date: August 29, 2018 To: Mayor, Town Council, Town Manager From: Sabrina Scruggs, Tax Collector Re: Tax Adjustments angel Medical Center: 6595203433, releasing $1,007,900.00. The new amount to be paid will be $ 1,476.61. 6595213483, releasing $3,412,89.00. The new amount to be paid will be $ 3,299.10 *property located at 425 Porter St: Parcel 6594074511, This was the address of the prior Chamber of Commerce. As of November 2017, the DOT owned it. This property is now exempt, and should have not been billed, Value $ 387,580.00 release amount $ 1,240.26. ava ‘SRUALYNOIS NOLLVZINOHLAY, APL rar oh paldde FrsON cre Rd UAT wasn NAWISnray Yor NOSVEE So-ON eT s LORILSIC SULT $ aga THHGNVT Ts xvi amo pp OTptTT 8 GASVETRI XVI TVEENEO TO ES GaSVA THU ag OLANTVA VRr HUG ISS TT #INAODDV ERAT TC ShSI)# agouvd RUALWNOIS NOLLVZTUOHLA Bone -L Spee 4 | pri] PY VOL]O CAXT INaWisnray wos Nosvae TE"ERG sionisia as at rsa SxvLAUO [G° [16% $qasvalga XVI TVESNAD eee aaa eeeenEReEEOO Geis 001 ae GASVE TAY AA OL ANTVA YS ee BEC] # ANNODOV CCAS OF ShSH # woUva FOS 077 W ? UF SVN SIENMO- WHOA ASVETAY rina Scruggs —— ‘Abby Braswell Wednesday, August 22, 2018 3:08 PM "Sabrina Scruggs’ Subject: RE Taxes Attachments: ‘Angel Medical Center 2018.pdf Sabrina, | have attached the releases for the Angel Medical Center Property. This was due to an error in the assessment for Angel Medical Center. ‘Teresa in Collections is checking on the report and releases. Are the releases for the motor vehicles? Abby Braswell Real Appraiser T ‘Tax Transfer Teclmician Macon County Tex Office 5 West Main St Franklin, NC 28734 (828)349-2148 From: Sabrina Scruggs [] Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 1:45 PM To? Subject: Taxes Good Afternoon Abby, I wanted to see if you would send me the tax release for Angel Medical. We talked about it on the phone, | just needed it in email to take it to the board. Sorry, | didn’t reach out sooner. Also | wasn’t sure who to ask, we are being audited. They needed the NCVTS report and releases from 2017 taxes. Could | get that from you, or who should | ask for the? Thank you, Sabrina Scruggs Town of Franklin Tax Collector Admin Assistant ‘TOWN OF FRANKLIN PO BOX 1479 FRANKLIN, NC 28744 2018 PROPERTY TAX NOTICE [FRANKLIN CHANBER OF COMMERCE BRANRLEN, NE 20736 [COLLECTION PROCEDURES - Delinquent axes fell be collected through all remedies available under IN.C. Geneeal States, ‘These methods includ, but ace not imited to, gahishiment of wages, atachment lorbank account lery on personal propecy and foxeclorare on teal propety. PARCEL a roma! 6594074511 21499 Ges Mines PORTER ST REAL PROPERTY NA fone te cuennnian 387,580 "TAX RELATED QUESTIONS: (828)524.2516 TOWN TAX 0.320 $1,240.26 INTEREST $0.00 Interest begins January6e® at 2% and tien interests 3/4% per month $1,240.26 (ee ra JON WITH PAY 6594074512 21499 2018 ewan 387,580 $1,240.26 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE & REMIT TO: FRANKLIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ‘TOWN OF FRANKLIN 425 PORTER ST PO BOX 1478 FRANKLIN, NC 20734 ‘FRANKLIN, NC 28744 Sabrina Scrugg: From: Abby Braswell Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 10:39 AM To: "Sabrina Scruggs’ Subject: RE: Taxes parcel 6594074511 Good morning Sabrina. | just wanted to let you know that the previous Chamber of Commerce property was erroneously billed. 1am inactivating this parcel and releasing the bill. twas transferred to the DOT November 21, 2017 and should have been exempt as of January 1, 2018. So please release the bill for parce! 6594074511 ‘Thank you. Abby Braswell Real Appraiser I ‘Lax Transfer Technician Macon County Tax Office 5 West Main St. Franklin, NC 28734 (828)349-2148 Sabrina Scrugas {mailto:sscruggs@franklinne,com] Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 10:15 AM To: ‘Abby Braswell Subject: RE: Taxes Thank you! | did find had it. Appreciate it. Hope you have a good Friday =) Sabrina Scruggs Town of Franklin Tax Collector Admin Assistant 828-624-2616 ext 307 From: Abby Braswell Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 8:50 AM To: ‘Sabrina Scruggs’ ‘Subject: RE: Taxes don’t mind at all, Lapologize | was out yesterday. Teresa said you should have that from a couple of weeks ago. Ask us anything you need , | am always glad to help. Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: Septembor 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (D. Department/Agency: Tourism Development Authority Subject Matter: Appointment of Matt Holland to the Tourism Development Authority Board. