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Age and Gender Estimation based on Wrinkle Texture

and Color of Facial Images

Jun- ichiro Hayashi' Mamoru YASUMOTO' Hideaki ITO+ and Hiroyasu KOSHIMIZU'
+: SCCS, Chu!qm University, JAPAN *: HOIP, Sofiopia Japan and JST
t: (jun@koshi-lab.. itoh@, hiroyasu@} *

Abstract In addition, since keywords such as "looks wild" and

"seems feminine" characterize the total impression to the
We are researching about an age and gender esrinn- faces, we proposed a method for making the relationship
rion based on wrinkle rerlure and color of facio1 imriges. between facial images and their keywords by using the
Preliminary quesrionnaire (enyuere) examination hou latent semantic indexing. An efficient interface for face
ejfectively the facial imoges could br usedfor gender and retrieval has been introduced with feature space defined
age estinmtions was executed by using 300 different faces by the number ofsingular values.
and 21 examinees. Wrinkles appeured in rhe face and rhe In Chapter 2 , we executed a preliminary questionnaire
shripe and size of the,fiicialparts are selected 10model the experiment how effectively facial images could be util-
uge and gender estimurion in this yesearch basing on this ized for gender and age estimation by human. In Chapter
enquure. Basing on this preliminal consideration, an im- 3, we give an outline of the caricature generation system
uge processing algorithm f o r w i n k l e modeling was pro- PICASSO. In Chapter 4, we describe an algorithm for
posed i n this paper. In addirion, U merhod for making extracting wrinkles and its results. In Chapter 5, we show
relationships between firciul imuges and their keywords our scheme for age and gender estimation. And in Chap-
W N S proposed by using [he larenr semiintic indexing. An ter 6, we explain a supplemental application example for
efflcienr interface for displrrying rhe Felurionships among introducing an efficient intcrface for face retrieval by
kr,vwords ond f i x i o l imirgei has been introduced wirh keywords. Finally, in Chapter 7, we give our conclusion
ZDl3Dfeoture spuce defined by rhe indexing. and outline of our future subjects.

1. Introduction 2. Age and gender estimation by human

A salesclerk is always estimating the age and gender of We made an empirical experiment to estimate age and
the customer in order to make clear the relationship be- gender from a person's appearance, behavior, speech, etc.
tween the goods and customer's attributes, and inputs Especially the information from human faces seems to be
them into a register at the shopping counter of the conven- most effective for the estimation. In order to exa mine how
ience store. It is necessary also in PICASSO system for facial information can contribute to the estimation o f age
facial caricaturing to estimate the age and gender of the and gender, we carried out psychological questionnaire
model especially to choose a suitable mean face [I]. This experiments to give a background of the estimation by
estimation should hopefully be realized from the appear- means of facial image processing.
ance o f t h e face not from the direct interview [ 2 ] . We used our own face database for the experiment.
In our research, we focus on the study of facial wrin- The face database consists of 150 Japanese men and 150
kles for the estimation of age and gender. I t is widely Japanese women whose age are distributed from 15 to 64.
known that wrinkles increase and are deepen with age. The number of the subjects in every age period of five
Therefore, we can assume that, compared to other facial years is ten for male and female respectively. We made
features, it would be easy to estimate the relationship two stimulus sets A and B from the database. Set A was a
between wrinkles and age. In references p], the authors normal portrait and set B was an edited facial image that
were analyzing the relationship between age and gender did not include both hair and clothes. Fig. 1 shows an
in facial skin. And in reference p]. the authors were example of the stimulus images. The estimators were
studying ways of gender recognition using genetic algo- thirteen men and eight women with normal eyesight. All
rithms. We have tried to develop a system of estimating of them were Japanese. We instructed them to classify the
age and gender by extracting wrinkles and determining 300 cards of the stimulus set into 20 subclasses by esti-
their f o r n . mating either male or female and which period of five
years from 15 to 64 year old. The classification proce-

1051-465llO2$17.000 2002 IEEE 405

dures were done in the order of set B and set A . The corre- 4. Algorithm for wrinkle extraction
lation coefficient rgA between true gender and estimated
gender for set A was 0.990 and r,B for set B was 0.928.
r,Xwas Pearson mmentcorrelation in s e t X The correb- 4.1. Skin extraction
tion coefficientrJ between true age period and estimated
age period for set A was 0.906 and r,B for set B was We used a facial data of 300 persons "HOIP-FACE-
0.880. Although the results obtained from set B were DB[6]. The images with 24bit color and VGA in size
slightly lower than those from set A , they indicate that were taken in a controlled circumstance. The total number
very high correlations exist between human estimations of these data is300, which are covering from 15 years old
and the facts. This suggests that the facial image process- to 64 years old, and both of mab and female.
ing applied
~ .~ to the facial k g e s without hair could be First, we extract a skin region by using color image.
potent to esti ge an Here we used HSV color table p]. To put it concrete, let
the color transform system be e.q. (3) and a hue image,
saturation image and value image are generated.
Next, we extract a skin region, which satisfies e.q.(4).
This equation was defined by analysing statistics from the
training facial images. Fig. 3 ( a K c ) shows an input i~
age. We applied skin extraction to other races such as
s e t A(with hair) set B(without hair) black and white too. Fig. 4 (a)-(c) shows a result of skin
Fig. 1. Stimulus image used 'in questionnaire. extraction.
H = tan-'(C, / C , )
3. PICASSO overview
for age and gender estimation S = J m (3)
The facial caricaturing system PICASSO [I] uses the C, = R - Y = 0.7R - 0.59G - 0. I I5
difference between input face and mean face to extract an C 2 = B - Y = 4 . 3 R -0.59G + 0.898
individual's facial features and creates an exaggerated
LowerTh. 4KIhColofl HieherTh. id)
caricature. The age and gender of the input face should be
determined automatically and used to select a suitable
mean face. PICASSO caricatures were used in the a-
periment on how effectively the faces give us information
to discriminate age and gender [ 5 ] .
Let us introduce the term " mean face" which is de-
fined by e.q. (I).
Feature points (x,G',yp'Hi = I , 2, ..., 331) give the facial Fig. 3. Input image (In the case of skin color).
description of thej-th person under examination, and M is
the number of persons in a group of samples. A caricature
Qcan be represented by e.q. (2). Pis the "input face", S is
the "mean face", and b is the "exaggeration factor". Fig. 2
shows an outline ofcaricature generation.
(a) yellow (b) black (c) white
Fig. 4. Output image of skin extraction.