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) to appoint Matt Holland to the Tourism Development Authority Board for a three year appointment beginning September 4, 2018 through September 4, 2021. Attachments: Yes _X No__ Action Taken: TOWN OF FRANKLIN Post Office Box 1479 Franklin, North Carolina 28744 (828) 524-2516 Date: August 30, 2018 To: Mayor Bob Scott Town Council From: Summer Woodard, Town Manager Subject: Tourism Development Authority Appointment ‘The Tourism Development Authority voted at their regularly scheduled board meeting on Monday August 13, 2018 to recommend Matt Holland to serve as a member of the Tourism Development Authority board. This appointment would be fora three (3) year term effective September 4, 2018 until September 4, 2021, Mr. Holland is with Desoto Trail Realty Short Term Rental properties. Tourism Development Authority Board Application none Lat Mlb Address: 2OA3 Decemen Terme Phone Number: _ 24-3? (-26 0% Emall: he Mac TC. 5pa boom Current Employer: beSe4 Teas / Consfachon + Really + Peevsh lon treby —— Please circle which vacancy you are applying to fill: A.) Vacancy for a business directly involved with the collection of rental property occupancy tax. How does your business relate to Tourism in Franklin? PP dese Trl ise rel ehh Firm Hot hah Aeclh Will chock fem avd vichon renkls, We hen five renk'ls la bon. Please list a minimum of (3) references: Keim Sheleny G2 Sb E46 = Trsvmne Aya Crore Tory Lurks Ste- 824-4404 — Lochs TV Desbee ellece — F2¥= StH Tee ~ Broth Mango Entez~m Grok Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (J) Department/Agency: Town Planning Board Subject Matter: Re-Appointment of Peter Mosco to the Town Planning Board. Land Use Administrator Justin Setser will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) re-appoint Peter Mosco to the Town Planning Board for a three year term beginning Soptember 4, 2018 through September 4, 2021. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: Date: August 27, 2018 To: Mayor Bob Scott Town Council cc: Summer Woodard, Town Manager From: Justin Setser, Land Use Administrator Subject: Peter Mosco Reappointment to Town of Franklin Planning Board Peter Mosco’s term has expired. Mr. Mosco would like to continue to serve as a Town Limits representative on the Town of Franklin Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. ‘This will be a three year term from September 4, 2018 and expiring on September 4, 2021. Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (K) Department/Agency: Alcohol Beverage Control Board Subject Matter: Re-Appointment of Sissy Pattillo to the Alcohol Beverage Control Board, Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager’s Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) reappoint Sissy Pattillo to the Aleohol Beverage Control Board for a three year term beginning September 4, 2018 through September 4, 2021. Attachments: Yes_X_ No Action Taken: 9 Franklin, NC 28744-0719 (928) 269-9247 + Fac (s2s) 369.8759 July 27, 2018 Ms, Summer Woodard, Town Manager Town of Franklin P.O. Box 1479 Franklin, NC 28744 Dear Ms. Woodard: With the appointment of Mrs, Carolyn Pattillo to our board of directors expiring the 06" of ‘August, 2018, the remaining current members respectively request her re-appointment to the board for additional three year term. ‘We appreciate all you have done, and with this letter we ask for approval from you as well as. the Franklin Town Council for confirmation. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. rely, Todd Mason, Matrager Franklin ABC Board Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (L) Department/Agency: Administration Subject Matter: Water Treatment Plant Synagro Contract. Town Manager Summer Woodard and Town Engineer Nathanael Moore will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation? Approval Suggested Motion: If (avorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments* Yes No Action Taken: 435 Williams Court, Suite 100 Se 9 SYNAGRO AUGUST 22,2018 Mr. Nathanael Moore Town of Franklin 437 Industrial Park Drive Franklin, NC 28734 Re: Town of Franklin Water Treatment Plant Alum Sludge Removal and Land Application Proposal Dear Mr, Moore: Pursuant to your request, Synagto Services Division is pleased to submit the following proposal to provide service in 2018 to Town of Frotklin Water Treatment Plant (WIP) to remove approximately 1,000,000 gallons of alum sludge from the lagoon, haul and land application at ouc peemaitted land base Assumptions: ‘© Opztations: Synagto is assuring operations will occur Monday through Saturday and we anticipate removal of the material from the lagoons will take approximately 10 days to complete © Sludge Quality: All material must be non-hazasdous and free of any contaminants, Synagto reserves the right to withdraw the contract at any time should the sludge become hazardous or contain contaminants ‘Synagto Services Will Provide: © Equipment and set up ‘© Operators and Project Management ‘© Transportation from WTP to field ‘© One Houle pump, fill stand, and tractor at the lagoon Hoses and fitings © One tractor and pull tank atthe field © Permitted land with NCDEQ ‘* Beneficial reuse site management © AgLime at field fF wi ide: YOUR PARTNER FORA CLEANER, GREENER WORLD -© Page '* Owner will provide uninterrupted ingzess to and egress duting normal workdays (Monday ~ Saturday and Sunday if inclement weather tequites it), ‘* A:minimom of 600,000 gallons of your estimated 1,000,000. ‘© Filter back wash or water if Synageo requires it to mix and pump the solids from the lagoon. Prive: © Mobilization & Set Up: $13,100.00 per event Pumping, Operation & Land Application 40.1689 per gallon * © Ag Lime for field use $6,000.00 pet event + Note: The pacing above is based on a mia of 60,000 gallons of mated tobe applied. less is emoved, charges willl apy oc (00000 ellos. Customer may need to prove iter back wash to keap de solid in a consistent solution that canbe mixed and puraped to get the soi ot of the goon. Customer has estimated milion gallos. (Our proposal is delivered in good faith and we ate prepared to enter into a mutually acceptable agreement. Please note that this proposal is based on Synagro’s standard terms and conditions and shall be strictly non- binding upon Synagro until all parties negotiate and execute a binding contract, This proposal shall not obligate Synagro to negotiate an agreement and any of the terms of the contract shall be subject to Synagro’s approval, at its discretion. ‘This proposal is valid for 30 days from the proposal date. Pricing may vaty until che final contract is negotiated. ‘Thank you for the opportunity to subinit our proposal for this project. [f you have any questions about out submittal or require any additional information, please contact me at 904-460-5843 with any questions ot at Sincerely, Lorrie Rossiter ‘Area Sales Manager YOUR PARTNER FORA CLEANER, GREENER WORLD ©- MXountain anne cng + asian + toad + wast meyer nvironmental Services, Inc. CLIENT: — Water Plant ‘Town of Franklin Franklin, NC 28744 PROJECT: lum sludge removal from two ponds at the Town of Franklin water plant. DATE: August 22, 2018 ‘Mountain Environmental Services, Inc. (MESI) has been requested to provide certain services at the above referenced site, MESI and Client desire the Services be performed based on the quotation provided and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Upon execution by MESI and Client, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein, ‘MES and Client agree without exception as follows: SCOPE-OF-WORK. MES! will provide all labor, materials and equipment as needed to perform the tasks as detailed below {hereinafter “the Work"): «MES! will mobilize to the site at the Franklin water plant 437 industrial park drive and set up a dredge and filter press to dewater the approximately 470,000 gallons of sludge. The sludge at this point will pass (paint filter test ) and be transported to the landfill for disposal. The Work shall be implemented in accordance with this Agreement and with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances and regulations. The MESI “Terms and Conditions” are incorporated by reference in, and ‘made part of, this Agreement without exception. : QUOTATION: MESI will pesform the Work for the unit rate costs outlined in Appendix A (attached). Estimates are provided for your budgetary concerns. MESI will only charge for actual time or cost. 1560 Pisgah Drive _—Professional Engineering & Geological Services Provided by Mountain Geoiogc, PLLC PHONE: 828/648-8856 Canton, NC. 28718 800/281-0031 \ FAX; 828/648-1568 MXountan ‘environmental consulting * assessment © remediation + waste mangement Environmental