4.2. Wrinkle enhancement

Next step, we make a histogram from skin extraction

image in Section 4.1 and emphasize wrinkles by using
histogram equalization [8].
First of all, we make a density histogram h(d) From
skin region. Secondly, we make an accumulated histo-
gram H(d), and then the image is converted so that H(d)
becomes linear. Fig. 5 shows the results of the empha-
sized wrinkles. It was clear that wrinkles are emphasized
P : inwt face S. mean face 0. t a b l u r e in these results. A brow became high in contrasr in Fig.
Fig. 2. PICASSO system overview (Dr. Chomsly). W).

estimation is constructed by integrating the wrinkle distri-
bution and the knowledge given by the questionnaire
In gender.estimation, since i is generally difficult to
extract wrinkles from the €male's faces around 20-30
fbl Fia" 31bl IIC ,) Fia. years, which are covered with make-up processing, auxil-
l a ) Fia.3fa) I , " 3 ~,
\ I

Flg. Output image with emphasized wrinkle iary features such as the smoothness of the face contour
(Comparing with Fig.3). are introduced. For example, a ratio between the sizes of
face contour and of facial parts is quite different among
4.3. Wrinkle modelling male and female.
And by investigating the caricatures of PICASSO sys-
Wrinkles were extracted from the contrast-enhanced tem, the facial contour of female is smoother than that of
images by using an image processing procedure consisted male. And we noted the difficulty in extracting wrinkles in
of noise reduction, edge detection, thinning, and finally 20 - 30 years old female. Therefore it is expectable to esti-
Hough transform. We used a special Hough transform, mate gender at first followed by the age estimation. Details
DTHT(Digita1 Template Hough Transform) [9], to extract ofthe experiments are being collected.
both shorter and longer wrinkles on the face. Fig. 6 show We made a preliminal experiment to estimate gender
and age, which compares an input face with the proto-
types of the average face data in advance. Each average
face is calculated from the faces in the class of the same
gender and the same five-year period of age. The input
face is estimated as belonging to the class whose average
face gives the minimum distance to the input face. k-
periments with the "HOIP-FACE-DB" showed that our
proposed method could achieve hitting ratios of approxi-
mately 83% and 27% for gender and age respectively.
Fig. 7 show an outline of the method for estimating age

5. Estimation of age and gender

For the estimation of the age and gender using wrin- lllMdld.11.".*.1

kles, it is necessary to delete segments of the contours of Fig. 7. A method for age and gender estimation.
facial parts from the segments detected by Hough trans-
f o r m And it is expected to introduce a look up table 6. Support tool for feature design
LUT's for corresponding the state of the wrinkles and the
appearancesof age and gender. Meeting someone, we recognize hisiher face, at first.
We estimate age using a LUT that provides the rela- The imaginations andior impressions which are inspired
tionship between the feature vector and gender andlor age. with their faces are symbolized in termsiwords. After that,
First of all, we extract the contours of facial parts auto- images of faces and terms are united, and they are related
matically. It is very difficult to extract all facial parts t o each other suitably. For example, if some man has
correctly. But in reference [IO], a nose and a mouth E- glasses and he is fair-complexioned face, and oval-faced,
gions were extracted around 86-95% using pattern match- then his face is characterized by the keywords "glasses", "
ing leaded by this iris recognition. For making LUT, we fair-complexioned", and "oval-faced", etc. Such physical
use "HOIP-FACE-DB. First, wrinkles are extracted for characters should be assigned to faces as their keywords.
each 5 years old. At the same time, we generate a mean The method for making relationships between the key-
face using PICASSO system. Next, the common wrinkles words and the faces is expected also in age and gender
of each year are nserted to the respective mean face o f estimation. As one of such methods, the latent semantic
the .age by using Affine transform. Then, LUT for age indexing is popular [I I].

Let some keywords be assigned t o each object, i.e., the sign, it is expected to augment more different keywords
picture of a face. The set of the object and its keywards is and the numbe if faces.
called an object description. Fig.8 shows an example of
the object description. From a set of object descriptions,
term frequent matrix T is constructed. The TOWS and the
columns a e corresponding to keywords and objects, le- a
spectively. This keywords frequent matrix T is d e c o m
posed into three matrixes by applying the latent semantic
indexing, which are keyword matrix K, singular tm-
trix Z, and face matrix F. Supposing the threshold value
with respect to singular values, the dimensions of these
three matrices are reduced. As the result, T can be ex-
pressed by T = K X T = K'I: 'T. Here, K , Z ' and T' are
reduced matrices. Although the value of the threshold is
decided depending on the captured singular values in J
keywords: i Ian, glasses, delightful iudgy-neck)
general, we decide it for convenience to show the space
Fig. 8. A re1 ! i o n s h i p between fat 11 image and
which is constructed by the latent semantic indexing.
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