Services, Inc. SS at se SS a a eS SS Terms and Conditions © Limit of Ltabtty:To tne fullest extent permitted by law, MESI's total liability o Cleat for any and al injuries, claims, losses, expenses or damages Whatsoover arising oUt of or in any way related to this Agreement fom eny cause, inckuding but not limited to MESI's negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contact or breach of warranty shall not exceed he {otal value ofthis Agrecinent. MESI shall not be liable to Client for any special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, whether alleged to be a result of MESI’s negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract or warranty, or performance of services under this Agreement. © Subsurface Structures and Uilities: Cliest assumes all Viability for claims or damages erising ftom injury to subsurface Structures and utilities unless Client calls such subsurface structives and utilities to MESI’s attention, properly locates such Subsurface structures and utilities on plans furnished to MEST or calls a locating company io the jobsite to identify and properly Tocate such subsurface structires and utilities. Inthe performance ofthe Work, MSI will tke Feasonable precations to avokd injuring subsurface structures and utes and will fer Client the opportunity to approve al sites for subsurface investiga and/or axeavation inthe field Surface of the Property: MESI shall not be responsible for any claims or damages arising out of any injury to the surface of ‘Client's property alleged to be caused by MES. © Right of Entry: Client shall provide access for MESI to enter Client’s property in order for MESI to carry out the Work © Hold Harmtess and Indemnification: Client shall defend, inderanify and hold harmless MESI and its sub-contractors from all claims and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attomeys fees, arising from: (1) environmental conditions whose existence of source was not previously disclosed to MESI by Client; (2) the condition of Client's property; (3) execution of hhazatdous waste manifests es agents on behalf of Client; and/or (4) otherwise arising out of Client's acts, omissions or breach ‘of waranty or representation © Ownership of Documents: All original documents and drawings produced by MESI in accordance with this Agreement, except documents that aze required to be filed with public agencies, shall remain the property of MESI. Client shall be liable and responsible for use of unsigned plans, drawings or other documents not signed by MESI and waives liability against MESI for Such use, Client releases and waives any claim against MESI for any use, not authorized by MEST, of those documents by third parties not related to this Agreement; and, Client shall ind ‘defend and hold harmless MESI from any claim or damages for any use, not authorized by MESI, of those documents by third parties not related to this Agreement. «Standard of Care: MESI shall carry out the Work in a manner consisteat wit the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession in the same locality and under similar conditions as the Work. There are no representations, \warranties or representations, either express or implied, except as are expressly end specifically included in the body of this Agreement. «Health and Safety: Conceming jobsite safety, MESI shall be responsible solely for its and its employees” activities on the jobsite, Such responsibility shall not relieve Client, Owner or any construction contractors from their respective responsibilities for maintaining safe jobsite, Neither the professional activities of MESI, nor the presence of MESI or its employees and subcontractors, shall be construed to imply that MESI bas any responsibility for methods of work performance, supervision, sequencing of construction, or safety in, on or about the jobsite «Discovery of Unanticipated Hazardous Matertals: The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials shall constitute @ ‘substantial change ‘in the condition of the jobsite and shall mandate a renegotiation of the scope of the Work and, if such {enegotiation is not successful, termination of the project in the discretion of MESI, MESI shall notify Client as soon as practicable if unanticipated hazardous materials are encountered. The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials shall rake it necessary for MESI to take immediate measures to protect human health end safety and Client authorizes MEST to take fail measures that MESI determines in its sole discretion are justified to protect human heelth and safety, including that of MEST’s peesonnel and the pablic. Client waives any claim against MESI and sball imdemnify, defend and hold harmless MESI from any and all claims arising out of the encountering of unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected bazardous materials. Client shall compensate MESI for the costs of all work associated with each such event based upon MESI’s prevailing fee schedule. «Alternative Dispute Resolution: If any controversy or cleim arises out of or relates to this contract, ot breach thereof, and if Said dispute catot be settled through negotiation or mediation, the partes shall submit to arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the cbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof, Se 7560 Pisgah Drie Professional Englneeting & Geological Services Provided by Mountain Geologic, PLLC PHONE: 828/648-5555 Canton, NC 28716 300/264-0031 _ww.mountainenvironmentalcom FAX: 826/648-1585, Ja oe Environmental Services, Inc. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL AND AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED IF YOU ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH THE ABOVE SCOPE OF WORK, QUOTATION, AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS, MESI WILL SCHEDULE TO BE ON-SITE, AT THE AGREED UPON TIME AND DATE, UPON RECEIPT OF A SIGNED COPY OF THIS PROPOSAL OR RECIEPT OF A PURCHASE ORDER. Payment Terms: Payment of invoices for the Work shall be due NET 30 days from the invoice date, unless other arrangements are made in writing prior 1o the initiation of the work. Invoices not paid within 30 days of the NET DUE DATE shall be subject to a service charge of one and one-half percent per month. Client shall liable for the reasonable attorney fees incurred by MESI for collection of payments due MESI. Authorization to Proceed: MESI is hereby authorized and directed to perform the Work based on the unit costs set forth in this Agreement. This proposal is valid for a period of 90 day after signing by MEST. Town of Franklin vironmental Services, Inc. Authorized Signatwe: Max Kimel i Name: President Tile August 22, 2018 Date 1960 Pisgah Drive _Professonal Engineering & Geological Services Provided by Mountain Geologia, PLLC PHONE: 828/648-5556 Canton, NC 28716 8g01261-0031 ‘wie FAX: 628/688-1508 ‘Town of Franitin Alum Lagoons Appendix A Cost Estimation for Town of Franklin Alum Sludge Lagoons Aug-18 processing aproximately 470,000 gallons sludge Description Rate] Units | Quantity | Gost | Task Totat EQUIPMENT i Mobilization $18,000.00, event | 4 _—_—(|-$18,000.00 $18,000.00 |Frac tank rental $3,260.00 | 2 "$6,500.00 ~~ $6,500.00] } rac Mixing Tank Rental (2) . $4,275.00) + ‘$17,100.00, $17,100.00] | ‘generator $8,775.00) 2 $17,550.00| $17,550.00 4100 Ft plate press $18.760.00 2 ‘$37,500.00, _ $37,500.00 ‘dredge $15,500.00 2 | $31,000.00, ~ $37,000.00 ‘crano Fe | $7,000.00) 4 $7,000.00 a eee $6.50) 1600 $9,760.00 a rie chloride $436.00} 10_|_-$1,350.00 ‘Sludge Pump a $2,760.00 2 fee Bob Cat Loader $275.00 wo ‘Service Truck z ie $70.00 2 ‘Dump truck ( 14 ton loads) $85.00 5 [Vacuum Truck & 3 man crow $225.00) z $13,500.00] MATERIALS See L ~_[SiltFenca i $7.00 foot 250 | $1,750.00, $1,750.00| Polymer $2,600.00, lot 1 $2,600.00 $2,600.00] DISPOSAL ‘Landfill Tipping Fee = | '$72.00| “ton __|___650 $46,800.00 $48,800.00 PERSONNEL Seer ere i ee [Project Manager $80.00| hour | 380 {$28,000.00 $28,000.00] Field Technician, “[$80.00/ hour 400 $20,000.00) $20,000.00 [PROPOSAL TOTAL $284,075.00 Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (M) Department/Agency: Town Council Subject Matter: Discussion on Women’s History Trail Plaque Honoring Eloise Potts. Council Member Barbara McRae will present this item. Department Head's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments: Yes_X_ No__ Action Taken: Summer Woodard From: Barbara McRae Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2018 9:56 AM To: "Summer Woodard’; Subject: Eloise Grifin Potts plaque Bob, Summer- Here isthe first draft for the Women’s History Trail plaque honoring Eloise Potts. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Barbara @aryd}vsHa8 ene 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Women’s History Trail Women in Public Service: Bloise Potts Mayor of Franklin, 1961-62 Teacher, administrator, and community leader, Eloise Griffin Franks Potts (1889-1969) served Franklin and Macon County selflessly through a long career in public service. She headed the county’s welfare department for 23 years as its first superintendent and later became the first female mayor of Franklin. The example of her remarkable life both inspired other women to follow and smoothed their way forward. Sponsor: The Town of Franklin Folk Heritage Association of Macon County 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 2018 OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Ane Hyder VICE CHAIRMAN Marty Grostle ‘SECRETARY Carlin Edmonds ‘TREASURER ‘Theresa Ramsey MEMBERS ATLARGE, Evelyn Southard ‘Wayne Swank DIRECTOR ENERTUS Margaret Ramsey Betty Ann Byant BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chery Beck Chats Bryant Caudote Dilard Farell Jamison Susannch Kuppers Cassio Nats ik Mathis Susan McCeskal Barbara McRae ‘Sherry Miler Mary Polanski Doanna Gtson-Roles Ron Schot George Tayo Mark West Heritage CriCowee Clare Suninst Hist Socittusoum Rep ‘Mac Bryaet Scottish Tartans Rep si Akins Women’s History Trail | ‘sa projact of FHAMC, @ 501(038 Non-Pro Organization Women's History Trail eee FHAMC: www PLAQUE SPONSORSHIP FORM Gar UR UIE Franklin Folk Festival: Please fill out this form in order to purchase a plaque for the Women’s History Trail. Checks should be made payable to FHAMC and may be mailed to PO address above. (ey Giate, Zip Code} ~~ ei Plaque Cost 8500: WHT Contact (Dale Paid) ‘(Check #) (Name of Parson Paying) Thank you for sponsoring a plaque along the Women’s History Trail! For more information, contact co-chair Mary Polanski at or (828) 349-0201. Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (N) Department/Agency: Town Council, Subject Matter: Discussion on Historical Site Survey. Council Member Barbara ‘MeRae will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: N/A Suggested Motion: This is for discussion only. Attachments Yes _ No _X_ Action Taken: Agenda Item ~ Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (O) Department/Agency: Town Council Subject Matter: Discussion on Main Street Parking, Council Member David Culpepper will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Suggested Motion: N/A Attachments: Yes __ No _X_ Action Taken: Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: Septomber 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (P) Department/Agency: Town Council Subject Matter: Discussion on Letter of Support for Women’s History Trail Sculpture. Council Member Barbara McRae will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation? N/A ‘Town Manager's Comments/Recommendation: Approval Suggested Motion: If (favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments! Yes__- No_X_ Action Taken: Agenda Item — Town Council Meeting Date: September 4, 2018 Agenda Item #: 7 (Q) Department/Agency: Town Council Subject Matter: Discussion on Read2Me Story Walk at Memorial Park. Town Manager Summer Woodard will present this item. Department Head’s Comments/Recommendation: N/A ‘Town Manager’s Comments/Recommendation: Consideration Suggested Motion: If (favorable) Town Attorney will provide wording. Attachments: Yes _X_ No__ Action Taken: Distant thunder booms and Cowee Sam, the guardian dog of Cowee WOT eT aE] e eld MU Ele Mele the herd of goats, pigs and chickens as they head for cover. It has been g hard off and on for five days now. The Swift Water Rescue Team has headed up river in the Cullasaja efe)ecom ne Mol MANOS oe IMATE R Srl cw Tace RLU ABS farmhouse kitchen, Ruby Franklin and her granddaughter, Annie, are making homemade blueberry pies to send to PTeMcino ett Mclarol incl emm ela acd Pond Road washed out, and the residents had to be evacuated. The emergency radio goes off, and Farmer Joe’s voice booms loud and clear, “The storm is clearing up in the Cullasaja Gorge. Jamy and | USiMANICeReel mS NT iaa Water Rescue shift at the Diava xe) R OTe mei There is a lot of debris in ” mato acl eeTg Me ec e-LaLe | daughter, Jamy, pull into Cowee Mountain Valley Farm and unload all of their Swift Water Rescue gear. Mud-laden water and debris from several days of rain up in the Cullasaja Gorge has made its way down into the Cowee Valley. The ttle Tennessee River is filled to overflowing.

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